Showing posts with label January 1924. Show all posts
Showing posts with label January 1924. Show all posts

25th January 1924 - British Legion Annual Meeting

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British Legion

(Buntingford Branch)

Annual Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the members of the Buntingford Branch of the British Legion was held at the Ex-Service Men's Club Room on Wednesday evening.

The chair was occupied by the President, Captain H.H. Williams, and there was a good attendance of members, including a strong contingent from the Hormead Branch.

Balance Sheet

The Hon. Treasurer, Mr F.W. Butler, presented the balance sheet of 1923.

Receipts were: Subscriptions £5 18s. 4d., Donations 7s. 6d., Sale of Badges 15s., Poppy Day £64 14s. Total £71 14s. 10d.

Expenditure - Membership cards 10s. 6d., Club funds £1 5s., Badges £1 4s., Poppy Day fund £64 14s., Fees £1 16s. 9d. 

The balance in hand amounted to £2 8s. 7d. The balance sheet was adopted.

Secretary's Report

The Hon. Secretary, Mr G.H. Maughan, gave a satisfactory report of the working of the organisation.

Since February, 1923, 57 members had been enrolled, and 17 new applications for membership had been accepted for 1924.

The amount forwarded to the Headquarters in respect of Armistice Day was £66 1s. 4d., and after deducting the cost of the poppies, 85 per cent. of this was returnable to the branch for relief.

During the year several pension questions had been dealt with.

It was proposed to hold a public meeting next month, and Colonel Crossfield, D.S.O., had consented to address the meeting.

The report was passed as satisfactory.

Election of Officers

Capt. H.H. Williams was unanimously elected President and re-elected Chairman, Capt. G. Scarborough Taylor being elected Vice-Chairman.

The Chairman said that he would like to move that the Hon. Secretary, Mr G.H. Maughan, and the Hon. Treasurer, Mr F.W. Butler, be re-elected. They had both performed their duties in an excellent manner. The proposition was seconded by Capt. G. Scarborough Taylor and unanimously carried.

The election of the Committee was carried out by ballot, and resulted as follows: The Rev. H.L. Sheppard, Messrs. P. Woollard, H. Piper, A.E. Mayes, E. Totman, H. Cutts, G. Coleman, A. Dray and E. Crane.

Captain H.H. Williams and the Rev. H.L. Sheppard were elected as delegates on the area Council.

The formation of a sub-branch at Great Hormead was confirmed.


The Secretary was instructed to write to the Secretary of the Buntingford Ex-Service Men's Club thanking the Committee for the use of the Club Room for the Legion meetings.

It was announced that subscriptions for 1924 were now due.

25th January 1924 - Layston Parochial Church Council

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Layston Parochial Church Council

Annual Accounts Submitted

The Layston Parochial Church Council met at Mrs A. Dixon's house on Monday last.

The Chairman (the Rev. A. Howard) was supported by Mrs A. Dixon, Mrs Howard, Mrs F.W. Butler, Miss Boniwell, Mr J. Pateman and Mr F.W. Butler (Hon. Secretary and Treasurer).


The balance sheet for the past year was submitted.

Receipts showed a total of £143, and expenditure £142 19s. 11d.

During the year the Church contributed £21 3s. 3d. to various Missionary Societies, and £25 16s. 9d. to Hospitals, Nursing Funds and Home Societies.

The balance sheet was adopted.

On the Burial Ground account the receipts showed a total of £65 6s. 10d., which was made up as follows: Church members, £59 17s. 10d.; Congregational Church and members, £5 4s.; Catholic Church member, 5s.

The total expenditure had been £70 8s. 0d., making a defecit of £5 1s. 6d. due to the Treasurer.

The Council considered the accounts very satisfactory.

Garden Fete

It was decided to hold a garden fete in June. Mr and Mrs Claud Fraser had kindly offered the grounds of the Red House for the occasion, and it was hoped that sufficient funds would be raised to wipe out the defecit, and to ensure that the present tidy appearance of the grave yard be kept up. The graveyard had previously been a disgrace to the Town, on account of shortage of funds.

The following were elected to serve on the Fete Committee: Mr and Mrs C. Fraser, the Rev. and Mrs A. Howard, Mrs A. Dixon, Miss Boniwell, Mrs Maughan, Miss Woods, Mrs F.W. Butler, Mr J. Pateman, Mr C. Miles.

Free-Will Offering

The Hon. Treasurer, Mrs A. Howard, reported that the sum of £35 12s. 11d. had been contributed to the Diocesan Board of Finance.

The quota for the year was £50.

The Council felt that the quota was too high, and after discussion it was decided that the amount which the Church would endeavour to contribute this year would be £35.


Mrs Howard was thanked for the interest she had taken in the Free-Will Offering Fund, and Mr F.W. Butler was cordially thanked for his services as Hon. Secretary and Treasurer to the Council.

The next meeting to revise the Electorial Roll was fixed for February 11th, and the Annual Church Meeting on March 10th.

25th January 1924 - Engagement

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The engagement is announced between the Revd. Frederick J. Cole, Minister of Buntingford Congregational Church, and Miss C. Edith Nevill, daughter of V. St. John Nevill, Eqs., of Cottered.

The marriage will take place shortly.

18th January 1924 - Wyddiall - An Enjoyable Concert

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[Transcriber note: To save everyone's eyes I've turned the collections of names at the end into bullet pointed lists]


An Enjoyable Concert

The concert given in the schoolroom on Tuesday last attracted a crowded audience, that spent a delightful time.

Mr H. May was the chief organiser, and Mr R. May presided at the piano.

No charge was made for admission, but during the interval a collection was made in aid of the Men's Club, the satisfactory sum of 30s. being collected.

At the close Mr H. Pigg congratulated the artistes on the excellent programme, and called for three cheers, which were heartily given.

On behalf of the performers, Mr H. May thanked the audience for their support, and the liberal way they had subscribed to the Club funds.

The programme was as follows:

Part 1 -

  • Pianoforte Solo, Mr R. May;
  • song, "Maryland," Mr B. Hatchett;
  • song, "Mary Ann and Jack," Mr H. Money;
  • duet, "Barbara Allen," Misses N. Hatchett and R. Marshall;
  • recitation, "From the wreck," Mr E. Searle;
  • song, "Passing by," Mr W. May;
  • song, "The old armchair," Mr W. Searle;
  • dialogue, Messrs B. Hatchett and E. Martin;
  • song, "I passed by your window," N. Hatchett, Miss L. Pledger and R. Marshall;
  • song, "Whispering," Mr H. Pledger;
  • song, "I shall have to ask my mother if she'll let me," Mr C. Hatchett;
  • song, "That old fashioned mother," Miss L. Pledger;
  • song, "God send you back to me," Mr W. Watson.

Part 2 -

  • Song, "Annie Laurie," Mrs W. Mead;
  • song, "Light of her life went out," Mr H. Money;
  • song, "Bubbles," E. Bonfield, R. Reed and C. Hatchett;
  • song, "Bells of St Mary's," Mr H. Pledger;
  • duet, "The old rustic bridge," Miss N. and Mr B. Hatchett;
  • recitation, "A great fit," Mr E. Searle;
  • song, "My meatless day," Mr C. Hatchett;
  • song, "Mate of mine," Mr W. May;
  • song, "Poor ole' Joe," Mr W. Searle;
  • reading, "Our village," Mr J. Searle;
  • song, "Touch the harp gently," Mr W. Watson;
  • song, "Amazon," Mr B. Hatchett;
  • "Auld Lang Syne," concert party.

18th January 1924 - Mr and Mrs Crofton's Generosity

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Mr and Mrs Crofton's Generosity

School Children Entertained

At the invitation of Mr and Mrs H. Crofton, of the Dial House, Westmill, the whole of the children attending the Westmill School were entertained to a treat at the Village Hall on Monday last.

A capital tea was served by the committee of the Women's Institute, and was much enjoyed.

After the tables were cleared, games organised by Mr and Miss Harvey and Miss Jackson afforded general delight.

At the close the Rev. A.G. King, on behalf of the children, expressed a hearty vote of thanks to Mr and Mrs Crofton for entertaining the children in such a pleasant manner, and to all those who had contributed in any way to make the treat such a success. Mrs Crofton, in responding, said she was pleased they had all had a good time, and said she was glad to see such a merry party.

Loud cheers were then given for Mr and Mrs Crofton, and the children dispersed after singing God Save the King.

18th January 1924 - The Remembrance Day Fund

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The Remembrance Day Fund

The President, Mr H.C. Marshall, presided at a meeting of the committee of this fund on Wednesday last. Others present were Captain H.H. Williams, Messrs. G.H. Maughan, F.W. Butler, E.J. Totman, J. Warner, A.E. Mayes and the Secretary, Mr E.J. Crane.

The Secretary reported that since Dec. 1st, 1923, 180 grants had been made to Ex-Service Men, widows and dependants.

The amount dispersed was £20 0s. 2d., which was made up as follows: Groceries £14 18s. 6d., milk and eggs 16s. 6d., meat £2 16s. 6d., bread 18s. 8d. and coal 10s.

18th January 1924 - Social

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The pupil teachers of the Buntingford centre entertained on Saturday last, the pupil teachers from the centres at Hertford, Hitchin, Royston and Letchworth.

The social was held in the Assembly Room at the George Hotel. Over 60 were present, and had a delightful time.

Following an excellent tea, games, competitions, music, recitations and dancing were indulged in, and the happy time passed all too quickly.

Among those present were Miss Walton, B.A., Head Mistress of the Buntingford pupil teachers centre; Miss Saunders and Miss Clark.

Last year the annual social was held at Hertford, when the arrangement were made by that centre.

18th January 1924 - Salvation Army Home League Annual Tea

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Salvation Army Home League

Annual Tea

A happy time at the Hall

The annual tea in connection with the Buntingford branch of the Salvation Army Home League was held in the Salvation Army Hall on Wednesday of last week.

The whole of the arrangements were in the hands of Mrs M. Parker (the Hon. Secretary) and Mrs E. Miles (the Hon. Treasurer), who were complimented by all present on the success of the event.

The tea tables were tastefully decorated, and the members sat down to a sumptuous tea, after which the tables were cleared and games and competitions carried on throughout the evening. Mrs Miles also kept the company amused with some excellent gramophone selections.

Among those present were Captain H. Ridgewick and Lieut. H. Shepherd, of the Buntingford Corps.

Membership of the Salvation Army Home League is 1d. per week, and intending members should give their names to Mrs Parker.

18th January 1924 - Buntingford Petty Sessions

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Buntingford Petty Sessions

On Friday last, before H.C. Marshall, Esq., in the chair, Claud Fraser, Esq., Mrs C.R. Dimsdale, and the Clerk (Mr H.M. Gisby).

A Sunday Morning Episode

Albert George Stacey, 42, of Green Hill, Braughing, appeared on a charge of being found in unlawful possession of a rabbit and two snares at Braughing.

P.c. Briden, of Braughing, said that on Sunday, 23rd December, at 10.55 a.m., he was on duty at Green Hill, Braughing, when he saw the defendant coming down Bell Lane.

He met him near Malting Cottages, where he stopped him, and told him he should search him. Defendant ran away, but witness caught him and on searching him found on him a rabbit and two snares. He told the defendant he should report the case.

The constable stated that Stacey was a single man. He was living at home, and was a good workman. He had not lost a day's working during the three-and-a-half years he (witness) had known him. His employer was Mr F. Brown of Braughing.

The skin and snares were then produced, and after consultation the Chairman said the snares would be confiscated, and the defendant would be fined 10s. including costs.

The fine was paid in court.

Probation Officer Re-appointed

The Probation Officer's annual report was submitted to the Bench.

The report showed that during the year there was one fresh case. The number at present under the care of Mr Andrews was two, one being a woman, and the other a man, both over 16. During the year four persons had completed their period of probation, and all four cases were satisfactory.

The Bench re-appointed Mr Andrews as Probation Officer, and the Chairman, who said he was sorry Mr Andrews was not pressent, asked the Clerk to convey to the officer congratulations on the excellent way he fulfilled his duties, and the thanks of the Bench for his work in the Buntingford area.

18th January 1924 - Buntingford Rural District Council

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Note: The last column of the article seems to be one that actually belongs in the middle, before the column that starts "Cottered". I have transcribed this with the text in the correct place to prevent any confusion with screen readers.

Buntingford Rural District Council

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Rural District Council was held in the Board Room on Thursday of last week.

The Chairman (Mr H.C. Marshall) presided, others present being Messrs. E.T. Morris, F.B. Cannon, C. Fraser, G.C. Wilson, H.H. Williams, C. Hummerstone, W.J. May, F. Prime, J. Bygrave and G. Graves, Mrs C.R. Dimsdale, the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke) and the Surveyor (Mr E.G. Thody).

Isolation Hospital

The Surveyor reported that no cases of infectious disease had been notified during the past month, and that the Hospital was closed.


The consumption of water during the past month was reported as follows:

1st week 207,000 gallons

2nd week 214,000 gallons

3rd week 190,000 gallons

4th week 208,000 gallons

The water level has risen a further two feet and the rest level is now 33 feet, being 2ft. 6ins. higher than in January 1923.

A supply of 400 gallons of paraffin had recently been procured.

Buckland House Scheme

The Surveyor reported that a sample of water taken from the bore hole had been submitted for analyst [sic].

The report stated that the water was distinctly hard, but in all respects it was quite good.

It was considered a wholesome water, and the turbidity would disappear with use.

Electric Light Discussed

It was notified that the North Metropolitan Electric Company proposed applying for powers to supply energy to include the Rural Districts of Buntingford, Ashwell, Hadham and Hitchin.

The Chairman explained the purport of the Bill, and said that he thought the Board would approved of it, but at the same time he thought that a public meeting should be called to discuss the matter.

He hoped that the proposed charge of 10d. per unit would be revised as early as possible.

The Chairman then made the following observations on Clauses 7 and 8 of the Bill:

Clause 7. Under this clause as drawn, the Company can exercise their powers without the consent of the Local Authority where such authority were not authorised distributors at the time of pass the Act. Should the Company obtain the consent of the Council before exercising their powers in the district?

Clause 8. The maximum charge of 10d. per unit, which is to remain in force for a period of three years from the passing of the Act. Under this clause as drawn, a revision of prices cannot take place until after a period of three years. A revision of prices should be permitted to take place any time after the passing of the Act.

It is suggested that Clause 7 should be amended so that the Council would be protected in regard to the Company exercising their powers in the District, and the County Council should consult those Councillors representing the district and ascertain their views before giving their consent.

The following resolution was then unanimously carried:

"That this Council having examined and considered the North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Bill 1924 are of opinion that Clause 7 should be amended to the effect that the Company shall not exercise their powers to supply in the District except without the previous consent under seal of the County Council, after consultation with representatives of the Local Authorities.

That Clause 8 should be amended so as to permit a revision of charges taking place at any time after the passing of the Act, and not post-poned for a period of three years."

The Chairman, who said that the Hertfordshire Council had the matter in hand, said he would be seeing Sir James Devonshire on the 23rd of January, and that no doubt if the public were willing, and could guarantee a certain number of consumers, the Company would expedite facilities.

Captain E.T. Morris asked if the service would pass through Buckland, and the Chairman said he understood it would.

The Clerk was instructed to write to the Clerk of the Hertfordshire County Council respecting the points raised.


The Surveyor stated that owing to carelessness on the part of those drawing water, the elevator was broken on the 8th. The cost of repairs would be £2.


It was reported that the contractor was proceeding with the well-boring, and was down 210 feet. There was 50 feet head of water, and testing was being commenced that day.

A Nuisance at Cromer

The Surveyor reported that a considerable quantity of sewage matter discharged into an open ditch running through the village street. It appeared that the sewage flowed from several properties.

The Surveyor was instructed to interview the owners of the properties with a view to devising a scheme whereby the sewage could be dealt with.

Condemned Cottages

Four cottages situate in Little Lane, which had previously been condemned as unfit for human habitation, were reported to be vacated and closed.

Westmill Cottages

One of the tenants of the Council Cottages at Westmill reported that the mantel shelf in the parlour collapsed, and that his clock and sundry ornaments were thrown to the floor and broken. The tenant had estimated the damage to be about £5.

One of the Councillors caused laughter by saying that he thought mantel shelves should have a notice similar to that on brides, showing what weight they could take.

18th January 1924 - Death of an Old Inhabitant

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Death of an Old Inhabitant

We regret to record the death of Mrs Lucy Parker, of London Road, which occurred on Friday last after a somewhat lengthy illness.

The funeral took place at Aspenden Church on Wednesday last. Much sympathy is felt for the relatives and friends in their loss.

18th January 1924 - Marriage of Miss Ethel M. Macklin

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Marriage of Miss Ethel M. Macklin

The marriage of Miss Ethel M. Macklin, second daughter of Mr and Mrs H.H. Macklin of Buntingford, to Mr T. Oxland, of Coaldale, Alberta, Canada, took place at Lethbridge Church, Alberta, recently.

The bride, who is well known in Buntingford, left for Canada in November last. The bridegroom, who belongs to an old Cornish family, was on a visit to England last summer.

18th January 1924 - Funeral of Mr H. Cooze

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Funeral of Mr H. Cooze

The funeral took place on Saturday of Mr H. Cooze, whose death was announced in our columns last week.

There was a large assembly of friends and relatives, including representatives of the firm of Messrs. J. Hamilton, where deceased was employed.

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