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Benson Hall
In spite of the heavy rain which fell last Wednesday evening, the dance in the Benson Hall was well attended; in fact, nearly as many were present as could fit comfortably on the spacious floor, which is known as the best dancing floor for miles around.
Mr Blakiston, who filled the post of M.C. in his usual accomplished manner, announced that prizes would be given for a spot dance and for the best "fancy dress." No prizes had been promised for either event, but the Management felt that some recognition was due to the large number who had braved the elements, among whom were visitors from Cottered, Therfield, Puckeridge, Aspenden and Hare Street.
The Standon Orchestra kindly undertook the difficult task of judging the entries in the "Fancy Dress Parade" - "difficult" because of the clever portrayal of the varied characters selected. The prizes went to Miss Kelly, The Limes, Therfield, who came as the "Blue Moon"; and to Mr Kelly, of the same address, who was a "French Cavalier," with wig, uniform, cocked hat, and sword complete.
The gentlemen, however, had already agreed that as the "fancy dress" ladies exceeded the gentlemen in number, the men's prize should go to the second lady, and this award was to Miss May Mulvany (of Aspenden), who represented a "Spinning Top."
The spot dance prizes were won by Mr Mead and Miss Norris; and the "lucky ticket" prize of 7/6 by Mr W. Game of Buntingford.
Novelties were distributed after the interval. Masks, hats, crowns, spectacles, false noses, whistles, puff-outs and similar features added to the general merriment; and red electrics enhanced the colour scheme adopted by the energetic Decorating Committee, who had suspeded festoons and streamers across the Hall, producing an effect well worth seeing.
The refreshments, to which justice was done, were provided by the Committee and friends. The total receipts came to £7 11s. 1d.
Father Morgan wishes to thank all who helped to make the event such a success, both the capable workers and those who patronised the dance in spite of the inclement weather.
An invitation "Leap Year" dance is announced for February 29th, with the new Buntingford Dance Orchestra in attendance.