Showing posts with label Meesden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meesden. Show all posts

10th September 1926 - Notice

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Parishes of Anstey, Little Hormead, Meesden, Throcking and Wyddial

Notice is hereby given that the Overseers have received instructions to complete the collection of the Poor Rate, made on the 30th day April, 1926, and all amounts outstanding must be paid to the Collector before the 23rd inst., failing which proceedings will be taken for the recovery of the amount due.

Ernest G. Thody

Collector, Buntingford

9th September 1926

10th December 1926 - British Legion Buntingford and District Branch

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British Legion

Buntingford and District Branch

The following is a Statement of the amounts raised and collected on Remembrance Day, 1926.


C. Fraser, Esq. - £1 1s. 0d.

Mrs Nevett - £1 1s. 0d.

Mrs Greg - £1 1s. 0d

Mrs J.R. Russell - 10s. 0d.

Mrs Codrington - 10s. 0d.

Miss Gruner - 5s. 0d.

Mr Sutterby - 2s. 0d.

Total - £4 10s. 0d.

Poppy Sales - Buntingford

Miss M. Crane and Miss Armstrong - £1 13s. 4 and half pence.

Mrs L. Smith and Miss Cutts - £1 15s. 8d.

Miss Lushington - £1 13s. 0d.

Masters John and Georgie Taylor - £1 6s. 11d.

Miss M. Fell - £1 5s. 0d.

Miss Scrivener and Miss Wilkerson - £1 11s. 4d.

Miss E. Smith - £1 2s. 6d.

Mrs J. Aylott - £1 4s. 10d.

Miss P Mayes - 14s. 1d.

Mrs Marshall - 8s. 6d.

Mr H. Fry - 7s. 6d.

Total - £12 2s. 8 and a half pence.

Anstey - per Miss Buckwell - £1 8s. 1d.

Wyddiall - per Lady Heaton-Ellis - £1 17s. 3d.

Aspenden - per Miss Grace Phillips - £1 14s. 6d.

Buckland - per Miss Morris - £2 13s. 8 and a half pence.

Cottered - per Miss Wilderspin - £2 6s. 3d.

Furneaux Pelham (part) - per Mrs Holmes - £1 8s. 2 and a half pence.

Westmill - per Mrs Coutts-Deacon - £4 0s. 4 and a half pence.

Meesden - per Mrs Kerr - £1 6s. 0d.

Great and Little Hormead - per Mrs Dimsdale - £4 0s. 0d.

Rushden - per Mr E.J. Marchal - £3 16s. 6d.

Ardeley - per Mr J.H. Thorpe - £2 3s. 6d.

Brent Pelham - per Mrs Barclay - £2 10s. 0d.

Wallington - per Miss Cragg - £2 0s. 0d.

Total - £31 4s. 4 and a half pence.

British Legion (Branch and Club) Poppies for Wreath - £1 0s. 0d.

Proceeds of Rummage Sale - £10 3s. 8d.

Trail of Pennies - £7 10s. 0d.

Proceeds of Concert, including Sale of Programmes (£1 2s. 1d.) and auction sale of Baby's Comforter (£1 0s. 9d.) - £22 7s. 4d.

Church collections

St Richard's R.C. Church, Buntingford - £1 1s. 2d.

Anstey - £2 1s. 7d.

Buntingford Congregational Church - 17s. 0d.

Total - £3 19s. 9d.

Grand total - £93 17s. 10d.

The above figure of £93 17s. 10d. represents the Gross Receipts up to the 7th December, and there is a further amount to be included in respect of the Church Collections, which has not yet come to hand.

The Gross Receipts for Poppy Day, 1925, amounted to £91 11s. 8d.

E.C. Clarke, Hon. Sec., Buntingford and District Branch British Legion.

Buntingford, 7th December, 1926.

4th February 1927 - Board of Guardians

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Board of Guardians

Monthly Meeting

Big Increase in Tramps

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room on Thursday (yesterday).

Present - Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mr F.B. Cannon (Vice-Chairman), Mrs Dimsdale, The Rev. L.W. Wright, Capt. H.H. Williams, Messrs. G. Graves, W.J. May, A.J. Hayes, G.C. Wilson, E.J. Marshall, H.C. Marshall, Claud Fraser, A.W. Page, and T.J. Stick, with the Master (Mr F.W. Butler), the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin) and Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke).

The Late Mrs F. Prime

On the proposition of the Chairman, it was unanimously resolved to send a letter of condolence to Mr Frank Prime, of Meesden Bury, on the recent loss of his wife.

Master's Report

The Master reported as follows:

Number of inmates - men 22, women 17, children 2. Total 41. Corresponding period last year - 40.

Number of casuals during month - 174. Corresponding period last year - 21.

During the month two females have died.


The following gifts have been received and much appreciated:

Mrs Dimsdale (cake), Mrs Dixon, Mrs Veasey, Mrs J. Smith, Capt. Green (Salvation Army), and Mrs C.H. Poulton - (books).


During the past month 174 casuals were admitted, against 21 for the corresponding period last year. Of those admitted this year over 100 are men under 50 years of age, who state they are looking for work on farms.

The present accommodation is sufficient, if the men are discharged the first day after admission.

The Chairman asked if the men were genuinely looking for work on farms, and the Master said that some of them did not appear suitable for farm work.

Relief Cases

Several relief cases were dealt with by the board.

Resolution From Derby

A circular was read from the Derby Union asking for the support of the Board with reference to the following resolution passed by the Derby Guardians:

"This is Board is very concerned and distressed to find so many male applicants for relief who have fought and been maimed and disabled in the great war, and the Country after all promises made on its behalf, has failed to stand by these men and prevent their becoming chargeable to the Poor Law."

It was decided to leave the resolution on the table.

There was little other business and the meeting was followed by the monthly meeting of the Buntingford Rural District Council, a report of which will appear next week.

23rd July 1926 - New Rural Dean

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New Rural Dean

The Bishop of St Albans has appointed the Rev. W. McClelland Kerr, B.D., Rector of Meesden, since 1923, as Rural Dean for the Buntingford Deanery in succession to the Rev. F.R. Williams, Rector of Anstey.

The latter resigned the office of Rural Dean at the last Ruri-Decanal Conference at Buntingford on 25th May.

Prior to becoming Incumbent at Meesden, the Rev. W. McClelland Kerr was vicar of Coolock, near Rakeny, in the County of Durham. The Rev. gentleman was late Senior Scholar of Trinity College, Dublin, B.A. (Sen. Med.) 1896 (1st Class).

18th June 1926 - Buntingford and District School Sports Association

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Buntingford and District School Sports Association

1st Annual Sports Day

The 1st Annual Sports Day in connection with the above Association took place at Chapel End, Buntingford (by kind permission of Mr C. Smith), on Thursday in last week.

Teams came from the following schools: Anstey, Barkway, Braughing, Brent Pelham, Buntingford, Cottered, Great Hormead, Meesden, Great Munden, Puckeridge C. of E., Puckeridge R.C., Reed, Sandon, Standon, and Walkern. The competitors numbered 250.

The Sports Day was first arranged for Wednesday, June 2nd. It rained all day. This necessitated postponing the event until June 10th. It was again wet, but the programme was successfully carried out, although the bad weather increased the difficulties of rearrangements.

Teachers and children were very enthusiastic, and some really good material was discovered.

The team races were especially interesting, and the full results will be found below.

Mr E.E. Dennis, Hon. Sec. and Treas., explained the objects of the Association, and stated that Buntingford and District could now send a representative team to compete at the County School Sports to be held at Ware on Saturday, July 3rd.

He thanked all those who had helped to make the meeting a success, particularly the teachers in the schools in the district for their splendid co-operation. It was very pleasing to record that some of the smaller schools had supplied winners in the different events.

The Hon. Sec. and Treasurer thanked the Preisdent (Lieut.-Col. C.H.B. Heaton-Ellis) and the Hon. Baron Dimsdale for kindly giving a Shield for the Boys, also the Walkern School Managers for the Shield for the Girls, ad the C.E.M.S. (per Mr Pitcher, Cottered), for the Shield for the smaller schools. On behalf of the Association, he also thanked all those ladies and gentlemen in the district who had supported the movement, and Mr C. Smith for kindly placing the meadow at the disposal of the Association. He specially thanked Mr E.H. Roberson and Mr E.G. Thody for much help given prior to the day.

Mr H.E. Stickland (Braughing C.C. School) then thanked Mr E.E. Dennis for all the good work he had done, and said that he felt sure the Association would prosper. Enthusiastic cheers from the children followed.

Mr E.E. Dennis then called for cheers for the Band. The children and assembly then sang the National Anthem. The Hon. Sec. and Treasurer wishes to thank the following for their assistance:

Materials - Messrs. E.G. Thody, P. Hamilton, J. Holmes, G. Handy, B. Nicholls, S. Daniels, W.H. Smith, G. Aylott, T. Hummerstone, E.J. Crane, F. Rand, H. May, M. Smith, Burrows (Hitchin), J. Ireland, A. Bardwell, R. Dellow, E. Leak, E. Borsberry, Letchworth Boys' Club, Hitchen and District School Sports Association (per Mr F.W. Bunn), Buntingford Congregational Church, The Rev. A. Howard, and Miss E.M.A. Woods.

Workers - Messrs. E.G. Thody, E.H. Roberson, Marshal; B.E. Thody, A.G. Day, H. Cutts, A.E. Mayes, E. Martin, J. Thody, G. Bedford, H. Mannox, W. Graves, Clerks of the Course; F. Butler, J.W. Sutterby, A.C. Bartlett, H.E. Stickland, A.G. Jenkins, W. Cooper, Stewards; The Rev. W.L. Sheppard, The Rev. John Cole, The Rev. A.G. King, Mr W.J. May, Mr F. Cannon, Judges; Mr Harry Clarke, Mr F. Fraser, Starters; Mr E.C. Clarke, Miss Gardner, Recorders; Mr G.H. Maughan, Timekeeper.

Ladies' Committee for Refreshments - Mesdames H.L. Baker, W. Corp, J. Pateman, H. Clarke, E.H. Roberson, H. Feasey, J. Warren, A.E. Mayes, G. Geaves, F.W. Butler, A. Coxall, Misses Anthony, L.M. Davies, M. Mayes, H. Walsingham, E.G.W. Howard. Mr J.A. Anthony.



Championship Events


100 yds. - 1 L. Thompson (Reed) 13 secs., 2 C. Dowler (Buntingford), 3 G. Alder (Walkern), 4 S. Savage (Walkern).

220 yds. - 1 R. Graves (Buntingford) 34 secs., 2 S. Savage (Walkern), 3 F. Edwards (Walkern), 4 A. Ives (Puckeridge R.C.).

440 yds. - 1 C. King (Walkern), 1 and one third mins., 2 G. Warner (Buntingford), 3 N. McLeod (Meesden), 4 L. Poulton (Buntingford).

880 yds. - 1 C. Scrivener (Buntingford) 3 mins. 12 secs., 2 C. King (Walkern), 3 W. Garland (Gt. Hormead), 4 G. Jackson (Puckeridge R.C.)

Hurdles - 1 R. Graves (Buntingford), 2 H. George (Meesden), 3 C. Cook (Braughing), 4 N. Birch (Brent Pelham).

Long Jump - 1 L. Gray (Walkern), 13 ft. 6 ins., 2 C. Dowler (Buntingford), 3 J. Miles (Walkern), 4 E. Ginn (Braughing).

High Jump - 1 G. Adler (Walkern), 3 ft. 11 ins., 2 W. Hummerstone (Braughing), 3 E. Chalkley (Walkern), 4 P. South (Sandon).

Team Race - 1 G. Adler, C. King, F. Edwards, S. Savage (Walkern); 2 C. Dowler, R. Graves, A. Rose, C. Clarke (Buntingford); 3 R. Jennings, H. George, L. George, N. McLeod (Meesden); 4 W. Hummerstone, A. Springham, E. Ginn, C. Cook (Braughing).

Winning School - WALKERN C.C. (31 points). Challenge Shield for Boys presented by Lieut.-Col. C. Heaton-Ellis and Hon. Baron Dimsdale. Runners up - Buntingford Senior C. of E. (25 points).


100 yds. - 1 M. Barker (Braughing), 13 secs., 2 L. Dye (Sandon), 3 J. Bysouth (Braughing), 4 e. Ruskin (Gt. Hormead).

150 yds. - 1 G. Copeland (Anstey), 23 secs., 2 E. Searle (Buntingford), 3 N. Bonfield (Buntingford), 4 H. Arnold (Braughing).

Hurdles - 1 L. Hill (Buntingford), 2 M. Wornham (Buntingford), 3 D. Skipp (Cottered), 4 G. Roper (Standon).

Long jump - 1 H. Arnold (Braughing) 11ft. 3ins., 2 M. Barker (Braughing), 3 L. Dye (Sandon), 4 A. Coxall (Buntingford).

High jump - 1 L. Hill (Buntingford), 3fts. 6ins., 2 E. Ruskin (Gt. Hormead), 3 M. Wornham (Buntingford), 4 W. Hummerstone (Braughing).

Team Race - 1 E. Searle, O. Martin, N. Bonfield, A Coxall (Buntingford), 2 H. Arnold, J. Bysouth, M. Barker, W. Hummerstone (Braughing), 3 M. Brand, L. Taylor, E. Ruskin, G. Hummerstone (Gt. Hormead), 4 G. Copeland, P. Bentley, L. Martin, F. Sapsed (Anstey).

Winning School - BUNTINGFORD SENIOR C. of. E. (23 points). Challenge Shield for Girls, presented by Managers of Walkern C.C. School. Runners up - Braughing C.C. (18 points).

Winners of Shield (for schools with less than 100 on books), presented by C.E.M.S. per Mr Pitcher, Cottered, Gt. Hormead C. of E. (8 points). Runners up - Meesden C. of E. (7 points).


Egg and Spoon Race (girls) - 1 G. Gravestock (Cottered), 2 E. Gray (Walkern).

Sack Race (girls) - 1 P. Bentley (Anstey), 2 E. Prior (Braughing).

Flower Pot Race (girls) - 1 E. Prior (Braughing), 2 M. Newbound (Braughing).

Skipping Race (girls) - 1 M. Barker (Braughing), 2 H. Arnold (Braughing).

Driving Race (girls and boys) - 1 A. Wallace, S. Cox (Standon), 2 A. Rose, R. King (Buntingford).

Sack Race (boys) - 1 C. Prior (Braughing), 2 H. Webb (Braughing).

Throwing Cricket Ball (Boys) - 1 S. Savage, 2 E. Chalkley (both of Walkern).

Obstacle Race (Boys) - 1 A. Ives (Puckeridge R.C.), 2 R. Cannon (Sandon).

30th April 1926 - Confirmation

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Bishop Lander, the Suffragan Bishop of St Albans, conducted a Confirmation Service at St Peter's, Buntingford, on Thursday in last week.

There were 20 condidates for Confirmation from the following parishes - Layston 16, Bedford 1, Totteridge 1, and Meesden 2.

The Bishop gave a very helpful address, his text being "I have set before thee an open door."

In the evening the candidates were entertained to tea at the Parish Room by the Rev. A. and Mrs Howard. The Vicar also presented each of the candidates from Layston with a suitable book.

12th Feb 1926 - Buntingford Rural District Council

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Buntingford Rural District Council


The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Rural District Council was held at the Council Offices on Thursday last week.

Present - Mr C Fraser (in the chair), Capt E.T. Morris, Capt H.H. Williams, The Rev. L.W. Wright, Messrs A.W. Page, H.C. Marshall, W.J. May, E. Bygrave, J.C. Pigg, F.B. Cannon, H.E. Dudley, A.J. Hayes, W.H. Kittow, C. Hummerstone, G. Graves, and G.C. Wilson, with the Surveyor (Mr E.G. Thody) and the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke).


The Surveyor presented his report as follows:

Isolation Hospital

No cases of infectious disease have been reporte during the past month, and the hospital remains closed.


The consumption of water during the past month has been:

1st week - 238,000 gallons.

2nd week - 240,000 gallons.

3rd week - 250,000 gallons.

4th week - 244,000 gallons.

The water level has risen 12ins. and now stands at 40ft., being 3ft. flower than at February last year.


Application is made for the renewal of 9 petrol and 2 carbide of calcium licences.

Norfolk Road

Plans showing the proposed scheme in connection with Norfolk Road are submitted. The total length of the road is 537 feet, and width 28ft. In addition to the road it is proposed to provide two footpaths 4ft. wide and a storm water drain with four surface gullies. The tenements number 30 with a frontage of 709ft., whilst land with a further frontage of 366ft. remains undeveloped.


It was reported that owing to the bad state of the roads it was impossible to get road material delivered in some districts.

Mr F.B. Cannon said he thought the road material should be carted during the summer months. This was generally agreed and the matter was left to the Surveyor to deal with.

Applications were submitted for one of the Council houses at Meesden, and it was agreed to let it to an applicant who was at present in lodgings.

An application for a subsidy in connection with a proposed bungalow at Cromer was considered and granted.

A letter was read from one of the tenants of the Sunny Hill houses, asking for permission to replace the kitchener in the living room by a register stove. After discussion the request was agreed to.


The Chairman said the Sub-Committee appointed to go into the matter of the sign boards, warning motor traffic to slow down while travelling through the town, had approved of a warning board, and that tenders for supplying and fixing the boards had been received.

The tenders were as follows:

Mr C.H. Poulton 4 19 6

Messrs Hamilton 5 10 0

Messrs Attwood 5 16 0

On the proposition of Captain Williams, seconded by the Revd L.W. Wright, Mr C.H. Poulton's tender was accepted.

The question of suitable sites for the boards was left to the sub-committee.

Mr C. Hummerstone asked whether the large board at Hillside could be removed. It was an eyesore.

Mr F.B. Cannon said the "Buntingford" board was of no use to local residents, but no doubt strangers found it useful.

Capt. Morris: It's quite as well to leave the board where it is, because I am often being asked where Buntingford is. (Laughter)


A letter was read from a householder at Great Hormead point out the bad state of the road near the "Three Horseshoes" Public House, and the Surveyor was instructed to attend to the matter.


(With regard to the above matter - the BUNTINGFORD board - we would like to state that the board has been lying on the ground for several weeks. - Ed.)

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