Showing posts with label church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label church. Show all posts

2nd March 1928 - St Peter's

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St Peter's

There was a fairly good congregation at St Peter's on Thursday in last week, when the first of a series of Lenten services was conducted by the vicar (Rev. A. Howard).

The Rector of Wyddiall (the Rev. W. Mc C. Kerr) had intended to preach, but was prevented from attending owing to indisposition.

2nd March 1928 - Aspenden Campanology

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On Saturday in last week a peal of Stedman Triples 5040 changes was rung on the bells of the Parish Church in three hours and seven minutes.

According to records, only one peal has ever been rung on these bells, and this was scored over 180 years ago by a local band of ringers. The band on this 18th ult. were all visitors to the parish, and the conductor is a well-known London ringer of St Paul's Cathedtal.

The band was composed as follows:

C.F. Winney (London), conductor, treble; F.W. Richardson (Brockley), 2; B. Patmore (Great Munden), 3; G.Gray (Hertford), 4; S. Carter (Lt. Munden), 5; G. Dawson (Leytonstone), 6; W.H. Lawrence (Lt. Munden), 7; G.H. Carter (Lt. Munden), tenor.

28th December 1928 - St Peter's

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St Peter's

The interior of the church was prettily decorated with evergreens in profusion, interspersed with chrysanthemums, and at Holy Communion on Christmas Day, which was administered by the Vicar (Rev. A. Howard) to over thirty communicants, the lights from the gas enhanced considerably the decorations.

At the morning service, at which the Vicar spoke to a good congregation on the joy which the first Christmas Day brought to the earth, touching upon the same happy lot which might be ours if it could be realised that the Babe Who was born in the manger at Bethlehem was sent as the Saviour of man. The season of Christmas could only be enjoyed in the heart by knowing the relationship of Him Who was born in the manger in the fields while the shepherds were watching their sheep because there was no place to accomodate for Joseph and his espoused wife Mary when the time came for her to be delivered.

Appropriate hymns were used, and the Holy Communion was also celebrated after the service.

On the Sunday preceding Christmas Day there was a special carol service during the afternoon. Thanks to the excellent training of Mrs Pateman, who accompanied singing on the organ, the children sang exceptionally well, some of the carols being "O little town of Bethlehem," "Silent Night," "Good King Wencelas" and "A Child this day is born," Mrs Fiddaman delivering the air for the latter and the children singing the chorus.

A further carol service will be held on Sunday next.

28th December 1928 - Catholic Church

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Catholic Church

The Catholic Church is more beautifully decorated than in any previous year, owing to the exceptionally large number of flowers presented for the purpose. White chrysanthemums and narcissi predominate, and there is a profusion of holly and other evergreen.

The Church was packed for the Midnight Mass which ushered in the Feast of Christmas, and many were unable to get seats.

Father Morgan, in a short sermon, spoke of the "Good Tidings of Great Joy" announced to the Shepherds by the Angel, pointing out that the Source of that joy is our Blessed Lord. Our Lady and St. Joseph, in spite of their poverty and homelessness, were far happier than any of those who were comfortable housed and well-fed in Bethelehem, because they had Him with them. He alone can give us that happiness which thrills the heart and the very core of our being. By living for Him, doing everything for Him, with the object of pleasing Him, we can have Him perpetually in our hearts. And this gives the truly Joyful Christmas and the Happy New Year.

The organist, Mrs Castle, was unfortunately unable to be present, and was much missed by all. But a deputy accompanied the singing, which was tasteful and enjoyable.

The choir rendered the Kyrie from Turner's Mass of St. John the Baptist, the Adeste as an Offertory piece, a Benedictus by Terry, and all joined in the hymn "O Bread of Heaven" after receiving Holy Communion.

Carols were sung before and after the Mass - "Silent Night," "Angelic Messenger," and "A Child this day is born."

The Christmas Mass at the Convent was at 8 a.m., at which appropriate music was beautifully sung by the Sisters and boys; and the third Mass of Christmas was at the Church at 9 a.m.

It was announced that the first Mass was offered for all living in the parish, the second for the Convent, and the third for all who have in any way showed kindness to the parish priest.

In the Lady Chapel is the "Crib" or representation of the Cave in the hill-side, with figures of the Divine Baby, our Lady, St Joseph, the Shepherds and some of the sheep tended by the latter.

It is illuminated with a glow of red, and tends to aid the devotion of all who visit it, helping them to realise the scene at Bethlehem. This "Crib" remains till after the Epiphany, at which Feast the Wise Men are added to the company.

28th December 1928 - The Parish Magazine

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The Parish Magazine

The Rector is responsible for yet another parish innovation in Aspenden which no parish can afford to do without, and that is the Parish Magazine.

Everything he promises the Rector determines shall be put into practise, and the Magazine - we believe the first to be printed for Aspenden parish - has been engaging his attention for some time past.

The first edition, price twopence, will be issued on January 1st, and subsequent issues will be published on the first day of each consecutive month.

A feature of the Magazine is a handsome photograph on the front page of the Parish Church, and in addition to the Rector's letter, the monthly issue of the Diocesan Magazine and the quarterly C.M.S. Leaflet is contained in the publication; from May next the Magazine of the Church Assembly will be added, thus bringing the parishioners into touch with the affairs of the Church in the Parish, Diocese, Empire and the world.

Advertisements can be entertained for publication in the Magazine, terms for which will be submitted by the Rector.

28th December 1928 - Aspenden Parish Church

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Aspenden Parish Church

There was a record number of communicants on Christmas Day, and the service on Christmas morn was a bright and happy one.

The bells ushered in the festival by a joyous peal, which proclaimed the dawning of Christmas Day.

The Rector, Rev. L.A. Ewart, preached an appropriate sermon at the morning service, dealing with the episodes of the First Christmas Night, showing that the scene at Bethlehem during the birth of the Holy Infant proved that God honoured animal creation, childhood and motherhood.

The hymns were rendered with style, and the interior of the Church was tastefully decorated. The collection, which was devoted to the coal club, came to the record sum of £3 19s.

On the previous Sunday, there was a large congregation at a carol service in the evening, when the children of the Senior School sang carols under the direction of Mr E.E. Dennis. The Rector preached on the subject of the Christmas Child.

28th December 1928 - Aspenden Church Services etc

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Church Services, &c.

The Holy Communion will be administered after the morning service on Sunday next, and a special carol service will be given at 3 o'clock in the afternoon by the Buntingford Town Silver Band. This service should be largely attended.

The Rector will preach in the evening on the fitting subject: "Life's New Pathway," at which service there should also be a large congregation.

On New Year's Eve (December 31st) there will be a Watch Night Service at 11.15 p.m., and the Holy Communion will be celebrated the following day at 11a.m.

21st December 1928 - Layston Church Expenses

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Layston Church Expenses

Layston Church is faced with a heavy deficit, and the Parochial Church Council are making every effort to wipe this out as soon as possible.

On Saturday a successful sale of clothing and other articles took place in the Women's Institute Hall in this connection, when a sum of over £8 was realised.

Mr F.W. Butler kindly made all arrangements for collecting and conveying the articles (given by parishioners and others) to the Hall, and the following assisted with the selling:

Mesdames Boniwell, Bonness, Brodie, Butler, Clarke, Corp, Dixon, Davies, Feasey, Geaves, Howard, Woodley and Mr G. Hill.

The organisers are very grateful to all who assisted.

21st December 1928 - Buntingford Entertainment

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It is often said that one half of the world causes amusement for the other half, but this is not always the case. It only took half-a-dozen men from London, known as "The Impressibles" Concert Party, to amuse a good audience at the Benson Hall on Wednesday evening.

Those that had gathered from far and near never were allowed to think during the evening of the miserable journey they would experience on the way home.

The Party is well-known all over London as the leading laughter makers, and a couple of the members - Messrs. Harry Parr and Will Jennings - hold the distinguished positions of piano humorists at the Queen's Hall.

The whole programme was excellent in every respect, and some of the items of Mr Parr's composition brought down the house. These includes "The show's best man," which the party sang as an opening chorus, "Sea-dogs three" and "Mary's Lamb."

Mr John Orchard gave a pleasing rendering of Aitken's song "Marie my girl" and "The fishermen of England" by Phillips. Other items worthy of special mention included a humorous interlude by Mr Bert Sainsbury, a wireless medley by the party, and an interlude by Mr Will Jennings.

What could be described as the gem of the programme was the song "Take a pair of sparkling eyes," beautifully sang by Mr J. Aylmer.

All the items were well received and clamourously encored. The proceeds were in aid of Aspenden Church Renovation Fund.

21st December 1928 - Aspenden Christmas Services

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Christmas Services, &c.

The Rector will conduct all the services at the Parish Church during Christmastide, which are arranged as follows:

Sunday, December 23rd - Holy Communion 8.30 a.m., 12.15 and 7.30 p.m.; matins and sermon 11 a.m.; evensong and sermon 6.30 p.m.

At the morning service the Rector will take for his subject "The Christmas Star," and in the evening, when the service will take the nature of a carol service, during which the day school children will sing, the subject to be treated will be "The Christmas Child."

On Christmas Day the Holy Communion will be administered at 8 a.m. and after the service at 11 a.m., the subject at which will be "The First Christmas Night."

On Sunday, December 30th, Holy Communion will be administered at 12.15, and in addition to the morning and evening services at 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. respectively, there will be a carol service by the Buntingford Town Silver Band at 3 p.m.

There will be a watch night service on New Year's Eve at 11.15 p.m., and the Holy Communion will be administered on New Year's Day at 11 a.m.

29th October 1926 - Lantern Lecture

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Lantern Lecture

On Thursday evening in last week, Miss Rose Box, of the Colonial and Continental Church Society (Juvenile Branch), gave an interesting lantern lecture at St Peter's.

The lecturer gave an account of the Society's work in Kenya Colony, and the 80 slides were photos of the conditions in that Country.

The Rev. A. Howard opened and closed the service with prayer, and Miss L.M. Davies presided at the organ for the two hymns which were heartily sung.

Mr B.E. Thody kindly operated the lantern.

29th October 1926 - St Peter's Church

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St Peter's Church

The Rev. Taylor Wood, Organising Secretary of the Church Missions to Jews, preached morning and evening on Sunday last, and also addressed a children's service in the afternoon.

Mr Taylor Wood is a master of his subject, and his services were listened to with deep interest.

In the morning he dealt with the remarkable change which has taken place in the attitude of the Jew to Christianity, and in the evening on the strategie position which belongs to the Jews at the present time in fulfilment of prophecy.

Over £3 was collected for the Jews' Society.

15th October 1926 - Wyddiall Harvest Thanksgiving

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Harvest Thanksgiving

Harvest Thanksgiving Services were held at the Parish Church on Wednesday, October 6th, and the following Sunday.

On Wednesday evening there was a crowded congregation, when the preacher was the Rev. H.A. Marshall, Vicar of Royston. The collection, which amounted to £2 5s. 8d., was for the Royston Hospital.

On Sunday, October 10th, there were again crowded congregations, the Rector preaching at both the morning and evening services.

The collections throughout the day amounted to £3 5s. 7d., and were given to the Buntingford Nursing Association.

15th October 1926 - Harvest Festival at St Peter's

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Harvest Festival at St Peter's

The Harvest Festival services were held on Thursday in last week and were continued over the following Sunday.

The church was beautifully decorated with a profusion of corn, flowers, fruit and vegetables, which had been brought as thankofferings.

The corn had previously been weathered at the Parish Room by Mrs Pateman, Mrs Corp, Miss Woodley, Mrs H. Clark, Miss V. Feasey, Mrs Howard and Miss Brodie, the actual decorations being tastefully carried out by Miss Boniwell, Mrs Butler, Mrs Coleman, Mrs White, Miss M. Howard, Miss Lushington, Mrs Ambrose, Mrs J. Pateman and Mr H.L. Baker.

The Rev. H.B. Webb-Bowen, R.N., Vicar of Barkway, preached on Thursday evening to a large and attentive congregation. The anthem "Song to the Lord of the Harvest," was well rendered by the choir, and the whole service was a hearty and happy one.

On Sunday, in addition to the morning and evening services, a Flower Service was held in the afternoon.

The church was well filled, and many generous offerings were brought by the children of flowers, fruit and eggs, accompanied by appropriate texts, which been warmly appreciated by the sick and needy. The Festival closed with a very hearty service on Sunday night.

Owing to the special fuel and lighting difficulties, the offertories were for that object, over £6 being received, but in addition nearly £3 was given for the hospitals.

10th December 1926 - C.P.A.S. (Church Pastoral Aid Society)

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The Rev. T. Stevens, of the Church Pastoral Aid Society, was the lecturer at a lantern service held at St Peter's on Thursday in last week.

There was a very good congregation, and the address was listened to very attentively by all.

The subject was "The heart of the Empire," and the slides, all of which were pictures of London, depicted the worked [sic] of the C.P.A.S. in the thickly populated quarters like Whitechapel and Spitalfields.

Mr Stevens spoke with authority on the subject, as only last month he was engaged in working in Lodging Houses and slums near Spitalfields.

Mr B.E. Thody operated the lantern.

14th January 1927 - Universal Week of Prayer

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Universal Week of Prayer

Meetings in connection with the above, organised by the World's Evangelical Alliance in 1846, and which has been observed in Buntingford for the past 30 years, were held during the first week of the New Year.

The appointed subjects for prayer, which were being remembered by Christians in all parts of the world, included Thanksgiving and Humiliation, the Universal Church, Nations and Governments, Home and Foreign Missions, and our Young People.

Prayer was led on successive days by a short address from Rev. A. Howard, Rev. J. Cole, Rev. E.E. Empringham, Mr H. May, and Capt. W. Green.

The meetings were well attended, and were noticeable for an atmosphere of fellowship and unity.

4th February 1927 - Cottered Parochial Meeting

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Parochial Meeting

The annual Church Parochial Meeting was held in the School on Tuesday evening in last week.

The Rector (the Rev. E.E. Empringham) presided, and there were about fifty persons present.

The annual report was read by the hon. secretary (Mrs Beadle), and a satiasfactory financial statement was given by the hon. treasurer (Mr T.J. Stick).

Mrs Beadle was elected to represent the parish on the Diocesan Conference; Messrs. Beadle, Pitcher and Sanders, and Miss Wilderspin were elected members of the Ruri-Decanal Conference; and Messrs. Dudley and Warner, Mrs Sanders, and Miss Beamiss members of the Parochial Church Council.

18th March 1927 - Aspenden - Consecration of New Burial Ground by Bishop Lander

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Consecration of New Burial Ground by Bishop Lander

The beautiful little church of St Mary's, Aspenden, was the scene of an important ceremony on Wednesday of last week, when the consecration of the new burial ground was carried out by Bishop Lander, the Assistant Bishop of St Albans.

The new burial ground is situate on the south side of the old Churchyard, and has been given by Sir Arthur Lushington. One-sixth of the ground has been reserved for Sir Arthur Lushington and members of his family. The cost of enclosing the ground has been defrayed by Mr H.C. Marshall, of "Longmead," Buntingford, and the cost of making the entrance by Miss G. Lushington of "Absesdene," Buntingford, thus the new ground has been opened free of debt.

Bishop Lander was attended by the Rural Dean (the Rev. W.J.L. Dutton), and the following clergy: Rev. H.R. Shepherd (Hormead), Rev. F.R. Williams (Ansty), and the Rev. A.G. King (Westmill).

Amongst the congregation were Mr and Mrs W. Steel, of Aspenden Hall; the Rev. and Mrs L.W. Wright, of Wyddiall; Miss Lushington, Mrs R.W. Fell, Mrs L.C. Croslegh, and Mrs A. Howard. The Rev. A. Howard was unable to be present.

The service in the Church was conducted by the Rector, the Lesson, taken from II St John, being read by the Rev. A.G. King.

In an address from the chancel steps, the Bishop said they were preparing a place, not for those who were dead, but for themselves. Life is short, and though we do not dread death, as Christians we make provisions for the future. When the life goes out of a body we treat that body with respect. A Churchyard should be the best kept garden in any parish; all the flowers should be of the best, and there should be no untidiness, for it was a place of sympathy and unity.

He (the Bishop) had spent many years in China, a country where there was much show at a funeral and very little hope after the grave. In setting aside a burial ground they were asserting their belief that our Lord is Lord of all, and we go forth in faith and confidence and look to our own decease.

As the procession left the Church the choir and congregation sang the hymn "Soldiers who are Christ's below." The Bishop, accompanied by the Churchwarden (Mr E.S. Fletcher), and followed by the clergy, the choir and the congregation, then proceeded to the new burial ground.

At the entrance to the plot, the Rector, addressing the Bishop, said "Reverend Father in God, we beg you to consecrate this ground for the burial of our people."

The Bishop then replied "I am willing to perform the consecration, to which let us proceed in peace."

The procession the perambulated the boundaries of the plot, during which Psalm xci. was said, after which the sentence of consecration was read and signed by the Bishop.

The Bishop then made the following declaration:

"By virtue of our sacred office in the Church of God, we Michael, by Divine Permission Bishop of St Albans, do now consecrate, and for ever set apart from all profane and common uses, this ground, to be the resting-place of the bodies of the dead until the glorious Resurrection of the last day; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen."

A prayer for all who mourn and the Blessing concluded the ceremony, and the procession returned to the church chanting the Nunc Dimittis.

11th March 1927 - Aspenden - Consecration of New Burial Ground

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Consecration of New Burial Ground

The consecration of the additional burial ground at St Mary's Church, Aspenden, took place on Wednesday afternoon.

The service, which was conducted by Bishop Lander, assistant Bishop of St Albans, was attended by Clergy from the district, and a number of parishioners.

A more detailed account of the service will appear in our next issue.

4th March 1927 - Buntingford Rural Deanery

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Buntingford Rural Deanery

Conference at Buntingford

Africa and the World Call

A meeting of the representatives of the Ruri-Decanal Conference for the Rural Deanery of Buntingford, took place at the Assembly Room, the George Hotel, on Saturday afternoon.

The Rev. W. Mc C. Kerr, of Meesden (Rural Dean) presided, supported by the Secretary (Rev. W.L. Shepherd, of Hormead).

The clergy attending were - Rev. A. Howard (Layston), Rev. F.R. Williams (Anstey), Rev. L.W. Wright (Wyddiall), Rev. W. Jobson (Braughing), Rev. H.F. Webb-Bowen (Barkway), Rev. E.E. Empringham (Cottered), Rev. A.G. Langdon (Munden), Rev. J.L. Dutton (Aspenden) and the Rev. A.G. King (Westmill). A goodly number of lay members were present.

The conference opened with prayer, offered by the Rev. A. Howard.

The Rural Dean stated that the Diocesan Board of Finance were anxious to adjust the assessments of the Diocesan Quota in parishes where it was considered that the assessment was too high. It was decided to appoint a committee to represent the parishes concerned, and the Board of Finance had asked for names to be submitted and a date selected for discussing the assessment.

The conference was of the opinion that the date of the meeting should be left over until it was ascertained which parishes proposed appealing against the assessments. Those elected to serve on the committee were Rev. A.G. Langdon, Mrs Dimsdale and the Rural Dean.

The Rural Dean said he thought the quotas were assessed the same as last year.

The Rev. C.W. Alington, of Baldock, the addressed the conference on "Africa and the World Call." The demand, he said, had arisen from the very sudden opening up of Africa by explorers.

He referred to the work of Livingstone, and of his challenge to the Universities; it was through Livingstone's message to the Universities that the mission to Africa took its birth. In dealing with Africa it should be remembered that the population of white men to black at 1 and a half million to eight million. A hundred years of most splendid missionary work had created a problem of its own, extracts from one book showing that in one diocese alone the baptisms were 14,000 a year.

The demand had also risen from the opening up of the country by the settlement of alien races, the great strides in commerce and industry and by the work of missionaries. The Missionary Societies had made such headway, that at the present time 90 per cent of the education is in the hands of the Missionary Societies. (Applause).

The speaker then dealt with extracts from the report on Africa, and at the close of his address, was accorded a hearty vote of thanks on the proposition of the Rural Dean, who said that before they met that afternoon, someone had said it was a pity they were not discussing the new Prayer Book. He (the Rural Dean) was very glad they were not. (Laughter); he thought that they should look to the great problems which had to be dealt with, and not trouble so much over matters which were of comparatively small importance.

A discussion on the World Call followed, the Rev. E.E. Empringham and Mr W.J. Pitcher taking part.

The conference then closed, after which tea was provided.

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