Showing posts with label Woodley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Woodley. Show all posts

21st December 1928 - In Memoriam - Woodley

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In Memoriam

Woodley - In ever loving memory of Harry Woodley, who departed this life, 24th December 1926.

From his wife and daughter. 

Gone from sight, to memory dear.


Read the report of Harry Woodley's funeral.

21st December 1928 - Layston Church Expenses

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Layston Church Expenses

Layston Church is faced with a heavy deficit, and the Parochial Church Council are making every effort to wipe this out as soon as possible.

On Saturday a successful sale of clothing and other articles took place in the Women's Institute Hall in this connection, when a sum of over £8 was realised.

Mr F.W. Butler kindly made all arrangements for collecting and conveying the articles (given by parishioners and others) to the Hall, and the following assisted with the selling:

Mesdames Boniwell, Bonness, Brodie, Butler, Clarke, Corp, Dixon, Davies, Feasey, Geaves, Howard, Woodley and Mr G. Hill.

The organisers are very grateful to all who assisted.

15th October 1926 - Harvest Festival at St Peter's

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Harvest Festival at St Peter's

The Harvest Festival services were held on Thursday in last week and were continued over the following Sunday.

The church was beautifully decorated with a profusion of corn, flowers, fruit and vegetables, which had been brought as thankofferings.

The corn had previously been weathered at the Parish Room by Mrs Pateman, Mrs Corp, Miss Woodley, Mrs H. Clark, Miss V. Feasey, Mrs Howard and Miss Brodie, the actual decorations being tastefully carried out by Miss Boniwell, Mrs Butler, Mrs Coleman, Mrs White, Miss M. Howard, Miss Lushington, Mrs Ambrose, Mrs J. Pateman and Mr H.L. Baker.

The Rev. H.B. Webb-Bowen, R.N., Vicar of Barkway, preached on Thursday evening to a large and attentive congregation. The anthem "Song to the Lord of the Harvest," was well rendered by the choir, and the whole service was a hearty and happy one.

On Sunday, in addition to the morning and evening services, a Flower Service was held in the afternoon.

The church was well filled, and many generous offerings were brought by the children of flowers, fruit and eggs, accompanied by appropriate texts, which been warmly appreciated by the sick and needy. The Festival closed with a very hearty service on Sunday night.

Owing to the special fuel and lighting difficulties, the offertories were for that object, over £6 being received, but in addition nearly £3 was given for the hospitals.

21st January 1927 - Layston Church Sunday School

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Layston Church Sunday School

The annual prizegiving took place in the George Assembly Room on Wednesday evening, and was much enjoyed by children, parents, teachers and friends. After the singing of well-known choruses, Miss M. Macklin kindly acting as accompanist.

Rev. A. Howard spoke with appreciation of the work of the teachers, and alluded to the loss the Sunday School had sustained in the departure of Miss E. Howard, who with the help of several young teachers, had done much to improve the infant Sunday School.

He expressed sympathy with Miss Woodley in the loss of her father, and urged the parents present to encourage the children in regular attendance.

The prizegiving followed, after which Mr B. Thody most kindly gave a lantern lecture combining amusement, interest and instructions, which was greatly appreciated by all, the local touches raising peals of laughter.

The following is the list of prizewinners:

Boys I - Eric Nichols, W. Warner, A. Howard.

Boys II - L. Fiddaman, Charlie Scrivener, Horace Darton, Jack Crouch.

Girls I - Ethel Winters, A. Coxall.

Girls II - Vera Dowding, D. Warner.

Very regular - W. Winters, Vera Nichols.

Boys III - Christopher Hurry, Cyril Kimpton, Percy Scrivener.

Infants I - Very regular. R. Winters, Maud Hurry, Gladys Butler, C. Woods, T. Fiddaman.

Infants II - Very regular. K. Warner, S. Hurry, Doris Butler, F. Darton.

Infants III - G. Kimpton, Ben Crouch.

Class IV - Albert Butler, Joan Woods.

7th January 1927 - Funeral of the Late Mr Harry Woodley

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Funeral of the Late Mr Harry Woodley

The funeral of the late Mr Harry Woodley, licensee of "The White Hart," Buntingford, whose death was reported last week, took place on Thursday, December 30th.

The remains, encassed in a plain elm coffin, were conveyed to the Church by a Washington car.

The coffin was inscribed:

Harry Woodley, Died December 24th, 1926, Aged 65 years.

The first part of the service was conducted by the Rev. A. Howard, while the lesson was read by the Rev. John Cole.

The immediate mourners were: Mrs Woodley (wife), Miss Woodley (daughter), Mrs Fox and Mrs Chapman (sisters), Messrs. F.R. and L. Woodley (brothers), Mrs F. Woodley and Mrs L. Woodley (sisters-in-law), Mr Seller, Mr F. Seller, Mr and Mrs J. Seller (nephews and niece), Mr H. Gray, Mr F. Stoten, and the Rev. John Cole.

It will be re-called that the deceased served in the Metropolian Police Force for 25 years, and a  touching reminder of this was shown by the presence at the Church and graveside of Srgt. Dean, of the Buntingford Police Station.

Amongst other townspeople present, we observed Mrs E. Law, Mrs Warner, Mrs Thody, Mrs Borsberry, Mrs Winters, Mrs Robinson, Mrs Lawrence, Mrs Crouch, Mrs Watson, Mrs Plumb, Mrs Franklin, Mr S. Saggers and others.

There were several beautiful floral tokens, which were sent by the following:

From his sorrowing wife and daughter; George and Jane; Frank and Fanny and Family; Leonard and Clara; Jack and Kate; Jack and Rose, Billy and Mill; Brother Bob, Walter and Mabel; Flo, Walt, and Jack; Fred and Birdie; Mr and Mrs Stoten and Fred; Mr and Mrs Mottram and Sid; Rev. J. Cole; Mr and Mrs H. Gray; Mr and Mrs W. Gray; Mrs Robinson; Mr and Mrs Franklin; Mr and Mrs Haddock; and Miss E. Cato.

7th January 1927 - Births, Marriages and Deaths

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Births, Marriages and Deaths


Saggers - On Sunday, January 2nd, 1927, Thomas Saggers, of High Street, Buntingford, aged 77 years.

Mrs and Miss Woodley wish to return thanks for the many expressions of symapthy shown to them in their sad bereavement; also for flowers sent.

11th February 1927 - Buntingford Petty Sessions

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Buntingford Petty Sessions

Friday last, before Sir Charles Heaton-Ellis, C.B.E., and Claud Fraser, Esq.


Inspector Herbert presented the annual report respecting licensed premises in the Division.

There were, he said, 33 fully licensed premises, 8 licensed for consumption "on the premises," four "off" licenses, and one grocer's licence, making a total of 46.

During the year, four licenses had been transferred. No licensee had been proceeded against, and there had only been one male convicted of drunkenness.

The Inspector then stated the times of the licensed hours in force in the Division.

The Chairman said the Bench were very satisfied with the report. It was satisfactory to the Bench, the Police and the Public, and the Bench wished to express their appreciation.

The application for the full transfer of the licence fo "The White Hart" Public House, Buntingford, from Harry Woodley to Mary Jane Woodley was granted.

A Cottered Theft Charge

Victor John Ginn (21), of Broadfield, Buntingford, appeared on a charge of stealing middlings and meal at Cromer, Stevenage, on 24th January, 1927. The defendant pleaded "Guilty."

Mr W.H. Kittow, farmer, of Bancroft, Cottered, said he sent the defendant with six bags of meal and five bags of middlings from Bancroft to Luffenhall Farm.

He was passing through Cromer between 3 and 4 p.m. on the day in question, when he saw the defendant turn his horse and cart into "The Chequers" yard. He (the witness) thought it strange, so he approached the defendant, who told him that he was taking some potatoes for Mr Gray to a Mr Paul. 

The witness then looked in a shed at "The Chequers" and saw four sacks of meal. He opened the bags and found that the meal was quite warm, having just come from the mill.

The defendant, who at first denied leaving the meal there, later admitted that he left one bag. He saw him again later, when he admitted leaving one bag of meal and three of middlings. The defendant, who had been in his employ for some time was receiving 34/6 per week.

P.C. Hill, of Chipping, said on receiving information from Mr Kittow he visited "The Chequers" yard, Cromer, in company with Sergt. Dean.

He later saw the defendant and conveyed him to Buntingford Police Station, where he made a statement to the effect that on 24th January he was ordered to take six bags of meal and five bags of dan to Luffenhall. He left three bags of dan and one of meal at Cromer for Mr M. Gray, who had asked him to bring him some.

Montague Grey, of Cottered, a farmer and dealer, was then charged with receiving the stolen middlings and meal. He pleaded "Not guilty."

Mr W.H. Kittow repeated his former evidence, and added that on the evening of the day of the offence Gray came up to see him.

The defendant Gray told witness that he was very sorry for what had happened, but said that he was not there when the meal was delivered at his building, and that he did not know anything about it. Mr Kittow added that he had known Gray for many years, and if he had known that he was short of meal he would willingly have sent him some.

P.C. Hill said he saw the defendant Gray in company with Mr Kittow on 25th January, when Gray made a statement to the effect that he saw Ginn two or three days previous to the offence and asked him to bring him some meal from Walkern Mill or Kitchener's.

He visited his premises at Cromer on Monday, 24th January, and found four bags of meal in a cart shed. He later saw Mr Kittow and told that the meal was not his (defendant's). He had never bought any stuff off of Ginn in his life, and he did not want other people's stuff in his shed.

In a statement to the Bench, the defendant said that Ginn had previously bought meal for him from Walkern Mill and from Cromer Mill. As the roads were in such a bad state, he could not get out with his own horse, so he asked Ginn to [word erased] him some meal from Cromer [or?] Walkern Mill or Mr Kitchen[er's] at Walkern.

He was not at "The Chequers" when the meal was left there by Ginn, and he was very sorry that Ginn had left it there on that occasion.

Inspector Herbert said that the defendant was a man of good character.

After consultation, the Chairman addressing Ginn said he had pleaded guilty to a very serious charge. The Bench, however, had decided to take a lenient view of the case, and instead of sending the defendant to prison he would be fined £2 and 15/- costs, and would be placed under probation for a period of two years.

With reference to Gray's case, the Chairman said the Bench did not consider that there was sufficient evidence to convict, and the case would be dismissed.

A Housing Tangle

Robert H. Clark, of High Street, Royston, made application for an ejectment order against Mrs Fox, for the possession of a cottage occupied by her at Buntingford.

Mr R. Clark, jun., said he father had been served with a notice by the Buntingford Rural District Council to put the property into habitable repair. His father was willing to do this provided he could get possession of the cottage. At present there were seven persons living in two rooms.

The Clerk: Is the rent in arrear?

Mr Clark: No.

The Clerk: Then the Bench cannot grant an ejectment order.

Mr Clark: Then what am I to do? The Council have served us with a statutory notice, signed by the Medical Officer of Health, and we cannot do the repairs necessary till the place is unoccupied.

The Clerk: The Council must take action themselves.

Mr Clark: It comes back on the owner every time. I had a similar case at Melbourn some years ago, and the Bench issued an ejectment order.

The Clerk: Yes, that was before the Rent Restriction Act come into force.

Mr Clark: I don't want to press for an ejectment, but you see our position. We are being pressed by the District Council, and yet we cannot get possession of the house. It is impossible to do the necessary repairs while the people are living there.

The Chairman: If the Council have condemned the property then they must close it.

Mr Clark: They have not condemned it, but have served us with a notice to put it in habitable repair.

The Clerk: The Council must take action under Section 11 of the Housing Act, 1925. This Bench has no power to issue an ejectment order under the circumstances of the case.

4th June 1926 - The Whit-Monday Fete

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The Whit-Monday Fete

The result of the Coal Weight Guessing Competition (in charge of Mrs Roberson) was as follows:

1, Mr E.J. Smith, fancy stool; 2, Miss Vardon, leather book carrier and book; 3, Mrs Aylott, coal; 4, Mrs Taylor (Westmill), leather hand-bag; 5, Miss Woodley, half-dozen E.P. spoons.

The coal was given by Mr E.J. Sparkes, and the actual weight was 136 and a half lbs.

With reference to the Bowls Competition (stated in this Paper to have been in harge of Mr F.W. Butler), we have now learned that the competition was in charge of Mr J. Lawrence, who also kindly gave a prize to the winner.

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