Showing posts with label Marshall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marshall. Show all posts

18th January 1924 - Wyddiall - An Enjoyable Concert

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[Transcriber note: To save everyone's eyes I've turned the collections of names at the end into bullet pointed lists]


An Enjoyable Concert

The concert given in the schoolroom on Tuesday last attracted a crowded audience, that spent a delightful time.

Mr H. May was the chief organiser, and Mr R. May presided at the piano.

No charge was made for admission, but during the interval a collection was made in aid of the Men's Club, the satisfactory sum of 30s. being collected.

At the close Mr H. Pigg congratulated the artistes on the excellent programme, and called for three cheers, which were heartily given.

On behalf of the performers, Mr H. May thanked the audience for their support, and the liberal way they had subscribed to the Club funds.

The programme was as follows:

Part 1 -

  • Pianoforte Solo, Mr R. May;
  • song, "Maryland," Mr B. Hatchett;
  • song, "Mary Ann and Jack," Mr H. Money;
  • duet, "Barbara Allen," Misses N. Hatchett and R. Marshall;
  • recitation, "From the wreck," Mr E. Searle;
  • song, "Passing by," Mr W. May;
  • song, "The old armchair," Mr W. Searle;
  • dialogue, Messrs B. Hatchett and E. Martin;
  • song, "I passed by your window," N. Hatchett, Miss L. Pledger and R. Marshall;
  • song, "Whispering," Mr H. Pledger;
  • song, "I shall have to ask my mother if she'll let me," Mr C. Hatchett;
  • song, "That old fashioned mother," Miss L. Pledger;
  • song, "God send you back to me," Mr W. Watson.

Part 2 -

  • Song, "Annie Laurie," Mrs W. Mead;
  • song, "Light of her life went out," Mr H. Money;
  • song, "Bubbles," E. Bonfield, R. Reed and C. Hatchett;
  • song, "Bells of St Mary's," Mr H. Pledger;
  • duet, "The old rustic bridge," Miss N. and Mr B. Hatchett;
  • recitation, "A great fit," Mr E. Searle;
  • song, "My meatless day," Mr C. Hatchett;
  • song, "Mate of mine," Mr W. May;
  • song, "Poor ole' Joe," Mr W. Searle;
  • reading, "Our village," Mr J. Searle;
  • song, "Touch the harp gently," Mr W. Watson;
  • song, "Amazon," Mr B. Hatchett;
  • "Auld Lang Syne," concert party.

18th January 1924 - The Remembrance Day Fund

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The Remembrance Day Fund

The President, Mr H.C. Marshall, presided at a meeting of the committee of this fund on Wednesday last. Others present were Captain H.H. Williams, Messrs. G.H. Maughan, F.W. Butler, E.J. Totman, J. Warner, A.E. Mayes and the Secretary, Mr E.J. Crane.

The Secretary reported that since Dec. 1st, 1923, 180 grants had been made to Ex-Service Men, widows and dependants.

The amount dispersed was £20 0s. 2d., which was made up as follows: Groceries £14 18s. 6d., milk and eggs 16s. 6d., meat £2 16s. 6d., bread 18s. 8d. and coal 10s.

18th January 1924 - Buntingford Petty Sessions

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Buntingford Petty Sessions

On Friday last, before H.C. Marshall, Esq., in the chair, Claud Fraser, Esq., Mrs C.R. Dimsdale, and the Clerk (Mr H.M. Gisby).

A Sunday Morning Episode

Albert George Stacey, 42, of Green Hill, Braughing, appeared on a charge of being found in unlawful possession of a rabbit and two snares at Braughing.

P.c. Briden, of Braughing, said that on Sunday, 23rd December, at 10.55 a.m., he was on duty at Green Hill, Braughing, when he saw the defendant coming down Bell Lane.

He met him near Malting Cottages, where he stopped him, and told him he should search him. Defendant ran away, but witness caught him and on searching him found on him a rabbit and two snares. He told the defendant he should report the case.

The constable stated that Stacey was a single man. He was living at home, and was a good workman. He had not lost a day's working during the three-and-a-half years he (witness) had known him. His employer was Mr F. Brown of Braughing.

The skin and snares were then produced, and after consultation the Chairman said the snares would be confiscated, and the defendant would be fined 10s. including costs.

The fine was paid in court.

Probation Officer Re-appointed

The Probation Officer's annual report was submitted to the Bench.

The report showed that during the year there was one fresh case. The number at present under the care of Mr Andrews was two, one being a woman, and the other a man, both over 16. During the year four persons had completed their period of probation, and all four cases were satisfactory.

The Bench re-appointed Mr Andrews as Probation Officer, and the Chairman, who said he was sorry Mr Andrews was not pressent, asked the Clerk to convey to the officer congratulations on the excellent way he fulfilled his duties, and the thanks of the Bench for his work in the Buntingford area.

18th January 1924 - Buntingford Rural District Council

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Note: The last column of the article seems to be one that actually belongs in the middle, before the column that starts "Cottered". I have transcribed this with the text in the correct place to prevent any confusion with screen readers.

Buntingford Rural District Council

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Rural District Council was held in the Board Room on Thursday of last week.

The Chairman (Mr H.C. Marshall) presided, others present being Messrs. E.T. Morris, F.B. Cannon, C. Fraser, G.C. Wilson, H.H. Williams, C. Hummerstone, W.J. May, F. Prime, J. Bygrave and G. Graves, Mrs C.R. Dimsdale, the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke) and the Surveyor (Mr E.G. Thody).

Isolation Hospital

The Surveyor reported that no cases of infectious disease had been notified during the past month, and that the Hospital was closed.


The consumption of water during the past month was reported as follows:

1st week 207,000 gallons

2nd week 214,000 gallons

3rd week 190,000 gallons

4th week 208,000 gallons

The water level has risen a further two feet and the rest level is now 33 feet, being 2ft. 6ins. higher than in January 1923.

A supply of 400 gallons of paraffin had recently been procured.

Buckland House Scheme

The Surveyor reported that a sample of water taken from the bore hole had been submitted for analyst [sic].

The report stated that the water was distinctly hard, but in all respects it was quite good.

It was considered a wholesome water, and the turbidity would disappear with use.

Electric Light Discussed

It was notified that the North Metropolitan Electric Company proposed applying for powers to supply energy to include the Rural Districts of Buntingford, Ashwell, Hadham and Hitchin.

The Chairman explained the purport of the Bill, and said that he thought the Board would approved of it, but at the same time he thought that a public meeting should be called to discuss the matter.

He hoped that the proposed charge of 10d. per unit would be revised as early as possible.

The Chairman then made the following observations on Clauses 7 and 8 of the Bill:

Clause 7. Under this clause as drawn, the Company can exercise their powers without the consent of the Local Authority where such authority were not authorised distributors at the time of pass the Act. Should the Company obtain the consent of the Council before exercising their powers in the district?

Clause 8. The maximum charge of 10d. per unit, which is to remain in force for a period of three years from the passing of the Act. Under this clause as drawn, a revision of prices cannot take place until after a period of three years. A revision of prices should be permitted to take place any time after the passing of the Act.

It is suggested that Clause 7 should be amended so that the Council would be protected in regard to the Company exercising their powers in the District, and the County Council should consult those Councillors representing the district and ascertain their views before giving their consent.

The following resolution was then unanimously carried:

"That this Council having examined and considered the North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Bill 1924 are of opinion that Clause 7 should be amended to the effect that the Company shall not exercise their powers to supply in the District except without the previous consent under seal of the County Council, after consultation with representatives of the Local Authorities.

That Clause 8 should be amended so as to permit a revision of charges taking place at any time after the passing of the Act, and not post-poned for a period of three years."

The Chairman, who said that the Hertfordshire Council had the matter in hand, said he would be seeing Sir James Devonshire on the 23rd of January, and that no doubt if the public were willing, and could guarantee a certain number of consumers, the Company would expedite facilities.

Captain E.T. Morris asked if the service would pass through Buckland, and the Chairman said he understood it would.

The Clerk was instructed to write to the Clerk of the Hertfordshire County Council respecting the points raised.


The Surveyor stated that owing to carelessness on the part of those drawing water, the elevator was broken on the 8th. The cost of repairs would be £2.


It was reported that the contractor was proceeding with the well-boring, and was down 210 feet. There was 50 feet head of water, and testing was being commenced that day.

A Nuisance at Cromer

The Surveyor reported that a considerable quantity of sewage matter discharged into an open ditch running through the village street. It appeared that the sewage flowed from several properties.

The Surveyor was instructed to interview the owners of the properties with a view to devising a scheme whereby the sewage could be dealt with.

Condemned Cottages

Four cottages situate in Little Lane, which had previously been condemned as unfit for human habitation, were reported to be vacated and closed.

Westmill Cottages

One of the tenants of the Council Cottages at Westmill reported that the mantel shelf in the parlour collapsed, and that his clock and sundry ornaments were thrown to the floor and broken. The tenant had estimated the damage to be about £5.

One of the Councillors caused laughter by saying that he thought mantel shelves should have a notice similar to that on brides, showing what weight they could take.

28th December 1928 - Festivities at the Poor Law Institution

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Festivities at the Poor Law Institution

Through the untiring efforts of the Master and Matron (Mr and Mrs F.W. Butler), who neglect nothing that will prevent the inmates from spending a merry Christmas, and to the generosity of many kindly donors, all the inmates spent a happy time in the Institution one of the happiest in the real sense of the adjective.

On the 16th inst. Miss E.N. Davies sent sponge sandwiches for tea.

On the 18th inst. Miss Lushington provided cake for tea and distributed sweets and tobacco, for which, one leaving, she was loudly cheered.

On the same day Miss Baker took her pupils to the sick wards, where they sang carols, and these were greatly appreciated by the sick inmates.

On the 21st inst. the Rev. and Miss Shepherd, of Great Hormead, visited the wards, and left parcels for the inmates from that parish.

The wards and dining hall had been tastefully decorated by the staff with evergreens and paper chains, which gave a festive appearance. Breakfast on Christmas Day consisted of ham, and each inmate received a new shilling as a gift from Mr Claud Fraser, a member of the Board of Guardians. Parcels and other gifts were handed round, the kindly donors of which are below mentioned.

For dinner there was a liberal supply of roast beef, roast pork, chicken, parsnips and potatoes, plum pudding, ale and minerals, and after Grace had been said by Rev. A. Howard, Hon. Chaplain to the Institution, the inmates did full justice to these viands, and ate and drank to their hearts' content. The Master was assisted with the carving by Mr B. Thody (Relieving Officer), Mr H.H. Macklin, Mr W. Bonness and Mr F.J. Butler. Mr H.C. Marshall, another Guardian, provided nuts and fruit for dessert.

During the meal the Misses Olive and Marion Macklin rendered pianoforte selections, and visitors to the wards included Mrs A. Dixon, Dr., Mrs and Miss Fell and Master S. Howard. Capt. and Mrs H.H. Williams provided iced and fruit cake for tea, and also distributed sweets. Cheers by the inmates followed, and in replying Mrs Williams wished all a happy time. She also referred to the King's health, and afterwards all sang the National Anthem.

In the evening an entertainment was held, the inmates being chief performers. The Matron and Master R. Butler were at the piano.

It is impossible to single out any performer, as all showed fine talent for the music hall. Sweets, nuts, cake and tobacco were again handed round, also coffee and ale, and all went well until 10 p.m., when the merry day was brought to a close.

The Master called for cheers for the Guardians and other kind donors of gifts, and cheers were also given, with musical honours, for the Master, Matron and staff. The National Anthem followed.

The following are gifts, together with the kindly donors, besides those already mentioned:

Mr F.B. Cannon (Vice-Chairman of the Guardians), 10s;

Hertford Board of Guardians - per Dimsdale Fund - 3/- each Hertford inmate;

Mrs and Mr E.C. Clarke (Clerk to the Guardians), sweets and tobacco;

Miss Lushington, Christmas cards;

Mrs A. Dixon, parcels for women, tobacco for men;

Mrs Goode, parcels for Cottered women;

Mrs Fell, sweets for sick women;

Mrs F.R. Williams (Standon), biscuits for sick women;

Miss E.N. Davies, sweets for inmates and casuals;

Messrs. Moss & Sons - per Mr Daniels - bon-bons;

Mr and Mrs A.G. Day, bon-bons;

Mrs Joobins (Reigate), Xmas greetings;

Mrs H. Clarke (Newtown), books;

Mrs Wheeler (Ware), books;

Captain Salvation Army, books;

National Institute for Blind - per Mrs Scarborough Taylor - parcel of groceries, sweets, &c.

21st December 1928 - Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

Although the housewife finds a hundred and one jobs to be done at Christmas time, like Christmas shopping, making everywhere spic and span for the visitors, and furnishing the larder with all good things, the majority of members of Buntingford Women's Institute were present at the monthly meeting held in the Hall on Wednesday in last week.

The President (Mrs H.C. Marshall) was in the their, and after the singing of "England," a representative from the Hertfordshire Institute of Agriculture gave a lecture on salads and herbs, fully describing the procedure necessary for the growth of herbs. It was most interesting, and a hearty vote of thanks was accorded the lecturer.

There were several entrants in the competition for the four best mince-pies, and the prize for this was won by Mrs Dellow.

The tea hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs Butler and Mrs Howard.

The meeting concluded with country dancing.

5th August 1927 - Buntingford & District Horticultural Society

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Buntingford & District Horticultural Society

A Fine Exhibition

"A fine exhibition, especially in the vegetable classes. The root classes and the pea classes were excellent, and we have seldom seen such fine potatoes."

The above was the comment passed by the judge at the Buntingford Flower Show, held yesterday.

The venue was once again Corney Bury Park, kindly lent by Mr W.J. Wedd, and when one entered the gate it seemed impossible that the pre-war shows, for which Buntingford was famous, were held in the small meadow adjoining.

The weather was on its best behaviour, brilliant sunshine prevailing throughout the day. There were few umbrellas seen in the show ground - what there were appeared to be in use as sunshades.

The Officials

The President of the Society is Mr H.C. Marshall, who was a successful competitor at yesterday's Show.

The Hon. Secretary, Mr Ernest G. Thody, once again spared no efforts to make the show a success; he was also a very successful exhibitor, his cut flowers being a specially fine exhibit.

The Committee worked assiduously throughout the day.

Trade Exhibits

There were four trade exhibits, Messrs. Chaplin's of Waltham Cross, taking first prize for a wonderful display of roses and gladioli; the display was staged on a platform 24ft. long by 4th. 6ins. wide.

Other trade exhibits included Messrs. Goodliffe's and Mr W. Keep's displays of herbaceous and rock plants, and Mr H.A. Thody's exhibit of fruit.


The entries numbered over 1,000, and were staged in three large tents.

As stated, there was an excellent entry in the root classes, the judges remarking that they had seldom seen better potatoes.

There were ten table decorations, Miss Thody taking first prize with a pretty single rose, "K of K" and "Waltham Cross." Major Douglas Crossman, M.F.H., (Mr Dibben, gardener) took first prize for best arrangement of pot plants; he had a fine colour scheme of pink and mauve hydrangeas with ferns.

The Judges

The following kindly acted as judges:

Trade exhibitors and amateurs classes, Messrs. A. Jeffries (Hertford) and J.A. Gates (Ardeley); cottagers' classes, Messrs. J. Friend (Stansted) and W. Ring (Puckeridge); table decorations, Messrs. Keep, Chaplin and Goodliffe; bread, Mr R.F. Dellow; honey, Mr C.H. Poulton; cooked potatoes, Mr C. North; bottled fruit, Mr S. Daniels.

The tea tent was very capably managed by the Buntingford Women's Institute.

It was found impossible to manage the teas on the same lines as last year, so the Institute kindly came to the assistance of the Society, and their services were greatly appreciated by the large numbers who patronised the tea tent during the afternoon.


There was an attractive programme of amusements, &.

Thirty boys from the William Baker Technical School at Hertford (Dr. Barnardo's Homes) gave two excellent gymnastic displays during the afternoon and evening, and were accorded a very warm welcome.

Through the kindness of several ladies and gentlemen, the boys, together with their Band, were entertained to tea. Dr Barnardo's Boys' Band was also in attendance, and played selections throughout the afternoon and evening for the displays, and later for dancing.

A balloon race, organised by the Committee, drew several competitors. The prizes - vouchers value 15/- and 7/6 - will be awarded to the competitors whose balloons travel farthest.

Thurston's amalgamation of amusements drew a large crowd, especially towards the close. The day's events concluded with a grand display of fireworks by Messrs. J.R. Wells, of London.

A further report, together with a complete list of awards, will appear in our next issue.

Large numbers flocked to the ground during the evening, and the gate receipts exceeded £80.

13th August 1926 - Buntingford Bowls Club Fete

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Buntingford Bowls Club

Garden Fete at the Red House

By the kind permission of Mr and Mrs Claud Fraser, a Garden Fete was held at the Red House, Buntingford, on Bank Holiday, in aid of the Buntingford Bowls Club.

It was organised by the committee, the hon. sec. (Mr J. Lawrence) being ably assisted by Mr H. Clarke. Favoured with a brilliant summer's day, the 600 people who attended the Fete entered with zest into the pleasures, and spent indeed a very happy time.

At the opening ceremony of the Fete, Mr W.J. May, the Chairman of the Committee, said Mr Marshall, the President of the Club, who was to open the Fete, was so well known that he needed no introduction.

The Club especially wished to thank Mr and Mrs Fraser for the kindness in placing their beautiful gardens at the disposal of the committee. The Club had hitherto been somewhat handicapped by the use of a green that was slightly below the ordinary standard size, and this had affected their play. The opportunity had arisen of acquiring a suitable piece of land in Wyddiall Road, which was in course of construction as a bowling green.

Mr H.C. Marshall endorsed the remarks of Mr May, and in declaring the Fete open said the Bowls Club had every cause to be grateful to Mr and Mrs Fraser (Applause).

There was a very big choice of attractions, and all were fairly well patronised.

Messrs. Barratt's Jazz Band and Concert Party from Bedford besides playing selections and for dancing on the lawn up to 10 o'clock in th evening, gave two excellent concerts that were greatly appreciated. The humourous items on the programme deserve special mention.

Upwards of a hundred persons tried their skill at the treasure hunt, the treasure being won by Mr H.C. Marshall, whose success highly pleased the visitors. In guessing the weight of a lump of coal, actually weighing 89lbs. 6ozs., Mr E.J. Totman was the winner, his estimate being 90lbs.

Two, Miss Bartrop and Mr C. Fraser, guessed the weight of a cake (4lbs. 3 and three quarts ozs.), and the latter resigned his right, and the cake was handed to Miss Bartrop.

For the bowls competition, Mr F. Boniwell won premier honours with a score of 25, and in clock golf Mr C. Fraser with a score of 23. No less than six tied in hitting the target for a prime ham, which was eventually won by Mr Howard. This was superintended by Mr W.J. May.

The greatest novelty was the pig in a poke, the pig being presented by Mr Mannox, who managed this competition. There were numerous entries, and five tied, the winner being Mr Skipper.

For the stop-watch competition, Mr J.P. Hill, of the Bengeo Club, Hertford, was the winner with only a minute out. He gave the time 3.27, but it actually stopped a minute earlier, 3.26.

The flying arrow pastime in charge of Messrs. E.J. Totman and A. Mayes proved very popular, as also did Mr F.W. Butler's offer of 2s. for a penny, but the anticipations of those who participated in this feat were not altogether realised. A good prize was set apart for the lucky ticket. It turned out to be 126, and the possessor of this ticket has not yet claimed the prize.

It was just the evening for an open air whist drive, and the prizes were won as follows:

Ladies - 1 Miss Boniwell, 2 Mrs Stepley, lowest score Miss Wilds.

Gents - 1 Mr Walsingham, 2 Mr Watson, lowest score Mr Ward.

Teas and refreshments were in great request, and this part of the Fete arrangements was in the capable hands of a ladies' committee, which won high praise for the dainty way the teas were served on the lawn.

At the gate Mr J.L. Cornwell and Mr J. Boniwell, two of the oldest members of the Bowls Club, had charge.

For such a well-arranged Fete, to uphold a good old sport reaching back centuries, the promoters certainly deserved every success, and it is pleasing to record that the proceeds amounted to about £60.

6th August 1926 - Buntingford Local Association of Boy Scouts

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Buntingford Local Association of Boy Scouts

The Annual Rally in connection with the Buntingford and District Local Association of Boy Scouts was held on Wednesday in last week at Longmead (by king permission of H.C. Marshall, Esq., J.P.) There was keen competition and the rally was very successful.

The following three troops competed - Buntingford, Brent Pelham and Furneaux Pelham.

A 3 o'clock the scouts, who were in charge of District Commissioner Major M.E. Barclay, paraded on the Market Hill and then marched to "Longmead," where they competed for the Shield, which was previously held by the Brent Pelham Troop.

As will be seen by the following list, Buntingford and Brent Pelham each gained 75 out of a possible 90 marks, and therefore will hold the shield for six months each.


Turnout - 17

Ambulance - 15

Signalling - 16

Tent Pitching - 17 

Fire Lighting - 10

Total - 75

Brent Pelham

Turnout - 18

Ambulance - 14

Signalling - 20

Tent Pitching - 15

Fire Lighting - 8

Total - 75

Furneaux Pelham

Turnout - 16

Ambulance - 11

Signalling - 18

Tent Pitching - 14

Fire Lighting - 9

Total - 68

Marks possible 90.

The judges were Dr Campbell, Mr E.E. Dennis and Mr G. Last, and Messrs. A. Lake, F.W. Butler, A. Freeman and E.J. Totman acted as stewards.

Mrs Marshall kindly presented the shield to the winning troops, and the scouts thoroughly enjoyed the other sports which took place.

Mr E.E. Dennis (Hon. Sec and Treasurer) thanked Mr and Mrs Marshall for their kindness in placing the meadow at the disposal of the Association, and also for the excellent tea which had been provided.

Major Barclay also spoke of the great interest Mr Marshall had always taken in the Scout Movement in the district.

Cheers were then given for Mr and Mrs Marshall, Major Barclay (Secretary) and helps.

Special thanks are due to Messrs. G. Handy, H. May, S. Daniels, E.G. Thody, B.E. Thody, Harry Clark and the Buntingford Congregational Church for loan of materials.


We have been asked to mention that Scoutmasters are still wanted. More troops could be found if Scoutmasters can be obtained.

6th August 1926 - Buntingford Horticultural Society

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Buntingford Horticultural Society

Annual Show

The Buntingford Flower Show was held in Corney Bury Park yesterday (Thursday) and was a pronounced success.

The quality of the exhibits were exceptionally fine, and we believe the number of entries constituted a record for the Society.

For the first time since 1914, the Buntingford Horticultural Society staged its Annual Show entirely on its own.

Since 1920, the Society has held its shows in conjunction with the Agricultural Society, but as this Society held its Show at Hertford this year, the Horticultural Society reverted to is old date in August.

All roads led to Corney Bury Park, where, by kind permission of Mr W.J. Wedd, the show was staged. It is estimated that there were quite 3,000-4,000 people present.

The show as a whole was a distinct advance on last year, and approximated to the old-time shows which made Buntingford famous for its flower shows. The entries totalled just over 762. The quality of the exhibits was also of a fine standard.

The trade exhibits were very fine, the displays of roses by Messrs. Chaplin's (Waltham Cross), Messrs. Harkness (Hitchin), Mr J. Pigg (Royston) and Mr C. Bolton (Wyddiall) being exceptionally fine. Mr H.A. Thody had a fine show of fruit.

Other Attractions

The Buntingford Town Silver Band, under Mr E. Smith, were present, and their selections during the day were greatly enjoyed.

Among the various other attractions was a demonstration with live bees by Mr Herrod-Hempstall, F.E.S., expert to the Ministry of Agriculture, and entertainments, side-shows, &c.

In the evening dancing to the band took place. At dusk a magnificent firework display was given by Messrs. J. Wells, of London. W. Thurston's up-to-date amusements were well patronised.

The Management

An immense amount of organising work had been put in by the Hon. Secretary, Mr E.G. Thody, and by the General Committee.

Mr Thody has held the post of Secretary and Joint Secretary for 40 years and his experience and worth is beyond computation. In addition he was a most successful exhibitor.

The Officers were:

President - H.C. Marshall, Esq.

Committee - Messrs. A.C. Bartlett, C. Bolton, G. Budd, H. Clarke, J. Cornwell, E. Crane, J. Dean, E.E. Dennis, T. Dibbin, H. Fry, W.G. Jones, J. May, H. Money, T. Rolfe, G. Scarborough Taylor, F. Sharp, W. Nichols, B.E. Thody, J. Totman, C. Walters, T. Hummerstone, W. Watkins, B. Rustead, and A. Warner.

10th September 1926 - Adverts and Buntingford Women's Institute

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Special Harvest Offer of Men's Wear. Cord trousers and heavy farm boots a speciality. Note windows. E.B. Haddock, Buntingford - ADVT.

Have your Boots & Shoes repaired locally by E.C. Scrivener, New Town. Satisfaction Guaranteed - ADVT.

Women's Institute

Owing to the unsettled weather, the Women's Institute held their monthly meeting in the Assembly Rooms on the 8th inst., where Mrs H.C. Marshall presided. A large number of members were present.

Miss Collingwood, V.C.O., gave a most delightful talk on the "Aims and Ideals of the Women's Institute."

A bountiful tea was provided by the Committee, after which several members took part in the discussion on home-made wines, of which there were about 20 samples exhibited by various members.

The singing of folk songs then concluded the programme.

29th October 1926 - Buntingford Bowls Club Annual Dinner

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Buntingford Bowls Club

Annual Dinner

The annual dinner, in connection with the Buntingford Bowls Club, was held at the George Hotel on Wednesday evening in last week, when a company of about 60 spent a very happy time.

The chair was taken by Mr H.C. Marshall, the President of the Club, who was supported by Mr George Aston, Mr Claud Fraser, Capt. H.H. Williams, Mr W. Chapman-Wood and others.

An excellent four-course menu was provided by the Host and Hostess, Mr and Mrs J. Holmes, after which the loyal toast was enthusiastically honoured on the proposition of the Chairman.

"The Club"

Mr Claud Fraser said he had the privilege of proposing the toast of the evening, "The Buntingford Bowls Club." The Club had been making history, and it was a great pleasure to the inhabitants of the town to see the Buntingford Club at the end of the East Herts League Table.

The members had played with a spirit of sportsmanship, and they had just cause to be proud of their achievements. The speaker then referred to the new green, and the prospects it held out for the future; it was situate near his house, and he would regard himself as a kind of guardian. He hoped that Buntingford Bowls Club would flourish by root and branch forever. (Applause).

In responding, Mr W.J. May, the popular captain of the Club, said the Club had many friends in Buntingford and in the district.

During the season, the Club had won 12 out of 18 matches, and had carried off the George Aston Challenge Cup. Everyone felt greatly indebted to Mr Aston who had done so much for the game of bowls. (Applause).

Others he would like specially to mention were the President, who had found the money for the new ground, and Mr Thody who had again come forward and lent them plants and decorations for the room that evening. (Applause).

Mr J. Boniwell, the veteran of the Club, also responded. He said he started the Club himself in 1913, and it was a pleasure to him to see the Club had reach [sic] such a high level. Their Captain, Mr May, had done a lot to bring success. (Hear, hear). It had become the habit of his (Mr Boniwell's) friends not only of the Buntingford Club, but also of all the other Clubs in the league to call him "Dad," and after matches the Buntingford Club members invariably said "Well Dad, what do you think of us now."

To one and all of them he would now say "You have done well, and I hope you will keep up the record." (Applause).

"The League"

Captain H.H. Williams, who rose to propose the toast of the "East Herts Bowls League," said he always remembered being taught at school that the whole of a thing is larger than its parts; he would say, therefore, that but for the East Herts Bowls League there would be no competition or Challenge Cup.

It was a pleasure to have Mr Aston with them that evening. There was little doubt that the League owed its success to the harmonious way in which the clubs worked, and to the excellent organisation. The speaker then paid a tribute to the Executive of the League and to Mr Chapman-Wood, and referred to "that extraordinary good publication" - the League Handbook. (Applause).

Mr George Aston, who was applauded on rising, congratulated the Buntingford Club on winning the Challenge Cup; he also thought they were very lucky in getting the support they did from their President and others.

The whole success of the league was due to the Executive, to Mr Chapman-Wood, and to all the affiliated clubs who had all played the game as it should be played. (Hear, hear).

Continuing, Mr Aston said that since he had been in Herts. nothing had given him greater pleasure than to be President of the East Herts. Bowls League, which he hoped would go on for many years. (Applause).

A replica of the cup was then presented to Mr W.J. May, who suitably replied.

Mr G. Scarborough Taylor, who proposed the toast of "The Guests," said that amongst others, they had Mr Chapman-Wood with them that evening. Both through the press and on the executive, Mr Chapman-Wood had done an enormous amount of work for the game. They were also delighted to have Dr Dixon with them once again. (Applause).

Mr Chapman-Wood and Dr H.E. Dixon both esponded. The former said that although the Buntingford Club lived on the outskirts of the leagure area, and had to travel the farthest they had won through.

He was afraid that he did not know much about the actual game of bowls, although he knew the bias side of a wood - (laughter) - and some day he hoped to play the game. The speaker then made some humourous remarks and concluded by expressing his pleasure at being present that evening, and thanking them for the cordial way in which they had received the toast.

Dr H.E. Dixon said the ancient game had been played in the true spirit of sport by several able bodied men of the town, and he was pleased to be amongst such a happy company.

The toast of the "Vice-Presidents" was proposed by the Rev. L.W. Wright, who said that no club could get on with the aid of its Vice-Presidents. To the members of the Club he would say that now they have ascended to the pinnacle of success they needed a little more caution than before. They had set themselves a great task, as the town looked forward to them to retain the title they had won. (Applause).

Mr E.E. Dennis replied, and said that the Vice-Presidents were especially pleased at the honour the Club had won they wished the Club success next year, and in the years to come.

"The Chairman"

Mr C.H. Poulton proposed the toast of "The Chairman." No club in Herts, he said, could boast of a better president.

Mr Marshall gave so much away that he would probably find one day that he had no money left. (Laughter). They had to thank Mr Marshall for many things in Buntingford, and without doubt he had proved himself to be a worthy son of a worthy father. (Applause).

The Chairman, in replying, said it was a pleasure to be President of any club in Buntingford. He thought it was communism in the best sense of the word, because everyone worked together so splendidly. He thought himself very fortunate to be amongest them, as when he came to Buntingford some 17 years ago, he did not think he would even find so many good friends. (Applause).

Dr R.W. Fell proposed a vote of thanks to the Artistes. Music was one of the most essentials of life, and the artistes that evening were excellent. Mr Jack Pierce responded.

Presentation of Prizes

During the evening the Chairman presented a Silver Challenge Cup to Mr E.R. Brett and a gold medal to Mr E.J. Totman.

The music items were rendered by The Rev. L.W. Wright, Mr J. Pierce, Mr A. May and Mr V. Pledger, and were very much enjoyed.

After thanks to Mr and Mrs J. Holmes, the Secretary (Mr J. Lawrence) and his dinner committee the evening concluded with the National Anthem.

15th October 1926 - Wyddiall Harvest Thanksgiving

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Harvest Thanksgiving

Harvest Thanksgiving Services were held at the Parish Church on Wednesday, October 6th, and the following Sunday.

On Wednesday evening there was a crowded congregation, when the preacher was the Rev. H.A. Marshall, Vicar of Royston. The collection, which amounted to £2 5s. 8d., was for the Royston Hospital.

On Sunday, October 10th, there were again crowded congregations, the Rector preaching at both the morning and evening services.

The collections throughout the day amounted to £3 5s. 7d., and were given to the Buntingford Nursing Association.

15th October 1926 - Board of Guardians Monthly Meeting

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Board of Guardians

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held on Thursday (yesterday).

Present: Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mrs Dimsdale, Capt. E.T. Morris, Capt. H.H. Williams, The Rev. L.W. Wright, Messrs G. Graves, A.J. Hayes, G.C. Wilson, H.E. Dudley, T.J. Stick, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke), the Master (Mr F.W. Butler) and the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin).

House Committee

The following report was submitted.

The House Committee visited the House today, the work of distempering the male casual ward has been completed, and the condition of the building is very satisfactory.

The committee have no suggests to make involving further expenditure.

Katherine J. Dimsdale, Harold H. Williams, G.C. Wilson.

Master's Report

The Master reported as follows:

Number of inmates - men 15, women 15, children 2. Total 32.

Number admitted to casual wards 16.

Corresponding figures for last year - men 20, women 16, children 2. Total 38.

Tramps 2.

Two females, aged 70 and 92 respectively, have been admitted during the month.

A committee of the Hertford Guardians paid a visit on September 5th, and left a report in the visitors book.


The following gifts have been received and much appreciated by the inmates.

Cheque £2 - Hertford Guardians.

Eggs - Salvation Army.

Papers - Mrs Dixon

Fruit and vegetables - Westmill Harvest Thanksgiving per Rev. A.G. King.

Fruit, vegetables and eggs - Meesden Harvest Thanksgiving per Rev. W. McKerr

Grapes and fruit - Layston Harvest Thanksgiving, per Mrs Howard

Daily Mail for past year - Mrs Anderson

Weekly Mail for Blind - Mr H.C. Marshall

Books and magazines - British Red Cross Library

Mrs L.M. Baker brought her pupils and sang Harvest Hymns in the sick wards and distributed tea, eggs, fruit &c.


During the past month 78 have been relieved, against 13 last year.

Labour Master

Mr R. Budd, the labour master, has been appointed porter at Luton. Would the Board kindly give Mr Budd a testimonial.

The Chairman said it was pleasing to note the number of gifts received during the month. The Board were very grateful to the donors and especially to Miss Baker and her pupils for giving the aged inmates a share in the thanksgiving of Harvest.

It was decided to give Mr Budd a testimonial and the Chairman was authorised to sign it.

Fire Protection

The Minimax Co. reported that the fire extinguishers at the Institution had been recently inspected and found to be in order.


Mrs Dimsdale stated that the Hormead School Library Committee had several books which they would be pleased to hand over to the Guardians for the use of the inmates of the Institution.

The Chairman said he thought the books would be very acceptable, and no doubt the Master could put up some shelves.

Captain Williams and the Rev. Wright expressed their thanks to Mrs Dimsdale for the offer.

The Late Mr E. Pigg

The Clerk read a letter from the family of the late Mr Edward Pigg expressing their thanks for the expression of sympathy passed at the last Board meeting and for the wreath sent.

Hertford Boarders

A letter was read from the Hetford Union authorising the continuance of relief to persons resident in the Buntingford Union and relieved on behalf of the Hertford Union, for a further period of 14 weeks.


The following remarks were entered in the House Committee register by visitors from the Hertford House Committee:

"We visited the Institution and found the inmates most comfortable and happy.

The Master and Matron are particularly patient and kind to all. The Box girls are greatly improved. With regard to the Dimsdale Charity, any surplus money might be used on 'bus rides or little outings in any way the Matron and Master think best."

8th October 1926 - Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

Group Conference at Buntingford

A Visit from Headquarters

A most successful meeting took place on Friday last at the Benson Hall, Buntingford, when members from Buckland, Clothall, Hormead, Sandon, Weston and Westmill joined their friends at Buntingford. Representatives from Standon and Pelham Groups were also present.

The chair was taken by Mrs H.H. Williams of Aspenden House, the Group Leader for his district.

In welcoming the members, Mrs Williams said it was a pleasure to see so many present, it showed the interest taken in the various Institutes.

Particular interest was taken in an address on "The responsibility of the individual member," given by the Hon. Miss Farrer from Headquarters.

The speaker urged the necessity for close co-operation between members and between Institutes. Each member had a most important part in the success of the Institute, and if she fulfilled her part the success of the body as a whole would be ensured.

Following her address came a charming little speech from Mrs Martin, of Hunsdon, a V.C.O.

Tea was capitally arranged and served by members of the Buntingford Institute, and later much amusement was caused by a game organised by Miss Farrer.

A vote of thanks to the speaker was proposed by Mrs Vernede, Group Leader for Standon, and seconded by Mrs H.C. Marshall, the local President.

The singing of the National Anthem closed a very pleasant and profitable afternoon, enhanced by delightful sunshine.

Before Miss Farrer left, she said she would always remember Buntingford as being "Such a friendly meeting."

24th December 1926 - Charity Trustees Meeting

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Charity Trustees Meeting

A meeting of the Trustees of the Town Charities was held at the Technical Institute on the 9th inst.

Mr H.C. Marshall presided, and there were also present Rev. L.W. Wright, Capt. H.H. Williams, and Messrs. C. Fraser, W.J. May, P. Hamilton, G. Armstrong and H.H. Macklin (clerk).

The income arising from the charities amounted to £80, which is in excess of last year, a fact welcomed especially as the money has to be dispersed in coal according to the trusts.

The old Bigg's Bread Charity produced an income of £4 9s. 4d. This was administered by the Clerk in small loaves to cottagers' families as stated in the terms of the bequest.

Between 400 and 500 of these small loaves were needed, and they were supplied by Mr C.S. Coates, of Buntingford.

21st January 1927 - Women's Institute Monthly Meeting

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Women's Institute

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Women's Institute was held at the Assembly Room, the George Hotel, on Wednesday in last week.

The meeting took the form of a social, and, as was expected, the room was crowded.

The President, Mrs H.C. Marshall, presided.

Refreshments were served to all present, after which games, &c., were indulged in. Mrs Howard was applauded for a recitation, and some folk dancing by the members was also much enjoyed. Throughout the evening, Mrs Stapley and Mrs G. Armstrong presided at the piano.

The successful meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem and Auld Lang Syne.

14th January 1927 - Children Entertained

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Children Entertained

On Tuesday, about 50 children, residing in Baldock Road, Buntingford, assembled at the George Hotel for the annual treat, which was generously given by Mr and Mrs H.C. Marshall, of Longmead.

Mrs C.S. Coates catered and prepared a sumptuous repast; the long tables being loaded with sweetmeats calculated to suit juvenile appetites.

Each child was given a cracker containing a hat or cap. After tea, the tables were cleared and the room arranged for games, &c., which went on merrily till 6.30 when each child was presented with a toy from the large Xmas tree.

Mrs Marshall distributed the gifts to the children and also to the whole of the grown-ups present.

Before leaving, cakes, lemonade and oranges were served and very hearty cheers given for Mr and Mrs Marshall, who were both present. The treat passed off very successfully.

18th February 1927 - Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

On the 9th inst., the monthly meeting of the Buntingford Women's Institute was held at the Assembly Room, the George Hotel.

The president, Mrs H.C. Marshall, presided, and considering the prevalence of influenza, there was a good company present.

The feature of the meeting was an address on Women Police by a lady from London. Her address was listened to very attentively, and at the close she was accorded a very enthusiastic vote of thanks on the proposition of the Chairman.

A competition for ginger biscuits was won by Mrs Squires.

Tea, served by Mrs Squires and Mrs Dellow, brought the afternoon's proceedings to a close.

18th February 1927 - Buntingford Nursing Fund Whist Drive and Dance

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Buntingford Nursing Fund

Whist Drive and Dance

Miss Lushington and her willing helpers are to be heartily congratulated upon the complete success of her annual whist drive and dance held on Wednesday evening in the Benson Hall.

There was a large gathering, especially for the dancing.

The evening commenced with a whist drive, prizes for which had been kindly given by Lady Heaton-Ellis, Mrs H.C. Marshall, Mrs H.H. Williams, Mrs Mevett, Mrs Wyman, Miss Lushington, Dr and Mrs R.W. Fell, and Rev. A.L. Panchaud.

Twenty-five tables were occupied, and the prizes were presented by Miss Lushington to the following:

Ladies - 1, Mrs A. Clark (biscuit barrel); 2, Miss W. Walsingham (half tea service); 3, Mrs Wallis (tea cosy); lowest score - Mrs Geaves.

Gents - 1, Mr H. Hatchett (mirror); 2, Mr Coxall (shaving mirror); 3, Mr Mannox (pictures); lowest score - Mr Bishop.

A lucky chair prize went to Mrs Bennett, and the lucky ticket prize to Mr J. Bishop.

The Buntingford Town Band was in attendance, and dancing was indulged in until midnight, the excellent programme being enjoyed to the full.

Mr A.C. Bartlett for whist, and Mr L. Smith for dancing, were the two efficient M.C's.

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