Showing posts with label Gilby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gilby. Show all posts

21st December 1928 - Buckland Women's Institute Annual Meeting

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W.I. Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the Buckland Women's Institute was held in the School on Wednesday in last week, when the President (Miss N. Pigg) was in the chair.

Following the singing of the National Anthem and the reading of the minutes, Mrs C.R. Turney, of Mardley Bury, gave an excellent talk on the co-operative spirit which is essential for the working of every Institute.

Mrs Turney afterwards gave a papier machie [sic] demonstration, and all members heartily endorsed a vote of thanks accorded her at the conclusion.

The affairs of the Institute were afterwards dealt with, the President introducing this business by her annual speech. The report of the secretary and the treasurer's balance sheet were also submitted, their adoption being duly proposed, seconded and carried.

The balance sheet showed a satisfactory balance in hand of about £10. The thanking of the officers for their past services caused much fun, each being individually thanked by members.

During tea, voting took place for the officers and Committee for the ensuing year, the result of the election being:

Secretary, Miss Gilby; President, Miss N. Pigg; Vice-Preisdent, Miss P. Morris; Committee: Mrs F. Pigg (Barkway), Miss F. Pigg, Miss G. Pigg, Mrs J. Carter, Mrs H. Carter, Miss N. Carter, Mrs R. Stoten, Mrs J. White, Mrs C. Jackson, Mrs J. Hurry, Miss R. Beale (Royston) and Miss M. Gilby.

A small jumble sale was held during the evening, following which games were indulged in. Songs were contributed by Miss P. Morris.

The prize for the best Christmas gift for 1/6 was awarded to Mrs Chris Whitby, of Reed, for raffia tea cosy and egg cosies. The singing of Auld Lang Syne brought a pleasant evening to a close.

29th October 1926 - Buckland Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

The monthly meeting for October was held on the 13th inst., in the School, and a very good attendance of members had another nice evening.

Business dispensed with, Mr C. Bullard (Letchworth), gave a very good demonstration on basket-making, a hearty vote of thanks being passed to him by Mrs J. Carter.

A memory competition was entered into by quite a large number, Mrs Jarman, Miss N. Carter, and Mrs H. Carter having to cut for the prize, the latter then winning.

Tea was served by Mrs J. Bishop, Mrs Geaves, Mrs Beadle, Mrs Masters, Mrs A. Gilby, and Mrs W. Hagger.

Exchange and Mart (jumble sale) was keenly entered into, and the saleswomen were kept fairly busy for quite a little time.

At the previous monthly meeting, Mrs E.T. Morris, Miss P. Morris, Mrs Masters, Mrs C. Jackson and Mrs H. Carter entertained the members with recitations, singing and music. 

Many jolly meetings are looked forward to as a Women's Institute singing class has been formed, and is in the capable hands of Mrs Edridge, of Furneaux Pelham.

24th December 1926 - Buckland Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

The monthly meeting was held in the school on December 8th.

Besides the ordinary Women's Institute business, the treasurer and secretary put their annual reports before the members, both being passed with hearty applause.

Voting for the 1927 Committee was carried out, and Mrs C.R. Turney (always a welcome visitor) with Mrs Kingsley kindly acted as tellers. Miss N. Pigg and Mrs Morris were again re-elected president and vice-president respectively.

Miss Coleman needed no introduction, having been to this Institute before, and her subject, "Icing a cake," proved very interesting, and Mrs Hill moved a vote of thanks to her on behalf of those present.

Two competitions, "Best bowl in papier mache," "Best darned sock," were won by Miss N. Carter and Mrs F. Pigg.

Miss G. Pigg, Mrs Mildren, Mrs F. Pigg, Mrs Stoton sen., Mrs Shepherd and Miss P. Malyon were hostesses for tea.

Recitations were given by Mrs Morris, Miss P. Morris, and Miss G. Gilby, with songs from Mrs Stoton and Mrs C. Jackson were much appreciated.

4th March 1927 - Death and Funeral of Mr H. Gilby

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Death and Funeral of Mr H. Gilby

Quite a gloom was cast over the village on Sunday, February 20th, when it became known that Henry Gilby (Nenny) had passed peacefully away the previous night. Though in failing health for some time, his end was sudden, at the age of 61 years.

Much sympathy has been expressed with his wife and two daughters in their sad loss. Always ready with a word and a joke - he will be missed by many.

The funeral took place on 24th February (Thursday) at 3 o'clock.

Beautiful floral tributes were as follows - "For Dad" from Mum and the girls; From Brother Albert, Liza and Nephew Harry; For dear dear Grandpa from little Daphne; With sincere sympathy from Mrs and Miss Mitchell; In loving memory of Uncle Henry from Nieces Agnes and Addie; With deep sympathy from all members of the Women's Institute and friends; With deepest sympathy from friends of the Football and Cricket Clubs.

The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr Wilson, of Barkway.

15th April 1927 - Buckland Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

On Wednesday, April 6th, the monthly meeting was held in the School at 6.30 p.m. This was arranged and very successfully carried through by members, the 1927 committee having a complete rest.

Mrs S. Pigg took the chair as President, Mrs F. Pigg was Vice-President, Mrs T. Pigg Secretary, and with the help of other members they are to be congratulated on such a successful and happy meeting.

Rather a lengthy business programme was gone through, and then Mrs Whiteside, of Barkway, gave a very interesting demonstration on sealing wax work.

The vote of thanks passed to this lady was very heartily carried.

Tea was a very pleasant time. The refreshments had been given by members, and thus the three-pences charged were clear profit, and these, with the pennies taken from those who would neither sing nor say, amounted to 15/9, which went to the Outing Fund.

Much fun was derived from the "Roll Call," as also from a play by four members, Mrs Young, Mrs Jarman, Mrs Tott and Miss M. Gilby, entitled "The Jumble Sale." It was well acted, and it is to be hoped will spur members on to thus entertain each other.

After a set of Musical Chairs, and Miss N. Pigg's congratulations on this well arranged meeting, the singing of God save the King brought another pleasent time to a close.

3rd Feb 1928 - Whist Drive

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Whist Drive

A successful whist drive was held at the Working Men's Club on Wednesday evening.

There were 44 present, and the prize-winners were as follows:

Ladies - 1 Mr W. Watson (playing as lady), 172; 2 Miss L. Clark, 172. Highest score first-half, Mr E. Pledger, 92; lowest, Mr W. Gilby.

Gents - 1 Mr C. Baker, 181; 2 Mr A. Postle, 171. Highest score second half, Mr Francis, 84; lowest, Mr C. Crane.

Mr H. Clark was M.C.

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