Showing posts with label St Mary's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label St Mary's. Show all posts

21st December 1928 - Aspenden Christmas Services

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Christmas Services, &c.

The Rector will conduct all the services at the Parish Church during Christmastide, which are arranged as follows:

Sunday, December 23rd - Holy Communion 8.30 a.m., 12.15 and 7.30 p.m.; matins and sermon 11 a.m.; evensong and sermon 6.30 p.m.

At the morning service the Rector will take for his subject "The Christmas Star," and in the evening, when the service will take the nature of a carol service, during which the day school children will sing, the subject to be treated will be "The Christmas Child."

On Christmas Day the Holy Communion will be administered at 8 a.m. and after the service at 11 a.m., the subject at which will be "The First Christmas Night."

On Sunday, December 30th, Holy Communion will be administered at 12.15, and in addition to the morning and evening services at 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. respectively, there will be a carol service by the Buntingford Town Silver Band at 3 p.m.

There will be a watch night service on New Year's Eve at 11.15 p.m., and the Holy Communion will be administered on New Year's Day at 11 a.m.

18th March 1927 - Aspenden - Consecration of New Burial Ground by Bishop Lander

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Consecration of New Burial Ground by Bishop Lander

The beautiful little church of St Mary's, Aspenden, was the scene of an important ceremony on Wednesday of last week, when the consecration of the new burial ground was carried out by Bishop Lander, the Assistant Bishop of St Albans.

The new burial ground is situate on the south side of the old Churchyard, and has been given by Sir Arthur Lushington. One-sixth of the ground has been reserved for Sir Arthur Lushington and members of his family. The cost of enclosing the ground has been defrayed by Mr H.C. Marshall, of "Longmead," Buntingford, and the cost of making the entrance by Miss G. Lushington of "Absesdene," Buntingford, thus the new ground has been opened free of debt.

Bishop Lander was attended by the Rural Dean (the Rev. W.J.L. Dutton), and the following clergy: Rev. H.R. Shepherd (Hormead), Rev. F.R. Williams (Ansty), and the Rev. A.G. King (Westmill).

Amongst the congregation were Mr and Mrs W. Steel, of Aspenden Hall; the Rev. and Mrs L.W. Wright, of Wyddiall; Miss Lushington, Mrs R.W. Fell, Mrs L.C. Croslegh, and Mrs A. Howard. The Rev. A. Howard was unable to be present.

The service in the Church was conducted by the Rector, the Lesson, taken from II St John, being read by the Rev. A.G. King.

In an address from the chancel steps, the Bishop said they were preparing a place, not for those who were dead, but for themselves. Life is short, and though we do not dread death, as Christians we make provisions for the future. When the life goes out of a body we treat that body with respect. A Churchyard should be the best kept garden in any parish; all the flowers should be of the best, and there should be no untidiness, for it was a place of sympathy and unity.

He (the Bishop) had spent many years in China, a country where there was much show at a funeral and very little hope after the grave. In setting aside a burial ground they were asserting their belief that our Lord is Lord of all, and we go forth in faith and confidence and look to our own decease.

As the procession left the Church the choir and congregation sang the hymn "Soldiers who are Christ's below." The Bishop, accompanied by the Churchwarden (Mr E.S. Fletcher), and followed by the clergy, the choir and the congregation, then proceeded to the new burial ground.

At the entrance to the plot, the Rector, addressing the Bishop, said "Reverend Father in God, we beg you to consecrate this ground for the burial of our people."

The Bishop then replied "I am willing to perform the consecration, to which let us proceed in peace."

The procession the perambulated the boundaries of the plot, during which Psalm xci. was said, after which the sentence of consecration was read and signed by the Bishop.

The Bishop then made the following declaration:

"By virtue of our sacred office in the Church of God, we Michael, by Divine Permission Bishop of St Albans, do now consecrate, and for ever set apart from all profane and common uses, this ground, to be the resting-place of the bodies of the dead until the glorious Resurrection of the last day; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen."

A prayer for all who mourn and the Blessing concluded the ceremony, and the procession returned to the church chanting the Nunc Dimittis.

11th March 1927 - Aspenden - Consecration of New Burial Ground

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Consecration of New Burial Ground

The consecration of the additional burial ground at St Mary's Church, Aspenden, took place on Wednesday afternoon.

The service, which was conducted by Bishop Lander, assistant Bishop of St Albans, was attended by Clergy from the district, and a number of parishioners.

A more detailed account of the service will appear in our next issue.

30th April 1926 - Westmill, Organ Recital

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Organ Recital

A most successful organ recital was held in St Mary's Church on Sunday, April 18th after shortened evensong.

Mr J. Dykes Bower, from Cambridge, and Mr Mark Pasteur, from Hadham, gave solos on the organ; Miss Douglas played two violin solos; and Mr C. Longdon-Thurgood sang "Angels ever bright and fair" and "Easter Hymn"; Mrs Thurgood and Miss Pasteur sang a descant to the hymn "Oh worship the Lord" while the collection in aid of the Church Renovation Fund was being taken.

It amount to £12 11s., and on Monday further donations amounting to £11 3s. were received.

The Hon. Sec. of the Parochial Church Council is most grateful to all who so kindly helped.

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