Showing posts with label fete. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fete. Show all posts

5th August 1927 - Congregational Church Garden Fete

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Congregational Church

Garden Fete

To those who are more immediately concerned in organising it, a garden fete is always a very anxious affair - until it is over!

The one held on Wednesday, the 27th inst., in connection with the Buntingford Congregational Church, was no exception to the rule, for the very intermittent downpours which continued throughout the day constituted and additional cause for apprehension.

But although contingent arrangements had been made for holding in the Schoolroom as many of the attractions as possible in the event of decidedly unfavourable weather, it was decided to carry on as previously intended. It is gratifying to know that both numerically (more particularly as the day wore on) and financially the event was a success.

The fete was held in the beautiful grounds of Layston Cottage, Buntingford (by the kind permissions of Mrs H.S. Ashford), and was opened at 3 p.m. by Mrs Greg, of Coles, Buntingford. Prayer was first offered by the minister, who introduced both Mrs Greg and the Rev. A.G. King, Rector of Westmill.

Mrs Greg's was a gracious and happily worded little speech, and both the opener of the fete and her supporter acknowledged the welcome extended to them. Little Nora Piggott presented Mrs Greg with a bouquet of very sweet flowers, and an expression of cordial thanks to the visitors was very heartily endorsed by those assembled for the opening.

It is practically impossible to give a complete list of all those who assist on such an occasion, by the following is as accurate a list as possible of the various helpers at the stalls, to which the friends now dispersed:

Stalls - Ladies' stall, Miss Dodd, Miss E. Dodd, Mrs Benstead, Mrs Cornwell, Mrs Scott; L.M.S. stall, Miss Edith Careless, assisted by Sunday School girl scholars; pound stall, Mrs Blaxill, Miss Doris Camp; fruit and vegetable stall, Miss Chrissie Norris, Miss Eileen Cutts; sweets stall, Mrs Halls, Miss Bolton, Mr and Mrs L. Smith; jumble stall, Mrs Baker, Mrs Ward.

Side attractions - Clock golf, Mr R.F. Dellow; weighing machine, Mr Scrivener; spinning arrow, Mr Scrivener, Mr C.L. Tutty, Mr Henry Clark; bran tub, Miss Winnie Ward.

During the afternoon, tea were very daintily served, those responsible for the catering, &c., being: Mrs C.L. Tutty, Miss Blanche Langham, Miss Edith Careless, Miss Mabel Cornwell, Miss Marjorie Cornwell, Miss Dolly Street, Mrs Hills, Miss Georgina Hills, Miss Nellie Howard, Miss Kathleen Smith, Miss Kitty Reed, and Sunday School girl scholars.

Miss Emily Benstead and Miss Dolly Street did duty at the lemonade stand. Ices, too, made a very welcome appearance, Miss Nora Ashford meeting the needs of customers.

There was again quite a number of competitions, &c., and the following is the list together with the names of those in charge (the names of the donors of the prizes are inserted in parentheses):

Stop-watch, Mr Henry Clark; cake-guessing (Mrs Mead), Miss Dorothy Saunders and S.S. scholars; duck guessing (Mr A. Dray), Leonard Saunders and Eric Halfhide; doll guessing (Mrs Squires), Miss Nora Piggott; steak and kidney pie (Mrs Peacock), Cyril Saunders; game of skill, Mr J. Cutts; jelly-eating, Miss Langham; pins guessing (Miss K. Minns), Miss Minnie Ashton and other S.S. girl scholars.

For the musical part of the proceedings, Mr A. Dray kindly lent his gramophone during the afternoon, the charge of which was undertaken by Harold Starr and Sidney Saunders; whilst in the evening the Standon Orchestra, under Mr A. Hedges, was in attendance from 6.30 p.m. and played for the dancing, which latter took place very soon after on the lower lawn, Mr Leslie Smith acting as M.C.

Mr Newson rendered great help in exacting toll at the gate, and was relieved by Mr W.H. Smith.

Just before 10 p.m., the minister announced the results of the various competitions, and the list of winners is appended:

Of lady's wrist watch, Mr Leslie Smith; of the clock golf prize, Mr S. Daniels; of the cake, the minister; of the duck, Nurse Davies; of the doll, Mrs Woods; of the pie, Miss Helen Fraser; and of the needlework box, Miss Minnie Ashton.

The minister expressed the great thanks of all to Mrs Ashford for throwing open the grounds as she had done, and this was very heartily confirmed. He said how grateful he was to all who had so willingly given any assistance whatsoever towards making the event so successful. There was a final dance, and the National Anthem concluded the proceedings.

As already indicated, it is impossible to enumerate the helpers on an occasion such as this for their name is legion, but in addition to the stall-holders and those mentioned above, all of whom rendered splendid service on the grounds, mention must be made of the help given in removal of furniture, &c., both before and after the day; of the assistance rendered on the grounds by Mr Pledger; of the splendid response to the appeal for provisions and for articles for the stalls; and of the help of Mr S. Daniels (Messrs. Moss & Sons, Ltd.), the motor greatly facilitating the conveyance of furniture, &c. To each and all, as also to the Workmen's Club for hire of tables, and to the Rev. L.W. Wright for materials, grateful thanks are proffered.

As a result of the fete, it is estiamted that the gross receipts will approximate to £43, and the nett proceeds to £33. J.C.

5th August 1927 - Bowls Club Fete Marred by Rain

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Bowls Club

Fete Marred by Rain

Rain marred the fete organised for Bank Holiday by the Buntingford Bowls Club.

Early in the mrning the committee and stallholders were making extensive preparations for an open-air event at Layston Court, kindly placed at the disposal of the Club by Miss Woods, when the rain commenced.

It was not until the early afternoon that it was found necessary to abandon the idea of holding the event outside, so the stalls, &c., were transferred to the Women's Institute Hall, and everyone carried on as well as possible under the trying circumstances.

The concerts held in the hall during the evening were a great success, and there were excellent audiences.

Later in the evening there was a dance, at which a very large number was present. Barratt's Band from London provided the music, and the afternoon's sorrows were turned into an evening of complete enjoyment.

5th August 1927 - Town Silver Band

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Town Silver Band

The Town Band took the opportunity of holding a dance when holiday-makers to the town would be able to contribute to their funds by purchasing tickets, and as a result a large number was present at the Benson Hall on Saturday evening.

The Band provided their own dance music, and continuous enjoyment lasted for several hours.

To raise further funds, the Band are holding a garden fete on August 27th, and further particulars will be announced in due course.

It is hoped that fine weather will prevail on this occasion and that many will be present to contribute to the funds.

27th August 1926 - Congregational Church Garden Fete

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Congregational Church Garden Fete

On Wednesday, August 18th, a Garden Fete was held in the grounds of Layston Cottage, Buntingford, by the kind permission of Mrs H.S. Ashford, and was opened by Mrs H.H. Williams, of Aspenden House.

The morning weather had been a little unsettled, though not such as to make necessary a revision of arrangements, but about 2 p.m. there began a steady rain, giving not a little anxiety to those more immediately concerned, and damping the ground but not their ardour.

However, the inclement weather conditions cleared, and at 3 p.m. - the time fixed for opening the Fete - the sun began to shine and hopes to rise, and everything was proceeded with as was previously intentioned.

At the commencement of the opening ceremony on the lawn, the Minister offered a brief prayer, and in a few remarks said how grateful they all were to Mrs Ashford for her kindness in placing the grounds at the disposal of the Church for the purposes of the Fete; and that it was very kind also of Mrs Williams to respond so readily when approached to be present.

Mrs Williams, in a very pleasing little speech, said how glad she was to come; hers was a real interest in the Congregational Church at Buntingford, and some of her best friends were associated with it.

A happy allusion to the many willing helpers, and Mrs Williams then declared the Fete open. Before the assembly dispersed to the various attractions, Miss Barbara Aylott presented Mrs Williams with a bouquet of beautiful flowers, which was graciously acknowledged. She was then warmly thanked for her presence and her kindly words.

The following is the list of stalls, together with the names of those in charge:

Plain and fancy articles and white elephant, Mrs J.L. Cornwell, Mrs Feasey, the Misses Dodd, Miss Dorothy Saunders;

pound, Mrs Blaxill, Mrs Benstead;

fruit and vegetable, Miss Eileen Cutts;

jumble, Mrs Baker, Mrs Ward, Mrs Haley;

sweets, Miss Dolly Halls, Miss Chrissie Norris;

gingerbeer, Mrs J.W. Sutterby, Miss Alice Franklin, Misses Minnie and Nellie Harradence.

During the afternoon teas and refreshments were attractively served on the lawn by Mrs C.L. Tutty and Miss Blanche Langham, assisted by Mrs Halls, Mrs Hills, Mrs Langham, Mrs Scott, the Misses Annie Quick, Doris Camp, Mabel Cornwell, Marjory Cornwell, Kathleen Anderson, Alice Franklin, Georgina Hills, Marjory Howard, Freda Rayment, Grace Roblett, Dorothy Saunders.

The following were the competitions, together with the names of those in charge:

Bowls, Mr J.L. Cornwell;

clock golf, Mrs W.J. May, Mr Bert Dowler;

mystery parcel, contents of, Miss Winifred Ward, Miss Dorothy Saunders;

iced cake, weight of, Miss Freda Rayment, Miss Ada Wallace;

stop-watch, Mr Henry Clark, Mr Bert Dowler;

duck, weight of, Mr William Howard;

sweets, number in bottle, Misses Gertrude and Nellie Howard;

pins, number in cushion, Misses Barbara Aylott and May Ansell;

jelly-eating, Miss Chrissie Norris;

basket of fruit, weight off, Mr H. Cutts, Misses F. and D. Harradence;

balloon race, Mr Herbert Cutts, Mr Henry Clark.

At the spinning jenny, business was brisk, Mr C.L. Tutty, Mr Leonard Smith, Mr Harold Starr and Mr Sidney Saunders superintending, while the Misses Frances and Daphne Harradence soon sold their basket of sweet peas. Mr F.W. Butler and Mr W. Budd rendered steady service in exacting toll of all comers at the gate.

For the musical part of the proceedings, gramophone selections were played during the afternoon, Mr Arthur Dray having kindly loaned his instrument, and Miss Emily Benstead and Miss Nellie Howard doing duty in extracting the music, while in the evening the members of the Standon String Band, under the able direction of Mr A. Hedges, played admirably for the dancing which took place on the tennis lawn and in which many took part, Mr Leslie Smith acting as M.C.

In addition to those in charge of stalls, &c., mentioned above, who gave further help in many other ways on the grounds, great assistance was given also by Mr Bert Thody, Mr A. Clark, and Mr Pledger, and by many others. Everybody worked with a will and with keen interest, and to all these helpers and to the many both directly and indirectly associated with the Buntingford Congregational Church, who contributed their time, service, gifts, the best thanks are due; also to Messrs' Moss's Ltd. (Mr S. Daniels) for motor conveyance, and to the Buntingford Working Men's Club for tables to augment school furniture.

Towards the close interest ran high, caused by the assembling for the announcements by the Minister of the prize-winners, the names of the latter being:

Mr W. Budd (weight of the duck), Mr Herbert Cutts (weight of fruit), Miss Nellie Howard (weight of cake, winning the draw), Mrs Charles (number of sweets), Miss Emily Benstead (stop-watch), Mrs Peacock (number of pins), Mr Stanley Smith (clock golf), Mr Sutterby (jelly-eating), Mr Herbert Howard and Mr Stanley Warren (bowls).

The mystery parcel was proof against all guesses, and was no one thought of the correct contents the dozen eggs were sold for the funds. The result of the balloon race will be made public later.

Three cheers were given for Mrs Ashford, there was a last waltz, an announcement of the approximate financial results, a word of thanks to all who had assisted, and "The King." Thus concluded a Fete thoroughly enjoyed by all. "So," as friend Pepys would say, "to bed."

There was a very good attendance, some 200 passing through the gates. The financial realisations were also very satisfactory, the gross receipts amounting to (approx.) £40, and the nett proceeds to (approx.) £31.

John Cole.


Transcriber note - Balloon race results were published in September.

13th August 1926 - Buntingford Bowls Club Fete

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Buntingford Bowls Club

Garden Fete at the Red House

By the kind permission of Mr and Mrs Claud Fraser, a Garden Fete was held at the Red House, Buntingford, on Bank Holiday, in aid of the Buntingford Bowls Club.

It was organised by the committee, the hon. sec. (Mr J. Lawrence) being ably assisted by Mr H. Clarke. Favoured with a brilliant summer's day, the 600 people who attended the Fete entered with zest into the pleasures, and spent indeed a very happy time.

At the opening ceremony of the Fete, Mr W.J. May, the Chairman of the Committee, said Mr Marshall, the President of the Club, who was to open the Fete, was so well known that he needed no introduction.

The Club especially wished to thank Mr and Mrs Fraser for the kindness in placing their beautiful gardens at the disposal of the committee. The Club had hitherto been somewhat handicapped by the use of a green that was slightly below the ordinary standard size, and this had affected their play. The opportunity had arisen of acquiring a suitable piece of land in Wyddiall Road, which was in course of construction as a bowling green.

Mr H.C. Marshall endorsed the remarks of Mr May, and in declaring the Fete open said the Bowls Club had every cause to be grateful to Mr and Mrs Fraser (Applause).

There was a very big choice of attractions, and all were fairly well patronised.

Messrs. Barratt's Jazz Band and Concert Party from Bedford besides playing selections and for dancing on the lawn up to 10 o'clock in th evening, gave two excellent concerts that were greatly appreciated. The humourous items on the programme deserve special mention.

Upwards of a hundred persons tried their skill at the treasure hunt, the treasure being won by Mr H.C. Marshall, whose success highly pleased the visitors. In guessing the weight of a lump of coal, actually weighing 89lbs. 6ozs., Mr E.J. Totman was the winner, his estimate being 90lbs.

Two, Miss Bartrop and Mr C. Fraser, guessed the weight of a cake (4lbs. 3 and three quarts ozs.), and the latter resigned his right, and the cake was handed to Miss Bartrop.

For the bowls competition, Mr F. Boniwell won premier honours with a score of 25, and in clock golf Mr C. Fraser with a score of 23. No less than six tied in hitting the target for a prime ham, which was eventually won by Mr Howard. This was superintended by Mr W.J. May.

The greatest novelty was the pig in a poke, the pig being presented by Mr Mannox, who managed this competition. There were numerous entries, and five tied, the winner being Mr Skipper.

For the stop-watch competition, Mr J.P. Hill, of the Bengeo Club, Hertford, was the winner with only a minute out. He gave the time 3.27, but it actually stopped a minute earlier, 3.26.

The flying arrow pastime in charge of Messrs. E.J. Totman and A. Mayes proved very popular, as also did Mr F.W. Butler's offer of 2s. for a penny, but the anticipations of those who participated in this feat were not altogether realised. A good prize was set apart for the lucky ticket. It turned out to be 126, and the possessor of this ticket has not yet claimed the prize.

It was just the evening for an open air whist drive, and the prizes were won as follows:

Ladies - 1 Miss Boniwell, 2 Mrs Stepley, lowest score Miss Wilds.

Gents - 1 Mr Walsingham, 2 Mr Watson, lowest score Mr Ward.

Teas and refreshments were in great request, and this part of the Fete arrangements was in the capable hands of a ladies' committee, which won high praise for the dainty way the teas were served on the lawn.

At the gate Mr J.L. Cornwell and Mr J. Boniwell, two of the oldest members of the Bowls Club, had charge.

For such a well-arranged Fete, to uphold a good old sport reaching back centuries, the promoters certainly deserved every success, and it is pleasing to record that the proceeds amounted to about £60.

6th August 1926 - Preliminary Notice - Garden Fete

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Preliminary Notice

Buntingford Congregational Church

A garden fete will be held in the grounds of Layston Cottage, Buntingford (by kind permission of Mrs H.S. Ashford) Wednesday, August 18, 1926.

There will be various attractions. Full particulars later. Cordial welcome to all.

Please book the date.

10th September 1926 - Balloon Race Results

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Balloon Race Results

The results of the balloon race in connection with the Congregational Church Garden Fete, which was held at Layston Cottage on the 18th ult., were made known on Tuesday in last week.

Seventy-three balloons were dispatched by Mr H. Cutts, all of which took a N.E. direction. Many doubtless dropped into the North Sea.

The prizes, consisting of pretty china dessert sets, which were kindly given, were won as follows:

1, Mrs Gulick, Red House, Buntingford, whose balloon ascended from the fete ground at 3.45p.m., and three hours afterwards came down at Great Yarmouth.

The finder with commendable promptness posted the card the same evening, and it reached Mr Cutts the next morning. It was a very speedy flight.

Mrs Mottram, High Street Buntingford, won second prize. Her balloon descended at Ipswich, and Mr Cutts received the attached card notifying the fact a week after the fete.

10th December 1926 - The Conservative Fete and Carnival at Hitchin

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The Conservative Fete and Carnival at Hitchin

Buntingford & District Represented

The Empire Fete and Carnival, held at the New Town Hall, Hitchin, on Wednesday and Thursday in last week, was an outstanding success, the numbers attending and the trade carried out exceeding all expectations.

The Stalls were beautifully arranged, and comprised: England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Canada, Australia, India, South Africa, West Indies, and New Zealand.

The Stall for this district, which was presented by Buntingford, Great and Little Hormead, Westmill, Buckland, Cottered, Ardeley, Wyddiall, Aspenden, and Layston, was managed by Lady Heaton-Ellis, Mrs Beadle, Mrs Bolton, Mrs Cavendish, Mrs Codrington, Mrs Crane, Mrs Croslegh, Mrs Deacon, Mrs Dimsdale, Mrs Howard, Mrs May, Miss May, Mrs Mildren, Mrs Page, Mrs Thody, Miss Wall and Mrs Williams.

On Wednesday the Fete was opened by Major G.M. Kindersley, and on Thursday by the Countess of Strathmore.

There was character dancing, Scotch reels, sword dancing, and selections by the Kitchin Symphonic Society Orchestra.

The illustrated 16-page programmes were sold by Miss Kindersley and helpers who were dressed in red, white and blue.

Towards the close of the second evening crowds began to assemble for the announcement of the result of the competition in which a motor car, motor cycle, and a fur coat were offered as prizes. The results were as follows:

Motor car, Mrs E. McCormick, St Ives Hotel, Maidenhead (No. 5612).

Motor cycle, Lady Jane Van Koughnet, Aston (No. 15680).

Fur coat, E. Gray, 43 Gentlemen's Row, Enfield (No. 23251).

The Buntingford effort was well supported, and at the time of going to press the excellent sum of £52 15s. 10d. has been paid to Col. Tyrrell by Mrs Deacon. This amount includes donations, and proceeds of sale of gifts both in Buntingford at the Women's Annual Meeting and at Hitchin on 1st and 2nd December.

It is hoped to hold a stall at a garden meeting in the summer to dispose of rest of goods not sold.

10th June 1927 - Whit-Monday Fete

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Whit-Monday Fete

Opening Ceremony by Lady Salisbury

In favourable weather, a garden fete was held in the grounds of Layston Court (by kind permission of Miss E.M.A. Woods), on Whit-Monday. The fete was in aid of the Buntingford and District Nursing Association and the Buntingford Women's Institute.

The fete was opened at 3 p.m. by Lady Salisbury, who was introduced by Dr R.W. Fell.

Lady Salisbury, in a delightful speech, expressed the pleasure it gave her to be present in such charming surroundings. The object of the fete was an excellent one. The Buntingford Nursing Association did an excellent service to the community and was a boon to the villages. The Women's Institute was also deserving of assistance, for it did an enormous amount of good. (Applause).

Lady Salisbury was then presented with a bouquet by Anne Veasey, a pretty girl of four years.

The stall-holders were soon busy. There were five stalls replete with articles, while adjoining were numerous side-shows and attractions. A tennis tournament drew several entries. Teas were served under a large tree, the committee being assisted by a number of helpers.

Mrs Dixon proposed a vote of thanks to Lady Salisbury for so kindly opening the fete and this was seconded by Mrs H.C. Marshall, and carried with applause.

A programme of dances, with music supplied by the Band, concluded a very successful day.

There were so many helpers both before the day itself that we withhold the lengthy list, but mention should be made of the services of the fete Hon. Sec. Mr G.H. Maughan, who had been preparing for the event for some weeks.

2nd July 1926 - Sale of Work and Fete

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Sale of Work and Fete

A sale of work and fete was held at the Puckeridge R.C. School on June 29th, 1926, in aid of the new Catholic Church which has been built opposite the school. The sale was opened at 3 o'clock by Miss Slattery in place of Lady Paget, who was unable to be present through illness.

Inside the school there were three stalls of clothing and fancy goods, two of them organised by the people of the Parish of Old Hall Green, and a third organised by the staff of the school and the children. The three stalls were very artistically arranged and very successful.

In the school playground there were numerous amusements organised by the men of the parish.

Teas, ices and other refreshments were served during the afternoon and evening. During the evening an open-air whist drive was held.

The organisers of the fete wish to thank all those who helped to make it a success, and those who generously gave prizes to be competed for.


[Transcriber note - The Puckeridge RC school mentioned here is the St Thomas of Canterbury RC Primary School]

25th June 1926 - Wyddiall Garden Fete

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Garden Fete

The Annual Garden Fete, in aid of Foreign Missions, was held in the Rectory Grounds on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The weather was beautifully fine, and the well-kept garden was much admired by all present.

The Fete started at 3 p.m. and closed shortly after 6 p.m. There were three stalls in charge of Mrs Wright, Mrs W.J., Mrs H. and Mrs J. May, Miss Wall and Miss N. Hatchett. Mrs C.H. Poulton and the Misses S. and O. Poulton were in charge of the teas.

Mr W.J. May successfully managed the clock golf competition, Mr Scarborough Taylor winning the prize (given by Mrs H.C. Marshall) with a score of 23. Miss Olive Poulton was in change of a guessing competition, the winner being Mrs W.J. May.

There was also a balloon race for which there were numerous entries; the result of this will be made known later.

The Rev. L.W. Wright also lent valuable assistance and thanked those who had supported the Fete.

The net result was £12 8s. 4.d which was considered very satisfactory.

Among the Clergy present were The Rev. F.R. Williams (Rural Dean), The Rev. A. Howard, The Rev. A. McKerr and The Rev. W.L. Shepherd.

11th June 1926 - Women's Institute Result of Whit-Monday Fete

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Women's Institute

Result of Whit-Monday Fete

We have received a copy of the balance sheet of the Fete held at Layston Court on Whit-Monday.

The accounts show a satisfactory balance of £89 2s. 4d., which, it is understood, has been devoted to the hut fund.

The balance sheet is as follows:


Donation, Mrs Kingsley (Cottered) - 10s. 0d.

Donation, Town Band - £1 8s. 6d.

Donation, Mr Daniels - 10s. 6d.


Mrs Marshall and helpers - £10 2s. 6d.

Mrs Williams and helpers - £15 0s. 0d.

Mrs Coleman and helpers - £10 2s. 6d.

Mrs Roberson and helpers - £6 2s. 0d.

Mrs May and helpers - £2 5s. 7d.

Mrs Squires and helpers - £3 15s. 0d.

Mrs S. Smith and helpers - £1 6s. 9d.

Mrs White and helpers - £1 4s. 10d.

Profit on teas - per Mrs Fell - £6 5s. 8d.

Ices - per Mr Tottman - £1 6s. 0d.

Tennis - per Miss Porter - £4 0s. 0d.

Hoop-la - Mr Marshall - £3 8s. 0d.

Arrow - Mr Totman - £3 3s. 2d.

Fortune - Mr Mildren - £2 10s. 4d.

Treasure hunt - Miss Woods - £1 11s. 6d.

Balloons - Mr B. Thody - £2 9s. 6d.

Nails - Mr G.H. Maughan - 5s. 0d.

Bowls - Mr J. Lawrence - £1 11s. 6d.

Bran tub - Miss Aylott - 4s. 6d.

Gate money - £15 16s. 8d.

Doll - Miss S. Armstrong - £1 0s. 9d.

"Gipsy" - Mrs Robinson - £5 0s. 0d.

Concert - Folk dancing and dancing - £2 11s. 6d.

Per Joan Roberson - 6s. 2d.

See-Saw - 3s. 4d.

Clock golf, per Mr W.J. May - £1 12s. 6d.

Sundries - 3s. 7d.

Total - £105 17s. 10d.


Printing and advertising - £4 5s. 6d.

Band - £10 0s. 0d.

Cartgage, gas for balloons and sundries - £2 10s. 0d.

Net profit - £89 2s. 4d.

Total - £105 17s. 10d.

The Balloon Race

Of the 60 balloons entered for the balloon race, ten labels were returned through the post; the list of these is given below.

The winner is Mr H.A. Thody, Buntingford, whose balloon was picked up at Nortleulingem, France, on 27th May.

Balloon - Where found

Mr H.A. Thody- Nortleulingem, Pas-de-Calais, France.

Mrs F. Pigg - Wenden, Essex.

Mr Fowler - Peldon, Colchester.

Mr J. Waldock - Raidontree, Essex.

Mr G.S. Taylor - Braintree, Essex.

Peter Taylor - Weatherfield.

R.H. Powell - Wenden, Essex.

Miss F. Brown - Thaxted.

Mr F. Fraser - Feering, Kelvedon.

Miss Shefford - Ashen, Suffolk.

4th June 1926 - The Whit-Monday Fete

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The Whit-Monday Fete

The result of the Coal Weight Guessing Competition (in charge of Mrs Roberson) was as follows:

1, Mr E.J. Smith, fancy stool; 2, Miss Vardon, leather book carrier and book; 3, Mrs Aylott, coal; 4, Mrs Taylor (Westmill), leather hand-bag; 5, Miss Woodley, half-dozen E.P. spoons.

The coal was given by Mr E.J. Sparkes, and the actual weight was 136 and a half lbs.

With reference to the Bowls Competition (stated in this Paper to have been in harge of Mr F.W. Butler), we have now learned that the competition was in charge of Mr J. Lawrence, who also kindly gave a prize to the winner.

28th May 1926 - Notes of the Week

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Notes of the Week

A Sunshine Holiday - Holidaymakers were about in large numbers on Sunday and Monday, the bright sunshine and warm air keeping out of doors until a late hour.

On Monday a large number of motor coaches passed through the town, and one coach, whose occupants alighted in a narrow road near Buckland for a picnic tea, was only with difficulty turned round for home.


The Women's Institute Fete - The sun contributed in no small way to the success of the Women's Institute Fete, held at the charming grounds of Layston Court on Whit-Monday. The sum of nearly £16 was taken at the gate, this representing an attendance of over 600.


The Fortune Teller - A Gipsy fortune-teller, who persuaded the gate keepers to let her through, was the centre of an interesting crowd, and those who knew her identity were smiling at the bewilderment of those who were wondering seriously why such a person was allowed to trade under the very noses of the stall-holders.

Before entering the grounds, the Gipsy Lady enquired of a Police Officer whether she would be allowed inside. "Its more of a charitable affair than anything" said the officer, who five minutes later discovered that the lady was there for good of the cause.

As a result of her efforts the Gipsy handed over the excellent sum of £5 to the Fete funds.


The Competitions - The most surprising result of the various competitions was that of the bowls. Mr Walter May, who had never before handled a wood, beating all the seasoned players of the Buntingford Bowls Club. Last year he won a clock gold competition, the first time he handled a Club.

28th May 1926 - Garden Fete at Layston Court

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Garden Fete at Layston Court

In Aid Of The Women's Institute

The long-talked of Garden Fete was held on Whit-Monday, May 24th, in the grounds of Layston Court (kindly lent by Miss Woods), and was a huge success in every way. The members of the Fete Committee, supplemented by many willing helpers, spared no pains to make the affair successful. Preparations had been going on for several months, with a result that there were several well-stocked stalls.

The weather was on its best behaviour until 9 p.m., when rain fell just as dancing commenced. Financially, the fete was a great success, but the sum actually realised is not yet available.

The fete was opened at 2.30 p.m. by Lady Hunsdon. The ceremony took place under a large tree in the grounds, where were assembled about 150 people, including the President of the Institute (Mrs H.C. Marshall), Mrs H.H. Williams and Miss Woods.

Mrs H.C. Marshall, after introducing Lady Hunsdon, said that as it was Empire Day she thought it would be appropriate if the company sang "Rule Brittania." Mrs Scarborough Taylor sang the verse, and all present joined in the chorus.

Lady Hunsdon expressed the pleasure it gave her to be present and enjoy the hospitality of her friend (Miss Woods) in such charming surroundings. Buntingford always did things well and that afternoon they had turned on most wonderful weather for the fete. She would like to refer too the late Mrs  Woods, with whom she had discussed the question of a Women's Institute in Buntingford.

Lady Hunsdon then formally declared the fete open.

Mrs H.H. Williams returned thanks to Lady Hunsdon for opening the fete.

Miss Sheila Armstrong handed Lady Hunsdon a beautiful bouquet and the Band struck up God Save the King.

The stall-holders were soon busy. There were five stalls replete with gifts. The stalls comprised the following: general, Mrs H.C. Marshall, Mrs Scarborough Taylor, Mrs Armstrong and Miss Ward; Aspenden, Mrs Williams and Mrs Croslegh; fancy, Mr and Mrs Roberson; pound, Mrs Squires and Miss Sambels; sweets, Mrs J. Aylott, Mrs S. Smith and Miss Aylott; needlework, Mrs Feasey and Mrs Coleman; produce, Mrs H. May; Miss Olive Poulton, dressed as an Irish girl, sold Coleen soaps; and Miss Joan Roberson had charge of the doll competition; Miss Thwaites being in charge of the cake guessing.

A delightful feature of the Fete was the parade of children in fancy dress. The first prize was awarded to Soe White, the second prize going to Joan Roberson. All the children were delightfully dressed.

The side-shows comprised: hoop-la, Mr H.C. Marshall, Miss Marshall, Mr F. Fraser and Mrs Scarborough Taylor; bowls competition, Mr F.W. Butler (winner Mr W. May); clock golf, Mr W.J. May (winner Miss Marshall); lucky arrow, Mr E.J. Totman; and fortune-telling, Mr E. Mildren, jun. Miss Woods was in charge of the hidden treasure, the four half-crowns behind won by Miss Scrivener, Mr Chapman, Mr Lees, and Miss Boniwell.

Mrs Robinson, the Gypsy Fortune Teller, spent a busy afternoon and handed over her takings (£5) to the Treasurer.

Mrs White's drawings were much admired by visitors and members alike.

The tea enclosure did a capital business under the capable management of Mrs Fell, assisted by Mrs Clarke, Mrs Houlden, Mrs Darton, Mrs Pateman, Mrs Dellow, Mrs Warren, Mrs C. Clarke, Mrs Geaves, Mrs A. Smith, Mrs Rand, Miss Fell, and Miss Crane.

For the tennis tournament, arranged by Miss Porter, there were 30 entries, and in addition to the court at Layston Court, Mrs Ashford kindly placed her court at the disposal of the Committee.

A concert was given on the lawn during the afternoon where an excellent programme was well recieved by an enthusiastic audience. The programme was as follows: Scene from "As you like it," the W.I. Dramatic Section; two dances by Miss Olive Poulton; song "Devonshire Cream and Cider," Mr J.T. White; two-part songs by W.I. Choir, "The Seekers" and "Pam's Holiday." Mrs Armstrong acted as accompanist.

Later in the evening, country folk dancing took place on the lawn, when there was again an appreciative audience.

The Buntingford Town Silver Band were in attendance, and played selections during the afternoon and evening, also for dancing later in the evening.

There were so many helpers that we have probably omitted to mention some names. We are asked, however, to state that the committee are very grateful to all who assisted in any way to make the event such a success.

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