Showing posts with label Muncey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muncey. Show all posts

5th August 1927 - Reed Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

The monthly meeting was held in the Mission Room on Thursday evening in last week. Thirty-four members were present and three visitors.

The President was in the chair, and after the usual business was transacted another new member was welcomed.

Mrs R. Turney and Miss Tott gave their reports of the annual meeting, held in London recently, which they attended as delegates.

A very interesting demonstration on "papier mache" was given by Mrs Turney, for which was accorded a vote of thanks.

The prize for a "Memory Test" was won by Miss Muncey.

Community singing and dancing ended another pleasant evening.

The hostesses for the evening were Mrs Webb-Bowen, Mrs Collins, Mrs Coxall, Mrs Hillson and Mrs Muncey.

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