Showing posts with label Bishop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bishop. Show all posts

2nd March 1928 - Leap Year Dance

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Leap Year Dance

There were 110 dancers present at the leap year invitation dance on Wednesday evening, which took place in the Benson Hall.

The whole of the necessary arrangements were made entirely by Mrs Philpott, who is to be congratulated on the success achieved. Mrs Philpott not only issued the invitations, but also sold the admission tickets, besides contributing in no small way to the excellent assortment of refreshments which were served during the evening.

Refreshments were also given and served by Mrs Bishop, Mrs McGuinness, Mrs Blakiston, Mrs Plumb, Mrs W. Watson, Miss Mulvany and Miss Spencer. The duties of M.C. were undertaken by Mr Blakiston, who spared no pains to add merriment to the evening's enjoyment.

A special feature was the lighting effects, which were greatly admired by the energetic company present. The music, which added still greater pleasure to the proceedings, was supplied by the "Mavis" Dance Band, the members of which did their utmost to provide a programme to meet with the popularity of all. Their programme was excellent.

A Spot Dance Competition was won by Miss Philpott and Mr B. Howard, the former receiving a pound of chocolates for a prize and her partner a box of cigarettes. A Novelty Dance was also greatly enjoyed.

Mrs Whitehouse, of Sunny Hill, kindly lent her piano, and Mr W. Budd acted as door-keeper throughout the evening.

The proceeds, which were for the purpose of installing new electric light wiring in the hall, were very satisfactory, but the actual amount taken is not yet known.

It was generally agreed that this was one of the jolliest dances ever held in Buntingford.

29th October 1926 - Buckland Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

The monthly meeting for October was held on the 13th inst., in the School, and a very good attendance of members had another nice evening.

Business dispensed with, Mr C. Bullard (Letchworth), gave a very good demonstration on basket-making, a hearty vote of thanks being passed to him by Mrs J. Carter.

A memory competition was entered into by quite a large number, Mrs Jarman, Miss N. Carter, and Mrs H. Carter having to cut for the prize, the latter then winning.

Tea was served by Mrs J. Bishop, Mrs Geaves, Mrs Beadle, Mrs Masters, Mrs A. Gilby, and Mrs W. Hagger.

Exchange and Mart (jumble sale) was keenly entered into, and the saleswomen were kept fairly busy for quite a little time.

At the previous monthly meeting, Mrs E.T. Morris, Miss P. Morris, Mrs Masters, Mrs C. Jackson and Mrs H. Carter entertained the members with recitations, singing and music. 

Many jolly meetings are looked forward to as a Women's Institute singing class has been formed, and is in the capable hands of Mrs Edridge, of Furneaux Pelham.

3rd December 1926 - Buntingford Town Band Whist Drive and Dance

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Buntingford Town Band

Whist Drive and Dance

A whist drive and dance, in aid of the Buntingford Town Silver Band funds, was held at the Benson Hall on Wednesday evening last.

Sixteen tables were in use for whist, Mr T. Wornham officiating as M.C.

Scoring was not very high. Mrs B.E. Thody took first lady's prize - Half a tea set - with a score of 172. The second prize, a pretty floating bowl, was won by Miss Norman, Mr W. Watson (playing as lady) securing third prize - a pair of glass candlesticks.

In the gents section, Mr H. Howard was first, winning half-dozen stainless steel knives. Mr Budd took second prize (a tobacco jar), and Mr Leslie Smith third - a hot water bottle.

The Rev. Fr. Morgan gave a beaded girdle as a lucky number prize, which was won by Mrs Bishop.

The prizes were presented by Miss Lushington, who made a few well-chosen remarks.

Later dancing was indulged in till midnight - the music being supplied by members of the Town Band.

28th January 1927 - Buckland Concert

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On Friday, January 14th, in the School, a concert organised by the Rev. Phillips and Miss N. Pigg was a huge success, the amount taken, with the sale of programmes, being £9.

This amount is to be handed over to the Clothing Clubs &c., and the Nursing Fund. The room was crowded, quite a few having to stand.

A long and varied programme was arranged, and it would indeed be very difficult to pick out any item for particular mention, the piano solos, recitations, songs, violin solos, dance and ventriloquial performances being of the highest character.

Pretty and dainty indeed was the song and dance, "The red, red robin," by Mrs Armstrong, Mrs Scarborough Taylor, Mrs Edridge, Mrs Lanyon and Rev. Circuit gave songs, which were heartily encored, and by allowing the audience to join in the choruses it was a very happy time for all.

Mr Symes' violin solos were greatly appreciated. This gentleman, like Mr Daniels (ventriloquist) was not hitherto known to a Buckland audience. The latter gentleman caused roars of laughter, especially by making reference to the village Women's Institute and its choir.

Miss Hall's recitations were beautifully and feelingly rendered, and the play by Mrs Bailey and Mrs Seymour was very amusing and well played.

The Rev. F.B. Phillips thanked the audience for coming in such a number, whilst Miss N. Pigg passed a hearty vote of thanks to the performers.

A 6d. dance followed, from which the sum of £1 17s. 0d. was realised, and this is to be used for paying the expenses of the above.

A very enjoyable time for both young and old was brought to a close at 12.30 a.m.

Mr Bishop was at the piano for dancing.

25th February 1927 - Correspondence from Miss G. Lushington

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To the Editor, Buntingford Gazette

Dear Sir,

Through the medium of the Buntingford Gazette, I wish to thank all those who so kindly helped to make the Buntingford Nursing Fund whist drive and dance such a success, either by the gift of prizes, money towards expenses, cakes and other refreshments, and last but not least, to those who gave personal service special thanks are due, and to the Band and Mr Bishop who kindly relieved them.

I am pleased to tell you I have handed £8 8s. to the Treasurer as the result, after all expenses have been paid.

I much regretted the absence, through illness, of about 12 regular patrons, wishing them a speedy recovery.

Believe me, yours truly,

G. Lushington.

Absesdene, February 27th, 1927.

4th February 1927 - Whist (again)

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In response to several requests, the Town Silver Band held another Whist Drive at the George Hotel on Saturday evening.

There was a good company present and prizes, which were vouchers for goods to be purchased in the town, were won by the following:

Ladies - 1, Miss Marshall; 2, Miss E. Cutts.

Gents - 1, Mr H. Pledger; 2, Mr S. Pledger.

A Waltz competition was won by Mr A.B. Wallis and Miss G. Mean, while a Fox-trot competition was won by Mr J. Bishop and partner.

An excellent programme of music was provided by the Band, assisted by Mr J. Bishop (piano).

Mr Henry Clark for whist and Mr A.B. Wallis for dancing were the two efficient M.C.'s.

The judging of the dancing competitions was kindly undertaken by Mr H.M. Blakiston.

22nd April 1927 - Town Band

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Town Band

The Town Silver Band took advantage of the holiday by arranging two whist drives and dances in aid of the new instrument fund. Both proved successful.

At the Saturday evening event prizes were won by Mrs Nash and Mrs Goodwin, Mr Cook and Mr E. Martin for whist, and by Mrs Handy and partner for the dancing competition.

On Monday there was again an excellent company present, when whist prizes went to the following:

Ladies - 1 Mrs Bishop, 2 Mrs Dray, 3 Miss Hatchett.

Gents - 1 Mr J. Wornham, 2 Mr S. Dowler, 3 Mr S. Smith.

Lucky ticket, Mr Humbly.

Spot dance winners - Miss M. Cornwell and Mr P. Wright.

Mr T. Wornham ably carried out the duties of M.C. at both events.

27th May 1927 - Dance

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There was a good number present at the dance, organised by the Town Band and held at the Assembly Rooms, the George Hotel, on Saturday evening.

The Band, assisted by Mr J. Bishop (piano), provided the dance music.

23rd July 1926 - Football Club Annual General Meeting

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Football Club

Annual General Meeting

A Successful Year

The Annual General Meeting of the Buntingford Town Football Club was held on Tuesday evening. Mr A.G. Day presided, and was supported by the Hon. Sec. (Mr W. Budd).

Committee's Report

The folowing report was unanimously adopted:

The Buntingford Town Football Club has experienced one of the most successful seasons in its career.

In the field the 1st XI entered the Greg Cup, the Herts. Junior Cup, and the 2nd Division of the North Herts League.

Although being beaten in the 1st round of the Greg Cup by Royston by the odd goal in nine, they reached the semi-final of the Herts Junior Cup. This is a record for the club, the previous best being the 6th round. They were beaten three goals to two in the semi-final by Walsworth, a Senior team who eventually won the Senior Division of the North Herts League.

In the North Herts League the team finished fourth, playing 22 matches, winning 15 and losing 8.

During the season, altogether 38 matches were played: 20 won, 16 lost and 2 drawn. Total goals scored 130, against 98.

The leading goal scorers were: H. May 30, E. Pledger 24, H. Clark 20, H. Birkett 16, S. Thorogood 12, and W. May 11.

The 2nd XI, who at one time appeared to have a good chance of winning the Buntingford and District League, eventually finished fourth, playing 20 games: winning 10, drawing 2 and losing 8. Goals scored 43, against 46.

The leading scorers were: R. Reed 9, V. Cooze 8, A. Martin 6, A. Clark 4, C. Smith 4, and S. Rayment 4.

Financially the Club is in a perfectly sound condition, for after spending the sum of £43 17s. 9d. in the erection of a grand stand, £4 2s. 5d. is still in hand.

Supporters' subscriptions are practically the same as last season, while the gate money shows a welcome increase of £13, this being due to the fine play of the 1st XI in the Jnuior Cup, these gates alone bringing in £14.

Expenditure - The chief item here is the £43 17s. 9d. already referred to. Referees' fees show an increase of £2 10s., and transport of £6 10s., this being due to the Club playing more matches this season than last. Other items are practically the same as last season.

On the actual year's working the Club shows a profit of £6 19s. 9d. This is a most satisfactory state of affairs, and it is hoped, with the continued help of supporters and friends, to do even better in the coming season.

The Balance Sheet

The balance sheet, produced by the Hon. Treasurer, showed a profit of £4 2s. 5d., which was considered very satisfactory.

The accounts were duly passed.

Election of Officers

The election of offers resulted as follows: President, H.C. Marshall, Esq.; the Vice-Presidents were re-elected en bloc; Hon. Secretary, Mr W. Budd; Hon. Treasurer, Mr S. Howlett; Team Sec., Mr W. Cooze; Captain, Mr W. Hatchett; Vice-Captain, Mr H.E. Birkett; Committee - Messrs. J. Bishop, B. Nicholls, E. Smith, H. Clark, A. Clark, W. Reed, E. Pledger and F. Camp.

Votes of thanks to the President and Vice-President, the Officers and the Chairman, concluded the business of the meeting.

5th Oct 1928 - Situation Vacant

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Situation Vacant

Wanted immeditately, a Girl 14 or 15; live in; good outings. Mrs Bishop, 39 Old North Road, Royston.

Domestic help for Royston - two ladies; Cook for Cambridge, £45 to £50. Write Miss Brown, 136 Tenison Road, Cambridge.

Young General Maid required - some experience preferred - for family of 3; modern house; wages according to ability. Hamilton, Layston, Eversley Park Road. Winchmore Hill.

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