Showing posts with label Robinson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robinson. Show all posts

28th December 1928 - Sausage Dinner to Inmates of Poor Law Institution

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Sausage Dinner to Inmates of Poor Law Institution

On enquiries we find that the Master has not been approached in this matter.

It will be remembered that the late Mrs F.J. Robinson, until her death, followed the custom of her husband and provided the dinner which has been held for upwards of 35 years.

Might we suggest that one of our local philanthropists will come forward and keep the ball rolling so the inmates may continue to enjoy this long-looked-for treat.

14th January 1927 - Buntingford Petty Sessions

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Buntingford Petty Sessions

Friday last, before Mr J. Howard-Carter (in the chair), Capt. H.H. Williams and Mr Claud Fraser.

Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman

The Chairman proposed and Mr Claud Fraser seconded that Sir Charles Heaton-Ellis, C.B.E., be re-elected Chairman for the ensuing year.

Mr Claud Frader proposed and Capt. H.H. Williams seconded that The Hon. Baron Dimsdale be re-elected Vice-Chairman.

Probation Officer's Report

Mr H. Andrews submitted his annual report.

During the year five persons had been placed on probation by the Buntingford Justices. Two had finished their probation leaving three.

At the 15 courts attended by the Probation Officer, 111 persons had been placed under probation during the year. Of this number 105 had been good during 1926.

The chairman complimented Mr Andrews on his excellent report.

No Light

Arthur F. Coventry, of 27, Park Avenue, Timperley, Cheshire, was summoned for riding a motor cycle without a front light.

P.C. Gillett proved the case, and the defendant, who did not appear, was fined 40/- including costs.

Motor Case

Frederick C. Shadbolt, of Rye Park, Hoddeson, was charged with driving a motor car without a front light. There was a second charge of driving a car without have the rear index plate illuminated.

P.C. Williams, who proved the case, stated that he was on duty near the new railway bridge when he saw a car coming from the direction of Buntingford. There was no rear light, and no off-side extreme light. The head lamps were alight.

The defendant said his lamps had fused and that owing to his bright headlights he did not notice that the extreme off-side light was not working. His rear lamp was alight when he left Royston.

The Chairman said the magistrates had decided to take a lenient view of the matter. There would be a fine of 15/- including costs.

A Sunday Morning Episode

Cyril Robinson (23), a plasterer, and William Manning (60), a labourer, both of Norfolk Road, Buntingford, were summoned for trespassing in search of conies at Throcking on Sunday, 5th December last.

P.C. Hill, of Chipping, said he was patrolling the Buntingford - Throcking Road, when he saw the men in a field with a dog. Manning was carrying a gun. He called out to the defendants and Manning ran away.

Mr B. Nicholls, of Little Court, said the shooting on the land in question was hired by Captain Denny, and no permission to shoot on the land had been given to defendants.

In defence, Manning told the Bench that he went to Throcking to keep the rooks off of Mr Poulton's corn - he merely walked up the side of the hedge of the field where the trespass was said to have been committed. He did not run away when the Constable called.

Robinson, who pleaded not guilty, said he had nothing to say.

The Chairman said the Bench found both men guilty. Manning would be fined 10/- and Robinson 5/-.

A Cartage Contractor in Trouble

Magnus K. Smith, a cartage contractor, of Buntingford, was charged with failing to pay weekly contributions under the National Health and the Unemployment Insurance Acts. There were seven charges in respect of three employees - A.A. Smith, F.G. Howard and E. Gatward.

The defendant pleaded Not Guilty to all except two charges for failing to to affix unemployment stamps in respect of F. Howard and A. Smith.

Mr Robert Watson appeared for the prosecution and in outlining the case, said that all the defendant's employees were subject to both Unemployment and Health Insurance. There was no excuse for not stamping the cards, as if the employees failed to present their cards the employer should have obtained emergency cards from the Post Office and the local Labour Exchange.

The defendant was visited by a Government Inspector on 26th March, who found that the Books and Cards were not stamped.

On the Inspector's second visit on 13th October, he found that the books and cards were still unstamped, and he asked for the books to be handed over. This the defendant refused to do.

The three employees then gave evidence.

Mr Edwin E. Elwell an Inspector of the Ministry of Health Insurance, in giving evidence, said he interviewed the defendant on 26th March at the Buntingford Railway Station in the presence of his employees. He next saw him at Buntingford on 13th October, and again on 20th October, when he asked him whether the cards were stamped and whether he had obtained unemployment books from his employees. The defendant told him that he had not.

Mr Harry Clarke, Branch Manager at the Ministry of Labour, said that defendant had been reported to him on two or three occasions owing to the trouble of getting unemployment books.

The defendant told the Bench that he had paid Health Insurance since the Act came into force. He had never deducted any money for Insurance from his men's wages. When he employed Smith he asked about his cards and he told him that he had never had any. He (the defendant) went to the Prudential Agent and obtained a card for Smith and stamped it up. He had also been to the Labour Exchange for Howard's Unemployment Book but was told that the Inspector had taken it away.

Defendant to Mr Watson - "Why are half-yearly stamps used."

Mr Watson - "You can use them if you pay your men half-yearly, but do you know that persons using them must stamp the cards at the beginning of the half-year."

The defendant - "But they never do." (Laughter).

The defendant then handed over stamped cards and books in respect of two of his employees.

The Bench retired, and on returning the Chairman said they had carefully considered the case. They were of opinion that the greatest patience and consideration had been shown by the Inspectors, and the case was aggravated by the practical ignoring of the many warnings that defendant had been given.

Under the circumstances the Bench could see their way to impose no smaller fine than £2 on each summons.  To this would be added the Courts Fees £1 15s. 6d. and the Prosecutions Fee £2 2s. 0d. There would also be an order for payment of the arrears now outstanding (£2 5s.) making the total amount payable £20 2s. 6d.

The defendant asked for time to pay, and was allowed one month.

7th January 1927 - Funeral of the Late Mr Harry Woodley

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Funeral of the Late Mr Harry Woodley

The funeral of the late Mr Harry Woodley, licensee of "The White Hart," Buntingford, whose death was reported last week, took place on Thursday, December 30th.

The remains, encassed in a plain elm coffin, were conveyed to the Church by a Washington car.

The coffin was inscribed:

Harry Woodley, Died December 24th, 1926, Aged 65 years.

The first part of the service was conducted by the Rev. A. Howard, while the lesson was read by the Rev. John Cole.

The immediate mourners were: Mrs Woodley (wife), Miss Woodley (daughter), Mrs Fox and Mrs Chapman (sisters), Messrs. F.R. and L. Woodley (brothers), Mrs F. Woodley and Mrs L. Woodley (sisters-in-law), Mr Seller, Mr F. Seller, Mr and Mrs J. Seller (nephews and niece), Mr H. Gray, Mr F. Stoten, and the Rev. John Cole.

It will be re-called that the deceased served in the Metropolian Police Force for 25 years, and a  touching reminder of this was shown by the presence at the Church and graveside of Srgt. Dean, of the Buntingford Police Station.

Amongst other townspeople present, we observed Mrs E. Law, Mrs Warner, Mrs Thody, Mrs Borsberry, Mrs Winters, Mrs Robinson, Mrs Lawrence, Mrs Crouch, Mrs Watson, Mrs Plumb, Mrs Franklin, Mr S. Saggers and others.

There were several beautiful floral tokens, which were sent by the following:

From his sorrowing wife and daughter; George and Jane; Frank and Fanny and Family; Leonard and Clara; Jack and Kate; Jack and Rose, Billy and Mill; Brother Bob, Walter and Mabel; Flo, Walt, and Jack; Fred and Birdie; Mr and Mrs Stoten and Fred; Mr and Mrs Mottram and Sid; Rev. J. Cole; Mr and Mrs H. Gray; Mr and Mrs W. Gray; Mrs Robinson; Mr and Mrs Franklin; Mr and Mrs Haddock; and Miss E. Cato.

7th January 1927 - New Year's Treat

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New Year's Treat

Following her annual custom, Mrs F.J. Robinson, of the Manor House gave a sausage dinner on New Year's Day to the whole of the Poor Law Institution. She also supplied minerals, beer, and tobacco.

In the large dining hall assistance was given at the tables by Mr E.C. Clarke (Clerk to the Guardians), Mr H.H. Macklin, Mr F.W. Butler (the Master) and Mrs Butler (the Matron). The treat delighted all and was thoroughly enjoyed.

After dinner the Master passed a hearty vote of thanks, and called for cheers for Mrs Robinson for her kindness, and on behalf of the inmates sent a message wishing her a Happy New Year.

Later a few songs were contributed by some of the inmates, after which comfortable chairs were drawn round the fire, pipes were filled, and the afternoon was spent in rest.

7th January 1927 - Notes of the Week

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Notes of the Week

The custom of giving treats is still maintained in Buntingford.

During the past week, two treats - one to the old folks and one to the young - gave untold pleasure.

On Saturday - New Year's Day - Mrs F.J. Robinson, with her customary kindness and thoughtfulness gave a sausage dinner to the inmates of the Poor Law Institution.

There was still a festive appearance about the place, the decorations for Xmas still adorning the large dining hall with its beautifully scrubbed floor. On spotless white table cloths, plates, knives and forks were laid ready for the annual sausage dinner.

Punctually at 1 p.m., the inamtes filed into the room, the women and children sitting at one table and the men at another. Large white enamelled pots of hot sausages and vegetables were carried in by attendants, and soon the inmates were enjoying a meal that is not on the official menu of the Institution.

Beer and minerals - a very generous helping too - were served during the meal, at the close of which the entire company stood up and drank to the health of Mrs Robinson.

The came the distribution of an ounce of tobacco to the men, who filled their pipes while one of the inmates sang a very old song about a "White Part-i-ridge." Another inmate, an old soldier, also sang, but it was difficult to catch words other than "The Ship that never returned." Most of the company seemed to know the chorus for they joined in heartily.

Then the women went back to their quarters and left the men to their pipes and "forty winks."

The other party was at the Ex-Service Men's Club on Monday last, where everything went jolly from 4 o'clock to 7.30.

A feature of the party seemed to be the excellent manner in which the children behaved. There was no snobishness as is sometimes seen when adults gather for tea and games, and but for one sturdy little fellow, who wanted Dad near him during tea, the entire company did justice to a very sumptuous tea.

After grace, led by Mr E.E. Dennis, had been sung, the long tables were cleared away, and community singing on a small scale started the evening's enjoyment. "This old man came rolling home" was taken up by everybody.

"Spinning the tray," "musical stick" (with Mr Dennis at the piano), "family coach" and "passing the pennies" were other games which all (including the adults) enjoyed.

The arrival of "Father Christmas" was the signal for more cheering, and the intimation that the gifts were about to be distributed from the huge Christmas tree.

Before toys were handed out, each child received a National Savings' Card bearing two sixpenny stamps - an excellent idea considering that last year's gift of a similar nature has led to a good deal of saving.

There was really an excellent assortment of toys &c., and a box of puzzles given to one little girl caused a good deal of perplexity amongst the grown-ups.

Before leaving, oranges, chocolate, weets and cakes were distributed, and one noticed that the National Anthem was sung none too lustily.

16th July 1926 - Buntingford Sale

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On Monday last, Mr G. Scarborough Taylor offered for sale at the George Hotel, Buntingford, the freehold property situate on the Market Hill, and formerly occupied by Mr J. Marvill.

Bids of £50 and £25 carried the bidding to £475 at which price the property was sold to Mrs H.L. Baker, of Buntingford.

The late owner was Mrs F.J. Robinson.

16th November 1923 - Poppy Day

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Poppy Day

Saturday last was "Poppy Day" and the workers are to be congratulated on the success attained.

Monday's Collection and Sale

On Monday, workers were still busy, this time the town collection was on behalf of the British Legion Local Relief Fund.

Quite early the collection of yards of pennies began, and Mr Butler, Miss Ward, Mrs H.C. Marshall, Mrs Robinson, Mr G.H. Maughan, Mrs H.H. Williams, Miss Lushington, Miss Porter, the Misses Rand, and other helpers consolidated their position in the narrow High Street.

Their appeal, and the liberal way in which passers by gave their support, is shown by the fact that the pennies reached 65 yards (£8 3s. 2d.) on the east side (in charge of Miss Ward), and 44 yards (£5 10s. 5d.) on the west side (in charge of Mr F.W. Butler).

At 12.30, Captain G. Scarborough Taylor conducted a sale of miscellaneous gifts on the Mkarket Hill, which produced £11 for the fund.

4th June 1926 - Whist

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A whist drive, in aid of the Buntingford Tennis Club, was held at the Foresters' Hall on Wednesday evening.

Eight tables were in use, and the successful players were:

Ladies - 1, Miss M. Cornwell; 2, Mr H. Cutts (playing as lady).

Gents - 1, Mr S. Howlett; 2, Mr E. Ward.

Lowest Gentleman - Mr C. Robinson.

Lowest Lady - Mrs J. Aylott.

Voucher prizes were given.

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