Layston Sunday School Festival
The annual festival in connection with the Layston Church Sunday School was held on Saturday last.
After a short service in St Peter's, the children, accompanied by Rev. A. and Mrs Howard, the teachers, mothers and other helpers, proceeded to Aspenden House at the kind invitation of Captain and Mrs Williams, who not only welcomed the Sunday School to their beautiful grounds, but provided a bountiful tea for all on the lawn.
After tea a well-planned programme of sports was carried out by Mr Albert Freeman and Mr George Hill, the races causing much interest and amusement to the lookers-on. Bucket ball was popular with all, including the mothers and teachers.
Mr and Mrs Claud Fraser and Miss H. Fraser and Mr and Mrs R.H. Hardy and their children were also present.
When the programme ended prizes were distributed to the winners, but by this time the rain, which had threatened to fall during the afternoon, became persistent, and after cheers for Capt. and Mrs Williams and the National Anthem the company broke up after a very enjoyable afternoon.