Showing posts with label Ballard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ballard. Show all posts

8th October 1926 - Farm Stock Sale

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Farm Stock Sale

On Thursday in last week, Messrs. Nash, Son & Rowley, auctioneers and tenant-right valuers, of Royston, under instructions of the late Mr F. Ballard, sold by auction on the premises adjoining Hill Side, the live and dead farming stock and household furniture.

An inlaid bow-fronted chest of drawers realised £11, mahogany dining table £9 10s., an 8-day grandfather's clock in oak case £14, a Chippendale wall mirror £14, and an oil painting (coast scene) realised £7 10s.

Amongst the live stock a bay mare sold for 30 guineas, heifers to £23, ad poultry to 5/4 per head.

30th July 1926 - Funeral of Mr F. Ballard

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Funeral of Mr F. Ballard

The funeral of Mr F. Ballard, whose death we announced last week, took place at St Mary's Church, Aspenden, on Monday afternoon.

The remains, encassed in a coffin of plain oak, were conveyed to the church in a Washington coach.

There were two mourning coaches and the immediate mourners were: Mr W. Ballard (brother), Mr and Mrs Walbey (sister and brother-in-law), Mr and Mrs Grey (sister and brother-in-law), Mrs A. Grey (sister), Mrs De Fontaine (sister), Mrs Walbey (sister), Messrs. C. Walbey and L. Walbey (nephews), Miss Stubbings and Messrs. J. Parker, D. Neale, E. Plumb (employees).

Others present were - Mr and Mrs Crouch, Mrs H. Clarke, Mrs Knight, Mrs D. Smith, Dr H.E. Dixon, Mrs Brewington, Mrs C. Miles, Mrs Wylds, Miss Parker, Mr and Mrs Beeton, Messrs. H.A. and W. Hare, W. Rowley, T.J. Stick, A. Anthony, F. Hamilton, H.H. Macklin, E.P. Borsberry, J. Boniwell, E.G. Thody, G. Aylott, C. Smith, W. Smith, D. Wallis and P. Hamilton.

Messrs. J.L. Cornwell and H. Clarke represented the Buntingford Gas and Coke Co., of which the deceased was a director.

There were many beautiful wreaths, including one from the employees and one from the tradesmen of Buntingford.


Mr Walbey, Mr Ballard and relatives return thanks to friends for kind sympathy shown in their great bereavement.

Royston, Herts.

28th July, 1926.

23rd July 1926 - Death of Mr F. Ballard

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Death of Mr F. Ballard

We much regret to record the death of Mr Frederick Ballard, of Buntingford, which occurred at Royston early on Wednesday last.

Mr Ballard, who was a son of the late Mr and Mrs W. Ballard, of the Railway Hotel, has farmed lands in Layston and Aspenden parishes for several years.

He retired from the publican's business over two years ago, and lived in one of his houses on the London Road. He was a man of quiet disposition.

He was a Guardian and District Councillor for the parish of Aspenden in 1904, and has filled the post of Parish Councillor and Overseer.

His death, at the age of 62, came as a surprise to his many old friends in Buntingford.

23rd July 1926 - Births, Marriages, and Deaths

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Births, Marriages, and Deaths


Ballard - On July 21st, after a short illness, at "Hillside," Royston, Frederick George Ballard, aged 62 years.

Funeral at Aspenden Churchyard on Monday, July 26th, at 3 o'clock.

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