Showing posts with label Hull. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hull. Show all posts

24th December 1926 - Concert at the Benson Hall

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Concert at the Benson Hall

For the Buntingford & District Nursing Association

The concern given at the Benson Hall on December 15th by "The Bunties" Concert Party, attracted a crowded audience that spent a very delightful evening.

The concert party were so successful last season that they decided to carry on during the 1926-27 season, and it must be said that their new programme went with a swing from beginning to end.

The items consisted of the latest musical "hits," and many of the choruses were taken up by the enthusiastic audience. Mrs G. Scarborough Taylor and Mr B. Kennedy were loudly applauded for their two special numbers "Waiting for the Moon" and by request, "Leander."

Mr J. White sang "Leanin" and "An Old-Time Song," being assisted in the latter by Mrs Scarborough Taylor. Mrs G. Armstrong, who last year gave such delightful dances, was partnered with Mr Bobbie Adamson, and their "Charleston" number was one of the best items on the programme.

Mrs Armstrong and Mr Brian Kennedy had a great reception for their picture from the past "A Second Minuet"; they were re-called twice, and each received gifts from members of the audience.

Mrs G. Scarborough Taylor's interpretation of Gounod's "Flower Song" (from Faust) was perfect, and won a deafening encore.

Mrs G. Armstrong and Mrs Scarborough Taylor sang with success "Ukelee." Mr G. Armstrong's droll monologues kept the audience in a ripple of laughters, as did Mr G. Scarborough Taylor in a first-class comedy act "Where are the Girls of the Old Brigade."

"Poor Papa," sung by Mr Bobbie Adamson was another number which brought rounds of applause. Of the concerted numbers "The Biff Brigade" is worthy of special mention; the marching and turning of the troupe, dressed as toy soldiers, was exceedingly well done. "Then I'll be happy" "There may be Days" and "A little bit of fun"; the latter with the aid of the entire adience, were other successful numbers by the Company. The concerted numbers by Mr G. Armstrong and Mr Scarborough Taylor also deserve mention.

A dramatic sketch, "The Brass Door-Knob," was given by Mrs G. Armstrong and Mr Scarborough Taylor, and was performed so well that the audience were spellbound till the final curtain. "The Bunty Medley," arranged by Rieta Hull, the accomplished pianist to the troupe brought the evening to a close.

The stage lighting and management and effects were undertaken by Messrs. H.M. Blakiston, B.E. Thody, J. Handy and H. Feasey. Miss Ward greatly assisted the production.

At the close, Mr Claud Fraser called for three cheers for the Troupe and thanked them for such a delightful programme.

It is understood that the net proceeds, which will be paid over to the Nursing Fund, are expected to reach £20.

24th December 1926 - Folk Dancing Party

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Folk Dancing Party

The Buntingford Branch of the English Folk Dancing Society has made rapid progress in folk dancing.

On the 9th inst. the Branch had a party at the George Room, when folk dancers from Walkern and Great Munden were also present.

There was a capital programme of these graceful and pretty dances that all enjoyed. Quite a feature of the evening were the special dances by Mrs G. Armstrong and Miss Olive Poulton.

Songs, interspersed with the dances, gave additional pleasure, and were contributed by the Rev. A.G. Langdon, Mrs Hull, and Mr E.E. Dennis.

4th February 1927 - Cottered Dance

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To provide for the expenses of the schoolchildren taking part in the forthcoming Folk Dance competition at Ware, there was a dance at the Rectory on Wednesday in last week.

This was organised by Miss Wilderspin and Miss Pugh, while Mrs Beadle was in charge of the refreshments.

There was a good attendance, Mr Beadle was M.C., Mrs Hull pianist, and a very enjoyable evening was spent. A net profit of £2 18s. 6d. was obtained.

4th February 1927 - Cottered Gardening Lectures

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Gardening Lectures

The second of a series of four fortnightly gardening lectures was given in the School on the 21st ult., by Mr R.W.B. Keene, of the Herts. Institute of Agriculture.

Mr A. Beadle presided, and in spite of the heavy fall of snow there was a fairly good attendance.

The subject of the lecture was "Seasonable Work in the Vegetable Garden," and at its close there were questions and discussion, in which Messrs. Edwards, Hearn, Hull, Kingsley, and Sanders took part.

25th March 1927 - Chess Match

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Chess Match

A chess match between the Cottered Chess Club and a Buntingford team, arranged by Mr B.E. Thody, took place on Monday evening.

There were some good games, and the result was a win for Buntingford by four games to two.

The scores were as follows:

Buntingford - Cottered

Father Morgan - 1 - R.M. Hull - 0

E. Brett - 1 - E.E. Empringham - 0

B.E. Thody - 0 - R. Shepherd - 1

J. Lawrence - 1 - R. Barry - 0

H.M. Blakiston - 1 - T. Perry - 0

A.N. Other - 0 - B.A. Edwards - 1

Total - 4 - 2

At the close, the Rev. E.E. Empringham, of Cottered, thanked Father Morgan for placing his study at the disposal of the teams and for so kindly entertaining them.

15th April 1927 - Buntingford Musical Society

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Buntingford Musical Society

"Olivet to Calvary"

On Tuesday evening last, a large congregation gathered in St Peter's to hear the Cantata "Olivet to Calvary" (Maunder), rendered by the Buntingford Musical Society.

Mr E.E. Dennis, who presided at the organ, interpreted with skill and sympathy the theme of the Cantata, and which opens with the triumphant entry of our Lord into Jerusalem, following Him to the agony in the garden, the trial before Pilate, His condemnation, and finally the last scene at Calvary - and the choir responded to his leading, the result being, not a mere performance, but a deeply touch religious service.

Mr Daniels as baritone, and Mr Ralph Williams as tenor soloists, were greatly appreciated; also Mrs Hull, who took the soprano solo.

The first part closed with a very beautiful rendering of the hymn, "Just as I am," and the second paty with "Rock of Ages," in both of which the congregation joined heartily.

The service was opened with prayer by the Rev. A. Howard, and closed with the general Thanksgiving.

19th Feb 1926 - Nursing Fund Whist Drive

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Nursing Fund Whist Drive and Dance

The annual whist drive, in aid of the Cottered Nursing Fund, was held in the hall, by kind permission of Mr Herbert Goode, on Tuesday evening.

The arrangements were well made by a band of workers, and a most enjoyable evening was spent by all present. The beautiful decorations were admired by all, and at the close, thanks were accorded Mr Goode for placing the hall at the disposal of the committee.

As usual, there was quite a large number present, and twenty-three table [sic] were in use for whist. Several non-whist players came later for the dancing which was indulged in until the early hours of the morning, the excellent dance programme being enjoyed to the full.

Mrs T.J. Stick, who for some time has carried out the duties of Hon. Treasurer, presented the prizes to the most successful players. She said she was pleased that so many were in sympathy with the Association, and she hoped that now Mrs Tapper had come to take over the duties of Treasurer, the Association would go on even more successfully (Applause).

Mrs W.J. Tapper said she was sure they were all grateful to Mrs Stick for what she had done for the Association. They were all sorry that Mrs Stick was unable to carry on as Treasurer, but they knew that the Association would receive her whole support (Applause).

For whist, Mr A. Beadle efficiently acted as M.C., and the prize-winners were:

Ladies - 1, Mrs Hull (clock); 2, Mrs A. Beadle (hot-water jug). Consolation - Miss Bastard.

Gents - 1, Mr J. Cannon (shaving set); 2, Mr C. Hills (ash tray and cigarettes). Consolation - Mr D. Pinnock.

Mr William Tapper acted as M.C. for the dancing, and the music was provided by Mr R. Brabrook (piano) and Mr G. Hunter (violin).

A special word of praise is due to the ladies of the Committee, who had charge of the refreshments, which gave satisfaction to all. Mention must also be made of the helpers who rendered their services as doorkeeps &c.

The sum of £9 0s. 9d. was realised.

5th Feb 1926 - Cottered Whist Drive and Dance

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Coals and coke - For prices write E.J. Crane, High Street, Buntingford ('Phone 37).

Whist Drive and Dance

On Wednesday, January 27th, a whist drive and dance was held in the school. About 60 were present, and all seemed to thoroughly enjoy the whist.

Prizes were won by: Ladies - 1 Mrs Hull, 2 Miss Mean.

Gents - 1 Mr J. Gravestock, 2 Mr Hills.

A prize for the highest score at the interval was won by Mrs Sheppard. Mrs Sanders presented the prizes.

During refreshments, a mat, made chiefly by the Guild children, was raffled and won by Mr J. Gravestock. Dancing began about 10 p.m. and was brought to a close by a waltz at 12.

After defraying expenses, part of the proceeds are to be handed over to the treasurer of the Cottered Cricket Club.

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