Showing posts with label Town Silver Band. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Town Silver Band. Show all posts

28th December 1928 - The Christmas Festival

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The Christmas Festival

Although the Clerk of the Weather denied us of a seasonable Christmas - reserving the snow a little late - he could not spoil one of the most enjoyable Yuletides of recent years.

Torrential rain and carols by the Town Silver Band ushered in the festive day, throughout which sparkled from a blue sky continuous sunshine, giving to many that gift which can be bought at no price but only received from the Great Giver Who gives gifts not only at Christmas but every day.

As far Buntingford and district was concerned the season was happily spent; bright and hearty services at all churches were well attended; and merriment ran high at family parties and other events which were quite in keeping with the traditional Christmas spirit.

28th December 1928 - Aspenden Church Services etc

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Church Services, &c.

The Holy Communion will be administered after the morning service on Sunday next, and a special carol service will be given at 3 o'clock in the afternoon by the Buntingford Town Silver Band. This service should be largely attended.

The Rector will preach in the evening on the fitting subject: "Life's New Pathway," at which service there should also be a large congregation.

On New Year's Eve (December 31st) there will be a Watch Night Service at 11.15 p.m., and the Holy Communion will be celebrated the following day at 11a.m.

21st December 1928 - Aspenden Christmas Services

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Christmas Services, &c.

The Rector will conduct all the services at the Parish Church during Christmastide, which are arranged as follows:

Sunday, December 23rd - Holy Communion 8.30 a.m., 12.15 and 7.30 p.m.; matins and sermon 11 a.m.; evensong and sermon 6.30 p.m.

At the morning service the Rector will take for his subject "The Christmas Star," and in the evening, when the service will take the nature of a carol service, during which the day school children will sing, the subject to be treated will be "The Christmas Child."

On Christmas Day the Holy Communion will be administered at 8 a.m. and after the service at 11 a.m., the subject at which will be "The First Christmas Night."

On Sunday, December 30th, Holy Communion will be administered at 12.15, and in addition to the morning and evening services at 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. respectively, there will be a carol service by the Buntingford Town Silver Band at 3 p.m.

There will be a watch night service on New Year's Eve at 11.15 p.m., and the Holy Communion will be administered on New Year's Day at 11 a.m.

5th August 1927 - Town Silver Band

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Town Silver Band

The Town Band took the opportunity of holding a dance when holiday-makers to the town would be able to contribute to their funds by purchasing tickets, and as a result a large number was present at the Benson Hall on Saturday evening.

The Band provided their own dance music, and continuous enjoyment lasted for several hours.

To raise further funds, the Band are holding a garden fete on August 27th, and further particulars will be announced in due course.

It is hoped that fine weather will prevail on this occasion and that many will be present to contribute to the funds.

6th August 1926 - Buntingford Horticultural Society

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Buntingford Horticultural Society

Annual Show

The Buntingford Flower Show was held in Corney Bury Park yesterday (Thursday) and was a pronounced success.

The quality of the exhibits were exceptionally fine, and we believe the number of entries constituted a record for the Society.

For the first time since 1914, the Buntingford Horticultural Society staged its Annual Show entirely on its own.

Since 1920, the Society has held its shows in conjunction with the Agricultural Society, but as this Society held its Show at Hertford this year, the Horticultural Society reverted to is old date in August.

All roads led to Corney Bury Park, where, by kind permission of Mr W.J. Wedd, the show was staged. It is estimated that there were quite 3,000-4,000 people present.

The show as a whole was a distinct advance on last year, and approximated to the old-time shows which made Buntingford famous for its flower shows. The entries totalled just over 762. The quality of the exhibits was also of a fine standard.

The trade exhibits were very fine, the displays of roses by Messrs. Chaplin's (Waltham Cross), Messrs. Harkness (Hitchin), Mr J. Pigg (Royston) and Mr C. Bolton (Wyddiall) being exceptionally fine. Mr H.A. Thody had a fine show of fruit.

Other Attractions

The Buntingford Town Silver Band, under Mr E. Smith, were present, and their selections during the day were greatly enjoyed.

Among the various other attractions was a demonstration with live bees by Mr Herrod-Hempstall, F.E.S., expert to the Ministry of Agriculture, and entertainments, side-shows, &c.

In the evening dancing to the band took place. At dusk a magnificent firework display was given by Messrs. J. Wells, of London. W. Thurston's up-to-date amusements were well patronised.

The Management

An immense amount of organising work had been put in by the Hon. Secretary, Mr E.G. Thody, and by the General Committee.

Mr Thody has held the post of Secretary and Joint Secretary for 40 years and his experience and worth is beyond computation. In addition he was a most successful exhibitor.

The Officers were:

President - H.C. Marshall, Esq.

Committee - Messrs. A.C. Bartlett, C. Bolton, G. Budd, H. Clarke, J. Cornwell, E. Crane, J. Dean, E.E. Dennis, T. Dibbin, H. Fry, W.G. Jones, J. May, H. Money, T. Rolfe, G. Scarborough Taylor, F. Sharp, W. Nichols, B.E. Thody, J. Totman, C. Walters, T. Hummerstone, W. Watkins, B. Rustead, and A. Warner.

1st October 1926 - Town Silver Band

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Town Silver Band

For the third year in succession the Buntingford Town Band have entered in the junior section at the National Band Festival at the Crystal Palace.

The Festival was held on Saturday last, and the Buntingford Band journeyed to the Palace by charabanc, leaving Buntingford at 6.30 a.m.

The Championship was won by the famous St Hilda Colliery Band, who recently gave two delightful programmes of music in Buntingford. 

The Band, therefore, hold the thousand guinea challenge trophy which was on view in Buntingford early last year.

The St Hilda Band has many friends in Buntingford and district, and their success has given much satisfaction.

Up to going to press it is not known whether the Buntingford Band were successful in the competition.


[Note - Buntingford were not successful.

3rd December 1926 - Buntingford Town Band Whist Drive and Dance

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Buntingford Town Band

Whist Drive and Dance

A whist drive and dance, in aid of the Buntingford Town Silver Band funds, was held at the Benson Hall on Wednesday evening last.

Sixteen tables were in use for whist, Mr T. Wornham officiating as M.C.

Scoring was not very high. Mrs B.E. Thody took first lady's prize - Half a tea set - with a score of 172. The second prize, a pretty floating bowl, was won by Miss Norman, Mr W. Watson (playing as lady) securing third prize - a pair of glass candlesticks.

In the gents section, Mr H. Howard was first, winning half-dozen stainless steel knives. Mr Budd took second prize (a tobacco jar), and Mr Leslie Smith third - a hot water bottle.

The Rev. Fr. Morgan gave a beaded girdle as a lucky number prize, which was won by Mrs Bishop.

The prizes were presented by Miss Lushington, who made a few well-chosen remarks.

Later dancing was indulged in till midnight - the music being supplied by members of the Town Band.

7th January 1927 - Whist Drive And Dance

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Whist Drive And Dance

The Town Silver Band made a profit of £3 from the Whist Drive and Dance organised by the committee, and held at the George Hotel Assembly Room on Friday evening last.

There was an excellent company present, 20 tables being in use for whist. Other persons came in later for dancing, the room being crowded.

At midnight "Auld Lang Syne" was heartily sung, the company joining hands.

The successful whist players were:

Ladies - 1, Miss Hatchett; 2, Mr W. Budd (playing as lady); 3, Miss M. Cornwell.

Gents - 1, Mr Gilbey; 2, Mr C. Tottman; 3, Mr W. Watson.

Mr T. Wornham was an efficient M.C. for both whist and dancing.

The whist prizes were vouchers for goods to be purchased in the town.

The event was most successful, everyone having a jolly good time.

Music for dancing was supplied by Mrs Stapley (piano) and the Town Silver Band.

25th February 1927 - Correspondence from Miss G. Lushington

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To the Editor, Buntingford Gazette

Dear Sir,

Through the medium of the Buntingford Gazette, I wish to thank all those who so kindly helped to make the Buntingford Nursing Fund whist drive and dance such a success, either by the gift of prizes, money towards expenses, cakes and other refreshments, and last but not least, to those who gave personal service special thanks are due, and to the Band and Mr Bishop who kindly relieved them.

I am pleased to tell you I have handed £8 8s. to the Treasurer as the result, after all expenses have been paid.

I much regretted the absence, through illness, of about 12 regular patrons, wishing them a speedy recovery.

Believe me, yours truly,

G. Lushington.

Absesdene, February 27th, 1927.

25th February 1927 - Whist

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The Town Band held another successful whist drive on Saturday last, when prizes were won by:

Ladies - 1, Miss D. Wornham; 2, Mr E. Scrivener (playing as lady).

Gents - 1, Mr Hurry; 2, Mr W. Cooze.

The spot dance continues to prove popular, and this week's winners were: Miss D. Bush and Mr H. Handy.

There was a good company present, and dancing to the music of the band was much enjoyed. Mrs Nash also assisted at the piano.

Mr Wornham was M.C. for both whist and dancing.

18th February 1927 - Whist

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Organised by the Buntingford Town Silver Band, a successful whist drive was held at the Assembly Room, the George Hotel, on Saturday evening last.

Mr T. Wornham was M.C., and prizes were won by the following:

Ladies - 1 Mr A. Postle, 2 Mr H. Handy (both playing as lady).

Gents - 1 Mr E. Hurry, 2 Mr S. Saunders.

A spot dance competition was won by Miss Cook and Mr Ivan Sharp.

4th February 1927 - Whist

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There was a good gathering at the Assembly Rooms, the George Hotel, on Saturday evening, January 22nd, on the occasion of a whist drive and dance, organised by the Town Silver Band.

Mr T. Wornham was M.C. for both whist and dancing, and the prizes, which were vouchers for goods to be purchased in the town, were won by the following:

Ladies - 1, Mr H. Handy (playing as lady); 2, Miss Marshall.

Gents - 1, Mr S. Pledger; 2, Mr B. Dowler.

A spot dance prize was won by Mr Roberts and Mrs Case.

4th February 1927 - Death of Mr A.T. Stapley

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Death of Mr A.T. Stapley

We regret to announce the death of Mr A.T. Stapley.

At the time of his death, the deceased was living at Brandon, Suffolk, where he was very popular.

His wife, who resided at Buntingford, went to Brandon on hearing of his illness, and was with him up to the time of his death, which occurred on Friday last.

Mr Stapley was a man with a generous and jovial disposition, and was for a time a professional entertainer. He was at one time in business in Buntingford, and was Bandmaster of the Town Band.

An accomplished pianist, he was much sought after at all local concerts, dinners, &c., and he used to stage a professional concert part at the Annual Conservative Fete. He loved the entertaining business, and his jolly personality made all his items a success.

Known to his many friends as "A.T.," he was always willing to help any local cause. On occasions when a speaker has failed to arrive at a political meeting he has hastily organised an impromptu concert and kept everyone happy.

Some of his screamingly funny songs were "Three nice girls," "What shall we do with the children" and "The Galloping Major."

He will be remembered by the members of the Town Band as a smart and efficient conductor, and although he severed his connection with the band some years ago, he has followed their activities with a keen interest, and when the band was rehearsing for the last Crystal Palace Contest he made a special visit to hear the test piece played.

Some three years ago he played the piano at a dance held at the George Hotel, and few who were present will forget the enthusiasm he created and the deafening applause which greeted him.

Much sympathy is extended to his widow and mother, both of whom reside in Buntingford.


Read the report of the funeral.

25th March 1927 - Whist

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The weekly whist drive and dance in aid of the Town Silver Band continues to prove popular, and on Saturday there was the usual large number present.

The prizes went to the following:

Ladies - 1 Mr J. Wornham (playing as lady), 2 Miss Flynn, lowest score Mrs Daniels.

Gents - 1 Mr H. Cutts, 2 Mr H. Clark, lowest score Mr H. Hatchett.

Lucky chair, Mr F. Ward; spot dance competition, Mr P. Saunders and Miss K. Smith.

18th March 1927 - Whist

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At the weekly whist drive, in aid of the Town Silver Band, the prize-winners were:

Ladies - 1 Mr E. Ward (playing as lady), 2 Mrs J. Aylott. Lowest score  Mr C. Smith (playing as lady).

Gents - 1 Mr Hiddel, 2 Mr E. Martin. Lowest score - Mr J. Philpott.

Lucky chair prize - Miss Marshall.

Over 100 were present for dancing, which terminated at midnight.

This week's winners of the spot dance competition were Mr Dowler and Mrs Case.

11th March 1927 - Town Band Whist

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Town Band

There must have been somewhere about 120 dancers at the George Assembly Room on Saturday, on the occasion of the weekly whist drive and dance organised by the town silver band.

Mr T. Wornham acted as M.C., and the whist prizes went to the following:

Ladies - 1 Mrs Aylott, 2 Mrs Turrell. Booby - Mrs S. Smith.

Gents - 1 Mr H. Handy, 2 Mr W. Budd. Booby - Mr A. Martin.

With so many dancing, it is a wonder that not more than four persons shared the spot dance prize.

As it was two couples were adjudged to be dancing on the spot previously selected by the judges, and the prize was shared between - Miss Philpott and Mr S. Warren and Mr Cannon and partner.

4th March 1927 - Whist

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A larger number than ever participated at the whist drive and dance, organised by the Town Band, on Saturday evening.

Mr T. Wornham again officiated as M.C., and the successful whist players were:

Ladies - 1 Mrs Case, 2 Mrs Capps.

Gents - 1 Mr H. Parker, 2 Mr W. Watson.

22nd April 1927 - Town Band

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Town Band

The Town Silver Band took advantage of the holiday by arranging two whist drives and dances in aid of the new instrument fund. Both proved successful.

At the Saturday evening event prizes were won by Mrs Nash and Mrs Goodwin, Mr Cook and Mr E. Martin for whist, and by Mrs Handy and partner for the dancing competition.

On Monday there was again an excellent company present, when whist prizes went to the following:

Ladies - 1 Mrs Bishop, 2 Mrs Dray, 3 Miss Hatchett.

Gents - 1 Mr J. Wornham, 2 Mr S. Dowler, 3 Mr S. Smith.

Lucky ticket, Mr Humbly.

Spot dance winners - Miss M. Cornwell and Mr P. Wright.

Mr T. Wornham ably carried out the duties of M.C. at both events.

15th April 1927 - Whist Drive

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Whist Drive

Another enjoyable evening was spent by all who participated in the weekly whist drive and dance held at the George Hotel on Saturday evening last, in aid of the Town Silver Band.

Prizes were won by the following:

Ladies - 1 Mr E. Bruce (playing as lady), 2 Mr J. Philpott (playing as lady), lowest score - Mrs Watson.

Gents - 1 Mr S. Pledger, 2 Mr H. Clark. Lowest score - Mr Heddell.

In the spot dance competition the prize was won by Miss Cook and Mr L. Smith. Mr T. Wornham was the efficient M.C.

8th April 1927 - Whist

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Prizes at the whist drive, held on Saturday evening in aid of the Town Band funds, were won by the following:

Ladies - 1 Mr S. Pledger (playing as lady), 2 Miss E. Cutts. Lowest score - Mrs S. Smith.

Gents - 1 Mr South, 2, Mr C. Baker. Lucky chair - Mr C. Crane.

Spot dance competition - Mr L. Smith and Miss D. Bush.

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