Showing posts with label Layston. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Layston. Show all posts

21st December 1928 - Layston Church Expenses

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Layston Church Expenses

Layston Church is faced with a heavy deficit, and the Parochial Church Council are making every effort to wipe this out as soon as possible.

On Saturday a successful sale of clothing and other articles took place in the Women's Institute Hall in this connection, when a sum of over £8 was realised.

Mr F.W. Butler kindly made all arrangements for collecting and conveying the articles (given by parishioners and others) to the Hall, and the following assisted with the selling:

Mesdames Boniwell, Bonness, Brodie, Butler, Clarke, Corp, Dixon, Davies, Feasey, Geaves, Howard, Woodley and Mr G. Hill.

The organisers are very grateful to all who assisted.

5th August 1927 - Sunday School Treat

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Sunday School Treat

Not quite the usual number of scholars attending Layston Sunday School were present at the annual treat, several of them having gone away for the summer holidays.

The scholars, accompanied by teachers and a few mothers, assembled early on Saturday afternoon last at St Peter's for a short service, and from there made their way to Aspenden House (the infants being taken by car) at the kind invitation of Capt. and Mrs Williams.

Games whirled away the time until the bountiful tea was served on the lawn. Following this, the usual programme of races was carried out, bucket ball for mothers and teachers concluding the events.

After the distribution of prizes, the Vicar (Rev. A. Howard) expressed his thanks to all who had helped to make the treat so enjoyable, and called for cheers, which were heartily given.

The National Anthem concluded the proceedings.

13th August 1926 - Pretty Wedding

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Pretty Wedding

Monk-Jones - Ashford

There was a large attendance at the Buntingford Congregational Church on Wednesday last, when the marriage took place between Miss Elizabeth Sharland Ashford, youngest daughter of Mrs and the late Mr H.S. Ashford, J.P., of Layston Cottage, Buntingford, and Mr Norman Monk-Jones, B.A., of Bishops Stortford College.

The officiating clergy were the Rev. H.C. Carter, M.A., of Cambridge, and the Rev. John Cole, of Buntingford.

The bride, who was given away by her uncle, Mr E.J. Ashford, wore a bridal dress of white crepe de chine, grey shoes and stocking, and black hat, and carried a bouquet of blue cornflowers. She was attended by her sister, Miss N.J. Ashford.

The duties of best man were ably discharged by Mr A. Monk-Jones, brother of the bridegroom.

Mr H. Cutts was at the organ, and played Mendelssohn's "Wedding March." The hymns sung were "The King of Love my Shepherd is" and "Praise my soul the King of Heaven."

A reception was held at the home of the bride, and was attended by upwards of 70 guests. Later, amid hearty congratulations, Mr and Mrs Monk-Jones left for their honeymoon, which is being spent in Brittany.

The wedding presents numbered over 100.

6th August 1926 - Preliminary Notice - Garden Fete

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Preliminary Notice

Buntingford Congregational Church

A garden fete will be held in the grounds of Layston Cottage, Buntingford (by kind permission of Mrs H.S. Ashford) Wednesday, August 18, 1926.

There will be various attractions. Full particulars later. Cordial welcome to all.

Please book the date.

1st October 1926 - St Peter's Church

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St Peter's Church

Last Sunday was to have been the last service at Layston this autumn, but owing to the weather and darkness, the Parish Church was not used, and is now closed for the winter.

4th February 1927 - Layston Annual Church Meeting

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Layston Annual Church Meeting

This meeting, which has been held annually in St Peter's in accordance with the Enabling Bill (1919), and which is open to all on the Electoral Roll, and which has in the past been very poorly attended, was this year made the occasion of a social gathering at "The George" Assembly Room on Wednesday night.

Over 60 responded to the invitation sent in the name of the Vicar and Churchwardens to every elector, and undoubtedly the number would have been considerably larger but for the prevailing influenza, from which many electors and their families are suffering, including several of the Parochial Church Councillors.

From 6.30 to 7.30 the business meeting of the year was held, enabling many of the first time to understand what lies behind the regular working and provision of the Church's services, which many look upon as a matter of course.

After the opening prayer, the Vicar welcomed those present, reminding them that it was at the suggestion of Mr Claud Fraser, who was really the "host" of the evening, that the meeting was taking its present form.

Mr Maughan, Hon. Sec. and Treasurer to the P.C.C., read the minutes, and then presented his financial report for the year, which, with additional help from an appeal to electors who did not regularly attend church, and a jumble sale, showed a balance of 6/9 on the right side.

The report of the Churchyard Committee was also read, and the Free-will Offering Fund was shown to have contributed £25 17s. 9d. during the year to the Parochial quota to the Diocesan Board of Finance, new subscribers being invited to join. Subscribers were asked to come and hear Canon Shorting, who is preaching on the subject at St Peter's on the evening of February 27th.

The financial report having been passed, the next business was the election of four representatives to the Ruri-Decanal Conference: Mrs Butler, Mrs Macklin, Mrs Howard and Mr C. Fraser; the election of Mr C. Fraser to represent Layston on the Diocesan Conference, and the election of the Parochial Church Council for the ensuring year, which resulted in last year's Council being re-elected en bloc.

Rev A. Howard then informed the electors of the urgent necessity of having the organ at St Peter's thoroughly cleaned for the first time in its life of 25 years, which would involved from £45 to £50, and asked for united effort to meet this need.

Mr Fraser emphasised another expense which would have to be met in the near future, namely, that involved in the proposed addition to the Churchyard. The ground had been given by the Vicar, but fencing, fees and other outlay would arise, but this would be a matter affecting the whole town.

The business meeting having been closed with prayers, the guests were served by the ladies of the P.C.C., in whose hands Mr Fraser had left this part of the entertainment, and others, with tea and refreshments, and a pleasant social time was spent, after which a programme of music and singing was greatly enjoyed, of which the programme is appended.

Every item was appreciated, and at the close very hearty thanks were given by the Vicar to all who had helped to make this new departure a thorough success.

Piano duet, Misses Macklin; song, "The Little Hero," Mr Henry May; part song, "The Gardener"; song, "My Hope," Miss Bartlett; Community Singing, Mr E.E. Dennis; Piano, Miss M. Macklin; song, "Orpheus with his Lute," Mrs Scarborough Taylor; part song, "Music when soft voices die"; song, "The Bonny Blue Kerchief," Mrs Armstrong; Community Singing, Mr E.E. Dennis; God Save the King.

11th March 1927 - Rural District Council

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Rural District Council

A meeting of the Rural District Council followed, Captain H.H. Williams presiding. The officers present were - the Medical Officer of Health (Dr R.A. Dunn), and the Surveyor (Mr E.G. Thody).

The Surveyor reported that the Isolation Hospital remained closed. During the month the consumption  of water had been 999,000 gallons, and the water level had risen another 3ft.

Application was made for the renewal of petroleum licenses, and plans were submitted in respect of a bungalow, for which an application for a subsidy had been submitted.

The Chairman said he understood that as the bungalow had been commenced, it could not rank for a subsidy.

The Surveyor again reported the cases in which tenants of the Council's houses were in arrears with rent, and instructions to serve notices to quit were given.

Electric Light

Plans were submitted by the North Metropolitan Electric Light Company showing the proposed route of their underground cable in Aspenden, Layston and Westmill.

A discussion arose as to the adoption of bye-laws for building, and it was decided to hold the matter over until it had been ascertained what bye-laws were in force in other Rural Council areas.

The Chairman, who spoke in favour of the adoptions of such bye-laws, said it was important to protect the amenities of the countryside, and so far this part of the County was unspoiled.

A communication was received to the effect that a conference for the purpose of considering certain matters in connection with the Rating and Valuation Act, would be held at the Law Society's Hall on Monday, and the Council were asked to nominate two members to attend.

The names of the Chairman and Mr W.J. May were submitted.

15th April 1927 - Layston Parish Council

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Layston Parish Council

A meeting of the Layston Parish Council was held on Thursday last, when Dr H.E. Dixon was elected Chairman for the year, the Revd. John Cole being elected Vice-Chairman.

A precept for £27 10s. for lighting was issued, and the annual accounts presented by the Clerk, Mr J. Boniwell; the receipts were £68 11s. 8d., and the expenditure £53 17s. 6d., leaving a balance in hand of £14 14s. 2d.

15th April 1927 - Funeral of Mrs Mottram

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Funeral of Mrs Mottram

Amid signs of general regret, the funeral of Mrs W. Mottram took place at Layston on Wednesday, the 6th inst.

The remains, encassed in a plain oak coffin, were carried to the graveside by members of the Foresters' Friendly Society.

The service was conducted by the Vicar, the Rev. A. Howard, and the immediate mourners were Mr W. Mottram (husband), Mr S. Howlett (nephew), Mrs Howlett (sister), Mr W. Norris (brother), Mr Howlett (brother-in-law), Mrs Norris (sister-in-law), Mr Goodchild, Mrs Hants, Mrs Driver, and Miss C. Norris (nieces).

Amongst the townspeople present we observed - Mrs H. Coleman, Mrs C. Miles, Mrs A.G. Day, Miss Marsden, Mrs H. Clark, Mrs Aylott, Miss Aylott, Mrs E.G. Thody, Mrs C. Postle, Mrs Ambrose, Mrs A. Howard, Mrs E. Camp, Mrs A. Clark, Mrs H. Clark, Mr J. Smith, Mr A. Clark, and Mr J. Bishop (the last two representing the Buntingford Football Club) and others.


Read the death announcement.

15th April 1927 - Death of Mrs Maria Coxall

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Death of Mrs Maria Coxall

We regret to record the death of Mrs Maria Coxall.

The deceased, who was 75 years of age, was quite well in the early days of last week, but after a few days' illness she passed away early on Monday morning last. Her husband died eight years ago.

The deceased leaves a grown-up family of two sons and five daughters, and sympathy is extended to them in their loss.

The funeral takes place at Layston on Saturday afternoon.

15th April 1927 - Death of Miss Alice Clark

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We regret to record the death of Miss Alice Clark, of High Street.

The deceased lady, who has been ill for some considerable time, formerly lived at Guildford, but owing to her severe illness came to stay with her sister, Mrs H. Feasey, who has given her every possible attention during her long illness, which was borne with much patience and fortitude throughout.

The deceased, who was 53 years of age, passed away on Sunday, and the funeral took place quietly at Layston on Wednesday, the service being conducted by the Vicar, the Rev. A. Howard.

30th July 1926 - Layston Church Choir Outing

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Layston Church Choir Outing

On Wednesday last the Choir enjoyed a delightful day at Clacton-on-Sea.

The party, with the addition of the Rev. A. and Mrs Howard, the Misses Howard, Mr S. Howard, Mr and Mrs Baker and others, left at 7 in Mr Spencer's new and comfortable charabanc. The drive was enjoyed by all, the weather being favourable.

On arrival, the party separated for bathing, paddling and the other delights of Clacton, but met at 5 for tea at the Clifton Restaurant.

The expenses of the Choir were chiefly met by the kind gifts of members of the congregation and other residents in Buntingford.

The rain held off well till the start home was made, and was not sufficient to cause serious inconvenience.

7th May 1926 - Buntingford Bowls Club

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Buntingford Bowls Club

Opening Match

Mr and Mrs W.J. May's Generosity

The Buntingford Bowls Club opened its 1926 season at Layston Cottage on Saturday.

Although rain fell during the morning, weather conditions improved by the afternoon, and a party of about 30, consisting of members, their wives, and friends, spent a very enjoyable time. To prevent damage on the soft turf of the bowling green, which is now in excellent condition, Mrs Ashford kindly placed her tennis lawn at the disposal of the club, and this was marked out into two rinks.

The match, which was between teams captained by Mr W.J. May and Mr F.W. Butler, was more of a practice game than anything, everyone being invited to take part. The result was a win for the Vice-Captain's team by 30 points to 12.

During the afternoon an excellent tea was provided in the summer house by Mr and Mrs W.J. May.

Mr F.W. Butler, in proposing a vote of thanks to Mr and Mrs May for their kindless, said the Club was fortunate in having such an excellent captain. He (Mr Butler) was glad to see such a good number present at their opening match.

Mr May, in returning thanks, said Mrs May and himself were delighted to have the pleasure of entertaining such a good company. He was glad to see so many of the members' wives present, and he hoped they realised how near the Club came to winning the Cup last year. It was necessary for the members to be away from home for some matches, and he hoped the ladies would be patient while their husbands were away. (Laughter). The Club would always welcome them on its green. (Applause).


Several new members joined on Saturday, and League forms were signed by all the old members of the Club.

30th April 1926 - Confirmation

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Bishop Lander, the Suffragan Bishop of St Albans, conducted a Confirmation Service at St Peter's, Buntingford, on Thursday in last week.

There were 20 condidates for Confirmation from the following parishes - Layston 16, Bedford 1, Totteridge 1, and Meesden 2.

The Bishop gave a very helpful address, his text being "I have set before thee an open door."

In the evening the candidates were entertained to tea at the Parish Room by the Rev. A. and Mrs Howard. The Vicar also presented each of the candidates from Layston with a suitable book.

23rd April 1926 - Layston Parish Council

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Layston Parish Council

The annual meeting of the Layston Parish Council was held in the Board Room on the 8th inst. Dr H.E. Dixon, who was re-elected chairman, presided. Owing to new legislation, this was the last occasion for the appointment of overseers.

The Council elected Messrs. A.G. Day and R.F. Dellow to act in this capacity for the ensuing year. The two vacancies on the Council were filled by the election of the Rev. F.J. Cole and Mr J. Lawrence, as councillors.

The Clerk submitted the Parish Council Accounts for the year. They showed receipts amounting to £54 10s. 0d. and an expenditure of £52 9s. 8d. They were unanimously passed, and there was no further business.

2nd April 1926 - County Library Scheme

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County Library Scheme


A meeting to discuss the question of forming a Buntingford Branch of the Herts. County Council Free Library Scheme was held at the Parish Room on Saturday evening. Mr Claud Fraser presided and was supported by the Rev. A. Howard. There were about 20 representatives from the parishes of Aspenden, Layston, Wyddiall and Throcking present.

Under the County Library Scheme libraries are formed in the various towns and villages in the County and a supply of books, normally two per member, are sent periodically. There is no charge for membership or books.

The Chairman, after reviewing the scheme, said he thought it a very good one. It involved the Committee and members in no cost and he understood the books were very useful ones. If 150 members could be enrolled, they would be entitled to 300 books.

After a discussion, the Rev. A. Howard moved, and Mr W.J. May seconded that a library be formed. The following were elected to serve on the committee:

Layston - Mrs H.L. Baker and Miss Elliott.

Aspenden - Mr H.C. Marshall and Mrs H.H. Williams.

Wyddiall - The Rev. L.W. Wright and the Rev. A. Howard.

Throcking - The Rev. A.L. Panchaud and Mrs A.W. Page.

Mrs Macklin proposed, and Mrs A. Dixon seconded that Mrs Howard be asked to take on the duties of Hon. Librarian. Mrs Howard, after enquiring what the duties entailed, said she would accept.

The Chairman said they were very grateful to Mrs Howard for her promise of assistance. (Applause).

Mr W.J. May asked whether Sub-Libraries could be formed in the various parishes connected with the scheme, and the Chairman said he thought it would not be practicable at present. If any of the parishes choose to run their own scheme in conjunction with the County Council they could do so.

Mr A.G. Day said the Committee should consider what would be a suitable day and hour for opening the library. He thought the room should be open during the evening as some members would find it difficult to change their books during the afternoon.

Mr E.E. Dennis said he had made enquiries at Hertford, and had learned that gifts of books to the library would become the sole property of the library. The librarian would, however, have to render a return of all books presented. He understood that the next supply of books would be ready for despatch in April, and if members could be enrolled at once Buntingford could get a supply then.


The Chairman said he hoped as many as possible would take advantage of the scheme. When they had enrolled enough members the librarian could send for a supply of books. All that was necessary was for the public to sign a membership form, and Mr Day had kindly offered to have a supply of these in his shop.

The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to the Chairman for presiding, and for the interest he had taken to the scheme.


N.B. - It is important that membership forms be completed as soon as they are available, as after the April supply of books there will be no further supply for some two or three months, and should be membership increase immediately after the first supply, enough books may not be available for some time.

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