Showing posts with label Conyard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conyard. Show all posts

6th August 1926 - Inquest at the Poor Law Institution

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Inquest at the Poor Law Institution

The District Coroner (H.F.J. Banham, Esq.) held an inquest, without a jury, at the Poor Law Institution on Saturday, July 30th, touching the death of Walter Benstead, 60 years of age, a labourer, who died as the result of a fall whilst window cleaning.

Stephen Baker, labourer, of Buntingford, stated: "I lived with Walter Benstead for about eight months. I have known him 20 years. He has an uncle in Buntingford, who is his nearest relative. I saw him in the morning before he went to work, and soon after he was brought home by Mr Postle. I have known him to be giddy at times. He would not see a doctor. The body I saw in the mortuary is that of Walter Benstead."

Mr Harry Postle, dairyman, of Salisbury House, Buntingford, stated: "Deceased has been in my employ for about seven years, doing odd jobs about the place. On Saturday last in the afternoon he was cleaning windows, which he has done several times before. My house is in the main street. He used a 20 round ladder with a 56lb weight at the foot to keep it from slipping.

I saw him at 11 o'clock when I gave him a pint of beer. He was quite sober. I saw him again about 4.30 p.m., when my brother brought deceased to me in the yard. He was being carried. His faced was grazed and his right-hand knuckles were bleeding. I bathed his face with cold water, gave him some tea and sent for the doctor. Dr Dixon came at once. Deceased soon came round and told the doctor he came over giddy. Deceased then walked round and went home with assistance."

Frank Postle, brother of the last witness, stated: "I was sweeping up the front near the deceased. I saw the ladder slip on one side - the weight was at the bottom of the ladder. As the ladder came down the weight remained in an upright position at the bottom, but was pushed out into the gutter with the ladder. Deceased came down and hit his head on the doorstep. When I saw him he was about 10ft. from the ground cleaning the window over the porch. His pail and clothes were on the porch. He came down the side of the door post rather sharp."

Mrs Julia Conyard, of Buntingford, stated: "I was standing in the High Street near Mr Postle's house on the opposite side of the street. I knew deceased. I saw him up the ladder; his pail was on the verandah. I saw the ladder slip out. There was a weight at the bottom. The ladder came down straight. Deceased fell upon his face and struck the doorstep. He came down with the ladder."

Mrs Ethel Milton, of Buntingford, stated: "I saw Benstead on the top of the ladder. I saw the ladder slipper - the foot into the road. Deceased was coming down with the ladder. He fell and struck his face on the doorstep. I saw the weight at the bottom of the ladder. It had rolled over on to its side."

Dr Richard Wm. Fell, Medical Officer at the Institution, stated: "I saw deceased on Sunday after he had been admitted. He was unconscious. He roused a little when spoken to. He had a slight abrasion on the nose and bruise on his right arm. The left side of the face was paralysed. He had a strong pulse.

There was every evidence of a cerebral haemorrhage. The caused would be a diseased artery of the brain. It would not required any violence to bring on the haemorrhage, probably carrying the pail up the ladder would be sufficient exertion to cause it. There was no injury to the body of any importance. The paralysis of the face was characteristic of cerebral haemmorhage."

The Coroner summed up after inspecting the weight, and stated that the evidence was not conclusive as to whether the ladder slipped and caused deceased to fall, or whether he pushed the ladder away and then fell. He would return a verdict of "Death by Misadventure."

25th February 1927 - Congregational Church Sunday School Prize-Giving

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Congregational Church

Sunday School Prize-Giving

On Thursday, February 17th, a very happy evening was spent in the Congregational Schoolroom, the occasion being the annual Prize Distribution in connection with the Sunday School.

Early in the evening the scholars assembled for games and refreshments, and teachers and scholars enjoyed a social hour-and-a-half.

Parents and friends of the scholars having joined the company, the Minister proceeded at once to distribute a number of book prizes gained by scholars for regular attendance during the past year.

After the distribution, he urged the young people to win not only book prizes, but also the greatest prize - Jesus Christ.

A lengthy programme was next carried through, consisting of a number of miscellaneous items:

Songs (by Miss Blanche Langham, Miss Dorothy Howard); pianoforte solos (Miss Langham, Miss Kathleen Smith); dialogue (Miss Dorothy Saunders, Miss Minnie Ashton); recitations (Miss Winning Conyard, Miss Dorothy Saunders, Miss Gertrude Howard, Miss Minnie Ashton, Miss Freda Howard, the Minister); whilst other contributors to the programme were Mrs G. Saggers (humourous readings) and Mr B.E. Thody.

During an interval a collection was taken for the Sunday School, and the scholars joined in the singing of a number of hymns from their School Hymnary.

The Benediction and Doxology concluded a very enjoyable evening.

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