High Street, Buntingford.
G. Scarborough Taylor, P.A.S.I., has received instructions to sell by auction at the "George and Dragon" Hotel, Buntingford, on Monday, October 18th, 1926, valuable freehold business property, comprising excellent brick-built residence, having extensive frontage to Buntingford High Street.
Large garden at the rear, extensive outbuildings, comprising Cobbled Yard, Blacksmith's Shop, Forge, and Stabling for 3, lofted also; Ex-Service Men's Club, let on a lease and producing £18 per annum.
Further particulars of Messrs. Chalmers-Hunt & Co., Solicitors, Buntingford and Ware; and of the Auctioneer, Auction Offices, Buntingford (Tel. 20); Baldock (Tel. 62); Welwyn (Tel. 98); and Hatfield (Tel. 16).