Showing posts with label Harvey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harvey. Show all posts

2nd March 1928 - Wyddiall Lantern Lecture

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Lantern Lecture

Mr J.W. Harvey, of Puckeridge, visited the parish of Wyddiall on Tuesday in last week, and gave an interesting lantern lecture on the subject of "True as Steel."

The connective story was read by the Rev. John Cole, of Buntingford, and there was a good number present, who were very interested in Mr Harvey's pictures.

Two favourite hymns were sung, and at the conclusion the Rector (Rev. Mc. C. Kerr) thanked the lecturer. A collection was taken on behalf of the Colportage Association.

18th January 1924 - Mr and Mrs Crofton's Generosity

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Mr and Mrs Crofton's Generosity

School Children Entertained

At the invitation of Mr and Mrs H. Crofton, of the Dial House, Westmill, the whole of the children attending the Westmill School were entertained to a treat at the Village Hall on Monday last.

A capital tea was served by the committee of the Women's Institute, and was much enjoyed.

After the tables were cleared, games organised by Mr and Miss Harvey and Miss Jackson afforded general delight.

At the close the Rev. A.G. King, on behalf of the children, expressed a hearty vote of thanks to Mr and Mrs Crofton for entertaining the children in such a pleasant manner, and to all those who had contributed in any way to make the treat such a success. Mrs Crofton, in responding, said she was pleased they had all had a good time, and said she was glad to see such a merry party.

Loud cheers were then given for Mr and Mrs Crofton, and the children dispersed after singing God Save the King.

10th December 1926 - Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

The Annual Meeting was held in the Village Hall on Wednesday, December 8th, 1926. The President was in the chair, supported by Mrs Hummerstone and Mrs Laird. The Tellers appointed were Messrs. Harvey and Pratt.

The report of the last annual meeting was read and signed. An interesting report of this year's work was given by Mrs Hummerstone, and the balance sheet presented by Mrs Laird, duly audited, showed a balance in hand of £3 18s. 2d.

The President introduced various matters of interest in a brief speech before moving the adoption of report and balance sheet, including the suggestion of adopting a "Village Flowers," and a Resolution to be sent up to the N.F.W.I. Annual Meeting.

Balloting for the new Committee took place, including officers and delegate. The 1927 Committee comprises: Mrs Bright, Mrs Deacon, Mrs Guinness, Mrs Harvey, Mrs C. Hummerstone, Mrs Lee, Mrs A. Pegram, Mrs H. Pegram, Mrs Read and Miss Woodward.

The President is Mrs Guinness, Vice-President Mrs C. Hummerstone, Delegate Mrs Deacon.

Votes of thanks were proposed and duly seconded and passed heartily to the Tellers, and Mr Bright, the Auditor, to Mrs C. Hummerstone as Hon. Sec., to Mrs Laird as Hon. Treas., and to Mrs Deacon as President 1926.

The meeting closed with the singing of England and the National Anthem.

25th February 1927 - Lantern Lecture

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Lantern Lecture

On Tuesday evening, Mr J.W. Harvey again visited the Congregational Schoolroom and gave another of his lantern lectures. The titles of earlier such lectures have been "Christie's old organ," "Poor old Joe," "Strike while the iron is hot." The one this week was entitled "Uncle Tom's Cabin."

It was shown to two large gatherings; first to the young folks and then to adults, and the lecture and story was very much appreciated by all present.

Mr Harvey and Mr M. Smith operated the slides, and the Minister read the story.

At both meetings a very entertaining hour was spent, and appreciation shown in the usual manner. A collection was taken at each gathering for the funds of the Colportage Association, and the Benediction and Doxology concluded the meetings.

The hymns sung were "O God, our help in ages past," and "Count your blessings."

11th February 1927 - Annual Vestry Meeting and Parochial Church Council

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Annual Vestry Meeting

The Annual Vestry Meeting, postponed from January 17th, was held at the Village Hall on Monday evening last. There was a scarce attendance owing to the prevalence of influenza.

The chair was taken by the Rector, the Rev. A.G. King, who proposed a vote of thanks to both the Churchwardens for their work during the past year. This was seconded by Mr F. Harvey.

Mr Laird was re-elected People's Warden, on the proposition of Mrs Coutts-Deacon, seconded by Mr Harvey. The Rectory nominated Mrs Greg as Rector's Warden.

Parochial Church Council

The first meeting of the newly elected Council was held on Monday evening last, the Rector, the Rev. A.G. King presiding. Mr Harvey was unanimously elected Vice-Chairman.

Mrs Coutts-Deacon's resignation as Hon. Secretary was received with regret, and after expressions of thanks to her, Mrs Bright was unanimously elected in her stead.

Mr J. Laird was elected Hon. Treasurer and Mrs Coutts-Deacon, Mr Harvey and Mr Laird as representatives to the Ruri-Decanal Conference.

This concluded the business of the meeting.

23rd July 1926 - Westmill Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

The July meeting was held on Wednesday, the 21st inst., at Knight's Hill, by kind invitation of Mrs Laird.

The usual proceedings took place and one new member elected at the business meeting, which was at 6.30.

A whist drive followed, prizes for which were given by six members, and the bountiful tea was given by Mrs Laird. There were eleven tables, Mrs Laird acting as M.C. It was a very stormy evening, so the proceedings were conducted under cover.

For the prizes, Mrs Darton and Mrs Lee tied for the first lady's; Mrs Pegram was awarded consolation, while an extra prize was won by Mr G. Warner (playing as lady).

Mr W. Jackson and Mr W. Baker won first and second gents' prizes respectively, Miss Bright (playing as gent) being awarded consolation prize.

Mr Harvey, for the visitors, proposed a very hearty vote of thanks to the hostess.

In spite of the weather, a very cheerful evening was spent.

9th July 1926 - Westmill School Entertainment

**Content warning: There is a racist term in the original article that I have censored in the text below, but is uncensored in the original image.**

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School Entertainment

The children of Westmill School gave a very successful entertainment on Friday in last week to a good and appreciative audience, in the Village Hall.

The first part of the programme took the nature of a ****** Troupe, and the boys acquitted themselves very creditably, with John Miller as Interlocutor and Charles and Ernest Pegram as cornermen, supported by Keith Bright and Edward Rayment.

To help in the singing, several girls dressed as pierrots gave a striking effect on the stage. This part concluded with a small sketch, entitled "The Ghost," very ably performed by the cornermen and Keith Bright, as ghost.

The second part was miscellaneous, chiefly devoted to the performance of the infants, which was capitally done and elicited continued applause from the audience.

Kathleen Jackson gave a monologue in a very clear and appreciative manner, followed by a song by Violet Miller, so well rendered that an encore was accorded her. 

The last item was a sketch, called "Who's Who?" performed by four girls (Hilda Reed, Elsie Bradbury, Alice Miller and Florrie Moule), all of whom gave a very good account of themselves, though the acting of Florence Moule as the servant, "Jemima Anne," brought round after round of laughter and applause.

A capital evening concluded with the National Anthem, and a hearty vote of thanks proposed by Mr C. Hummerstone to Mr Harvey and Miss Hankin was most warmly responded to.

As the entertainment was given in aid of the Nursing Fund, the sum of £4 1s. was handed over to Mrs C. Hummerstone, the secretary of the Westmill branch of the Nursing Association.

18th June 1926 - Buntingford Congregational Church

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Buntingford Congregational Church

Church Anniversary Services

Very successful and encouraging services were held on Wednesday week at the Congregational Church in connection with the Church Anniversary. There were very good congregations, including visitors from the neighbouring Churches.

Rev. W.T. Hailstone (Braughing), Rev. W.E. Mawby (Barkway) and Mr J.W. Harvey (Wood End) were also present. Mr Herbert Cutts was at the organ.

In the afternoon Divine Service was conducted by the Rev. T.H. Cooper, M.A., of Bushey, Herts., and Chairman of the Herts Congregational Union. Taking the texts, Rom. xiv. 7, "None of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself," and Genesis xxxii. 24, "And Jacob was left alone," Mr Cooper preached on the following lines: One of the greatest reasons for attending church services is that we may see life in its proper setting and proportion.

Day by day we are confronted with whatever makes our life's work. But we have spirits to be trained, and a real kinship with God Himself; then it is necessary that we start apart from life and look at it from the standpoint of Eternity and of God.

We go into the House of God that we may look at life from that deeper standpoint which makes us aware of ourselves also to those Churches which, in the wider Congregational life of the county, he would visit as Chairman. He extended a cordial welcome to Mr I. Bell, of Puckeridge, who was to be the Chairman for the evening meeting; and to the Ministers and other friends from the surrounding churches.

At the evening public meeting Mr Bell made an excellent chairman, and though he contended that speaking in public was not his strong point yet he carried out the duties of his office very ably.

Mr Mawby produced a deep impression by his earnest address, which was along the lines of the Ministry and the Pew. The Ministry was a life of continual discovery; there should be a "Fellowship" existing between Pulpit and Pew. He appealed for life to be lived from the supreme standpoint of Christ. We must never lose our place in the visible Church, and since we are the salt of the earth we must see to it that the salt never loses its savour.

Mr Cooper said that an anniversary occasion ought to be a time for a retrogression to Jesus Christ, so that we might maintain the purity of the tone of our lives, and be reminded again that to serve Him is the most inspiring thing in life.

Sometimes amid the problems of life, we seem to be making no impression, but we must take heart and courage and keep plodding on where God has placed us. As we get back to Christ we shall be more fruitful in service and more loyally His followers...The Christian Church rightly understood is none other than the Body of Christ; of this Body Christ makes use; He wants to do through the Church the same kind of thing that He did when He was here in the flesh.

The Church's concern will be primarily the spiritual interest of the community; she is also called upon to bear witness for her Lord, and it is in so far as the witness of everyone is added together that the music of life rises to God in sweetness. So we must keep the tone of our Christian service pure by caring for the things Jesus Christ cared for. So shall the Church be a true Church of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

During the meeting the Minister reported on the work of the Church and Sunday School, and at the close expressed the deep thanks of the Church to Mr Cooper, Mr Mawby and Mr Bell for their most helpful services and inspiring messages; to the Ladies' Committee, and whose who had assisted them in the preparations for the tea; to Mr Cutts, and to all who by time, service or gifts had contributed to the success of the occasion.

Offerings were taken during the day, and the financial results were also very satisfactory. The Benediction brought a most uplifting and encouraging Anniversary to a close.

13th May 1910 - Cook-general wanted

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Cook-general wanted for a quiet place in the country, liberal wages.

Address Mrs Harvey, Throcking Rectory, Buntingford.

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