Showing posts with label Cutts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cutts. Show all posts

25th January 1924 - British Legion Annual Meeting

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British Legion

(Buntingford Branch)

Annual Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the members of the Buntingford Branch of the British Legion was held at the Ex-Service Men's Club Room on Wednesday evening.

The chair was occupied by the President, Captain H.H. Williams, and there was a good attendance of members, including a strong contingent from the Hormead Branch.

Balance Sheet

The Hon. Treasurer, Mr F.W. Butler, presented the balance sheet of 1923.

Receipts were: Subscriptions £5 18s. 4d., Donations 7s. 6d., Sale of Badges 15s., Poppy Day £64 14s. Total £71 14s. 10d.

Expenditure - Membership cards 10s. 6d., Club funds £1 5s., Badges £1 4s., Poppy Day fund £64 14s., Fees £1 16s. 9d. 

The balance in hand amounted to £2 8s. 7d. The balance sheet was adopted.

Secretary's Report

The Hon. Secretary, Mr G.H. Maughan, gave a satisfactory report of the working of the organisation.

Since February, 1923, 57 members had been enrolled, and 17 new applications for membership had been accepted for 1924.

The amount forwarded to the Headquarters in respect of Armistice Day was £66 1s. 4d., and after deducting the cost of the poppies, 85 per cent. of this was returnable to the branch for relief.

During the year several pension questions had been dealt with.

It was proposed to hold a public meeting next month, and Colonel Crossfield, D.S.O., had consented to address the meeting.

The report was passed as satisfactory.

Election of Officers

Capt. H.H. Williams was unanimously elected President and re-elected Chairman, Capt. G. Scarborough Taylor being elected Vice-Chairman.

The Chairman said that he would like to move that the Hon. Secretary, Mr G.H. Maughan, and the Hon. Treasurer, Mr F.W. Butler, be re-elected. They had both performed their duties in an excellent manner. The proposition was seconded by Capt. G. Scarborough Taylor and unanimously carried.

The election of the Committee was carried out by ballot, and resulted as follows: The Rev. H.L. Sheppard, Messrs. P. Woollard, H. Piper, A.E. Mayes, E. Totman, H. Cutts, G. Coleman, A. Dray and E. Crane.

Captain H.H. Williams and the Rev. H.L. Sheppard were elected as delegates on the area Council.

The formation of a sub-branch at Great Hormead was confirmed.


The Secretary was instructed to write to the Secretary of the Buntingford Ex-Service Men's Club thanking the Committee for the use of the Club Room for the Legion meetings.

It was announced that subscriptions for 1924 were now due.

20th August 1926 - Congregational Church Sunday School

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Congregational Church Sunday School

On Wednesday afternoon in last week, the Buntingford Congregational Church Sunday School held their annual outing.

The scholars, accompanied by the teachers and friends, journeyed over to Coles' Park, a field and barn having been placed at their disposal through the kindness of Mrs Greg.

The rain had cleared, and a very enjoyable time was spent.

Tea was served by the teachers in the barn, and during the afternoon and evening the scholars took part enthusiastically in various games, treasure hunt, &c., arranged by Mr Herbert Cutts, assisted by the other teachers, for which prizes were given.

The transport arrangements were undertaken by Mr E.J. Sparkes, of Buntingford.

13th August 1926 - Pretty Wedding

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Pretty Wedding

Monk-Jones - Ashford

There was a large attendance at the Buntingford Congregational Church on Wednesday last, when the marriage took place between Miss Elizabeth Sharland Ashford, youngest daughter of Mrs and the late Mr H.S. Ashford, J.P., of Layston Cottage, Buntingford, and Mr Norman Monk-Jones, B.A., of Bishops Stortford College.

The officiating clergy were the Rev. H.C. Carter, M.A., of Cambridge, and the Rev. John Cole, of Buntingford.

The bride, who was given away by her uncle, Mr E.J. Ashford, wore a bridal dress of white crepe de chine, grey shoes and stocking, and black hat, and carried a bouquet of blue cornflowers. She was attended by her sister, Miss N.J. Ashford.

The duties of best man were ably discharged by Mr A. Monk-Jones, brother of the bridegroom.

Mr H. Cutts was at the organ, and played Mendelssohn's "Wedding March." The hymns sung were "The King of Love my Shepherd is" and "Praise my soul the King of Heaven."

A reception was held at the home of the bride, and was attended by upwards of 70 guests. Later, amid hearty congratulations, Mr and Mrs Monk-Jones left for their honeymoon, which is being spent in Brittany.

The wedding presents numbered over 100.

10th September 1926 - Balloon Race Results

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Balloon Race Results

The results of the balloon race in connection with the Congregational Church Garden Fete, which was held at Layston Cottage on the 18th ult., were made known on Tuesday in last week.

Seventy-three balloons were dispatched by Mr H. Cutts, all of which took a N.E. direction. Many doubtless dropped into the North Sea.

The prizes, consisting of pretty china dessert sets, which were kindly given, were won as follows:

1, Mrs Gulick, Red House, Buntingford, whose balloon ascended from the fete ground at 3.45p.m., and three hours afterwards came down at Great Yarmouth.

The finder with commendable promptness posted the card the same evening, and it reached Mr Cutts the next morning. It was a very speedy flight.

Mrs Mottram, High Street Buntingford, won second prize. Her balloon descended at Ipswich, and Mr Cutts received the attached card notifying the fact a week after the fete.

1st October 1926 - Buntingford and District Musical Society

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Buntingford & District Musical Society

Annual General Meeting

The Season's Work

The annual general meeting of the Buntingford and District Musical Society was held at the Congregational Schoolroom on September 20.

Dr R.W. Fell, M.D., presided, and there was a good attendance of members.

Before the commencement of the business, the chairman said he would like to compliment the Society on its splendid success last season.

At the Letchworth Festival they had carried off two cups, two firsts and one second, which was a great honour. Personally he felt that it was a great honour to be president of such a Society.

In congratulating them on their past record, he also expressed the hope that their work in the coming season would reach an equally high standard.

1926-27 Season

The coming winter season was discussed, and it was decided to hold practices every Monday at 7 p.m. Members were also asked to enrol new members, tenors being especially required.

The Herts Musical Festival will be held at St Albans early next year, and any wishing to join the Society should obtain particulars from the Conductor (Mr E.E. Dennis), Mr H. Cutts, Mr A.G. Day, or Mr S. Daniels.

Election of Officers

The election of officers resulted as follows: President (Dr R.W. Fell, M.D.), re-elected; Hon. Sec. Mr H. Cutts; and Hon. Treasurer, Mr S. Daniels.

Mr E.E. Dennis was unanimously appointed conductor. The Chairman and Mr W.J. May referred in eloquent terms to the efficient way in which Mr Dennis had carried out his duties. He had brought the Society to its present high state of efficienct, and they did not known [sic] what they would do without him. (Applause).

Mr W.J. May, the late Hon. Treas., was reluctantly compelled to resign that post and as stated above Mr H. Cutts was appointed to fill the vacancy. Mr Dennis moved a vote of thanks be accorded Mr May for his valued services during the past. (Applause).

He (Mr Dennis) also thanked the officers and members for the way in which they had carried out their duties. The members had given their local and regular support. He hoped that the splendid keenest that had prevailed amongst them would continue.

Thanks were also accorded Miss M. Macklin for her great help at the piano last season.


Before the meeting closed Mr Dennis moved a hearty vote of thanks to their President, Dr Fell.

Their President had always taken a deep interest in the Society, and it was a great pleasure to have him at their head. He hoped that the great interest Dr Fell took in all matters relating to the Society would continue. (Applause).

25th February 1927 - Buntingford Independent Foresters' Friendly Society Annual Meeting

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Buntingford Independent Foresters' Friendly Society

Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the members of the Buntingford Independent Foresters' Friendly Society was held at the Society's Hall on Monday evening.

The Chief Ranger, Bro. J.B. Cutts, presided, other members of the Court present being: Brother E. Saunders (Sub-Chief Ranger), Bro. E. Bolton (Senior Woodward), Bro. A. Coxall (Junior Woodward), Bro. D. Wallis (Senior Beadle), Bro. W. Budd (Junior Beadle), and Bro. B.E. Thody (Assistant Secretary).

The Court was opened with the usual formalities, after which the Assistant Secretary stated that the sickness benefit paid during the past month amounted to £21 3s. 10d., and funeral benefit £14.

Applications were received for assistance from the Subsidiary Benefit Fund, and these were favourably considered by the Court.

Balance Sheet

The Secretary submitted the books and accounts of the society for the year ending 31st December 1926.

On the sickness fund there was a balance of £2554 5s. to the good. The amount paid in sickness benefit during the year was £269 4s. 4d.

The funeral fund showed a satisfactory balance of £1209 15s. 1d. In the subsidiary benefit fund there was a balance of £118 15s. 2d.

Members had been assisted from this fund during the year, and the Society had also made the usual donations of £2 2s. to the Hertford County Hospital and the Buntingford Nursing Fund.

The management and medical expenses amounted to £71 19s. 4d., the receipts being £90 11s. 8d., leaving a balance in hand of £18 12s. 4d.

The statement of funds, which totals £3901 7s. 7d., was shown as follows: War Loan £3205 5s., Hertfordshire Housing Bonds £100, Freehold Property £100. Post Office Savings' Bank £462 6s. 4d. Cash in hand at end of the year £23 16s. 3d. There was a membership of over 200.

The Chairman said he thought the accounts were entirely satisfactory; the Society was on a sound financial footing, and the various funds each showed an increase on the previous year's workings.

The Sub-Chief Ranger then proposed, and Bro. E. Bolton seconded, that the accounts be submitted to the Auditors.

The whole of the Officers were re-elected en-bloc and thanked for their past services.

The minutes of the meeting were then read, and the Court formally closed by the Chief Ranger.

It is pleasing to record that the Society, which commenced its activities as far back as 1874, is in such a satisfactory position, and it is hoped that many young men who are not members, will come forward and join in its activities.

The Secretary, who is Mr Ernest G. Thody, has held that office since 1896.


[Note from Alison - The amount of total funds available is equivalent to approximately £225,000 in today's money.]

4th February 1927 - Whist (again)

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In response to several requests, the Town Silver Band held another Whist Drive at the George Hotel on Saturday evening.

There was a good company present and prizes, which were vouchers for goods to be purchased in the town, were won by the following:

Ladies - 1, Miss Marshall; 2, Miss E. Cutts.

Gents - 1, Mr H. Pledger; 2, Mr S. Pledger.

A Waltz competition was won by Mr A.B. Wallis and Miss G. Mean, while a Fox-trot competition was won by Mr J. Bishop and partner.

An excellent programme of music was provided by the Band, assisted by Mr J. Bishop (piano).

Mr Henry Clark for whist and Mr A.B. Wallis for dancing were the two efficient M.C.'s.

The judging of the dancing competitions was kindly undertaken by Mr H.M. Blakiston.

25th March 1927 - Whist

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The weekly whist drive and dance in aid of the Town Silver Band continues to prove popular, and on Saturday there was the usual large number present.

The prizes went to the following:

Ladies - 1 Mr J. Wornham (playing as lady), 2 Miss Flynn, lowest score Mrs Daniels.

Gents - 1 Mr H. Cutts, 2 Mr H. Clark, lowest score Mr H. Hatchett.

Lucky chair, Mr F. Ward; spot dance competition, Mr P. Saunders and Miss K. Smith.

18th March 1927 - Congregational Church Social

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Congregational Church Social

A very pleasant time was spent in the Congregational Schoolroom on Thursday in last week, the occasion being a social.

There was a very good gathering, and in an opening remark or two, the Minister referred to the various phases of Church life, including the devotional or spiritual and the social sides. The room had been attractively decorated by Mr H. Cutts.

A lengthy programme of miscellaneous items was carried through, consisting of - pianoforte solos (Miss Blanche Langham, Miss M. Ashton); solos (Miss Emily Benstead, Miss Langham, Miss Dorothy Howard); recitations and humourous readings (Mrs G. Saggers, Miss Langham, the Minister).

A sketch entitled "Our at-home day" caused much amusement, the various parts being taken by Miss Benstead, Miss Edith Careless and Miss Kitty Camp, and the item being very well performed. The introduction of Community singing marked a change in the usual programme, whilst two competitions were provocative of much fun.

The response to the appeal for refreshments was splendid, and during an interval these were now served.

At the close there was an announcement of the competition result together with an expression of thanks to all who had helped to make the evening a success. Best thanks are certainly due to the many who kindly contributed towards the refreshments; to the members of the Ladies' Committee, and other lady helpers who in many ways rendered splendid service in connection with the social; to those who assisted in the entertainment and sketch and duties relevant; to those who had worked "behind the scenes," and to all who helped to make the social so successful.

The proceeds of the evening were on behalf of the Church funds.

The singing of Auld Lang Syne brought the social to a conclusion.

8th April 1927 - Whist

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Prizes at the whist drive, held on Saturday evening in aid of the Town Band funds, were won by the following:

Ladies - 1 Mr S. Pledger (playing as lady), 2 Miss E. Cutts. Lowest score - Mrs S. Smith.

Gents - 1 Mr South, 2, Mr C. Baker. Lucky chair - Mr C. Crane.

Spot dance competition - Mr L. Smith and Miss D. Bush.

8th April 1927 - Buntingford Women's Institute

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Buntingford Women's Institute

Opening of New Hall

The new Hall, erected at an approximate cost of £1,000, for the Buntingford Women's Institute, was formally opened by Mrs Haldane on 30th March.

The hall, which faced the main road at the north end of the High Street, is fitted up with every modern convenience, including central heating and a hot and cold water service. The main hall is 54 ft. long and 24 ft. wide, and at the rear of this are two dressing rooms, each 13 ft. by 12 ft.; folding doors are fixed in order to make one large room.

At the main entrance there is a ticket office and on the right a ladies' cloak room, the gentlemen's cloak room being on the left. There is an imposing front, with red bricked pillars and iron fence and gates.

The hall was crowded for the opening ceremony. The chair was taken by the President (Mrs H.C. Marshall), who was supported by Mrs H.H. Williams, Mrs Fell, Mrs Howard, Mrs Coleman, and the Secretary (Miss Boniwell).

The President, who was greeted with applause, said that day was a very proud one for the Buntingford Women's Institute. The Institute started in November, 1919, and now on March 30th, 1927, they had their own hall. (Applause). They had the hall through the help of many friends, and she hoped that it would be a benefit and pleasure not only to the Women's Institute, but to the whole of Buntingford.

Mrs Martin Smith was unable to be with them that afternoon, but they had Mrs Haldane, a Vice-Chairman of the Herts. Association, who would perform the opening ceremony. (Applause).

Mrs Haldane said it gave her great pleasure to open such a splendid hall. It was a great achievement for an Institute to build its own hall, and it had meant a great deal of hard work and sacrifice. She congratulated the members very heartily, not only for having a hall, but also for doing a great community work; there was great importance in doing things together. (Applause). The work the Buntingford Institute was doing was reflected on the county of Hertfordshire, and on behalf of the county she would like to say "Thank you."

Mrs Haldane then formally declared the hall open, and wished it a long life, a life that would make Institute life better, brighter, and healthier. (Applause).

Miss Sheila Armstrong then handed Mrs Haldane a beautiful bouquet.

Mrs H.H. Williams said it was a proud day for them all, including their gentlemen friends present. They had with them members of all the religious bodies of Buntingford - the Rev. A. Howard, the Rev. John Cole, and Captain Green of the Salvation Army. Father Morgan sent his best wishes, and regretted that owing to a long-standing engagement he was unable to be present. Continuing Mrs Williams said they wished to commend the hall to God's service, and she would ask them all to join in saying the Lord's Prayer.

This was followed by the singing of "Jerusalem," Miss Woods conducting the singing.

Mrs Fell proposed a vote of thanks to Mrs Haldane for performing the opening ceremony, and this was carried with acclamation.

Miss Boniwell (Hon. Sec.) gave the financial statement. After a lot of work in connection with fetes, &c., they had at last got their hall, but they had not quite paid for it. The amount collected by the Institute by means of fetes, &c, was £460. Members' loans amounted to £280, and a kind friend had loans them £300, bringing the total amount to £1040. They had now to set to work to pay off the loans, and they were starting straight away. (Applause).

Mrs A. Howard said that thanks were due to one who had not asked for it. The success of the Buntingford Institute was due to its President (Mrs Marshall.) (Applause). But for her and Mr Marshall they would not be in the position they were today. The members rejoiced to have their own hall, and when they looked back and saw what had been done in past they knew they could look forward to what would be done in the future. (Applause).

Mrs J. Warren seconded the vote of thanks, which was carried with applause.

The President, in replying, said they had to thank Mr E.G. Thody for a good deal. He had been the father, mother, godfather and brother of the hall, and had been perfectly marvellous. But for him they would not have had such a fine building.

Thanks were also due to Mr Claud Fraser, who had purchased the ground and had been most kind throughout. (Applause).

Then came a programme of music, &c., Mrs Scarborough Taylor sang "Down Vauxhall Way" and Mrs G. Armstrong sang by request "The Second Minuet." Miss A.V. Bartlett made a welcome return to the concert platform, and sang two songs, "The Gleaner's Slumber Song" and "Just for a While." Mrs G. Saggers gave one of her amusing recitations, and Mrs Haldane and Miss Woods told some amusing stories. For the men folk, Mr W.J. May replied with a funny tale.

Tea was then served to all present, after which the Committee prepared the room in readiness for the whist drive and dance held during the evening, when there was a crowded attendance, many being unable to take part in the whist drive. Mr H. Clarke performed the duties of M.C. and it was through his excellent management that the 41 tables were arranged.

Dancing followed, the music being supplied by the popular Standon Orchestra, with Mr Ivan Sharp as M.C. 

The whist winners were: Ladies - 1 Miss E. Cutts, 2 Mrs Handy, 3 Miss L. Sartin. Gents - 1 Mr H. Shepherd, 2 Mr W. Watson, 3 Mr W. Gilbey. Highest score first half, Mrs Case. Highest score second half, Mrs Case. Highest score second half, Mrs L. King. Longest stay at one table, Miss R. Cannon. Lowest score, Mr T. Wornham. Lucky ticket, Miss E. Winters.

The festivities went on merrily till 1 a.m. on Thursday morning, everything from the opening ceremony in the afternoon to the last waltz passing off without a hitch.

3rd June 1927 - Congregational Sunday School Anniversary

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Congregational Sunday School Anniversary

Sunday, May 29th, was the occasional of the Buntingford Congregational Sunday School Anniversary.

The services in the morning and evening were conducted by Mr C.V. Skipp, of London, E.C., who also addressed the scholars at a young people's service in the afternoon. Mr H. Cutts was at the organ.

The scholars, trained by Miss Blanche Langham, sang well the special hymns selected for the occasion, these hymns being taken from the Sunday School Hymnary.

Offerings at all services were taken for the Sunday School Funds.

30th November 1923 - Buntingford Independent Foresters' Friendly Society

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Buntingford Independent Foresters' Friendly Society

Special Meeting of Members

Important Business Transacted

A special general meeting of the members of this Society was held at the Foresters' Hall on Monday last.

The Chief Ranger, Bro. J. Cutts, presided, and was supported by the Sub-Chief Ranger, Bro. E. Saunders; the Secretary, Bro. Ernest G. Thody; the Asst. Secretary, Bro. B.E. Thody; Bro. J. Cornwell, Trustee; the Woodwards, Bros. E. Bolton and G. Wallis; and the Beadles, Bros. D. Wallis and W. Budd.

There was a good attendance of members.

The Secretary stated that the Committee had been requested by the Ministry of Health to consider the advisability of amalgamating with some parent Society, in order that the assets and liabilities might be consolidated.

The Committee had carefully investigated the matter, and had approached the Cambridge General Benefit Society, who were willing to take over the management and liabilities of such Club matters that related to the National Health Insurance.

The Secretary said he wished it to be clearly understood that only such matters as related to the National Health Insurance would be dealt with by the Cambridge Society, and that the Buntingford Independent Foresters' Society would continue to exist in its entirety, just as it was before the National Health Insurance Act came into force.

The following resolution was then put to the meeting, and was voted on by ballot, the result of which was as follows:

For the resolution - 136

Against - 13

The Cambridge General Benefit Society covers a wide area in Herts., Cambs., and Essex, and amongst other Society's amalgamated are the Buntingford Union Association, and the Bishops Stortford Foresters' Friendly Society.

The Buntingford Independent Foresters' Society is open to membership to all between the age of 10 and 40 years. There is a Section for juveniles, and the sick and disablement benefits compare favourably with any other Society in the country.

18th June 1926 - Buntingford Congregational Church

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Buntingford Congregational Church

Church Anniversary Services

Very successful and encouraging services were held on Wednesday week at the Congregational Church in connection with the Church Anniversary. There were very good congregations, including visitors from the neighbouring Churches.

Rev. W.T. Hailstone (Braughing), Rev. W.E. Mawby (Barkway) and Mr J.W. Harvey (Wood End) were also present. Mr Herbert Cutts was at the organ.

In the afternoon Divine Service was conducted by the Rev. T.H. Cooper, M.A., of Bushey, Herts., and Chairman of the Herts Congregational Union. Taking the texts, Rom. xiv. 7, "None of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself," and Genesis xxxii. 24, "And Jacob was left alone," Mr Cooper preached on the following lines: One of the greatest reasons for attending church services is that we may see life in its proper setting and proportion.

Day by day we are confronted with whatever makes our life's work. But we have spirits to be trained, and a real kinship with God Himself; then it is necessary that we start apart from life and look at it from the standpoint of Eternity and of God.

We go into the House of God that we may look at life from that deeper standpoint which makes us aware of ourselves also to those Churches which, in the wider Congregational life of the county, he would visit as Chairman. He extended a cordial welcome to Mr I. Bell, of Puckeridge, who was to be the Chairman for the evening meeting; and to the Ministers and other friends from the surrounding churches.

At the evening public meeting Mr Bell made an excellent chairman, and though he contended that speaking in public was not his strong point yet he carried out the duties of his office very ably.

Mr Mawby produced a deep impression by his earnest address, which was along the lines of the Ministry and the Pew. The Ministry was a life of continual discovery; there should be a "Fellowship" existing between Pulpit and Pew. He appealed for life to be lived from the supreme standpoint of Christ. We must never lose our place in the visible Church, and since we are the salt of the earth we must see to it that the salt never loses its savour.

Mr Cooper said that an anniversary occasion ought to be a time for a retrogression to Jesus Christ, so that we might maintain the purity of the tone of our lives, and be reminded again that to serve Him is the most inspiring thing in life.

Sometimes amid the problems of life, we seem to be making no impression, but we must take heart and courage and keep plodding on where God has placed us. As we get back to Christ we shall be more fruitful in service and more loyally His followers...The Christian Church rightly understood is none other than the Body of Christ; of this Body Christ makes use; He wants to do through the Church the same kind of thing that He did when He was here in the flesh.

The Church's concern will be primarily the spiritual interest of the community; she is also called upon to bear witness for her Lord, and it is in so far as the witness of everyone is added together that the music of life rises to God in sweetness. So we must keep the tone of our Christian service pure by caring for the things Jesus Christ cared for. So shall the Church be a true Church of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

During the meeting the Minister reported on the work of the Church and Sunday School, and at the close expressed the deep thanks of the Church to Mr Cooper, Mr Mawby and Mr Bell for their most helpful services and inspiring messages; to the Ladies' Committee, and whose who had assisted them in the preparations for the tea; to Mr Cutts, and to all who by time, service or gifts had contributed to the success of the occasion.

Offerings were taken during the day, and the financial results were also very satisfactory. The Benediction brought a most uplifting and encouraging Anniversary to a close.

4th June 1926 - Whist

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A whist drive, in aid of the Buntingford Tennis Club, was held at the Foresters' Hall on Wednesday evening.

Eight tables were in use, and the successful players were:

Ladies - 1, Miss M. Cornwell; 2, Mr H. Cutts (playing as lady).

Gents - 1, Mr S. Howlett; 2, Mr E. Ward.

Lowest Gentleman - Mr C. Robinson.

Lowest Lady - Mrs J. Aylott.

Voucher prizes were given.

21st May 1926 - Buntingford Congregational Church

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Buntingford Congregational Church

Sunday School Anniversary

Last Sunday a very happy time was spent in the Congregational Church, the occasion being the Sunday School Anniversary.

The visiting preacher was Mr C.V. Skipp, of London, E.C., who delivered very helpful and encouraging addresses, and whose visit was very much appreciated by the congregations that gathered during the day. 

There was special singing by the scholars, who had been admirably trained by Mr Herbert Cutts. A word of appreciation must be given to Mr Cutts for the preliminary care he bestowed on the training; to the scholars for the excellent way in which they responded; to Mrs Peacock for her services with the violin throughout the day, and to the many parents and friends, who, by their presence, showed their practical interest in the work of the school. The funds of the school were considerably augmented by the offerings taken during the day.

In the morning the Minister conducted the first part of the service, and welcomed our visitor. Mr Skipp's address was to the scholars. He spoke on birthdays. The Anniversary was a birthday, and just as on the occasion of our individual birthdays we look forward, so we can do on this.

As the years go by we must look forward, and strive that they may find us advancing in kindness, goodness, character, and in all that Jesus wants us to be; so that even as others who had looked forawrd have made the world a better place to live in, e.g., Livingstone, Capt. Cook, Florence Nightingale, Grace Darling, we too shall follow their example and be worthy citizens and at last win the "Well done" of the Master.

In the afternoon, Mr Skipp gave the scholars another earnest and thoughtful address. Basing his remarks on the Parable of the Sower, he said there were many kinds of hearts in the world e.g., the stony heart, where the seed of the Word of God could not penetrate because it was turned against holiness and mercy; the heart openly receptive to the Word of God, which it views as a beautiful thing, but there is no depth of character to bring the resolution to a head; the heart that wants God, and that gives a ready response to the Word, but it wants other things as well, things which cannot live with the good seed; there are hearts here in the springtime of life, with wonderful possibilities, tomorrow they will be a power in the world, and the preacher urged his young hearers to accept the Master, to take the seed of His kindenss, love and self-sacrifice unto themselves and to let the word He wants to speak to them abide with them all their days, then the good seed will grow, and they will become men and women after His own heart.

Mr Skipp conducted the evening service, and address the parents and teachers. Telling the story of the conflict between David and Goliath of Gath, he said that each child has a Goliath to fight, and that giant is his own self. The child must learn to conquer self and self-interest, so that it falls with a thud to the ground. This can only be done with the stone of Love, slung from the sling of the Spirit of God.

Since every man and woman, whether he or she turns out good or bad, comes into the world first a little child, and with clasping hands, pattering feet, and sparkling eyes, he appealed to his hearers to realize [sic] the great responsibility that was laid upon them as they looked into the face of the child.

7th May 1926 - Tennis Club Annual General Meeting

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Tennis Club

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the members of the Buntingford Tennis Club was held on Wednesday evening. The Rev. John Cole presided, and there was a good attendance of members.

The Hon. Sec. (Mr B.E. Thody) presented his annual report, which was adopted.

The Hon. Treasurer (Mrs B.E. Thody) presented the financial statement, which showed an adverse balance of £1 15s. 5d. The expenses last year were £22 8s. 11d., and included: new nets and posts £7 18s., groundsman £4 5s. 9d., deck chairs £2 0s. 6d., rent £3, and balls £1 12s.

The receipts, which totalled £20 13s. 6d., were made up as follows: Balance from 1924 seasons £8 1s. 3d., members' subscriptions £10 10s., whist drives on courts and Foresters Hall £1 4s., vistors' fees &c, 18s. 3d.

The Chairman said he thought the accounts were very satisfactory, considering what had been spent on improvements last year.

The accounts were then adopted on the proposition of Mr L. Smith, seconded by Mrs S. Smith.


The Chairman moved the re-election of the President (Mr H.C. Marshall).

Mr L. Smith seconded, and the motion was carried with acclamation.

Mr B.E. Thody was re-elected Hon. Sec. with Mrs Thody as Hon. Treasurer.

The Committee elected were - Mrs S. Smith, Mrs H. Handy, Miss Aylott, the Rev. John Cole, Messrs. S. Smith, H. Handy, H. Cutts and W. Smith. 

A Sub-Committee, consisting of Mrs J. Aylott, Mrs S. Smith and Miss Bush, were elected to serve as a tea committee.

On the propostion of the Chairman, Mr S. Howlett was re-elected Captain, with Mr H. Clarke as Vice-Captain.

Votes of thanks were accorded the officers for their past services, and the ladies who managed the teas so successfully.

12th Nov 1926 - Salvation Army Anniversary

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S.A. Anniversary

The local corps of the Salvation Army celebrated their 34th anniversary by a successfil tea, which was admirably arranged by the local officer, and took place on Saturday afternoon October 30th at the S.A. Hall.

In the evening Col. Zealley from headquarters gave an address, and he also conducted two services the next day at the S.A. Hall. By kind permission of the Minister and Deacons, Col. Zealley on Sunday gave an address in the Congregational Church on "The Romance of the S.A."

There was a full congregation, and the address dealing with incidents connected with the Salvation Army from its start, was most interesting. Mr H. Cutts kindly presided at the organ, and the hymns, from the hymn sheets distributed, were sung with great heartiness. All enjoyed the service.

At the close Capt. Winifred Green, senior local officer, thanked the Minister and Deacons for permitting them to hold the service in the Congregational Church.

9th April 1926 - Help the Hospitals

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Help the Hospitals

The Whist Drive and Dance on behalf of the Hertford and Royston Hospitals next Wednesday in the Benson Hall promises to be one of the largest ever held in Buntingford. A record attendance is expected, and doubtless many will assist the cause by buying tickets even if unable to be present.

The price of tickets is 2/- if purchased on or before Monday, or 2/6 after Monday. They may be obtained from the various club representatives, including Messrs. W.T. Budd, H.B. Cutts, E.E. Dennis, S. Howlett, J. Lawrence, C.H. Poulton and W. Smith.

At the whist drive Dr Fell will distribute the many valuable prizes, which are now on view in Mr Lawrence's establishment. They include a "lucky ticket" prize.

Dancing will last two hours, and the Town Band are kindly giving their services for the dance music. Mr L. Smith will act as M.C. for the dancing, and Mr E.E. Dennis for the whist.

24th Feb 1928 - Congregational Social

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Congregational Social

A very enjoyable evening was spent on Thursday, September 16th, in the Buntingford Congregational Schoolroom, the occasion being a church social. 

A good number of friends gathered in the schoolroom, which had been very attractively decorated during the afternoon by Mr H. Cutts, assisted by Miss Norris, the members of Miss Careless's sewing class also having been busy to the same end.

The Rev. Tom Warren, Congregational Minister of Cheshunt, was present, and he retained the interest of his hearers for fully an hour in lecturing, in his own racy manner, on "People I have met in the Workhouse."

The Minister, in thanking Mr Warren for his kindness in coming and in lecturing, asked him to convey the greetings of the Buntingford Church to that at Cheshunt, and this suggestion was warmly endorsed in the usual manner.

During an interval refreshments were served, these having been donated by the friends in the usual very generous manner, the ladies of the Church again carrying through the necessary arrangements for the dispensing of the same.

The followed a programme of entertainment, consisting of songs, pianforte items, readings and recitations, competitions, &c., the latter causing very much merriment, prizes being awarded to the successful competitors.

The financial proceeds of the social were on behalf of Church funds, and the best thanks are due to all who in so many ways, refreshments, assistance preparatory to and during the social, &c., rendered possible such a pleasant evening.

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