Showing posts with label Brett. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brett. Show all posts

21st December 1928 - Christmas Show and Sale of Poultry and Eggs

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Christmas Show and Sale of Poultry and Eggs

The Christmas Show and Sale of Poultry and Eggs took place on the Market Hill on Monday last, this being the first occasion that the show has been held separate from the fat stock show.

There was an excellent display of birds, the pens of turkeys being particularly fine, and numbered 57 in all. Some of the best birds realised £1 11s., the lowest prices ranging from 14/- apiece. As will be seen from our list of awards (which is appended), Mr T. Vigus secured the first prizes in each case for the best pen of three cock turkeys, three hen turkeys and the best killing cock bird. These exhibits were some of the best birds in the district.

The supplies of hens and cockerels more than exceeded those of previous years, the number of birds penned being 355, of which 195 were cockerels. These made a fine show as their crowed out their last notes, and the majority will be heard no more, but seen in another guise during next week!

There was a good all-round trade for the birds, some of the cockerels realising 12/6 each, the hens being knocked down at 7/. The geese numbered 45, the highest price which these realised being 10/-. There were also a good many ducks and rabbits penned, the latter being for sale purposes only. The eggs classes were also well filled.

The judge of the poultry was Mr G.H. Hankin, of High Cross, the well-known local expert.

List of Awards

Three cock turkeys - 1 T. Vigus, 2 J.H. Glascock, 3 J.H. Glascock

Three hen tukeys - 1 T. Vigus, 2 T. Vigus.

Killing cock turkey - 1 T. Vigus, 2 T. Vigus, 3 C. Warren.

Killing hen turkey - 1 J.H. Glascock

Four geese - 1 E. Howard, 2 J. Poulton, 3 A.W. Gray.

Four killing cockerels - 1 H. Piggott, 2 C. Chappell, 3 W. Burrow.

Four killing hens - 1 J. Cogan, 2 J. Hale, 3 J. Russell.

Four killing ducks - 1 F.W. Gatward, 2 F.W. Gatward, 3 A. Macarthur.

Three score hens eggs - 1 E. Brett, 2 E. Brett.

21st December 1928 - Buntingford Bowls Club Xmas Draw

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Buntingford Bowls Club Xmas Draw

Ticket No. - Name and Address - Prize

529 - Harry, c/o Marshall & Snelgrove, Vere St., W. - Brace Rabbits

2237 - F. Seering, Coles Hill, Westmill - Cycle Lamp

228 - Fred Perry, Buttermilk Hall - Fowl

2480 - J. Prentice, Bull Lane, Langley - 100 Cigarettes

2305 - Mrs Womack, Vine, Welwyn - Bottle Sherry

9 - S.G. Dunstall, Cornwell Rd., Finchley - Joint Beef

1038 - H. Saymar, 97 Golders Green Rd., N.W. 11 - Brace Rabbits

1315 - F. Miller, 43a Mitan Street, Fulham Palace Road, London, S.W.6. - Bottle Port

675 - Mary Browne, Buntingford - Cwt. Potatoes

1521 - Charlie Smith, Buntingford - Christmas Cake

1671 - Mrs E. Shepherd, Bury Grange, Ardeley - Hare

499 - J. Dove, Upper Grosvenor St., London, W.1. - Turkey

1984 - Jeffrey Cockerell, Newsells - Duck

712 - Nora Piggott, Buntingford - Hare

1951 - C. Maron, Chequers, Sandon - Gent's Wallet

1648 - Mrs Mellows, Cockenach - Goose

2443 - Mrs Arthur Gray, Luffenhall - Bottle Whiskey

2485 - Mrs A. Clark, Hill Green, Clavering - Bottle Whiskey

2463 - James Bowie, Iron Gate, Weston - Bottle Port

2884 - H.S. Bardwell, 15 3rd Avenue, Acton, W.3 - Brace Rabbits

2885 - Ditto - Brace Peasants

1794 - E. Dear, Ardeley - Brace Rabbits

617 - - Hammond, Cherry Green - Fowl

732 - Mrs Furber, London House, Puckeridge - Fowl

1799 - Albert Scripps, Gt. Hormead - Attache Case

2099 - - Baynes, Manuden - 2 Silk Neckties

2054 - - Ives, Cottered - Umbrella

1356 - - Johnson, Mill Stutton, nr. Ipswich - Fountain Pen

1507 - Mrs J. Lawrence, Black Hall, Brent Pelham - Gold Wrist Watch

2240 - Mrs Peacock, Coles Hill, Westmill - Fowl

1639 - Miss Brigham, The George, Buntingford - Ham

1446 - - Spicer, School Lane, Aston - Brace Rabbits

1608 - B. Brett, Pelham Road, Buntingford - Cigarette Case

453 - Mrs G. Whitmore, 16 Guards Terrace, Caterham - Bow Chocolates

424 - W.J. Bristow, 40 Park Lane, London - Port

17th September 1926 - Bowls - Buntingford vs Rosedale

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The Buntingford Bowls Club entertained Rosedale (Cheshunt) on Saturday last, defeating them by the big margin of 37 points: Buntingford 63, Rosedale 26.

The home club have now tied with Hadham at the top of the League (24 points each), which necessitates a match to decide the winners of the League on Hertford Castle Green on Saturday, September 25th, at 4 p.m.

At the last meeting of the Buntingford Bowls Club, it was proposed and seconded that the two skips should select their own teams, having 12 good players from which to make a selection. They have now decided to play the same team that have played in the last three matches - and consequently have a good chance of winning the cup and medals for this season, and we wish them the best of luck.

The following are the players and the same team that beat Hadham at Buntingford.


Rink 1

Buntingford - J. Boniwell, F.B. Sharp, E.J. Totman, W.J. May - 31 points.

Rosedale - F.W. Little, C. Burgess, W. Kirby, F. Moule - 12

Rink 2

Buntingford - E.R. Brett, J. Pateman, H.E. Birkett, F.W. Butler - 32 points

Rosedale - A. Fuller, H. Adams, H. Warner, F. Baker - 14 points.

10th September 1926 - Bowls

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East Herts Bowls League

The Buntingford Bowls Club played a very interesting match on Saturday last again Much Hadham and after quite an excellent game were victorious by two points: 35-33.

Hadham are at present at the top of the League, and Buntingford have need to be pleased with the result.

Tomorrow (Saturday) Buntingford play Rosedale at Buntingford, and should the home team win they will be level with Hadham at the top of the League, and a match with Hadham on neutral ground will be played for premier honours in the League.

Buntingford have been second in the League on three previous occasions, viz.: to Havers Park, Hertford, and Hertingfordbury and have a good opportunity of gaining the coveted position this year.

The following were the players:


Rink No 1- E.R. Brett, J. Pateman, H.E. Birkett, F.W. Butler.

Rink No 2 - J. Boniwell, F.B. Sharp, E.J. Totman, W.J. May.

Much Hadham

Rink No 1 - J. Camp, D. Piggott, A.B. Camp, W. Bird.

Rink No 2 - F. Gillett, J. Holden, F. Braginton, R. Prior.

11th February 1927 - Whist

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A pleasant whist drive was held at the Workmen's Club on Wednesday evening.

Mr Henry Clark was M.C., and the prizes, which were vouchers for goods to be purchased in the town, were won by the following:

Ladies - 1, Miss Clark; 2, Miss M. Cornwell.

Gents - 1, Mr C. Crane; 2, Mr C. Tottman.

A prize for the lowest score went to Mr E. Brett.

25th March 1927 - Chess Match

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Chess Match

A chess match between the Cottered Chess Club and a Buntingford team, arranged by Mr B.E. Thody, took place on Monday evening.

There were some good games, and the result was a win for Buntingford by four games to two.

The scores were as follows:

Buntingford - Cottered

Father Morgan - 1 - R.M. Hull - 0

E. Brett - 1 - E.E. Empringham - 0

B.E. Thody - 0 - R. Shepherd - 1

J. Lawrence - 1 - R. Barry - 0

H.M. Blakiston - 1 - T. Perry - 0

A.N. Other - 0 - B.A. Edwards - 1

Total - 4 - 2

At the close, the Rev. E.E. Empringham, of Cottered, thanked Father Morgan for placing his study at the disposal of the teams and for so kindly entertaining them.

22nd April 1927 - Buntingford Bowls Club Annual General Meeting

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Buntingford Bowls Club

Annual General Meeting

The annual general meeting of the Buntingford Bowls Club was held at "The Crown" Inn club room, on Tuesday evening of last week, the President, Mr H.C. Marshall, presiding.

The Chairman said he wished to congratulate the Club on winning the Ashton Cup, and he hoped they would have an equally successful season this year.

The Hon. Sex., Mr J. Lawrence, then presented his annual report. During last season, the club played 18 League matches, winning 12 and losing six. The actual number of points scored was 728 against 631.

He (the Secretary) was also pleased to report that they had an increased membership; in 1925 they had 19 members, and in 1926 26 members, and it was hoped to increase this number this year. The Club had 10 Vice-Presidents, who, like their President, had taken an active interest in the welfare of the Club. (Applause).

The Secretary then referred to the financial statement. At the last annual meeting it was thought that the new green would cost about £30, but so far about £200 had been spent and more would have to be spent before the green was ready for use; there was, however, little doubt that when the new green was completed it would be as good as any in East Herts.

With the help of members and friends, they hoped to be able to pay off the loans, and to make the Club self-supporting. (Applause).

The balance sheet was as follows:


Loan from H.C. Marshall, Esq. - £100 0s. 0d.

Loan from ten members - £44 0s. 0d.

President's Subscriptions - £2 3s. 0d.

Seven Vice-Presents - £8 8s. 0d.

16 Tournament Entrance Fees 1/- - 16s. 0d.

Fete (as per balance sheet) - £56 13s. 8d.

Jumble Sale - £8 0s. 5d.

Dinner - £11 5s. 0d.

Xmas Draw and Whist Drive - £43 7s. 2d.

15 Hand Books - 3s. 9d.

Mr May (Luton) - 1s. 0d.

26 members subscriptions at 10/6 - £13 13s. 0d.

Total - £268 10s. 0d.


Purchase of ground from Mr Poulton - £50 0s. 0d.

Labour on New Green - £123 7s. 7d.

Tools - £2 16s. 9d.

Creosote Oil - £3 15s. 0d.

Mr Crane (carting) - 12s. 6d.

Printing - £3 8s. 6d.

Mr J. Holmes' account - £16 10s. 0d.

Old Green - £8 16s. 8d.

Sundries - £9 4s. 1d.

Balance at Bank - £49 16s. 2d.

Cash in Hand - 2s. 9d.

Total - £268 10s. 0d.

Mr W.J. May, in moving the adoption of the accounts, said the members had much to thank their Hon. Sec and Treasurer, Mr Lawrence, for, The accounts were quite satisfactory, and he had much pleasure in moving that they be adopted.

Mr F.W. Butler seconded, and the motion was carried.

Election of Officers

Mr F.W. Butler moved the re-election of Mr Marshall as President. They were proud to have him as their President, and they were also grateful to him his very valuable help. Mr E.G. Thody seconded, and the vote was carried with applause.

Mr W.J. May moved the re-election of the Vice-Presidents with the addition of Sir Charles Heaton-Ellis, Mr S. Codrington, and Mr Davidson.

Mr J. Lawrence was re-elected Hon. Sec. and Treasurer, and was thanked for his past services.

Mr W.J. May, who has been Captain for the past four seasons, and he thought it would be good to have a change this year, and he proposed Mr F.W. Butler as Captain. Mr Butler, in refusing to accept the position of Captain, said he was sure that every member would wish Mr May to carry on. This was carried with applause.

Mr F.W. Butler was re-elected Vice-Captain, and the following were appointed to serve as a general committee - Messrs. E.J. Totman, J. Pateman, J. Boniwell, F.B. Sharp, J. Cornwell, H.E. Birkett, F. Crouch, H. Clark, E. Brett, and A. Mannox.

Green Committee - Messrs. W.J. May, F.W. Butler, E.R. Brett, J. Cornwell, E.G. Thody, and C.H. Poulton.

Selection committee - re-elected en bloc.

It was decided to make the Club room at "The Crown" Inn the headquarters of the Club. Mr Mannox, the proprietor, said the room would be at the disposal of the Club whenever the members required it, and that he would make no charge. (Applause).

A discussion took place as to competitions &c., and it was agreed to arrange more matches to encourage new members.

Before the conclusion of the meeting, thanks were accorded Mr C.H. Poulton and Mr E.G. Thody for their valuable assistance in connection with the new green, and to the Chairman for presiding.


The Committee of the above club wish to thank all who have helped and contributed to the Jumble Sale, held at the Foresters' Hall, on April 20th. The sale was a great success.

3rd June 1927 - Bowls

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Buntingford played their first League match of the season on Saturday last, when they journeyed to Rosedale (Cheshunt).

A very enjoyable game resulted in a win for Buntingford by 4 points. Scores:

Rink 1


F. Crouch, J. Boniwell, H. Mannox, W.J. May - 21


W. Garand, A. Odwell, W. Kirby, F. Baker - 18

Rink 2


E.R. Brett, L. Hagger, H.E. Birkett, F.W. Butler - 24


W. Giffen, F. Traveller, A. Fuller, F. Maules - 23


Buntingford - 45

Rosedale - 41

23rd July 1926 - Cricket - Brent Pelham v. Wyddiall

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Brent Pelham v. Wyddiall

The above teams met at Pelham on Saturday last, and a good game resulted.

Pelham batted first, and ran up a respectable score of 83 - P. Saunders playing a good innings of 34 (not out). On Wyddiall going in to bat, the Pelham bowlers were soon mastered, and when time was called had made 137 runs for 6 wickets.

H. Pledger played a splendid innings of 53 (not out) and also took six wickets (so it could be said it was his match).

S. Pledger (27), W. Hatchett (23), and C. Hatchett (17) also helped splendidly to raise such a good total.


Brent Pelham

H. Martin, c Hatchett, b R. Pledger - 10

W. George, b R. Pledger - 8

C. Whiffin, c T., b H. Pledger - 10

P. Saunders, not out - 34

W. Dodkin, b H. Pledger - 1

R. Coxall, b H. Pledger - 6

W. Bailey, c Hatchett, b May - 1

S. Bentley, b H. Pledger - 3

H. Brett, c Hatchett, b H. Pledger - 2

C. Westwood, run out - 1

Byes - 5

Total - 83


C. Hatchett, c and b Saunders - 17

S. Pledger, c George, b Dodkin - 27

W. Hatchett, c and b Coxall - 23

H. Pledger, not out - 53

T. Pledger, b Whiffin - 0

R. Pledger, b Whiffin - 1

H. May, c Dodkin, b Coxall - 3

F. Hatchett, not out - 4

H. Hatchett - did not bat

S. Stubbs - did not bat

F. Camp - did not bat

Byes - 9

Total (for 6 wkts.) - 137

2nd July 1926 - Bowls Club

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Bowls Club

Another Win

The Buntingford Bowls Club entertained Sawbridgeworth in a league fixture on Saturday.

The game was a very interesting one, and resulted in a win for Buntingford by 35 points to 33.

Buntingford team: Rink 1 - E. Brett, J. Pateman, H. Birkett and F.W. Butler. Rink 2 - H. Mannox, J. Lawrence, F.B. Sharp and J. Totman.

Singles Competition

Mr W.J. May, the captain of the Buntingford Club journeyed to Hartham on June 24th for a match in the E.H.B.L. Singles Competition.

Mr May won a good game by 21 points to 17.

21st May 1926 - Bowls

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The Buntingford Bowls Club journeyed to Sawbridgeworth on Thursday, May 13th, for the first match of the season, when a good game resulted in a victory for the home team.

The game was stopped twice owing to hailstorms.

The following were the scores:

Rink 2


E.R. Brett, J.Pateman, H.E. Birkett, F.W. Butler - 13


A. Fish, A. Hart, J. Fish, F. Barnes - 20

Ring 3


J. Lawrence, F.B. Sharp, E.J. Totman, W.J. May - 20.


A. Morris, W.A. Hardie, S.W. Parfett, S.R. Garnett - 22.

Buntingford - 33, Sawbridgeworth - 42.

26th Nov 1926 - Death of Mr David Anderson

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Death of Mr David Anderson

At the age of 76 years, the death took place on the 17th inst. of Mr David Anderson, of Norfolk Road, Buntingford. He had been in bad health for some time, and bore his illness with much patience.

The funeral took place on Monday last, the remains of the deceased being laid to rest in Layston Churchyard. The service was conducted by the Rev. A. Howard.

The immediate mourners were: Mr Henry Anderson (son), Mrs Cook and Mrs Brett (daughters), Mr George Anderson (brother), Mrs H. Anderson and Mrs D. Anderson (daughters-in-law), Miss Kathleen Anderson (granddaughter), Mr John Brett (grandson), Mr and Mrs Wren (nephew and niece), and Rev. John. Cole.

There was [sic] a number of floral tokens.

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