Showing posts with label Darnell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Darnell. Show all posts

26th Nov 1926 - Barley Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

Tuesday, the 9th inst., the November meeting was held in the Town House, with Miss Frances Wilkerson (President) in the chair.

Sir Cecil Neumann gave a very interesting and instructive lecture upon South Africa, which was greatly appreciated. After tea had been served by Mrs G. Chuck and her helpers, Mrs Casbon gave an account of the half-yearly Council meeting of the Herts. Federation which she had attended as delegate.

The President reminded members that voting for the new committee would take place at the next meeting, so their nominations should at once be placed in the box, or during the month, when it would be at the Post Office (by kind permission of Messrs. Hagger & Co.)

A parade of home-made dresses (for which there were unfortunately only four entries), the materials to cost 10s. or under, was then held in which the prize winners were - 1 Miss Darnell, 2 Miss Kate Wilkerson.

The meeting closed with the singing of "Jerusalem," and the National Anthem.

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