Showing posts with label Lyon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lyon. Show all posts

3rd June 1927 - Buntingford Petty Sessions

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Buntingford Petty Sessions

Friday last, before Sir Charles Heaton-Ellis (in the chair), H.C. Marshall, William Steel, G.C. Coutts-Deacon, and G.W. Pepper, Esps. The last three named gentlemen took their seats on the Bench for the first time.

No Licence

Charles Clark, of 20, Balmouth Road, Borough, London, was charged with driving a motor lorry without being duly licensed, at Chipping.

P.C. Hill, who proved the case, said that he stopped the defendant, who was driving a six-wheeled vehicle, at 2.30 a.m. The defendant told him that he had lost his licence since last November.

A fine of £2, including costs, was imposed.

A Regrettable Case

What was described by all parties concerned as a very regrettable case, came before the Bench, when Daisy Hilda Page (aged 17), of Rushden, Buntingford, made application for an affiliation order against John Sydney Lyon (aged 15), also of Rushden.

The case lasted nearly two hours, the complainant being in the witness box for an hour.

After a short adjournment, the Chairman said that the Bench had given the case their very deepest and sincerest consideration, and they were of the opinion that there was inssuficient evidence to make an order.

The case would, therefore, be dismissed.

A Rate Summons

Harry D. Piper, of "Wedlands," Hare Street, Buntingford, did not appear to a summons for non-payment of Poor Rate.

Mr W.C. Kitchen, the Assistant Overseer, was granted a distress warrant.

14th May 1926 - Meeting of Grocers at Buntingford

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Meeting of Grocers at Buntingford

A meeting of grocers of the Buntingford district was held at Buntingford on Monday evening, May 10th, 1926.

Present: Messrs. G.C. Wilson (Hormead), J.Smith, S. Daniels, C. Tottman, and E. Bayman (Buntingford), T. Barklem (Anstey), S. Lyon (Rushden), J. Carter (Buckland), A. Crowe (Puckeridge), B.A. Edwards (Cottered), E. Bedford (Harestreet), M. Hammond (Great Hormead), E. Taylor (Westmill), G. Ashton and E. Law, of Buntingford.

Mr G.C. Wilson was appointed Chairman.

The Chairman read a letter from the Buntingford Rural District Council, and outlined the scheme for transport of foodstuffs in the district. He then asked for particulars as to what stock were held for traders.

Mr E. Bayman (Messrs. Forrest Stores) said he had seen most of the grocers in the district on Sunday, and the general position was that there appeared to be enough supplies in the district for the next 14 days.

The Chairman asked whether the traders would like to form a small committee in order that any orders could be dealt with by that body. Mr S. Daniels moved, and Mr E. Bayman seconded that the whole of the traders for the committee. This was carried unanimously.

Mr B.A. Edwards (Cottered and Buntingford), said it appeared to him that while the traders might have sufficient stocks for the next 10 or 14 days, there would be a certain amount of difficulty in replenishing stocks should the strike continue. He thought that it would be wise to secure further stocks as early as possible. The matter was fully discussed, and several traders reported that they had received notification from their wholesale dealers that normal supplies would be delivered this week.

One of the traders stated that he was short of a certain commodity, whereupon another trader promised to let him have a supply. The Chairman said this was the spirit that was required, and he felt sure that co-operation such as this would help them to overcome difficulties.

The Chairman said the Buntingford Rural District Council were meeting on Tuesday morning, and he thought it would be wise to let Mr Scarborough Taylor know before the Council met, the exact position of the grocers.

The following resolution was then carried unanimously:

"In view of the fact that several wholesalers have promised delivery of supplies this week, this meeting of traders, while appreciating the action of the Buntingford Rural District Council, feel that for the present their stocks are sufficient to meet the demands of the public.

The traders wish to state that they are keeping a close view of the situation from day to day, and should the necessity of transport arise they will appeal to the Buntingford Rural District Council for such help as is considered necessary to ensure the replenishment of their stocks."

A further resolution was passed to the effect that the daily returns called for by the Council should be supplemented for weekly returns. It was also agreed that should any trader run short of supplies he would get into touch with Mr Scarborough Taylor.

The possibility of forming a Grocers' Association was discussed, and it was decided to leave the matter over until the present crisis was over.

The next meeting of the traders was arranged for Monday evening, May 17th.

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