Showing posts with label Budd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Budd. Show all posts

2nd March 1928 - Leap Year Dance

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Leap Year Dance

There were 110 dancers present at the leap year invitation dance on Wednesday evening, which took place in the Benson Hall.

The whole of the necessary arrangements were made entirely by Mrs Philpott, who is to be congratulated on the success achieved. Mrs Philpott not only issued the invitations, but also sold the admission tickets, besides contributing in no small way to the excellent assortment of refreshments which were served during the evening.

Refreshments were also given and served by Mrs Bishop, Mrs McGuinness, Mrs Blakiston, Mrs Plumb, Mrs W. Watson, Miss Mulvany and Miss Spencer. The duties of M.C. were undertaken by Mr Blakiston, who spared no pains to add merriment to the evening's enjoyment.

A special feature was the lighting effects, which were greatly admired by the energetic company present. The music, which added still greater pleasure to the proceedings, was supplied by the "Mavis" Dance Band, the members of which did their utmost to provide a programme to meet with the popularity of all. Their programme was excellent.

A Spot Dance Competition was won by Miss Philpott and Mr B. Howard, the former receiving a pound of chocolates for a prize and her partner a box of cigarettes. A Novelty Dance was also greatly enjoyed.

Mrs Whitehouse, of Sunny Hill, kindly lent her piano, and Mr W. Budd acted as door-keeper throughout the evening.

The proceeds, which were for the purpose of installing new electric light wiring in the hall, were very satisfactory, but the actual amount taken is not yet known.

It was generally agreed that this was one of the jolliest dances ever held in Buntingford.

6th August 1926 - Buntingford Horticultural Society

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Buntingford Horticultural Society

Annual Show

The Buntingford Flower Show was held in Corney Bury Park yesterday (Thursday) and was a pronounced success.

The quality of the exhibits were exceptionally fine, and we believe the number of entries constituted a record for the Society.

For the first time since 1914, the Buntingford Horticultural Society staged its Annual Show entirely on its own.

Since 1920, the Society has held its shows in conjunction with the Agricultural Society, but as this Society held its Show at Hertford this year, the Horticultural Society reverted to is old date in August.

All roads led to Corney Bury Park, where, by kind permission of Mr W.J. Wedd, the show was staged. It is estimated that there were quite 3,000-4,000 people present.

The show as a whole was a distinct advance on last year, and approximated to the old-time shows which made Buntingford famous for its flower shows. The entries totalled just over 762. The quality of the exhibits was also of a fine standard.

The trade exhibits were very fine, the displays of roses by Messrs. Chaplin's (Waltham Cross), Messrs. Harkness (Hitchin), Mr J. Pigg (Royston) and Mr C. Bolton (Wyddiall) being exceptionally fine. Mr H.A. Thody had a fine show of fruit.

Other Attractions

The Buntingford Town Silver Band, under Mr E. Smith, were present, and their selections during the day were greatly enjoyed.

Among the various other attractions was a demonstration with live bees by Mr Herrod-Hempstall, F.E.S., expert to the Ministry of Agriculture, and entertainments, side-shows, &c.

In the evening dancing to the band took place. At dusk a magnificent firework display was given by Messrs. J. Wells, of London. W. Thurston's up-to-date amusements were well patronised.

The Management

An immense amount of organising work had been put in by the Hon. Secretary, Mr E.G. Thody, and by the General Committee.

Mr Thody has held the post of Secretary and Joint Secretary for 40 years and his experience and worth is beyond computation. In addition he was a most successful exhibitor.

The Officers were:

President - H.C. Marshall, Esq.

Committee - Messrs. A.C. Bartlett, C. Bolton, G. Budd, H. Clarke, J. Cornwell, E. Crane, J. Dean, E.E. Dennis, T. Dibbin, H. Fry, W.G. Jones, J. May, H. Money, T. Rolfe, G. Scarborough Taylor, F. Sharp, W. Nichols, B.E. Thody, J. Totman, C. Walters, T. Hummerstone, W. Watkins, B. Rustead, and A. Warner.

15th October 1926 - Board of Guardians Monthly Meeting

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Board of Guardians

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held on Thursday (yesterday).

Present: Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mrs Dimsdale, Capt. E.T. Morris, Capt. H.H. Williams, The Rev. L.W. Wright, Messrs G. Graves, A.J. Hayes, G.C. Wilson, H.E. Dudley, T.J. Stick, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke), the Master (Mr F.W. Butler) and the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin).

House Committee

The following report was submitted.

The House Committee visited the House today, the work of distempering the male casual ward has been completed, and the condition of the building is very satisfactory.

The committee have no suggests to make involving further expenditure.

Katherine J. Dimsdale, Harold H. Williams, G.C. Wilson.

Master's Report

The Master reported as follows:

Number of inmates - men 15, women 15, children 2. Total 32.

Number admitted to casual wards 16.

Corresponding figures for last year - men 20, women 16, children 2. Total 38.

Tramps 2.

Two females, aged 70 and 92 respectively, have been admitted during the month.

A committee of the Hertford Guardians paid a visit on September 5th, and left a report in the visitors book.


The following gifts have been received and much appreciated by the inmates.

Cheque £2 - Hertford Guardians.

Eggs - Salvation Army.

Papers - Mrs Dixon

Fruit and vegetables - Westmill Harvest Thanksgiving per Rev. A.G. King.

Fruit, vegetables and eggs - Meesden Harvest Thanksgiving per Rev. W. McKerr

Grapes and fruit - Layston Harvest Thanksgiving, per Mrs Howard

Daily Mail for past year - Mrs Anderson

Weekly Mail for Blind - Mr H.C. Marshall

Books and magazines - British Red Cross Library

Mrs L.M. Baker brought her pupils and sang Harvest Hymns in the sick wards and distributed tea, eggs, fruit &c.


During the past month 78 have been relieved, against 13 last year.

Labour Master

Mr R. Budd, the labour master, has been appointed porter at Luton. Would the Board kindly give Mr Budd a testimonial.

The Chairman said it was pleasing to note the number of gifts received during the month. The Board were very grateful to the donors and especially to Miss Baker and her pupils for giving the aged inmates a share in the thanksgiving of Harvest.

It was decided to give Mr Budd a testimonial and the Chairman was authorised to sign it.

Fire Protection

The Minimax Co. reported that the fire extinguishers at the Institution had been recently inspected and found to be in order.


Mrs Dimsdale stated that the Hormead School Library Committee had several books which they would be pleased to hand over to the Guardians for the use of the inmates of the Institution.

The Chairman said he thought the books would be very acceptable, and no doubt the Master could put up some shelves.

Captain Williams and the Rev. Wright expressed their thanks to Mrs Dimsdale for the offer.

The Late Mr E. Pigg

The Clerk read a letter from the family of the late Mr Edward Pigg expressing their thanks for the expression of sympathy passed at the last Board meeting and for the wreath sent.

Hertford Boarders

A letter was read from the Hetford Union authorising the continuance of relief to persons resident in the Buntingford Union and relieved on behalf of the Hertford Union, for a further period of 14 weeks.


The following remarks were entered in the House Committee register by visitors from the Hertford House Committee:

"We visited the Institution and found the inmates most comfortable and happy.

The Master and Matron are particularly patient and kind to all. The Box girls are greatly improved. With regard to the Dimsdale Charity, any surplus money might be used on 'bus rides or little outings in any way the Matron and Master think best."

8th October 1926 - Whist Drive

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Whist Drive

Twenty-five tables were occupied at a whist drive held at the Benson Hall on Wednesday evening in last week in aid of the Town Football Club funds.

Other persons came in later for dancing, and altogether a very pleasant evening was spent by all.

Mr H. Clark was M.C. for whist, and prizes were won by the following:

Ladies - 1 Miss Cannon, 2 Mrs Cornwell, 3 Mr Hatchett (playing as lady).

Gents - 1 Mr C. Smith, 2 Mr Hutchins, 3 Mr A Dray.

Highest score first-half - Mr E.E. Dennis (94).

Lucky ticket - Mr W.T. Budd.

For the dancing which followed, Mr Leslie Smith was an efficiant M.C.

The music was supplied by the Standon Orchestra, and gave every satisfaction.

3rd December 1926 - Buntingford Town Band Whist Drive and Dance

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Buntingford Town Band

Whist Drive and Dance

A whist drive and dance, in aid of the Buntingford Town Silver Band funds, was held at the Benson Hall on Wednesday evening last.

Sixteen tables were in use for whist, Mr T. Wornham officiating as M.C.

Scoring was not very high. Mrs B.E. Thody took first lady's prize - Half a tea set - with a score of 172. The second prize, a pretty floating bowl, was won by Miss Norman, Mr W. Watson (playing as lady) securing third prize - a pair of glass candlesticks.

In the gents section, Mr H. Howard was first, winning half-dozen stainless steel knives. Mr Budd took second prize (a tobacco jar), and Mr Leslie Smith third - a hot water bottle.

The Rev. Fr. Morgan gave a beaded girdle as a lucky number prize, which was won by Mrs Bishop.

The prizes were presented by Miss Lushington, who made a few well-chosen remarks.

Later dancing was indulged in till midnight - the music being supplied by members of the Town Band.

7th January 1927 - Whist Drive And Dance

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Whist Drive And Dance

The Town Silver Band made a profit of £3 from the Whist Drive and Dance organised by the committee, and held at the George Hotel Assembly Room on Friday evening last.

There was an excellent company present, 20 tables being in use for whist. Other persons came in later for dancing, the room being crowded.

At midnight "Auld Lang Syne" was heartily sung, the company joining hands.

The successful whist players were:

Ladies - 1, Miss Hatchett; 2, Mr W. Budd (playing as lady); 3, Miss M. Cornwell.

Gents - 1, Mr Gilbey; 2, Mr C. Tottman; 3, Mr W. Watson.

Mr T. Wornham was an efficient M.C. for both whist and dancing.

The whist prizes were vouchers for goods to be purchased in the town.

The event was most successful, everyone having a jolly good time.

Music for dancing was supplied by Mrs Stapley (piano) and the Town Silver Band.

25th February 1927 - Buntingford Independent Foresters' Friendly Society Annual Meeting

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Buntingford Independent Foresters' Friendly Society

Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the members of the Buntingford Independent Foresters' Friendly Society was held at the Society's Hall on Monday evening.

The Chief Ranger, Bro. J.B. Cutts, presided, other members of the Court present being: Brother E. Saunders (Sub-Chief Ranger), Bro. E. Bolton (Senior Woodward), Bro. A. Coxall (Junior Woodward), Bro. D. Wallis (Senior Beadle), Bro. W. Budd (Junior Beadle), and Bro. B.E. Thody (Assistant Secretary).

The Court was opened with the usual formalities, after which the Assistant Secretary stated that the sickness benefit paid during the past month amounted to £21 3s. 10d., and funeral benefit £14.

Applications were received for assistance from the Subsidiary Benefit Fund, and these were favourably considered by the Court.

Balance Sheet

The Secretary submitted the books and accounts of the society for the year ending 31st December 1926.

On the sickness fund there was a balance of £2554 5s. to the good. The amount paid in sickness benefit during the year was £269 4s. 4d.

The funeral fund showed a satisfactory balance of £1209 15s. 1d. In the subsidiary benefit fund there was a balance of £118 15s. 2d.

Members had been assisted from this fund during the year, and the Society had also made the usual donations of £2 2s. to the Hertford County Hospital and the Buntingford Nursing Fund.

The management and medical expenses amounted to £71 19s. 4d., the receipts being £90 11s. 8d., leaving a balance in hand of £18 12s. 4d.

The statement of funds, which totals £3901 7s. 7d., was shown as follows: War Loan £3205 5s., Hertfordshire Housing Bonds £100, Freehold Property £100. Post Office Savings' Bank £462 6s. 4d. Cash in hand at end of the year £23 16s. 3d. There was a membership of over 200.

The Chairman said he thought the accounts were entirely satisfactory; the Society was on a sound financial footing, and the various funds each showed an increase on the previous year's workings.

The Sub-Chief Ranger then proposed, and Bro. E. Bolton seconded, that the accounts be submitted to the Auditors.

The whole of the Officers were re-elected en-bloc and thanked for their past services.

The minutes of the meeting were then read, and the Court formally closed by the Chief Ranger.

It is pleasing to record that the Society, which commenced its activities as far back as 1874, is in such a satisfactory position, and it is hoped that many young men who are not members, will come forward and join in its activities.

The Secretary, who is Mr Ernest G. Thody, has held that office since 1896.


[Note from Alison - The amount of total funds available is equivalent to approximately £225,000 in today's money.]

11th March 1927 - Town Band Whist

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Town Band

There must have been somewhere about 120 dancers at the George Assembly Room on Saturday, on the occasion of the weekly whist drive and dance organised by the town silver band.

Mr T. Wornham acted as M.C., and the whist prizes went to the following:

Ladies - 1 Mrs Aylott, 2 Mrs Turrell. Booby - Mrs S. Smith.

Gents - 1 Mr H. Handy, 2 Mr W. Budd. Booby - Mr A. Martin.

With so many dancing, it is a wonder that not more than four persons shared the spot dance prize.

As it was two couples were adjudged to be dancing on the spot previously selected by the judges, and the prize was shared between - Miss Philpott and Mr S. Warren and Mr Cannon and partner.

23rd July 1926 - Football Club Annual General Meeting

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Football Club

Annual General Meeting

A Successful Year

The Annual General Meeting of the Buntingford Town Football Club was held on Tuesday evening. Mr A.G. Day presided, and was supported by the Hon. Sec. (Mr W. Budd).

Committee's Report

The folowing report was unanimously adopted:

The Buntingford Town Football Club has experienced one of the most successful seasons in its career.

In the field the 1st XI entered the Greg Cup, the Herts. Junior Cup, and the 2nd Division of the North Herts League.

Although being beaten in the 1st round of the Greg Cup by Royston by the odd goal in nine, they reached the semi-final of the Herts Junior Cup. This is a record for the club, the previous best being the 6th round. They were beaten three goals to two in the semi-final by Walsworth, a Senior team who eventually won the Senior Division of the North Herts League.

In the North Herts League the team finished fourth, playing 22 matches, winning 15 and losing 8.

During the season, altogether 38 matches were played: 20 won, 16 lost and 2 drawn. Total goals scored 130, against 98.

The leading goal scorers were: H. May 30, E. Pledger 24, H. Clark 20, H. Birkett 16, S. Thorogood 12, and W. May 11.

The 2nd XI, who at one time appeared to have a good chance of winning the Buntingford and District League, eventually finished fourth, playing 20 games: winning 10, drawing 2 and losing 8. Goals scored 43, against 46.

The leading scorers were: R. Reed 9, V. Cooze 8, A. Martin 6, A. Clark 4, C. Smith 4, and S. Rayment 4.

Financially the Club is in a perfectly sound condition, for after spending the sum of £43 17s. 9d. in the erection of a grand stand, £4 2s. 5d. is still in hand.

Supporters' subscriptions are practically the same as last season, while the gate money shows a welcome increase of £13, this being due to the fine play of the 1st XI in the Jnuior Cup, these gates alone bringing in £14.

Expenditure - The chief item here is the £43 17s. 9d. already referred to. Referees' fees show an increase of £2 10s., and transport of £6 10s., this being due to the Club playing more matches this season than last. Other items are practically the same as last season.

On the actual year's working the Club shows a profit of £6 19s. 9d. This is a most satisfactory state of affairs, and it is hoped, with the continued help of supporters and friends, to do even better in the coming season.

The Balance Sheet

The balance sheet, produced by the Hon. Treasurer, showed a profit of £4 2s. 5d., which was considered very satisfactory.

The accounts were duly passed.

Election of Officers

The election of offers resulted as follows: President, H.C. Marshall, Esq.; the Vice-Presidents were re-elected en bloc; Hon. Secretary, Mr W. Budd; Hon. Treasurer, Mr S. Howlett; Team Sec., Mr W. Cooze; Captain, Mr W. Hatchett; Vice-Captain, Mr H.E. Birkett; Committee - Messrs. J. Bishop, B. Nicholls, E. Smith, H. Clark, A. Clark, W. Reed, E. Pledger and F. Camp.

Votes of thanks to the President and Vice-President, the Officers and the Chairman, concluded the business of the meeting.

30th November 1923 - Buntingford Independent Foresters' Friendly Society

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Buntingford Independent Foresters' Friendly Society

Special Meeting of Members

Important Business Transacted

A special general meeting of the members of this Society was held at the Foresters' Hall on Monday last.

The Chief Ranger, Bro. J. Cutts, presided, and was supported by the Sub-Chief Ranger, Bro. E. Saunders; the Secretary, Bro. Ernest G. Thody; the Asst. Secretary, Bro. B.E. Thody; Bro. J. Cornwell, Trustee; the Woodwards, Bros. E. Bolton and G. Wallis; and the Beadles, Bros. D. Wallis and W. Budd.

There was a good attendance of members.

The Secretary stated that the Committee had been requested by the Ministry of Health to consider the advisability of amalgamating with some parent Society, in order that the assets and liabilities might be consolidated.

The Committee had carefully investigated the matter, and had approached the Cambridge General Benefit Society, who were willing to take over the management and liabilities of such Club matters that related to the National Health Insurance.

The Secretary said he wished it to be clearly understood that only such matters as related to the National Health Insurance would be dealt with by the Cambridge Society, and that the Buntingford Independent Foresters' Society would continue to exist in its entirety, just as it was before the National Health Insurance Act came into force.

The following resolution was then put to the meeting, and was voted on by ballot, the result of which was as follows:

For the resolution - 136

Against - 13

The Cambridge General Benefit Society covers a wide area in Herts., Cambs., and Essex, and amongst other Society's amalgamated are the Buntingford Union Association, and the Bishops Stortford Foresters' Friendly Society.

The Buntingford Independent Foresters' Society is open to membership to all between the age of 10 and 40 years. There is a Section for juveniles, and the sick and disablement benefits compare favourably with any other Society in the country.

9th April 1926 - Help the Hospitals

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Help the Hospitals

The Whist Drive and Dance on behalf of the Hertford and Royston Hospitals next Wednesday in the Benson Hall promises to be one of the largest ever held in Buntingford. A record attendance is expected, and doubtless many will assist the cause by buying tickets even if unable to be present.

The price of tickets is 2/- if purchased on or before Monday, or 2/6 after Monday. They may be obtained from the various club representatives, including Messrs. W.T. Budd, H.B. Cutts, E.E. Dennis, S. Howlett, J. Lawrence, C.H. Poulton and W. Smith.

At the whist drive Dr Fell will distribute the many valuable prizes, which are now on view in Mr Lawrence's establishment. They include a "lucky ticket" prize.

Dancing will last two hours, and the Town Band are kindly giving their services for the dance music. Mr L. Smith will act as M.C. for the dancing, and Mr E.E. Dennis for the whist.

27th Jan 1928 - Foresters' Friendly Society

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Foresters' Friendly Society

A Court Meeting was held at the Society's Hall on Monday evening last, the Chief Ranger, Bro. J.B. Cutts, presiding. The Secretary, Bro. E.G. Thody, submitted the accounts for the year 1927. The sickness benefit paid amounted to £347 17s. 4d., and funeral benefit £98. Both these are record amounts for the society.

The management expenses, which include salaries, printing and stationery, surgeon's fees, repairs, valuation expenses, installment of electric light, &c., amount to £89 16s. 5d. The statement of funds shows that the Society is on a sound financial footing. War Loan investments total £3205, Hertfordshire Housing Bonds £100, Freehold Property £100, and money at Post Office Savings Bank £380. At 31st December there was a membership of 203, on the private side. State member are not included in the totals.

In moving the adoption of the accounts, the Chairman side the past year had been an abnormal one as far as sickness was concerned. Early in the year the Society paid out as much as £40 in sick benefit one week. The accounts were duly passed.

It was decided to send the usual subscription of £2 2s. to the Buntingford Nursing Fund and the Hertford County Hospital.

The following officers were elected for 1928: Chief Ranger, Bro. J.B. Cutts; Sub-Chief Rangers, Bro. E. Sanders; Woodwards. Bros. E. Bolton and A. Coxall. Senior Beadle, Bro. D. Wallis; Junior Beadles, Bro W. Budd; Trustrees, Bros. J.L. Cornwell, G. Wallis, and J.T. May.

20th Jan 1928 - Whist

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A whist drive in aid of the Buntingford Working Men's Club was held at the Club Room on Wednesday evening.

Mr H. Clarke was M.C., and voucher prizes were awarded to the following: Ladies - 1, Mr B. Nicholls (playing as lady), 169; 2, Miss L Clark, 165. Gents - 1, Mr H Clark, 168; 2, Mr W. Budd, 168.

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