Showing posts with label Freeman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freeman. Show all posts

6th August 1926 - Buntingford Local Association of Boy Scouts

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Buntingford Local Association of Boy Scouts

The Annual Rally in connection with the Buntingford and District Local Association of Boy Scouts was held on Wednesday in last week at Longmead (by king permission of H.C. Marshall, Esq., J.P.) There was keen competition and the rally was very successful.

The following three troops competed - Buntingford, Brent Pelham and Furneaux Pelham.

A 3 o'clock the scouts, who were in charge of District Commissioner Major M.E. Barclay, paraded on the Market Hill and then marched to "Longmead," where they competed for the Shield, which was previously held by the Brent Pelham Troop.

As will be seen by the following list, Buntingford and Brent Pelham each gained 75 out of a possible 90 marks, and therefore will hold the shield for six months each.


Turnout - 17

Ambulance - 15

Signalling - 16

Tent Pitching - 17 

Fire Lighting - 10

Total - 75

Brent Pelham

Turnout - 18

Ambulance - 14

Signalling - 20

Tent Pitching - 15

Fire Lighting - 8

Total - 75

Furneaux Pelham

Turnout - 16

Ambulance - 11

Signalling - 18

Tent Pitching - 14

Fire Lighting - 9

Total - 68

Marks possible 90.

The judges were Dr Campbell, Mr E.E. Dennis and Mr G. Last, and Messrs. A. Lake, F.W. Butler, A. Freeman and E.J. Totman acted as stewards.

Mrs Marshall kindly presented the shield to the winning troops, and the scouts thoroughly enjoyed the other sports which took place.

Mr E.E. Dennis (Hon. Sec and Treasurer) thanked Mr and Mrs Marshall for their kindness in placing the meadow at the disposal of the Association, and also for the excellent tea which had been provided.

Major Barclay also spoke of the great interest Mr Marshall had always taken in the Scout Movement in the district.

Cheers were then given for Mr and Mrs Marshall, Major Barclay (Secretary) and helps.

Special thanks are due to Messrs. G. Handy, H. May, S. Daniels, E.G. Thody, B.E. Thody, Harry Clark and the Buntingford Congregational Church for loan of materials.


We have been asked to mention that Scoutmasters are still wanted. More troops could be found if Scoutmasters can be obtained.

30th July 1926 - Layston Sunday School Festival

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Layston Sunday School Festival

The annual festival in connection with the Layston Church Sunday School was held on Saturday last.

After a short service in St Peter's, the children, accompanied by Rev. A. and Mrs Howard, the teachers, mothers and other helpers, proceeded to Aspenden House at the kind invitation of Captain and Mrs Williams, who not only welcomed the Sunday School to their beautiful grounds, but provided a bountiful tea for all on the lawn.

After tea a well-planned programme of sports was carried out by Mr Albert Freeman and Mr George Hill, the races causing much interest and amusement to the lookers-on. Bucket ball was popular with all, including the mothers and teachers.

Mr and Mrs Claud Fraser and Miss H. Fraser and Mr and Mrs R.H. Hardy and their children were also present.

When the programme ended prizes were distributed to the winners, but by this time the rain, which had threatened to fall during the afternoon, became persistent, and after cheers for Capt. and Mrs Williams and the National Anthem the company broke up after a very enjoyable afternoon.

24th Feb 1928 - Layston Annual Church Meeting

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Layston Annual Church Meeting

The Annual Church Meeting of the electors of Layston was held at the Women's Institute Hall on Tuesday evening, when there was a good attendance.

Following prayer and the reading of the collect for Ash Wednesday by the Vicar (Rev A. Howard), who was in the chair, the minutes of the previous meeting were read by the hon. secretary and treasurer of the Parochial Church Council, and these were duly signed.

Mr Maughan, in presenting the report of the Church Council for the past year, mentioned that an active Church Councillor had been lost by the death of Mrs H. Coleman. The receipts for last year amounted to £75 4s. 0 3/4d., and the expenditure totalled £73 8s. 2 1/2d., which left a larger balance in hand than the previous year. The sum paid to special societies during the past year amounted to £49 4s. 9d.

Mr Fraser moved the adoption of the accounts, and Mrs M. Corp seconded Mr Fraser's proposal.

The Electoral Roll was presented, showing that 16 names had been erased due to death and removals, and 29 had been added, and the number now on the Roll was 252.

It was reported that Mrs Howard had been able to send the full quota (£35) to the Diocesan Board of Finance, this amount being chiefly comprised of contributions received in connection with the Free-Will-Offering-Scheme.

The Parochial Church Council, viz., Mrs J. Smith, Mrs Howard, Mrs Dixon, Mrs Butler, Mrs Macklin, Mrs Corp, Miss Boniwell, Miss Davies, and Messrs. Freeman, Miles and Pateman, were re-elected en bloc on the proposition of Capt. Tollemache, seconded by Mrs H. Clarke. Miss Woods was appointed to fill the vacancy on the Council.

Another representative, in addition to Mr Fraser, was required for the Diocesan Conference, and Mrs Howard was appointed, she having expressed her willingness to serve.

Mesdames Butler, Macklin, Dixon and Howard were elected representatives on the Ruri-decanal Conference.

Regarding the repair of the organ at St Peter's, the vicar expressed his thankfulness that what he considered to be a "stumbling stone" had been rolled away, and after paying nearly £50 to Messrs. Corps there was a small balance left over, and this he had placed to the magazine account, because he was continually paying money from his own pocket to meet expenses which the magazine entailed.

The new heating apparatus has involved a further expenses, and the vicar mentioned that after paying £50 to Messrs. Grundy a sum of £29 was still needed, and he appealed to all to help raise this amount.

The vicar also mentioned that the initial expenses in connection with the new Churchyard were being borne by Mr Fraser, and the Bishop would consecrate the ground in the spring. The Bishop would also conduct a Confirmation Service at St Peter's on June 22nd.

Warm thanks were expressed by the vicar to all the officers for their past services, also to Mr Fraser (the host of the evening) and all helpers, and this concluded the business meeting.

Refreshments, which had been kindly provided by Mr Fraser, were then served, and musical programme followed. Miss M. Macklin, who presided at the piano throughout the evening, gave two delightful pianoforte solos, and Mrs Armstrong sang "The Second Minuet" with fine expression.

Mrs Corp's song "My ain folk" was also very much enjoyed. Mr E.E. Dennis then conducted community singing, such well-known songs as "Billy Boy," "Bobby Shaftoe" and "Loch Lomod" being popular with all; closing with the well-known hymn, "Jesus, Lover of my Soul," to the beautiful Welsh tune, Aberystwyth.

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