Rural Evening Classes
The Buntingford Local Education Sub-Committee, of which the Rev. F.R. Williams, Rector of Anstey, is the chairman, have obtained the sanction of the County Council for classes to be held at Buntingford technical Institute during the season 1926-27 in some ten subjects.
The comprise woodwork, educational, handwork, and domestic handicrafts, shorthand, book keeping and office routine, and four new subjects - cookery, needlework, agriculture and horticulture.
There is a greater choice of subjects, and this is certain to prove very advantageous, and there is every promise that the young men and women of this town and district will seize the opportunity offered of making themselves proficient in one or more of the selected subjects.
The committee are doing their utmost to make the classes a success, and are anxious to secure as many students as possible. They hope most of the late students will again attend, and also induce their friends to join the classes.
Particular attention is draw [sic] to the agricultural and horticultural class, which the sub-committee are of opinion is especially likely to attract pupils from the outlying villages.
The time tables will be issued shortly, with the names of the teachers, and it is hoped the classes will be opened and start their activity of usefulness the first week in October.
Full information respecting the various classes can be obtained from Mr E.C. Clarke, the clerk to the sub-committee. The responsible teacher who will advise and supervise the whole of the classes is Mr E.E. Dennis, Head Master of the Buntingford Senior Mixed School.