Showing posts with label Kennedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kennedy. Show all posts

24th December 1926 - Concert at the Benson Hall

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Concert at the Benson Hall

For the Buntingford & District Nursing Association

The concern given at the Benson Hall on December 15th by "The Bunties" Concert Party, attracted a crowded audience that spent a very delightful evening.

The concert party were so successful last season that they decided to carry on during the 1926-27 season, and it must be said that their new programme went with a swing from beginning to end.

The items consisted of the latest musical "hits," and many of the choruses were taken up by the enthusiastic audience. Mrs G. Scarborough Taylor and Mr B. Kennedy were loudly applauded for their two special numbers "Waiting for the Moon" and by request, "Leander."

Mr J. White sang "Leanin" and "An Old-Time Song," being assisted in the latter by Mrs Scarborough Taylor. Mrs G. Armstrong, who last year gave such delightful dances, was partnered with Mr Bobbie Adamson, and their "Charleston" number was one of the best items on the programme.

Mrs Armstrong and Mr Brian Kennedy had a great reception for their picture from the past "A Second Minuet"; they were re-called twice, and each received gifts from members of the audience.

Mrs G. Scarborough Taylor's interpretation of Gounod's "Flower Song" (from Faust) was perfect, and won a deafening encore.

Mrs G. Armstrong and Mrs Scarborough Taylor sang with success "Ukelee." Mr G. Armstrong's droll monologues kept the audience in a ripple of laughters, as did Mr G. Scarborough Taylor in a first-class comedy act "Where are the Girls of the Old Brigade."

"Poor Papa," sung by Mr Bobbie Adamson was another number which brought rounds of applause. Of the concerted numbers "The Biff Brigade" is worthy of special mention; the marching and turning of the troupe, dressed as toy soldiers, was exceedingly well done. "Then I'll be happy" "There may be Days" and "A little bit of fun"; the latter with the aid of the entire adience, were other successful numbers by the Company. The concerted numbers by Mr G. Armstrong and Mr Scarborough Taylor also deserve mention.

A dramatic sketch, "The Brass Door-Knob," was given by Mrs G. Armstrong and Mr Scarborough Taylor, and was performed so well that the audience were spellbound till the final curtain. "The Bunty Medley," arranged by Rieta Hull, the accomplished pianist to the troupe brought the evening to a close.

The stage lighting and management and effects were undertaken by Messrs. H.M. Blakiston, B.E. Thody, J. Handy and H. Feasey. Miss Ward greatly assisted the production.

At the close, Mr Claud Fraser called for three cheers for the Troupe and thanked them for such a delightful programme.

It is understood that the net proceeds, which will be paid over to the Nursing Fund, are expected to reach £20.

4th June 1926 - Rural District Council

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Rural District Council

A meeting of the Rural District Council followed, Captain H.H. Williams presiding.

The Emergency Committee

The Chairman said he thought the members would like to express their thanks to the volunteer workers who assisted during the recent emergency.

The following resolution was then moved by the Chairman and seconded by Mr C. Hummerstone:

"The R.D.C. wishes to express its sincere appreciation of the assistance afforded it by voluntary workers during the recent emergency.

In particular the thanks of the Council are due to Mr Scarborough Taylor for the time and trouble he gave to the compilation of data relative to the food supplies of the district. The invaluable clerical assistance of Mrs Scarborough Taylor and Mr Frank Fraser is greatfully acknowledged.

The Council is also greatly indebted to a Committee of Traders for advice and suggestions. Messrs. F.W. Butler, S.G. Lees, B. Kennedy and H. Feasey were most helpful in carrying messages and communications by cycle and motor-cycle; and Mr B.E. Thody was of constant assistance in many ways.

Mr Bayman, of Forrest Stores, very kindly obtained food supplies from Bishop Stortford on behalf of the district in general.

Further the Council desires to thanks its officers, Mr E.G. Thody and Mr E.C. Clarke for the generous and untiring manner in which they performed the additional duties which fell to them.

Surveyor's Report

The Surveyor reported as follows:

Isolation Hospital

One patient was admitted on May 5th suffering from scarlet fever. There are no other cases under treatment.


The consumption of water during the past month has been:

1st week - 250,000 gallons.

2nd week - 204,000 gallons.

3rd week - 190,000 gallons.

4th week - 255,000 gallons.

The water level remains at 42ft., being the same as at May last. During the past three weeks the men have been engaged in overhauling the pumps and fitting new couplings. We hope to complete the work this week.

Coal Emergency

The merchants' stocks of coal are getting low, and in view of the circumstances I have communicated with the representative of the Mines Department respecting an offer of foreign coal.


Speed of Motor Vehicles

The Clerk stated that he had received a communication from the County Council stating that the warning boards for motorists could be erected subject to the sites being approved by the County Council.


Tenders were received for painting, &c., the exterior of the Sunny Hill houses.

The following tenders were received, that of Messrs. Attwood & Son being accepted  Mr G. Handy, £192; Messrs. Attwood & Son, £58 16s.

14th May 1926 - Correspondence

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We have received the following letter from Mr G. Scarborough Taylor, who has been acting as Transport Officer to the Buntingford district on behalf of the Ministry of Transport Committee for Hertfordshire:

To the Editor, Buntingford Gazette.

Dear Sir,

I trust you will permit me to thank the following for their very ready and willing assistance they gave in help me carry out duties in connection with haulage of food supplies during the recent strike:

Mr Bayman, of Forrest Stores, who obtained food supplies from Bishops Stortford on behalf of the district, and for seeing the various grocers so as to ensure no shortage;

Messrs F.W. Butler, S.G. Lees, B. Kennedy and H. Feasey, for their time and use of motor cycles and bicycles in going round the district;

Mr Frank Fraser and Mrs Scarborough Taylor for their clerical assistance and tabulating records of food supplies;

and last, but certainly not least, to Mr B.E. Thody for the almost continual and numerous ways he has readily assisted.

Yours faithfully,

G. Scarborough Taylor

Buntingford, May 13th, 1926.

14th May 1926 - The Great Strike

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The Great Strike

The General Strike was called off by the Council of The Trades' Union Congress at 1.15 p.m. on Wednesday.

The Prime Minister had made it quite clear that the Strike had to be called off without conditions being entered into by the Government.

It is the view of many that the steadfastness displayed by the people as a whole really brought about the decision to abandon the General Strike. The Trade Union leaders, it is thought, must have seen that this weapon was, in the long run, bound to tell. If the Strike had not been called off by the T.U.C. there would, in a few days time, have been no strike to call off, so numerous were men returning to work.

As Mr Baldwin said, it was a victory for the common sense of the best part of the people of the United Kingdom.


During the recent crisis, the Buntingford Rural District Council formed themselves into a District Emergency Committee, and meetings were held on Thursday, Saturday, and Tuesday.

It was stated that under the Emergency Act of 1926 the Council had been vested with various powers.

Captain E.T. Morris stated that the ratepayers of the district should know that their representatives on the Council were watching matters on their behalf.

The question of food supplies was discussed at the meeting on Thursday, and returns called for from local traders.

The Chairman (Captain H.H. Williams) and Mr Scarborough Taylor undertook the work of securing returns from the Buntingford tradesmen, and these were carefully tabulated by Mrs Scarborough Taylor, Mr Claud Fraser, and helpers.

At the meeting of the Emergency Committee, held at the Board Room on Saturday, Mr Scarborough Taylor was co-opted on the Committee. He reported that with the assistance of Mr F.W. Butler, Mr B.E. Thody, and Mr B. Kennedy, he had made a survey of the whole of the Buntingford district, and that foodstuffs appeared sufficient to meet the normal demands of the public for some time.

The Council thought this was most re-assuring.


On Monday, Mr Scarborough Taylor, who was appointed Transport Officer for the Buntingford district, made a complete list of all the motor transport which could be called upon for the conveyance of foodstuffs to the district.


Matters became so well organised that by Wednesday morning it was found practicable to establish a free canteen for all lorry drives passing through the town. The canteen was opened at Mr Maughan's office in the High Street, and a large notice was posted up to the effect that drivers of lorries and special constables on duty could obtain free refreshments between the hours of 8 p.m. and 8 a.m.

There was a general rush of volunteers to assist with the scheme, and four shifts were arranged: Mr H.C. Marshall and Mr F.W. Butler taking the first turn from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., Mr G.H. Maughan and Mr G. Scarborough Taylor from 11 p.m. to 2 a.m., Mr C.S. Knowles, Mr S. Lees and Mr H.A. Thody from 2 a.m. to 5 a.m., and Mr H. Clarke and Mr B.E. Thody from 5 a.m to 8 a.m.

During Wednesday night, 87 drivers of lorries were entertained at the Canteen, and all were very grateful for the hospitality shown. A large number of the men were on long-distance trips, and as some were on their journey to London from the North it was decided to run the canteen on Thursday night also. Again many drivers took advantage of the opportunity for a rest and refreshment.

Thanks are due to the ladies' committee, who were responsible for the provisions. The committee were Mrs H.C. Marshall, Mrs G. Scarborough Taylor, Mrs Amstrong, Mrs G.H. Maughan and Mrs E.G. Thody.


Although there were no trains on the Buntingford Branch a service of buses was started on Monday morning, the Buntingford driver taking the 8.10 bus to Ware as usual.


The welcome news that the strike was to be called off, was made known by wireless shortly after 1 p.m. on Wednesday. The announcer said further announcements would be held over for a few minutes as some important news was expected.

After a few minutes wait, he read a message from No. 10, Downing Street, to the effect that the Trades' Union Congress had decided to call off the strike. Within a few minutes flags were flying from many windows in the High Street.


As was generally expected no papers reached Buntingford during the first two or three days of the strike. A British Gazette was posted up at the Police Station on Thursday, and two strike specials were issued in the district. This paper and the Hertfordshire Mercury published their usual editions on Friday.

On Sunday evening a supply of Continental Daily Mails, brought from France by aeroplane, were delivered in the town, and there was a ready sale for the paper, which contained photographs of strike scenes in London.

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the British Gazette was freely sold in the district, and gave confidence.

19th Oct 1928 - Next Week's Concert

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Next Week's Concert

It would not be exaggerating to say that the concert to be given in the Women's Institute Hall on Wednesday, 24th October, promises to be one of the best of recent years.

The artistes that are taking part need no introduction, for they have gained high admiration for the excellence of their contributions from all local audiences. They are Mrs Scarborough Taylor, Mrs G. Armstrong, Mr E. Newey, Mr E. Lake, Mr Basil Jarman, and Mr Brian Kennedy.

The popular Mavis Dance Band will take part. The programme includes in addition to songs, comedy and elocution, the one-act farce "In the cellar," which is certain to evoke laughter and amusement.

Tickets can be obtained from Mr H. Fry, price 3s., 2s. and 1s.

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