Showing posts with label Coutts-Deacon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coutts-Deacon. Show all posts

20th August 1926 - Childrens Country Holiday Fund

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Children's Country Holiday Fund

On the 5th inst., a party of 22 children from Stratford arrived by train at Buntingford and were conveyed in vehicles to Reed and Barkway to spend a fortnight's holiday through the Children's Country Holiday Fund.

All the arrangements were made by Mrs G. Coutts Deacon, the country correspondent.

Both in North and East Herts. parties of children from London are having a similar holiday and are receiving much benefit by their short stay amit pleasant surroundings and the invigorating air of Hertfordshire.

11th February 1927 - Annual Vestry Meeting and Parochial Church Council

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Annual Vestry Meeting

The Annual Vestry Meeting, postponed from January 17th, was held at the Village Hall on Monday evening last. There was a scarce attendance owing to the prevalence of influenza.

The chair was taken by the Rector, the Rev. A.G. King, who proposed a vote of thanks to both the Churchwardens for their work during the past year. This was seconded by Mr F. Harvey.

Mr Laird was re-elected People's Warden, on the proposition of Mrs Coutts-Deacon, seconded by Mr Harvey. The Rectory nominated Mrs Greg as Rector's Warden.

Parochial Church Council

The first meeting of the newly elected Council was held on Monday evening last, the Rector, the Rev. A.G. King presiding. Mr Harvey was unanimously elected Vice-Chairman.

Mrs Coutts-Deacon's resignation as Hon. Secretary was received with regret, and after expressions of thanks to her, Mrs Bright was unanimously elected in her stead.

Mr J. Laird was elected Hon. Treasurer and Mrs Coutts-Deacon, Mr Harvey and Mr Laird as representatives to the Ruri-Decanal Conference.

This concluded the business of the meeting.

3rd June 1927 - Buntingford Petty Sessions

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Buntingford Petty Sessions

Friday last, before Sir Charles Heaton-Ellis (in the chair), H.C. Marshall, William Steel, G.C. Coutts-Deacon, and G.W. Pepper, Esps. The last three named gentlemen took their seats on the Bench for the first time.

No Licence

Charles Clark, of 20, Balmouth Road, Borough, London, was charged with driving a motor lorry without being duly licensed, at Chipping.

P.C. Hill, who proved the case, said that he stopped the defendant, who was driving a six-wheeled vehicle, at 2.30 a.m. The defendant told him that he had lost his licence since last November.

A fine of £2, including costs, was imposed.

A Regrettable Case

What was described by all parties concerned as a very regrettable case, came before the Bench, when Daisy Hilda Page (aged 17), of Rushden, Buntingford, made application for an affiliation order against John Sydney Lyon (aged 15), also of Rushden.

The case lasted nearly two hours, the complainant being in the witness box for an hour.

After a short adjournment, the Chairman said that the Bench had given the case their very deepest and sincerest consideration, and they were of the opinion that there was inssuficient evidence to make an order.

The case would, therefore, be dismissed.

A Rate Summons

Harry D. Piper, of "Wedlands," Hare Street, Buntingford, did not appear to a summons for non-payment of Poor Rate.

Mr W.C. Kitchen, the Assistant Overseer, was granted a distress warrant.

28th May 1926 - Buntingford and District Women Conservatives

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Buntingford and District Women Conservatives

Garden Meeting at Aspenden House

The members of the Buntingford and District Women Conservative Association, held a Garden Meeting at Aspenden House on Wednesday afternoon, by kind invitation of Captain and Mrs H.H. Williams.

Last year's event was marred by a steady downpour of rain, but on Wednesday the sun shone brilliantly and before and after the meeting, which was held in a beautifully shaded corner of the grounds, the company enjoyed a walk around the well-kept garden, now bright with summer flowers.

Some 200 members were present, and in opening the meeting Mrs H.H. Williams said they were glad to welcome Mrs Heard again. The general strike was over, and everyone was smiling again.

She was sure that everyone present was proud to belong to the Conservative party and proud of Mr Baldwin; even his opponents - she would not say enemies as she thought he had none - admired him. (Applause).

Mrs Heard, who was give [sic] a hearty welcome, said it was just a year since she was at Aspenden. She had come to speak to them about the Empire. Britain and her dominions still stood first. 

The women of England were home builders and home keepers and the home life of England stood out as a pattern to the whole world. The Conservative party stood for bringing together the peoples of England and her dominions under the rule of King George V.

The standard of living was higher than it had ever been before, and the Conservative party had been instrumental in making it so. They heard a lot about Free Trade - it was not really Free Trade but free imports. England had to import an enormous amount of food as it was only able to produce enough to feed eleven million of its fourty eight million people.

The Strike

The Socialists were always talking about International Brotherhood, and when the T.U.C. called the general strike, they thought that foreign countries would take action with them. As everyone knew men in other Countries did not strike out of sympathy with the T.U.C. because they knew that while our men were out they were taking our orders. The strike had undone all the good things the Union had done in the past. There was no doubt that some of the unions of this Country had been responsible for better conditions for the workmen, better hours, &c., that was their national work.

The T.U.C. had a surprise when the people rose and said "hands off the constitution of this County."Continuing, Mrs Heard said she liked to feel that the people of England liked fair play, and she had a certain sense of admiration for some of the leaders of the T.U.C. for the manner in which they surrendered to the Government. The strike had certainly cleared the air, and the people of Britain had said "We will be ruled, but only by people who we have put into power." (Applause)

Referring to Mr Baldwin the speaker said that when the history of England was written, his name would be written in letters of gold, for no man could have done more. Our forefathers had made this Country what it was today, and we today are able to say that what they were we are. Let us bring up our children to walk in our footsteps so that England in the future may be as strong as she is today. (Applause).

On the proposition of Mrs H.H. Williams, a hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mrs Heard for her inspiring address. Mrs Coutts-Deacon moved a hearty vote of thanks to Capt. and Mrs Williams for their hospitality and Colonel Heaton-Ellis associated himself with Mrs Deacon's remarks.

Tea was served on the lawn, and the Buntingford Town Silver Band played selections. Later in the evening there was dancing, the band providing the music.

10th Feb 1928 - Buntingford Petty Sessions

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Buntingford Petty Sessions

Friday last, before J. Howard-Carter, Esq. (in the chair), Claud Fraser, William Steel, G.C. Coutts Deacon and G.W. Pepper, Esqs.


The superintendent presented his annual report, as follows:

Gentlemen, I am directed by the chief constable to report that the number of licensed houses within the Buntingford Petty Sessional Division is 33 fully licensed, 7 beer (one), 4 beer (off), 1 grocer's and 2 registered clubs; total 47.

Four houses have changed hands during the year, being the same number as last year. One licensee has been proceeded against during the year. No person has been proceeded again for drunkenness during the year, this being a decrease of one compared with last year.

The permitted hours in the Buntingford Petty Sessional Division are week-days, 10.30 a.m to 2.30 p.m., and 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays 12 noon to 2 p.m., and 7 to 10 p.m.

The Chairman said he thought the whole bench would agree that the report was satisfactory. The renewel of all the licenses would be granted.


Application was made by Mr George Wickham, of "The Angel" Inn, Buntingford, for the extension of hours from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays (Buntingford Market Day). The application was granted.


There were two charges against car drivers for failing to illuminate their rear identification plates on motor cars. The defendants, who did not appear, were William B. Witts, of Heathfield, Bassingbourn, and Walter C. Salmon, of 4, Rye Road, Rye Park, Hoddesdon, both motor drivers.

Evidence in each case was given by P.C. Gillett, who said that the rear light of one of the cars was alight but did not illuminate the number plate.

Asked by the Chairman if it was because of dirt on the lamp or plate, the constable replied that the lamp was bright enough but threw a light on to the ground instead of on the number plate.

In imposing a fine of 10/- on each defendant, the Chairman said cases of this kind were becoming before the Bench more frequently. If this continued the Bench may feel it their duty to inflict a more severe penalty.


Sidney Edwards, of 62, Catharine Street, Cambridge, was summoned for driving a motor car without a driving licence at Buntingford.

P.C. Williams said he saw defendant at Buntingford at 2.40 a.m. on 2nd January, and when he asked him for his licence the defendant said he had left it in another coat.

Supt. Wright read a list of former convictions in 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, and 1928, and the Chairman, remarking that the defendant had kept the police force busy, said there would be a fine of 10/- including costs.


Herbert Petts, of Powel's Green, Braughing, Alfred Hagger, of the same address, and Frank Stacey, of Church End, Braughing, labourers, were chared with game trespass at Braughing. Petts did not appear.

P.C. Barker gave evidence of seeing the defendants in a field with dogs on a Sunay morning. The dogs were hunting the land. When he spoke to them they told him they were after rats.

Mr C.P. Mole, of Braughing, the owner of the sporting rights of the land in question, said he had never given the defendants permission to go on the land.

The bench inflicted a fine of 2/6 towards the costs in each case.

William Prior, of The Street, Braughing, was summoned for a similar offence.

P.C. Barker said he saw the defendant coming from a stack and noticed the legs of two rabbits protruding from the defendant's clothes. He told the defendant he would be reported, to which he replied "There they are; they are worth 1/6 each."

The defendant said that he was returning from work when his dog drove a rabbit into a hole. He got it out, and as luck would have it there was another rabbit in the hole.

The defendant, who had been fined twice previously for similar offences, was fined 10/- including costs.


Mr G.H. Maughan of Messrs. Chalmers-Hunt & Co., solicitors, made application on behalf of Mrs Page for possession of a cottage situate at Sandon Lane, Buntingford, owned by her and in the occupation of Jonah Brown. The case came before the bench at a previous sitting, when it was dismissed as a notice had not been read over and explained to the tenant.

Mr Maughan stated that the applicant purchased the cottage in 1926. She was a London school teacher and was retiring on account of ill-health. Brown's rent was 2/- per week, and suitable alternate accommodation had been offered him. The alternate accommodation was at Buckland, and the cottage was larger than the one he was now residing in.

Mr B.E. Thody proved service of the statutory notice to the defendent to the effect that the owner was making application for possession at that Court.

Mrs Page and Mr Page both gave evidence, after which the defendant entered the witness box. He said that the cottage offered him was not suitable. It was three miles further away from his work, and his pony could not pull a cart up the road to the cottage. He objected to taking it.

The Bench discussed the case, after which the Chairman said it would be adjourned for 14 days to give the magistrates an opportunity of inspecting the property. [Transcriber note - Read about the next session here]


The Probation Office, Mr H.J. Andrews, presented his report to the Bench. Of the seven cases placed in his hands by the Bench, six had proved successful and one had proved a failure. Mr Andrews then gave particulars of the number of cases - 91 - which had passed through his hands during the year, and said that there were only two failures. This meant that 89 persons had been helped to better things.

The Chairman congratulated Mr Andrews on his report, and said that the magistrates recognised in the Probation of Offenders' Act opportunity for the improvement of many people.

Mr Claud Fraser, a member of the Probation Committee for the county, said he was pleased to have recently made a satisfactory report on Mr Andrew's work.

3rd Feb 1928 - League of Nations Union

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League of Nations Union

Despite a very wet evening, the Women's Institute Hall was well filled on Thursday evening of last week, of the occasion of a meeting in connection with the League of Nations Union.

The chair was taken by Sir Charles Heaton-Ellis, who was supported on the platform by Mrs M.E. Downer, Mrs Lanyon, Mrs G.C. Coutts Deacon, Miss Woods, the Rev. A. Howard, the Rev. E.E. Empringham, the Rev. F.R. Williams, the Rev. A.G. Langdon, the Rev. W. Mc C Kerr and the Rev. John Cole.

A letter of regret at being unable to attend was read from the Rev. A.N. Morgan.

The Chairman gave a very able survey of the work of the League of Nations, and referred to Lord Robert Cecil as whose life's work was for the League. (Applause)

Sir Charles then referred to the past work of the League and added that it would do still greater work in the future (Applause).

Mrs M.E. Downer, of the League of Nations Union, then gave an extremely interesting address on the work of the League of Nations. The League, she said, would settle disputes by reason and not by thought. The Battle of Trafalgar cost £88,000, but one of our present day battleships cost £6,000,000 and we were no stronger in the Navy than we were in Nelson's day. They had in the League of Nations a piece of machinery that could stop war; the machinery was not perfect, but it was everyone's duty to support the League.

The speaker's fine closing appeal resulted in 37 new members being enrolled.

Mr Andrew Weir moved a vote of thanks to Mrs Downer for her most interesting address. He (Mr Weir) could not help thinking that if anyone knew of any other way of settling disputes than through the League of Nations, then for God's sake let them say so.

Miss Woods seconded the vote of thanks, which was carried amid applause.

Mr W.S. Fordham, of Puckeridge, moved a vote of thanks to the Chairman, and this was seconded by Mr W.J. May and carried with applause.

Thanks are due to the Rev. E.E. Empringham, of Cottered, for the excellent arrangements in connection with the meeting - it is through him that a brand was formed in the district. Mrs Lanyon has also done valuable work in the Braughing district.

Members of the Cottered Troop of Scouts were on duty at the Hall, and handed round enrolment forms.

26th Feb 1926 - Westmill Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

The February meeting of the Westmill Women's Institute was held at the Village Hall on Wednesday evening.

The President (Mrs G. Coutts-Deacon) presided, and there was a good attendance. After the formal business of the meeting, Miss Boniwell gave an interesting demonstration on "Upholstery."

Demonstrating with a chair, Miss Boniwell showed how the seat was built up and covered. The lecture was listened to very attentively, and at the close several questions were asked and answered, and the President proposed a very hearty vote of thanks to Miss Boniwell for her demonstration.

19th Feb 1926 - Women's Constitutional Association

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Women's Constitutional Association

An Excellent Meeting

What the Vote has done for Women

There was a crowded meeting of members and friends of the Buntingford and District Women's Constitutional Association held at the Assembly Room, the George Hotel, on Wednesday afternoon.

The President (Mrs H.H. Williams) presided, and was supported by Mrs G. Coutts-Deacon (Hon. Treas.) and Mrs Holman.

The President introduced Mrs Holman, who gave a most interesting address on "What the vote has done for women." In a well-prepared address, the speaker alluded to the fact that since the beginning of time women took a wonderful part in the life of the world. Christ himself put woman on a level with man, and many of his best friends were women. Referring to more recent years, the speaker said that some of the queens of England had done as much for our country as the kings.

Mrs Holman dealt at some length with the League of Nations and the excellent work carried out for the cause by Lord Robert Cecil. Dealing with the suffrage movement, the speaker said it was about 1906 when women began to think about the vote, and after the long years of the great war, when women did so much for their country, they were given a say in matters of state.

Instead of being just a political thing, the vote was one of the greatest milestones in the history of woman. For the first time they were real citizens of their country. It was a great milestone on the journey through the ages towards better conditions, and it was the duty of all women to use the vote right, and to carry on and go further and further until they felt they were doing their very best for their homes and country. Some men had said when the women were allowed a vote "You have it for all we care. It has not done us much good." The speaker hoped that women had not looked upon the vote in that light.It was a great thing to have a say in the affairs of state and to be able to help in the share of the country's work.

Several other points of interest were ably dealt with, and at the close Mrs Holman was accorded very hearty applause.

After tea, which was served to nearly 100 present, songs were rendered by Mrs Scarborough Taylor, and songs and recitations by Mrs G. Coutts-Deacon.

Both were heartily applauded and thanked for adding to the success of the meeting, which concluded with the singing of the National Anthem.

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