Showing posts with label Saunders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saunders. Show all posts

18th January 1924 - Social

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The pupil teachers of the Buntingford centre entertained on Saturday last, the pupil teachers from the centres at Hertford, Hitchin, Royston and Letchworth.

The social was held in the Assembly Room at the George Hotel. Over 60 were present, and had a delightful time.

Following an excellent tea, games, competitions, music, recitations and dancing were indulged in, and the happy time passed all too quickly.

Among those present were Miss Walton, B.A., Head Mistress of the Buntingford pupil teachers centre; Miss Saunders and Miss Clark.

Last year the annual social was held at Hertford, when the arrangement were made by that centre.

5th August 1927 - Congregational Church Garden Fete

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Congregational Church

Garden Fete

To those who are more immediately concerned in organising it, a garden fete is always a very anxious affair - until it is over!

The one held on Wednesday, the 27th inst., in connection with the Buntingford Congregational Church, was no exception to the rule, for the very intermittent downpours which continued throughout the day constituted and additional cause for apprehension.

But although contingent arrangements had been made for holding in the Schoolroom as many of the attractions as possible in the event of decidedly unfavourable weather, it was decided to carry on as previously intended. It is gratifying to know that both numerically (more particularly as the day wore on) and financially the event was a success.

The fete was held in the beautiful grounds of Layston Cottage, Buntingford (by the kind permissions of Mrs H.S. Ashford), and was opened at 3 p.m. by Mrs Greg, of Coles, Buntingford. Prayer was first offered by the minister, who introduced both Mrs Greg and the Rev. A.G. King, Rector of Westmill.

Mrs Greg's was a gracious and happily worded little speech, and both the opener of the fete and her supporter acknowledged the welcome extended to them. Little Nora Piggott presented Mrs Greg with a bouquet of very sweet flowers, and an expression of cordial thanks to the visitors was very heartily endorsed by those assembled for the opening.

It is practically impossible to give a complete list of all those who assist on such an occasion, by the following is as accurate a list as possible of the various helpers at the stalls, to which the friends now dispersed:

Stalls - Ladies' stall, Miss Dodd, Miss E. Dodd, Mrs Benstead, Mrs Cornwell, Mrs Scott; L.M.S. stall, Miss Edith Careless, assisted by Sunday School girl scholars; pound stall, Mrs Blaxill, Miss Doris Camp; fruit and vegetable stall, Miss Chrissie Norris, Miss Eileen Cutts; sweets stall, Mrs Halls, Miss Bolton, Mr and Mrs L. Smith; jumble stall, Mrs Baker, Mrs Ward.

Side attractions - Clock golf, Mr R.F. Dellow; weighing machine, Mr Scrivener; spinning arrow, Mr Scrivener, Mr C.L. Tutty, Mr Henry Clark; bran tub, Miss Winnie Ward.

During the afternoon, tea were very daintily served, those responsible for the catering, &c., being: Mrs C.L. Tutty, Miss Blanche Langham, Miss Edith Careless, Miss Mabel Cornwell, Miss Marjorie Cornwell, Miss Dolly Street, Mrs Hills, Miss Georgina Hills, Miss Nellie Howard, Miss Kathleen Smith, Miss Kitty Reed, and Sunday School girl scholars.

Miss Emily Benstead and Miss Dolly Street did duty at the lemonade stand. Ices, too, made a very welcome appearance, Miss Nora Ashford meeting the needs of customers.

There was again quite a number of competitions, &c., and the following is the list together with the names of those in charge (the names of the donors of the prizes are inserted in parentheses):

Stop-watch, Mr Henry Clark; cake-guessing (Mrs Mead), Miss Dorothy Saunders and S.S. scholars; duck guessing (Mr A. Dray), Leonard Saunders and Eric Halfhide; doll guessing (Mrs Squires), Miss Nora Piggott; steak and kidney pie (Mrs Peacock), Cyril Saunders; game of skill, Mr J. Cutts; jelly-eating, Miss Langham; pins guessing (Miss K. Minns), Miss Minnie Ashton and other S.S. girl scholars.

For the musical part of the proceedings, Mr A. Dray kindly lent his gramophone during the afternoon, the charge of which was undertaken by Harold Starr and Sidney Saunders; whilst in the evening the Standon Orchestra, under Mr A. Hedges, was in attendance from 6.30 p.m. and played for the dancing, which latter took place very soon after on the lower lawn, Mr Leslie Smith acting as M.C.

Mr Newson rendered great help in exacting toll at the gate, and was relieved by Mr W.H. Smith.

Just before 10 p.m., the minister announced the results of the various competitions, and the list of winners is appended:

Of lady's wrist watch, Mr Leslie Smith; of the clock golf prize, Mr S. Daniels; of the cake, the minister; of the duck, Nurse Davies; of the doll, Mrs Woods; of the pie, Miss Helen Fraser; and of the needlework box, Miss Minnie Ashton.

The minister expressed the great thanks of all to Mrs Ashford for throwing open the grounds as she had done, and this was very heartily confirmed. He said how grateful he was to all who had so willingly given any assistance whatsoever towards making the event so successful. There was a final dance, and the National Anthem concluded the proceedings.

As already indicated, it is impossible to enumerate the helpers on an occasion such as this for their name is legion, but in addition to the stall-holders and those mentioned above, all of whom rendered splendid service on the grounds, mention must be made of the help given in removal of furniture, &c., both before and after the day; of the assistance rendered on the grounds by Mr Pledger; of the splendid response to the appeal for provisions and for articles for the stalls; and of the help of Mr S. Daniels (Messrs. Moss & Sons, Ltd.), the motor greatly facilitating the conveyance of furniture, &c. To each and all, as also to the Workmen's Club for hire of tables, and to the Rev. L.W. Wright for materials, grateful thanks are proffered.

As a result of the fete, it is estiamted that the gross receipts will approximate to £43, and the nett proceeds to £33. J.C.

13th August 1926 - Buntingford Charities

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Buntingford Charities

The Trustees of the Buntingford Charites [sic] invite Tenders for the hire of the undermentioned pieces of land for the terms of 7 years from the 29th September, 1926:

1. The piece of land containing about 1 acre and 24 poles, situate near to Hillside on the London Road, and now in the occupation of Mr Saunders.

2. The piece of land containing about 1 acre, situate near the Wyddial Road and adjoining Littlecourt, and now in the occupation of Mr Albert Porter.

3. The piece of land containing about 1 acre, situate in Great Bartholomew's Field near the Hare Street Road, and now in the occupation of Mr Stearn.

Tenants will be required to pay the rents annually on the 29th September in each year, and also to pay all rates, taxes and other outgoings (except Landlord's property tax), and they will also be required to accept a Lease or Agreement in the form usually granted by the Trustees, and to pay half the cost thereof.

Sealed tenders, marked "Tender for Land," addressed to the Chairman of the Trustees, should be delivered at my office on or before Wednesday, the 8th day of September, 1926.

H.H. Macklin.

Clerk to the Trustees.

High Street, Buntingford, Herts.

25th February 1927 - Buntingford Independent Foresters' Friendly Society Annual Meeting

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Buntingford Independent Foresters' Friendly Society

Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the members of the Buntingford Independent Foresters' Friendly Society was held at the Society's Hall on Monday evening.

The Chief Ranger, Bro. J.B. Cutts, presided, other members of the Court present being: Brother E. Saunders (Sub-Chief Ranger), Bro. E. Bolton (Senior Woodward), Bro. A. Coxall (Junior Woodward), Bro. D. Wallis (Senior Beadle), Bro. W. Budd (Junior Beadle), and Bro. B.E. Thody (Assistant Secretary).

The Court was opened with the usual formalities, after which the Assistant Secretary stated that the sickness benefit paid during the past month amounted to £21 3s. 10d., and funeral benefit £14.

Applications were received for assistance from the Subsidiary Benefit Fund, and these were favourably considered by the Court.

Balance Sheet

The Secretary submitted the books and accounts of the society for the year ending 31st December 1926.

On the sickness fund there was a balance of £2554 5s. to the good. The amount paid in sickness benefit during the year was £269 4s. 4d.

The funeral fund showed a satisfactory balance of £1209 15s. 1d. In the subsidiary benefit fund there was a balance of £118 15s. 2d.

Members had been assisted from this fund during the year, and the Society had also made the usual donations of £2 2s. to the Hertford County Hospital and the Buntingford Nursing Fund.

The management and medical expenses amounted to £71 19s. 4d., the receipts being £90 11s. 8d., leaving a balance in hand of £18 12s. 4d.

The statement of funds, which totals £3901 7s. 7d., was shown as follows: War Loan £3205 5s., Hertfordshire Housing Bonds £100, Freehold Property £100. Post Office Savings' Bank £462 6s. 4d. Cash in hand at end of the year £23 16s. 3d. There was a membership of over 200.

The Chairman said he thought the accounts were entirely satisfactory; the Society was on a sound financial footing, and the various funds each showed an increase on the previous year's workings.

The Sub-Chief Ranger then proposed, and Bro. E. Bolton seconded, that the accounts be submitted to the Auditors.

The whole of the Officers were re-elected en-bloc and thanked for their past services.

The minutes of the meeting were then read, and the Court formally closed by the Chief Ranger.

It is pleasing to record that the Society, which commenced its activities as far back as 1874, is in such a satisfactory position, and it is hoped that many young men who are not members, will come forward and join in its activities.

The Secretary, who is Mr Ernest G. Thody, has held that office since 1896.


[Note from Alison - The amount of total funds available is equivalent to approximately £225,000 in today's money.]

25th February 1927 - Congregational Church Sunday School Prize-Giving

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Congregational Church

Sunday School Prize-Giving

On Thursday, February 17th, a very happy evening was spent in the Congregational Schoolroom, the occasion being the annual Prize Distribution in connection with the Sunday School.

Early in the evening the scholars assembled for games and refreshments, and teachers and scholars enjoyed a social hour-and-a-half.

Parents and friends of the scholars having joined the company, the Minister proceeded at once to distribute a number of book prizes gained by scholars for regular attendance during the past year.

After the distribution, he urged the young people to win not only book prizes, but also the greatest prize - Jesus Christ.

A lengthy programme was next carried through, consisting of a number of miscellaneous items:

Songs (by Miss Blanche Langham, Miss Dorothy Howard); pianoforte solos (Miss Langham, Miss Kathleen Smith); dialogue (Miss Dorothy Saunders, Miss Minnie Ashton); recitations (Miss Winning Conyard, Miss Dorothy Saunders, Miss Gertrude Howard, Miss Minnie Ashton, Miss Freda Howard, the Minister); whilst other contributors to the programme were Mrs G. Saggers (humourous readings) and Mr B.E. Thody.

During an interval a collection was taken for the Sunday School, and the scholars joined in the singing of a number of hymns from their School Hymnary.

The Benediction and Doxology concluded a very enjoyable evening.

18th February 1927 - Whist

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Organised by the Buntingford Town Silver Band, a successful whist drive was held at the Assembly Room, the George Hotel, on Saturday evening last.

Mr T. Wornham was M.C., and prizes were won by the following:

Ladies - 1 Mr A. Postle, 2 Mr H. Handy (both playing as lady).

Gents - 1 Mr E. Hurry, 2 Mr S. Saunders.

A spot dance competition was won by Miss Cook and Mr Ivan Sharp.

25th March 1927 - Whist

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The weekly whist drive and dance in aid of the Town Silver Band continues to prove popular, and on Saturday there was the usual large number present.

The prizes went to the following:

Ladies - 1 Mr J. Wornham (playing as lady), 2 Miss Flynn, lowest score Mrs Daniels.

Gents - 1 Mr H. Cutts, 2 Mr H. Clark, lowest score Mr H. Hatchett.

Lucky chair, Mr F. Ward; spot dance competition, Mr P. Saunders and Miss K. Smith.

11th March 1927 - Funeral of Mr Stanley F. Keen

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Funeral of Mr Stanley F. Keen

The funeral of Stanley F. Keen, whose death at the early age of 18 years was reported in this Paper last week, took place at Layston Church on Saturday afternoon, the service being conducted by the Vicar, the Rev. A. Howard.

Members of the Buntingford Independent Foresters' Society carried out the duty of bearers, the deceased being a junior member of that Society. His employer, Mr A. Jackson, kindly lent his car, and the evidences of sorrow were marked by the number of people present and the beautiful floral tributes.

Mr and Mrs C.F. Keen (father and mother), Mrs W. Whiting and Mrs P. Deards (sisters), Mrs R. Saunders (aunt), Mr P. Deards and Mr J. Gibbs (brothers-in-law), and Miss Jackson.

The wreaths were as follows:

From Mum and Dad

Maggie and Will

Nellie and Percy

Vera and Phyllis

Mr and Mrs A. Jackson and Family

Mr and Mrs and H. Jackson and Mrs James Harradence.

Mr G. Hagger

Mr L. Bradford

His pals - J. and L. Plumb, C. and B. King, R. Fish, J. Ward, J. Oakley, C. and M. Worboys

Mrs Parker

Mr and Mrs French

Mr and Mrs A. Dray

Mr and Mrs Arthur Dray

Miss E. Cutts

Mr and Mrs L. Smith

Mrs Patmore and Mr Hummerstone

Mrs Pateman and Family

Mr and Mrs Haddock

Mrs Brewington

Mrs Prior and Family

Mrs Horth and Reg

Mrs G. Bradford

3rd June 1927 - Death of Alfred Street

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We regret to record the death of Alfred Street, of Newtown, Buntingford.

The deceased, who was only 17 years of age, was taken ill early in April. Since leaving school he has been employed by Mr W.H. Smith and by Mr C.E. Harradence, and was a willing and well-behaved lad.

His death took place at Hertford County Hospital on Satruday last, and much sympathy is extended to his widowed mother and his sister in their loss.

The deceased was conveyed home on Monday evening, and the funeral took place at Layston Church on Wednesday afternoon, the service being conducted by the Rev. John Cole.

The immediate mourners were - Mrs E. Street (mother), Mr W. Saunders, Mr E. Saunders, and Mr H.O Cooper (uncles), Mrs J. Saunders and Mrs Cooper (aunts), Miss Street (cousin), Mr A. Street (grandfather), Mrs Walsingham and Mr R. Walsingham. There was a collection of beautiful flowers.


Mrs Street and Family wish to return thanks for the many kind expressions of sympathy shown in their great bereavement, also for flowers sent.

23rd July 1926 - Cricket - Brent Pelham v. Wyddiall

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Brent Pelham v. Wyddiall

The above teams met at Pelham on Saturday last, and a good game resulted.

Pelham batted first, and ran up a respectable score of 83 - P. Saunders playing a good innings of 34 (not out). On Wyddiall going in to bat, the Pelham bowlers were soon mastered, and when time was called had made 137 runs for 6 wickets.

H. Pledger played a splendid innings of 53 (not out) and also took six wickets (so it could be said it was his match).

S. Pledger (27), W. Hatchett (23), and C. Hatchett (17) also helped splendidly to raise such a good total.


Brent Pelham

H. Martin, c Hatchett, b R. Pledger - 10

W. George, b R. Pledger - 8

C. Whiffin, c T., b H. Pledger - 10

P. Saunders, not out - 34

W. Dodkin, b H. Pledger - 1

R. Coxall, b H. Pledger - 6

W. Bailey, c Hatchett, b May - 1

S. Bentley, b H. Pledger - 3

H. Brett, c Hatchett, b H. Pledger - 2

C. Westwood, run out - 1

Byes - 5

Total - 83


C. Hatchett, c and b Saunders - 17

S. Pledger, c George, b Dodkin - 27

W. Hatchett, c and b Coxall - 23

H. Pledger, not out - 53

T. Pledger, b Whiffin - 0

R. Pledger, b Whiffin - 1

H. May, c Dodkin, b Coxall - 3

F. Hatchett, not out - 4

H. Hatchett - did not bat

S. Stubbs - did not bat

F. Camp - did not bat

Byes - 9

Total (for 6 wkts.) - 137

30th November 1923 - Buntingford Independent Foresters' Friendly Society

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Buntingford Independent Foresters' Friendly Society

Special Meeting of Members

Important Business Transacted

A special general meeting of the members of this Society was held at the Foresters' Hall on Monday last.

The Chief Ranger, Bro. J. Cutts, presided, and was supported by the Sub-Chief Ranger, Bro. E. Saunders; the Secretary, Bro. Ernest G. Thody; the Asst. Secretary, Bro. B.E. Thody; Bro. J. Cornwell, Trustee; the Woodwards, Bros. E. Bolton and G. Wallis; and the Beadles, Bros. D. Wallis and W. Budd.

There was a good attendance of members.

The Secretary stated that the Committee had been requested by the Ministry of Health to consider the advisability of amalgamating with some parent Society, in order that the assets and liabilities might be consolidated.

The Committee had carefully investigated the matter, and had approached the Cambridge General Benefit Society, who were willing to take over the management and liabilities of such Club matters that related to the National Health Insurance.

The Secretary said he wished it to be clearly understood that only such matters as related to the National Health Insurance would be dealt with by the Cambridge Society, and that the Buntingford Independent Foresters' Society would continue to exist in its entirety, just as it was before the National Health Insurance Act came into force.

The following resolution was then put to the meeting, and was voted on by ballot, the result of which was as follows:

For the resolution - 136

Against - 13

The Cambridge General Benefit Society covers a wide area in Herts., Cambs., and Essex, and amongst other Society's amalgamated are the Buntingford Union Association, and the Bishops Stortford Foresters' Friendly Society.

The Buntingford Independent Foresters' Society is open to membership to all between the age of 10 and 40 years. There is a Section for juveniles, and the sick and disablement benefits compare favourably with any other Society in the country.

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