Showing posts with label long list of names. Show all posts
Showing posts with label long list of names. Show all posts

18th January 1924 - Buntingford Rural District Council

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Note: The last column of the article seems to be one that actually belongs in the middle, before the column that starts "Cottered". I have transcribed this with the text in the correct place to prevent any confusion with screen readers.

Buntingford Rural District Council

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Rural District Council was held in the Board Room on Thursday of last week.

The Chairman (Mr H.C. Marshall) presided, others present being Messrs. E.T. Morris, F.B. Cannon, C. Fraser, G.C. Wilson, H.H. Williams, C. Hummerstone, W.J. May, F. Prime, J. Bygrave and G. Graves, Mrs C.R. Dimsdale, the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke) and the Surveyor (Mr E.G. Thody).

Isolation Hospital

The Surveyor reported that no cases of infectious disease had been notified during the past month, and that the Hospital was closed.


The consumption of water during the past month was reported as follows:

1st week 207,000 gallons

2nd week 214,000 gallons

3rd week 190,000 gallons

4th week 208,000 gallons

The water level has risen a further two feet and the rest level is now 33 feet, being 2ft. 6ins. higher than in January 1923.

A supply of 400 gallons of paraffin had recently been procured.

Buckland House Scheme

The Surveyor reported that a sample of water taken from the bore hole had been submitted for analyst [sic].

The report stated that the water was distinctly hard, but in all respects it was quite good.

It was considered a wholesome water, and the turbidity would disappear with use.

Electric Light Discussed

It was notified that the North Metropolitan Electric Company proposed applying for powers to supply energy to include the Rural Districts of Buntingford, Ashwell, Hadham and Hitchin.

The Chairman explained the purport of the Bill, and said that he thought the Board would approved of it, but at the same time he thought that a public meeting should be called to discuss the matter.

He hoped that the proposed charge of 10d. per unit would be revised as early as possible.

The Chairman then made the following observations on Clauses 7 and 8 of the Bill:

Clause 7. Under this clause as drawn, the Company can exercise their powers without the consent of the Local Authority where such authority were not authorised distributors at the time of pass the Act. Should the Company obtain the consent of the Council before exercising their powers in the district?

Clause 8. The maximum charge of 10d. per unit, which is to remain in force for a period of three years from the passing of the Act. Under this clause as drawn, a revision of prices cannot take place until after a period of three years. A revision of prices should be permitted to take place any time after the passing of the Act.

It is suggested that Clause 7 should be amended so that the Council would be protected in regard to the Company exercising their powers in the District, and the County Council should consult those Councillors representing the district and ascertain their views before giving their consent.

The following resolution was then unanimously carried:

"That this Council having examined and considered the North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Bill 1924 are of opinion that Clause 7 should be amended to the effect that the Company shall not exercise their powers to supply in the District except without the previous consent under seal of the County Council, after consultation with representatives of the Local Authorities.

That Clause 8 should be amended so as to permit a revision of charges taking place at any time after the passing of the Act, and not post-poned for a period of three years."

The Chairman, who said that the Hertfordshire Council had the matter in hand, said he would be seeing Sir James Devonshire on the 23rd of January, and that no doubt if the public were willing, and could guarantee a certain number of consumers, the Company would expedite facilities.

Captain E.T. Morris asked if the service would pass through Buckland, and the Chairman said he understood it would.

The Clerk was instructed to write to the Clerk of the Hertfordshire County Council respecting the points raised.


The Surveyor stated that owing to carelessness on the part of those drawing water, the elevator was broken on the 8th. The cost of repairs would be £2.


It was reported that the contractor was proceeding with the well-boring, and was down 210 feet. There was 50 feet head of water, and testing was being commenced that day.

A Nuisance at Cromer

The Surveyor reported that a considerable quantity of sewage matter discharged into an open ditch running through the village street. It appeared that the sewage flowed from several properties.

The Surveyor was instructed to interview the owners of the properties with a view to devising a scheme whereby the sewage could be dealt with.

Condemned Cottages

Four cottages situate in Little Lane, which had previously been condemned as unfit for human habitation, were reported to be vacated and closed.

Westmill Cottages

One of the tenants of the Council Cottages at Westmill reported that the mantel shelf in the parlour collapsed, and that his clock and sundry ornaments were thrown to the floor and broken. The tenant had estimated the damage to be about £5.

One of the Councillors caused laughter by saying that he thought mantel shelves should have a notice similar to that on brides, showing what weight they could take.

28th December 1928 - Festivities at the Poor Law Institution

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Festivities at the Poor Law Institution

Through the untiring efforts of the Master and Matron (Mr and Mrs F.W. Butler), who neglect nothing that will prevent the inmates from spending a merry Christmas, and to the generosity of many kindly donors, all the inmates spent a happy time in the Institution one of the happiest in the real sense of the adjective.

On the 16th inst. Miss E.N. Davies sent sponge sandwiches for tea.

On the 18th inst. Miss Lushington provided cake for tea and distributed sweets and tobacco, for which, one leaving, she was loudly cheered.

On the same day Miss Baker took her pupils to the sick wards, where they sang carols, and these were greatly appreciated by the sick inmates.

On the 21st inst. the Rev. and Miss Shepherd, of Great Hormead, visited the wards, and left parcels for the inmates from that parish.

The wards and dining hall had been tastefully decorated by the staff with evergreens and paper chains, which gave a festive appearance. Breakfast on Christmas Day consisted of ham, and each inmate received a new shilling as a gift from Mr Claud Fraser, a member of the Board of Guardians. Parcels and other gifts were handed round, the kindly donors of which are below mentioned.

For dinner there was a liberal supply of roast beef, roast pork, chicken, parsnips and potatoes, plum pudding, ale and minerals, and after Grace had been said by Rev. A. Howard, Hon. Chaplain to the Institution, the inmates did full justice to these viands, and ate and drank to their hearts' content. The Master was assisted with the carving by Mr B. Thody (Relieving Officer), Mr H.H. Macklin, Mr W. Bonness and Mr F.J. Butler. Mr H.C. Marshall, another Guardian, provided nuts and fruit for dessert.

During the meal the Misses Olive and Marion Macklin rendered pianoforte selections, and visitors to the wards included Mrs A. Dixon, Dr., Mrs and Miss Fell and Master S. Howard. Capt. and Mrs H.H. Williams provided iced and fruit cake for tea, and also distributed sweets. Cheers by the inmates followed, and in replying Mrs Williams wished all a happy time. She also referred to the King's health, and afterwards all sang the National Anthem.

In the evening an entertainment was held, the inmates being chief performers. The Matron and Master R. Butler were at the piano.

It is impossible to single out any performer, as all showed fine talent for the music hall. Sweets, nuts, cake and tobacco were again handed round, also coffee and ale, and all went well until 10 p.m., when the merry day was brought to a close.

The Master called for cheers for the Guardians and other kind donors of gifts, and cheers were also given, with musical honours, for the Master, Matron and staff. The National Anthem followed.

The following are gifts, together with the kindly donors, besides those already mentioned:

Mr F.B. Cannon (Vice-Chairman of the Guardians), 10s;

Hertford Board of Guardians - per Dimsdale Fund - 3/- each Hertford inmate;

Mrs and Mr E.C. Clarke (Clerk to the Guardians), sweets and tobacco;

Miss Lushington, Christmas cards;

Mrs A. Dixon, parcels for women, tobacco for men;

Mrs Goode, parcels for Cottered women;

Mrs Fell, sweets for sick women;

Mrs F.R. Williams (Standon), biscuits for sick women;

Miss E.N. Davies, sweets for inmates and casuals;

Messrs. Moss & Sons - per Mr Daniels - bon-bons;

Mr and Mrs A.G. Day, bon-bons;

Mrs Joobins (Reigate), Xmas greetings;

Mrs H. Clarke (Newtown), books;

Mrs Wheeler (Ware), books;

Captain Salvation Army, books;

National Institute for Blind - per Mrs Scarborough Taylor - parcel of groceries, sweets, &c.

21st December 1928 - Buntingford Bowls Club Xmas Draw

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Buntingford Bowls Club Xmas Draw

Ticket No. - Name and Address - Prize

529 - Harry, c/o Marshall & Snelgrove, Vere St., W. - Brace Rabbits

2237 - F. Seering, Coles Hill, Westmill - Cycle Lamp

228 - Fred Perry, Buttermilk Hall - Fowl

2480 - J. Prentice, Bull Lane, Langley - 100 Cigarettes

2305 - Mrs Womack, Vine, Welwyn - Bottle Sherry

9 - S.G. Dunstall, Cornwell Rd., Finchley - Joint Beef

1038 - H. Saymar, 97 Golders Green Rd., N.W. 11 - Brace Rabbits

1315 - F. Miller, 43a Mitan Street, Fulham Palace Road, London, S.W.6. - Bottle Port

675 - Mary Browne, Buntingford - Cwt. Potatoes

1521 - Charlie Smith, Buntingford - Christmas Cake

1671 - Mrs E. Shepherd, Bury Grange, Ardeley - Hare

499 - J. Dove, Upper Grosvenor St., London, W.1. - Turkey

1984 - Jeffrey Cockerell, Newsells - Duck

712 - Nora Piggott, Buntingford - Hare

1951 - C. Maron, Chequers, Sandon - Gent's Wallet

1648 - Mrs Mellows, Cockenach - Goose

2443 - Mrs Arthur Gray, Luffenhall - Bottle Whiskey

2485 - Mrs A. Clark, Hill Green, Clavering - Bottle Whiskey

2463 - James Bowie, Iron Gate, Weston - Bottle Port

2884 - H.S. Bardwell, 15 3rd Avenue, Acton, W.3 - Brace Rabbits

2885 - Ditto - Brace Peasants

1794 - E. Dear, Ardeley - Brace Rabbits

617 - - Hammond, Cherry Green - Fowl

732 - Mrs Furber, London House, Puckeridge - Fowl

1799 - Albert Scripps, Gt. Hormead - Attache Case

2099 - - Baynes, Manuden - 2 Silk Neckties

2054 - - Ives, Cottered - Umbrella

1356 - - Johnson, Mill Stutton, nr. Ipswich - Fountain Pen

1507 - Mrs J. Lawrence, Black Hall, Brent Pelham - Gold Wrist Watch

2240 - Mrs Peacock, Coles Hill, Westmill - Fowl

1639 - Miss Brigham, The George, Buntingford - Ham

1446 - - Spicer, School Lane, Aston - Brace Rabbits

1608 - B. Brett, Pelham Road, Buntingford - Cigarette Case

453 - Mrs G. Whitmore, 16 Guards Terrace, Caterham - Bow Chocolates

424 - W.J. Bristow, 40 Park Lane, London - Port

5th August 1927 - Congregational Church Garden Fete

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Congregational Church

Garden Fete

To those who are more immediately concerned in organising it, a garden fete is always a very anxious affair - until it is over!

The one held on Wednesday, the 27th inst., in connection with the Buntingford Congregational Church, was no exception to the rule, for the very intermittent downpours which continued throughout the day constituted and additional cause for apprehension.

But although contingent arrangements had been made for holding in the Schoolroom as many of the attractions as possible in the event of decidedly unfavourable weather, it was decided to carry on as previously intended. It is gratifying to know that both numerically (more particularly as the day wore on) and financially the event was a success.

The fete was held in the beautiful grounds of Layston Cottage, Buntingford (by the kind permissions of Mrs H.S. Ashford), and was opened at 3 p.m. by Mrs Greg, of Coles, Buntingford. Prayer was first offered by the minister, who introduced both Mrs Greg and the Rev. A.G. King, Rector of Westmill.

Mrs Greg's was a gracious and happily worded little speech, and both the opener of the fete and her supporter acknowledged the welcome extended to them. Little Nora Piggott presented Mrs Greg with a bouquet of very sweet flowers, and an expression of cordial thanks to the visitors was very heartily endorsed by those assembled for the opening.

It is practically impossible to give a complete list of all those who assist on such an occasion, by the following is as accurate a list as possible of the various helpers at the stalls, to which the friends now dispersed:

Stalls - Ladies' stall, Miss Dodd, Miss E. Dodd, Mrs Benstead, Mrs Cornwell, Mrs Scott; L.M.S. stall, Miss Edith Careless, assisted by Sunday School girl scholars; pound stall, Mrs Blaxill, Miss Doris Camp; fruit and vegetable stall, Miss Chrissie Norris, Miss Eileen Cutts; sweets stall, Mrs Halls, Miss Bolton, Mr and Mrs L. Smith; jumble stall, Mrs Baker, Mrs Ward.

Side attractions - Clock golf, Mr R.F. Dellow; weighing machine, Mr Scrivener; spinning arrow, Mr Scrivener, Mr C.L. Tutty, Mr Henry Clark; bran tub, Miss Winnie Ward.

During the afternoon, tea were very daintily served, those responsible for the catering, &c., being: Mrs C.L. Tutty, Miss Blanche Langham, Miss Edith Careless, Miss Mabel Cornwell, Miss Marjorie Cornwell, Miss Dolly Street, Mrs Hills, Miss Georgina Hills, Miss Nellie Howard, Miss Kathleen Smith, Miss Kitty Reed, and Sunday School girl scholars.

Miss Emily Benstead and Miss Dolly Street did duty at the lemonade stand. Ices, too, made a very welcome appearance, Miss Nora Ashford meeting the needs of customers.

There was again quite a number of competitions, &c., and the following is the list together with the names of those in charge (the names of the donors of the prizes are inserted in parentheses):

Stop-watch, Mr Henry Clark; cake-guessing (Mrs Mead), Miss Dorothy Saunders and S.S. scholars; duck guessing (Mr A. Dray), Leonard Saunders and Eric Halfhide; doll guessing (Mrs Squires), Miss Nora Piggott; steak and kidney pie (Mrs Peacock), Cyril Saunders; game of skill, Mr J. Cutts; jelly-eating, Miss Langham; pins guessing (Miss K. Minns), Miss Minnie Ashton and other S.S. girl scholars.

For the musical part of the proceedings, Mr A. Dray kindly lent his gramophone during the afternoon, the charge of which was undertaken by Harold Starr and Sidney Saunders; whilst in the evening the Standon Orchestra, under Mr A. Hedges, was in attendance from 6.30 p.m. and played for the dancing, which latter took place very soon after on the lower lawn, Mr Leslie Smith acting as M.C.

Mr Newson rendered great help in exacting toll at the gate, and was relieved by Mr W.H. Smith.

Just before 10 p.m., the minister announced the results of the various competitions, and the list of winners is appended:

Of lady's wrist watch, Mr Leslie Smith; of the clock golf prize, Mr S. Daniels; of the cake, the minister; of the duck, Nurse Davies; of the doll, Mrs Woods; of the pie, Miss Helen Fraser; and of the needlework box, Miss Minnie Ashton.

The minister expressed the great thanks of all to Mrs Ashford for throwing open the grounds as she had done, and this was very heartily confirmed. He said how grateful he was to all who had so willingly given any assistance whatsoever towards making the event so successful. There was a final dance, and the National Anthem concluded the proceedings.

As already indicated, it is impossible to enumerate the helpers on an occasion such as this for their name is legion, but in addition to the stall-holders and those mentioned above, all of whom rendered splendid service on the grounds, mention must be made of the help given in removal of furniture, &c., both before and after the day; of the assistance rendered on the grounds by Mr Pledger; of the splendid response to the appeal for provisions and for articles for the stalls; and of the help of Mr S. Daniels (Messrs. Moss & Sons, Ltd.), the motor greatly facilitating the conveyance of furniture, &c. To each and all, as also to the Workmen's Club for hire of tables, and to the Rev. L.W. Wright for materials, grateful thanks are proffered.

As a result of the fete, it is estiamted that the gross receipts will approximate to £43, and the nett proceeds to £33. J.C.

27th August 1926 - Horticultural Society Open-Air Whist Drive and Dance

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Horticultural Society

Open-Air Whist Drive and Dance

Fairyland Scene at West View

The spell which has cast itself on any garden function arranged at West View during recent years has at last been broken, and for a pleasant change fine weather prevailed for a Whist Drive and Dance held in the pretty grounds, by kind permission of Mrs Wyman, on Wednesday evening last.

Early in the afternoon there was a slight shower, but the weather turned out fine later.

There was not such a large company present as was expected, due perhaps to the harvest operations; sixteen tables were occupied for whist, and several persons came in later for the dancing.

The Illuminations

By the time the whist had finished, the grounds had quite a fairyland resemblance; some 600-700 fairy lights and Chinese lanterns of various colours casting a beautiful glow over the lawns and the flower-beds. It was a charming sight.

The Standon Orchestra provided an excellent programme of dance music, and Mr Little (who presided at the piano) won admiration for the way he filled the post of pianist. The other members of the orchestra were Mr A.H. Hedges, Mr Hunter and Mr G. Wilmont, who also acted very efficiently.


The Committee desire (through the medium of the Buntingford "Gazette") to thank Mrs Wyman for so kindly placing her grounds at the disposal of the Society.

Best thanks are also due to Capt. and Mrs Denny, of Little Court, and Miss Lushington, for prizes; to Mrs E.G. Thody and Miss Thody for managing the refreshments; to Mr H. Clarke, who was a very efficient M.C.; Mr C. Miles and Mr E.C. Clarke, gate stewards; Mrs Stapley for the use of piano; Mr A.G. Day and Mr B.E. Thody for arrangements; Mr E.J. Crane, carting; Mr J. Holmes and the Ex-Service Men's Club, use of tables and chairs; Mrs Coates, gift of cakes; and to the Hon. Sec. (Mr E.G. Thody) for the illuminators. Mr A. Coxall also lent valuable assitance.

The Prizes

Prizes for whist were won by the following:

Ladies - 1 Miss Cornwell 160, 2 Miss Lushington 157, 3 Mrs Day 156.

Gents - 1 Mr Nash 165, 2 Mr S. Howlett 162, 3 Mr H. Cutts 157.

27th August 1926 - Congregational Church Garden Fete

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Congregational Church Garden Fete

On Wednesday, August 18th, a Garden Fete was held in the grounds of Layston Cottage, Buntingford, by the kind permission of Mrs H.S. Ashford, and was opened by Mrs H.H. Williams, of Aspenden House.

The morning weather had been a little unsettled, though not such as to make necessary a revision of arrangements, but about 2 p.m. there began a steady rain, giving not a little anxiety to those more immediately concerned, and damping the ground but not their ardour.

However, the inclement weather conditions cleared, and at 3 p.m. - the time fixed for opening the Fete - the sun began to shine and hopes to rise, and everything was proceeded with as was previously intentioned.

At the commencement of the opening ceremony on the lawn, the Minister offered a brief prayer, and in a few remarks said how grateful they all were to Mrs Ashford for her kindness in placing the grounds at the disposal of the Church for the purposes of the Fete; and that it was very kind also of Mrs Williams to respond so readily when approached to be present.

Mrs Williams, in a very pleasing little speech, said how glad she was to come; hers was a real interest in the Congregational Church at Buntingford, and some of her best friends were associated with it.

A happy allusion to the many willing helpers, and Mrs Williams then declared the Fete open. Before the assembly dispersed to the various attractions, Miss Barbara Aylott presented Mrs Williams with a bouquet of beautiful flowers, which was graciously acknowledged. She was then warmly thanked for her presence and her kindly words.

The following is the list of stalls, together with the names of those in charge:

Plain and fancy articles and white elephant, Mrs J.L. Cornwell, Mrs Feasey, the Misses Dodd, Miss Dorothy Saunders;

pound, Mrs Blaxill, Mrs Benstead;

fruit and vegetable, Miss Eileen Cutts;

jumble, Mrs Baker, Mrs Ward, Mrs Haley;

sweets, Miss Dolly Halls, Miss Chrissie Norris;

gingerbeer, Mrs J.W. Sutterby, Miss Alice Franklin, Misses Minnie and Nellie Harradence.

During the afternoon teas and refreshments were attractively served on the lawn by Mrs C.L. Tutty and Miss Blanche Langham, assisted by Mrs Halls, Mrs Hills, Mrs Langham, Mrs Scott, the Misses Annie Quick, Doris Camp, Mabel Cornwell, Marjory Cornwell, Kathleen Anderson, Alice Franklin, Georgina Hills, Marjory Howard, Freda Rayment, Grace Roblett, Dorothy Saunders.

The following were the competitions, together with the names of those in charge:

Bowls, Mr J.L. Cornwell;

clock golf, Mrs W.J. May, Mr Bert Dowler;

mystery parcel, contents of, Miss Winifred Ward, Miss Dorothy Saunders;

iced cake, weight of, Miss Freda Rayment, Miss Ada Wallace;

stop-watch, Mr Henry Clark, Mr Bert Dowler;

duck, weight of, Mr William Howard;

sweets, number in bottle, Misses Gertrude and Nellie Howard;

pins, number in cushion, Misses Barbara Aylott and May Ansell;

jelly-eating, Miss Chrissie Norris;

basket of fruit, weight off, Mr H. Cutts, Misses F. and D. Harradence;

balloon race, Mr Herbert Cutts, Mr Henry Clark.

At the spinning jenny, business was brisk, Mr C.L. Tutty, Mr Leonard Smith, Mr Harold Starr and Mr Sidney Saunders superintending, while the Misses Frances and Daphne Harradence soon sold their basket of sweet peas. Mr F.W. Butler and Mr W. Budd rendered steady service in exacting toll of all comers at the gate.

For the musical part of the proceedings, gramophone selections were played during the afternoon, Mr Arthur Dray having kindly loaned his instrument, and Miss Emily Benstead and Miss Nellie Howard doing duty in extracting the music, while in the evening the members of the Standon String Band, under the able direction of Mr A. Hedges, played admirably for the dancing which took place on the tennis lawn and in which many took part, Mr Leslie Smith acting as M.C.

In addition to those in charge of stalls, &c., mentioned above, who gave further help in many other ways on the grounds, great assistance was given also by Mr Bert Thody, Mr A. Clark, and Mr Pledger, and by many others. Everybody worked with a will and with keen interest, and to all these helpers and to the many both directly and indirectly associated with the Buntingford Congregational Church, who contributed their time, service, gifts, the best thanks are due; also to Messrs' Moss's Ltd. (Mr S. Daniels) for motor conveyance, and to the Buntingford Working Men's Club for tables to augment school furniture.

Towards the close interest ran high, caused by the assembling for the announcements by the Minister of the prize-winners, the names of the latter being:

Mr W. Budd (weight of the duck), Mr Herbert Cutts (weight of fruit), Miss Nellie Howard (weight of cake, winning the draw), Mrs Charles (number of sweets), Miss Emily Benstead (stop-watch), Mrs Peacock (number of pins), Mr Stanley Smith (clock golf), Mr Sutterby (jelly-eating), Mr Herbert Howard and Mr Stanley Warren (bowls).

The mystery parcel was proof against all guesses, and was no one thought of the correct contents the dozen eggs were sold for the funds. The result of the balloon race will be made public later.

Three cheers were given for Mrs Ashford, there was a last waltz, an announcement of the approximate financial results, a word of thanks to all who had assisted, and "The King." Thus concluded a Fete thoroughly enjoyed by all. "So," as friend Pepys would say, "to bed."

There was a very good attendance, some 200 passing through the gates. The financial realisations were also very satisfactory, the gross receipts amounting to (approx.) £40, and the nett proceeds to (approx.) £31.

John Cole.


Transcriber note - Balloon race results were published in September.

13th August 1926 - Buntingford Bowls Club Fete

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Buntingford Bowls Club

Garden Fete at the Red House

By the kind permission of Mr and Mrs Claud Fraser, a Garden Fete was held at the Red House, Buntingford, on Bank Holiday, in aid of the Buntingford Bowls Club.

It was organised by the committee, the hon. sec. (Mr J. Lawrence) being ably assisted by Mr H. Clarke. Favoured with a brilliant summer's day, the 600 people who attended the Fete entered with zest into the pleasures, and spent indeed a very happy time.

At the opening ceremony of the Fete, Mr W.J. May, the Chairman of the Committee, said Mr Marshall, the President of the Club, who was to open the Fete, was so well known that he needed no introduction.

The Club especially wished to thank Mr and Mrs Fraser for the kindness in placing their beautiful gardens at the disposal of the committee. The Club had hitherto been somewhat handicapped by the use of a green that was slightly below the ordinary standard size, and this had affected their play. The opportunity had arisen of acquiring a suitable piece of land in Wyddiall Road, which was in course of construction as a bowling green.

Mr H.C. Marshall endorsed the remarks of Mr May, and in declaring the Fete open said the Bowls Club had every cause to be grateful to Mr and Mrs Fraser (Applause).

There was a very big choice of attractions, and all were fairly well patronised.

Messrs. Barratt's Jazz Band and Concert Party from Bedford besides playing selections and for dancing on the lawn up to 10 o'clock in th evening, gave two excellent concerts that were greatly appreciated. The humourous items on the programme deserve special mention.

Upwards of a hundred persons tried their skill at the treasure hunt, the treasure being won by Mr H.C. Marshall, whose success highly pleased the visitors. In guessing the weight of a lump of coal, actually weighing 89lbs. 6ozs., Mr E.J. Totman was the winner, his estimate being 90lbs.

Two, Miss Bartrop and Mr C. Fraser, guessed the weight of a cake (4lbs. 3 and three quarts ozs.), and the latter resigned his right, and the cake was handed to Miss Bartrop.

For the bowls competition, Mr F. Boniwell won premier honours with a score of 25, and in clock golf Mr C. Fraser with a score of 23. No less than six tied in hitting the target for a prime ham, which was eventually won by Mr Howard. This was superintended by Mr W.J. May.

The greatest novelty was the pig in a poke, the pig being presented by Mr Mannox, who managed this competition. There were numerous entries, and five tied, the winner being Mr Skipper.

For the stop-watch competition, Mr J.P. Hill, of the Bengeo Club, Hertford, was the winner with only a minute out. He gave the time 3.27, but it actually stopped a minute earlier, 3.26.

The flying arrow pastime in charge of Messrs. E.J. Totman and A. Mayes proved very popular, as also did Mr F.W. Butler's offer of 2s. for a penny, but the anticipations of those who participated in this feat were not altogether realised. A good prize was set apart for the lucky ticket. It turned out to be 126, and the possessor of this ticket has not yet claimed the prize.

It was just the evening for an open air whist drive, and the prizes were won as follows:

Ladies - 1 Miss Boniwell, 2 Mrs Stepley, lowest score Miss Wilds.

Gents - 1 Mr Walsingham, 2 Mr Watson, lowest score Mr Ward.

Teas and refreshments were in great request, and this part of the Fete arrangements was in the capable hands of a ladies' committee, which won high praise for the dainty way the teas were served on the lawn.

At the gate Mr J.L. Cornwell and Mr J. Boniwell, two of the oldest members of the Bowls Club, had charge.

For such a well-arranged Fete, to uphold a good old sport reaching back centuries, the promoters certainly deserved every success, and it is pleasing to record that the proceeds amounted to about £60.

6th August 1926 - Buntingford Horticultural Society

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Buntingford Horticultural Society

Annual Show

The Buntingford Flower Show was held in Corney Bury Park yesterday (Thursday) and was a pronounced success.

The quality of the exhibits were exceptionally fine, and we believe the number of entries constituted a record for the Society.

For the first time since 1914, the Buntingford Horticultural Society staged its Annual Show entirely on its own.

Since 1920, the Society has held its shows in conjunction with the Agricultural Society, but as this Society held its Show at Hertford this year, the Horticultural Society reverted to is old date in August.

All roads led to Corney Bury Park, where, by kind permission of Mr W.J. Wedd, the show was staged. It is estimated that there were quite 3,000-4,000 people present.

The show as a whole was a distinct advance on last year, and approximated to the old-time shows which made Buntingford famous for its flower shows. The entries totalled just over 762. The quality of the exhibits was also of a fine standard.

The trade exhibits were very fine, the displays of roses by Messrs. Chaplin's (Waltham Cross), Messrs. Harkness (Hitchin), Mr J. Pigg (Royston) and Mr C. Bolton (Wyddiall) being exceptionally fine. Mr H.A. Thody had a fine show of fruit.

Other Attractions

The Buntingford Town Silver Band, under Mr E. Smith, were present, and their selections during the day were greatly enjoyed.

Among the various other attractions was a demonstration with live bees by Mr Herrod-Hempstall, F.E.S., expert to the Ministry of Agriculture, and entertainments, side-shows, &c.

In the evening dancing to the band took place. At dusk a magnificent firework display was given by Messrs. J. Wells, of London. W. Thurston's up-to-date amusements were well patronised.

The Management

An immense amount of organising work had been put in by the Hon. Secretary, Mr E.G. Thody, and by the General Committee.

Mr Thody has held the post of Secretary and Joint Secretary for 40 years and his experience and worth is beyond computation. In addition he was a most successful exhibitor.

The Officers were:

President - H.C. Marshall, Esq.

Committee - Messrs. A.C. Bartlett, C. Bolton, G. Budd, H. Clarke, J. Cornwell, E. Crane, J. Dean, E.E. Dennis, T. Dibbin, H. Fry, W.G. Jones, J. May, H. Money, T. Rolfe, G. Scarborough Taylor, F. Sharp, W. Nichols, B.E. Thody, J. Totman, C. Walters, T. Hummerstone, W. Watkins, B. Rustead, and A. Warner.

17th September 1926 - Buntingford Board of Guardians

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Buntingford Board of Guardians

Tributes To The Late Mr Edward Pigg

The monthly meeting of the above board was held at the Board Room yesterday (Thursday).

Present - Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mrs Dimsdale, the Rev. L.W. Wright, Capt. H.H. Williams, Messrs. H.C. Marshall, A.W. Page, A.J. Hayes, W.J. May, G.C. Wilson, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke), the Master (Mr F.W. Butler) and the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin).

The Late Mr Edward Pigg

The Chairman said that before proceeding with the business of the meeting he had to refer with deep regret to the passing of one, who for many years was an active and honoured member of the Buntingford Board of Guardians.

Mr Edward Pigg was Chairman of the Board up to the time of his retirement, and his unfailing kindness and courtesy to all would be long remembered. He (the Chairman) felt sure it would be the wish of the Board that the Clerk convey to Mrs Pigg and family the deepest symapthy of the Board in their sad bereavement.

The motion was carried in silence.

Master's Report

The Master reported as follows:

Number of inmates - men 17, women 16, children 2. Total 35.

Number admitted to Casual Wards during past week - men 24.

During the month gifts of books have been received from Mr Leake, Sunny Hill, Buntingford, and Mrs Laird, Coles Hill, Westmill.

During the past month 89 casuals have been admitted, against 19 last year.


The House Committee reported as follows:

The House Committee visited the House today, and found all in order, the contract work was completed and was very satisfactory.

We recommended the sale of old iron by the Master, we also recommend that the two children now in the house be sent to the National Children's Home.

Signed - G.C. Wilson, L.W. Wright.


The Board decided to send the two children to the National Children's Home. The Chairman said he understood the thanks of the Board had been conveyed to the donors of the gifts to the inmates. The Board were very grateful for their kindness.

Half-Yearly Estimates

The Clerk presented the half-yearly estimates for the period ending 31st March 1927.

The estimated receipts were £2,093 and expenditure £5,880.

£4,387 was required to ensure a working balance which was a decrease od £180 compared with the corresponding period last year.

The Chairman said he thought the figures were very satisfactory, and the Clerk added that it represented a decease in the rates of 2d. in the £ as compared with the corresponding period of last year.

In reply to a question from the Chairman, the Clerk stated that there was a number of calls still outstanding, and approximately £600 was due from one parish alone.


Tenders for the supply of goods to the Institution were opened, and the following accepted:

Groceries - Messrs. Forrest Stores.

Meat - Messrs. W.G. Clark, Ware.

Coffins - Mr G. Saggers.

Haircutting and shaving - Mr C. Miles.

Milk - Mr C.H. Poulton, 1/4 per gallon.

There was no tender for bread, and the matter was left over.

Rating and Valuation Act

Capt. H.H. Williams gave a very lucid explanation of the amended scheme for the constitution of assessment areas under the New Act.

He said it was previously arranged that Buntingford should amalgamate with Royston and Ashwell, but as the county was to be divided into seven areas instead of 12 it was proposed to amalgamate Buntingford with Bishops Stortford, Sawbridgeworth, and Hadham.

Under the old scheme there were 15 representatives appointed, Buntingford having three representatives from the Council and two from the Guardians. The new scheme provided for 20 representatives and allowed the Buntingford Union one representative only, but the Council's representation of three remained unaltered.

The Chairman said they were very grateful to Capt. Williams for attending the meeting in London and for his explanation of the new scheme. He (the Chairman) thought it would be appropriate if the Board appointed their representatives forthwith.

The following were appointed:

Mr C. Hummerstone (representing the Board of Guardians); Captain H.H. Williams, Mr G.C. Wilson and Mr F.B. Cannon (representing the Rural District Council).


Several cases of relief were dealt with, and instructions given to the Relieving Officer.

Other Business

The remaining business was of a formal nature.

29th October 1926 - Buntingford Bowls Club Annual Dinner

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Buntingford Bowls Club

Annual Dinner

The annual dinner, in connection with the Buntingford Bowls Club, was held at the George Hotel on Wednesday evening in last week, when a company of about 60 spent a very happy time.

The chair was taken by Mr H.C. Marshall, the President of the Club, who was supported by Mr George Aston, Mr Claud Fraser, Capt. H.H. Williams, Mr W. Chapman-Wood and others.

An excellent four-course menu was provided by the Host and Hostess, Mr and Mrs J. Holmes, after which the loyal toast was enthusiastically honoured on the proposition of the Chairman.

"The Club"

Mr Claud Fraser said he had the privilege of proposing the toast of the evening, "The Buntingford Bowls Club." The Club had been making history, and it was a great pleasure to the inhabitants of the town to see the Buntingford Club at the end of the East Herts League Table.

The members had played with a spirit of sportsmanship, and they had just cause to be proud of their achievements. The speaker then referred to the new green, and the prospects it held out for the future; it was situate near his house, and he would regard himself as a kind of guardian. He hoped that Buntingford Bowls Club would flourish by root and branch forever. (Applause).

In responding, Mr W.J. May, the popular captain of the Club, said the Club had many friends in Buntingford and in the district.

During the season, the Club had won 12 out of 18 matches, and had carried off the George Aston Challenge Cup. Everyone felt greatly indebted to Mr Aston who had done so much for the game of bowls. (Applause).

Others he would like specially to mention were the President, who had found the money for the new ground, and Mr Thody who had again come forward and lent them plants and decorations for the room that evening. (Applause).

Mr J. Boniwell, the veteran of the Club, also responded. He said he started the Club himself in 1913, and it was a pleasure to him to see the Club had reach [sic] such a high level. Their Captain, Mr May, had done a lot to bring success. (Hear, hear). It had become the habit of his (Mr Boniwell's) friends not only of the Buntingford Club, but also of all the other Clubs in the league to call him "Dad," and after matches the Buntingford Club members invariably said "Well Dad, what do you think of us now."

To one and all of them he would now say "You have done well, and I hope you will keep up the record." (Applause).

"The League"

Captain H.H. Williams, who rose to propose the toast of the "East Herts Bowls League," said he always remembered being taught at school that the whole of a thing is larger than its parts; he would say, therefore, that but for the East Herts Bowls League there would be no competition or Challenge Cup.

It was a pleasure to have Mr Aston with them that evening. There was little doubt that the League owed its success to the harmonious way in which the clubs worked, and to the excellent organisation. The speaker then paid a tribute to the Executive of the League and to Mr Chapman-Wood, and referred to "that extraordinary good publication" - the League Handbook. (Applause).

Mr George Aston, who was applauded on rising, congratulated the Buntingford Club on winning the Challenge Cup; he also thought they were very lucky in getting the support they did from their President and others.

The whole success of the league was due to the Executive, to Mr Chapman-Wood, and to all the affiliated clubs who had all played the game as it should be played. (Hear, hear).

Continuing, Mr Aston said that since he had been in Herts. nothing had given him greater pleasure than to be President of the East Herts. Bowls League, which he hoped would go on for many years. (Applause).

A replica of the cup was then presented to Mr W.J. May, who suitably replied.

Mr G. Scarborough Taylor, who proposed the toast of "The Guests," said that amongst others, they had Mr Chapman-Wood with them that evening. Both through the press and on the executive, Mr Chapman-Wood had done an enormous amount of work for the game. They were also delighted to have Dr Dixon with them once again. (Applause).

Mr Chapman-Wood and Dr H.E. Dixon both esponded. The former said that although the Buntingford Club lived on the outskirts of the leagure area, and had to travel the farthest they had won through.

He was afraid that he did not know much about the actual game of bowls, although he knew the bias side of a wood - (laughter) - and some day he hoped to play the game. The speaker then made some humourous remarks and concluded by expressing his pleasure at being present that evening, and thanking them for the cordial way in which they had received the toast.

Dr H.E. Dixon said the ancient game had been played in the true spirit of sport by several able bodied men of the town, and he was pleased to be amongst such a happy company.

The toast of the "Vice-Presidents" was proposed by the Rev. L.W. Wright, who said that no club could get on with the aid of its Vice-Presidents. To the members of the Club he would say that now they have ascended to the pinnacle of success they needed a little more caution than before. They had set themselves a great task, as the town looked forward to them to retain the title they had won. (Applause).

Mr E.E. Dennis replied, and said that the Vice-Presidents were especially pleased at the honour the Club had won they wished the Club success next year, and in the years to come.

"The Chairman"

Mr C.H. Poulton proposed the toast of "The Chairman." No club in Herts, he said, could boast of a better president.

Mr Marshall gave so much away that he would probably find one day that he had no money left. (Laughter). They had to thank Mr Marshall for many things in Buntingford, and without doubt he had proved himself to be a worthy son of a worthy father. (Applause).

The Chairman, in replying, said it was a pleasure to be President of any club in Buntingford. He thought it was communism in the best sense of the word, because everyone worked together so splendidly. He thought himself very fortunate to be amongest them, as when he came to Buntingford some 17 years ago, he did not think he would even find so many good friends. (Applause).

Dr R.W. Fell proposed a vote of thanks to the Artistes. Music was one of the most essentials of life, and the artistes that evening were excellent. Mr Jack Pierce responded.

Presentation of Prizes

During the evening the Chairman presented a Silver Challenge Cup to Mr E.R. Brett and a gold medal to Mr E.J. Totman.

The music items were rendered by The Rev. L.W. Wright, Mr J. Pierce, Mr A. May and Mr V. Pledger, and were very much enjoyed.

After thanks to Mr and Mrs J. Holmes, the Secretary (Mr J. Lawrence) and his dinner committee the evening concluded with the National Anthem.

21st January 1927 - Layston Church Sunday School

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Layston Church Sunday School

The annual prizegiving took place in the George Assembly Room on Wednesday evening, and was much enjoyed by children, parents, teachers and friends. After the singing of well-known choruses, Miss M. Macklin kindly acting as accompanist.

Rev. A. Howard spoke with appreciation of the work of the teachers, and alluded to the loss the Sunday School had sustained in the departure of Miss E. Howard, who with the help of several young teachers, had done much to improve the infant Sunday School.

He expressed sympathy with Miss Woodley in the loss of her father, and urged the parents present to encourage the children in regular attendance.

The prizegiving followed, after which Mr B. Thody most kindly gave a lantern lecture combining amusement, interest and instructions, which was greatly appreciated by all, the local touches raising peals of laughter.

The following is the list of prizewinners:

Boys I - Eric Nichols, W. Warner, A. Howard.

Boys II - L. Fiddaman, Charlie Scrivener, Horace Darton, Jack Crouch.

Girls I - Ethel Winters, A. Coxall.

Girls II - Vera Dowding, D. Warner.

Very regular - W. Winters, Vera Nichols.

Boys III - Christopher Hurry, Cyril Kimpton, Percy Scrivener.

Infants I - Very regular. R. Winters, Maud Hurry, Gladys Butler, C. Woods, T. Fiddaman.

Infants II - Very regular. K. Warner, S. Hurry, Doris Butler, F. Darton.

Infants III - G. Kimpton, Ben Crouch.

Class IV - Albert Butler, Joan Woods.

14th January 1927 - Buntingford Petty Sessions

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Buntingford Petty Sessions

Friday last, before Mr J. Howard-Carter (in the chair), Capt. H.H. Williams and Mr Claud Fraser.

Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman

The Chairman proposed and Mr Claud Fraser seconded that Sir Charles Heaton-Ellis, C.B.E., be re-elected Chairman for the ensuing year.

Mr Claud Frader proposed and Capt. H.H. Williams seconded that The Hon. Baron Dimsdale be re-elected Vice-Chairman.

Probation Officer's Report

Mr H. Andrews submitted his annual report.

During the year five persons had been placed on probation by the Buntingford Justices. Two had finished their probation leaving three.

At the 15 courts attended by the Probation Officer, 111 persons had been placed under probation during the year. Of this number 105 had been good during 1926.

The chairman complimented Mr Andrews on his excellent report.

No Light

Arthur F. Coventry, of 27, Park Avenue, Timperley, Cheshire, was summoned for riding a motor cycle without a front light.

P.C. Gillett proved the case, and the defendant, who did not appear, was fined 40/- including costs.

Motor Case

Frederick C. Shadbolt, of Rye Park, Hoddeson, was charged with driving a motor car without a front light. There was a second charge of driving a car without have the rear index plate illuminated.

P.C. Williams, who proved the case, stated that he was on duty near the new railway bridge when he saw a car coming from the direction of Buntingford. There was no rear light, and no off-side extreme light. The head lamps were alight.

The defendant said his lamps had fused and that owing to his bright headlights he did not notice that the extreme off-side light was not working. His rear lamp was alight when he left Royston.

The Chairman said the magistrates had decided to take a lenient view of the matter. There would be a fine of 15/- including costs.

A Sunday Morning Episode

Cyril Robinson (23), a plasterer, and William Manning (60), a labourer, both of Norfolk Road, Buntingford, were summoned for trespassing in search of conies at Throcking on Sunday, 5th December last.

P.C. Hill, of Chipping, said he was patrolling the Buntingford - Throcking Road, when he saw the men in a field with a dog. Manning was carrying a gun. He called out to the defendants and Manning ran away.

Mr B. Nicholls, of Little Court, said the shooting on the land in question was hired by Captain Denny, and no permission to shoot on the land had been given to defendants.

In defence, Manning told the Bench that he went to Throcking to keep the rooks off of Mr Poulton's corn - he merely walked up the side of the hedge of the field where the trespass was said to have been committed. He did not run away when the Constable called.

Robinson, who pleaded not guilty, said he had nothing to say.

The Chairman said the Bench found both men guilty. Manning would be fined 10/- and Robinson 5/-.

A Cartage Contractor in Trouble

Magnus K. Smith, a cartage contractor, of Buntingford, was charged with failing to pay weekly contributions under the National Health and the Unemployment Insurance Acts. There were seven charges in respect of three employees - A.A. Smith, F.G. Howard and E. Gatward.

The defendant pleaded Not Guilty to all except two charges for failing to to affix unemployment stamps in respect of F. Howard and A. Smith.

Mr Robert Watson appeared for the prosecution and in outlining the case, said that all the defendant's employees were subject to both Unemployment and Health Insurance. There was no excuse for not stamping the cards, as if the employees failed to present their cards the employer should have obtained emergency cards from the Post Office and the local Labour Exchange.

The defendant was visited by a Government Inspector on 26th March, who found that the Books and Cards were not stamped.

On the Inspector's second visit on 13th October, he found that the books and cards were still unstamped, and he asked for the books to be handed over. This the defendant refused to do.

The three employees then gave evidence.

Mr Edwin E. Elwell an Inspector of the Ministry of Health Insurance, in giving evidence, said he interviewed the defendant on 26th March at the Buntingford Railway Station in the presence of his employees. He next saw him at Buntingford on 13th October, and again on 20th October, when he asked him whether the cards were stamped and whether he had obtained unemployment books from his employees. The defendant told him that he had not.

Mr Harry Clarke, Branch Manager at the Ministry of Labour, said that defendant had been reported to him on two or three occasions owing to the trouble of getting unemployment books.

The defendant told the Bench that he had paid Health Insurance since the Act came into force. He had never deducted any money for Insurance from his men's wages. When he employed Smith he asked about his cards and he told him that he had never had any. He (the defendant) went to the Prudential Agent and obtained a card for Smith and stamped it up. He had also been to the Labour Exchange for Howard's Unemployment Book but was told that the Inspector had taken it away.

Defendant to Mr Watson - "Why are half-yearly stamps used."

Mr Watson - "You can use them if you pay your men half-yearly, but do you know that persons using them must stamp the cards at the beginning of the half-year."

The defendant - "But they never do." (Laughter).

The defendant then handed over stamped cards and books in respect of two of his employees.

The Bench retired, and on returning the Chairman said they had carefully considered the case. They were of opinion that the greatest patience and consideration had been shown by the Inspectors, and the case was aggravated by the practical ignoring of the many warnings that defendant had been given.

Under the circumstances the Bench could see their way to impose no smaller fine than £2 on each summons.  To this would be added the Courts Fees £1 15s. 6d. and the Prosecutions Fee £2 2s. 0d. There would also be an order for payment of the arrears now outstanding (£2 5s.) making the total amount payable £20 2s. 6d.

The defendant asked for time to pay, and was allowed one month.

7th January 1927 - Funeral of the Late Mr Harry Woodley

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Funeral of the Late Mr Harry Woodley

The funeral of the late Mr Harry Woodley, licensee of "The White Hart," Buntingford, whose death was reported last week, took place on Thursday, December 30th.

The remains, encassed in a plain elm coffin, were conveyed to the Church by a Washington car.

The coffin was inscribed:

Harry Woodley, Died December 24th, 1926, Aged 65 years.

The first part of the service was conducted by the Rev. A. Howard, while the lesson was read by the Rev. John Cole.

The immediate mourners were: Mrs Woodley (wife), Miss Woodley (daughter), Mrs Fox and Mrs Chapman (sisters), Messrs. F.R. and L. Woodley (brothers), Mrs F. Woodley and Mrs L. Woodley (sisters-in-law), Mr Seller, Mr F. Seller, Mr and Mrs J. Seller (nephews and niece), Mr H. Gray, Mr F. Stoten, and the Rev. John Cole.

It will be re-called that the deceased served in the Metropolian Police Force for 25 years, and a  touching reminder of this was shown by the presence at the Church and graveside of Srgt. Dean, of the Buntingford Police Station.

Amongst other townspeople present, we observed Mrs E. Law, Mrs Warner, Mrs Thody, Mrs Borsberry, Mrs Winters, Mrs Robinson, Mrs Lawrence, Mrs Crouch, Mrs Watson, Mrs Plumb, Mrs Franklin, Mr S. Saggers and others.

There were several beautiful floral tokens, which were sent by the following:

From his sorrowing wife and daughter; George and Jane; Frank and Fanny and Family; Leonard and Clara; Jack and Kate; Jack and Rose, Billy and Mill; Brother Bob, Walter and Mabel; Flo, Walt, and Jack; Fred and Birdie; Mr and Mrs Stoten and Fred; Mr and Mrs Mottram and Sid; Rev. J. Cole; Mr and Mrs H. Gray; Mr and Mrs W. Gray; Mrs Robinson; Mr and Mrs Franklin; Mr and Mrs Haddock; and Miss E. Cato.

7th January 1927 - Board of Guardians Monthly Meeting

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Board of Guardians

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room yesterday.

Present: Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mr F.B. Cannon (Vice-Chairman), Mrs Dimsdale, Captain H.H. Williams, Messrs. C. Fraser, G. Graves, E. Bygrave, W.H. Kittow, W.J. May, A.H. Hayes, A.W. Page, G.C. Wilson, with the Master (Mr F.W. Butler), the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin) and the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke).

House Committee

The House Committee reported as follows:

"The House Committee visited the House today and found everything in a satisfactory condition.

"The inmates expressed their pleasure in having spent a very Happy Christmas.

"The work required to be done in renewing kitchen floor has not been commenced, and we suggest that the contractor should be written to to put this work in hand immediately."

Master's Report

The Master reported as follows:

Number of inmates - men 20, women 15, children 3. Total 38.

Corresponding period last year - 41.

During the month 1 male and 1 female have been admitted.

The Christmas Festivities passed off well and all had a happy time. The inmates wish me to thank the Board for the liberal fare provided.

Through the kindness of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, I do not ask for a collection from the Board, as there is no deficit to meet on the Christmas party. Of the £2 sent by Hertford, I handed 10 of their inmates 2/6 each.


The Chairman expressed the thanks of the Board to all those who had sent gifts, &c., to the Institution.

Mr W.J. May, in associating himself with the Chairman's remarks said that the as there was no necessity for a collection amongst the Guardians towards the Christmas festivities, he would like to say that there was an old lady, an inmate of the Institution, who would attain the age of 93 years next Monday, and he thought that if any of the members chose to give a small donation it would be handed to her for the purpose of holding a birthday party in the Sick Ward.

This was agreed.

Several cases of relief were dealt with, and instructions given to the Relieving Officer.

A letter was received from the Rev. L.W. Wright, stating that he was unable to attend the meeting owing to illness.

The Chairman expressed a hope that the Rev. Wright would soon be better.

important letters regarding the payment of National Health Insurance benefits to persons while inames of a Poor Law Institution were read, and these will appear in our next issue.

The remaining business was of a formal nature.

18th February 1927 - Buntingford Nursing Fund Whist Drive and Dance

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Buntingford Nursing Fund

Whist Drive and Dance

Miss Lushington and her willing helpers are to be heartily congratulated upon the complete success of her annual whist drive and dance held on Wednesday evening in the Benson Hall.

There was a large gathering, especially for the dancing.

The evening commenced with a whist drive, prizes for which had been kindly given by Lady Heaton-Ellis, Mrs H.C. Marshall, Mrs H.H. Williams, Mrs Mevett, Mrs Wyman, Miss Lushington, Dr and Mrs R.W. Fell, and Rev. A.L. Panchaud.

Twenty-five tables were occupied, and the prizes were presented by Miss Lushington to the following:

Ladies - 1, Mrs A. Clark (biscuit barrel); 2, Miss W. Walsingham (half tea service); 3, Mrs Wallis (tea cosy); lowest score - Mrs Geaves.

Gents - 1, Mr H. Hatchett (mirror); 2, Mr Coxall (shaving mirror); 3, Mr Mannox (pictures); lowest score - Mr Bishop.

A lucky chair prize went to Mrs Bennett, and the lucky ticket prize to Mr J. Bishop.

The Buntingford Town Band was in attendance, and dancing was indulged in until midnight, the excellent programme being enjoyed to the full.

Mr A.C. Bartlett for whist, and Mr L. Smith for dancing, were the two efficient M.C's.

4th February 1927 - Benson Hall

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Benson Hall

Ninety-four sat down to whist at the Benson Hall last Wednesday, and over a hundred took part in the dancing.

Ten prizes were advertised for the drive, and eleven were awarded - the extra one being a dozen eggs for the "Lucky Chair," which was occupied by Mr H. Clark.

The other prizes were won by the following:

Top score (large iced cake), Mr T.H. Holden.

Ladies' prizes: 1st (set of tea knives), Mrs Case; 2nd (cushion cover) Miss Margery Cornwell; 3rd (silk tea cosy) Miss Mabel Cornwell; lowest score (chocolate babies) Mrs Leslie.

Men's prizes: 1st (hair brushes in case) Mr E. Ward; 2nd (woolly scarf) Mr E. Bruce; 3rd (fifty cigarettes) Mr J. Moule; lowest score (chocolate wireless set) Mr J. Wornham.

Lucky ticket (5/-) Mr H. Hatchett.

The prizes were presented by Mrs Gabbitas, Mrs Leslie, Miss Marriage, Miss Morgan, Mrs Philpott, and others.

Refreshments were given by Mrs Bennett, Mrs Blakiston, Mrs Coates, Mrs Gabbitas, Mrs Game, Mrs Leslie, Miss Lushington, Miss Morgan, Mrs Plumb, and Miss D. Spencer, most of whom worked indefatigately in serving the same.

The M.C.'s were Mr Clarke for the whist and Mr Blakiston for the dancing. It was largely due to the tactful methods of the former that the drive was finished in time for two hours' dancing.

Miss Blakiston was in the pay box; and Messrs. Blakiston, jun., Castle and Rowley acted as Stewards. The Hall was prepared and clearned by Messrs. Blakiston, jun., and Castle.

Music for the dancing was supplied by the "Standon Orchestra," and a highly successful and enjoyable evening terminated at midnight.

It is hoped that Miss Lushington's Whist Drive and Dance for the Nursing Fund on the 16th will also be well patronised.

4th February 1927 - Board of Guardians

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Board of Guardians

Monthly Meeting

Big Increase in Tramps

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room on Thursday (yesterday).

Present - Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mr F.B. Cannon (Vice-Chairman), Mrs Dimsdale, The Rev. L.W. Wright, Capt. H.H. Williams, Messrs. G. Graves, W.J. May, A.J. Hayes, G.C. Wilson, E.J. Marshall, H.C. Marshall, Claud Fraser, A.W. Page, and T.J. Stick, with the Master (Mr F.W. Butler), the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin) and Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke).

The Late Mrs F. Prime

On the proposition of the Chairman, it was unanimously resolved to send a letter of condolence to Mr Frank Prime, of Meesden Bury, on the recent loss of his wife.

Master's Report

The Master reported as follows:

Number of inmates - men 22, women 17, children 2. Total 41. Corresponding period last year - 40.

Number of casuals during month - 174. Corresponding period last year - 21.

During the month two females have died.


The following gifts have been received and much appreciated:

Mrs Dimsdale (cake), Mrs Dixon, Mrs Veasey, Mrs J. Smith, Capt. Green (Salvation Army), and Mrs C.H. Poulton - (books).


During the past month 174 casuals were admitted, against 21 for the corresponding period last year. Of those admitted this year over 100 are men under 50 years of age, who state they are looking for work on farms.

The present accommodation is sufficient, if the men are discharged the first day after admission.

The Chairman asked if the men were genuinely looking for work on farms, and the Master said that some of them did not appear suitable for farm work.

Relief Cases

Several relief cases were dealt with by the board.

Resolution From Derby

A circular was read from the Derby Union asking for the support of the Board with reference to the following resolution passed by the Derby Guardians:

"This is Board is very concerned and distressed to find so many male applicants for relief who have fought and been maimed and disabled in the great war, and the Country after all promises made on its behalf, has failed to stand by these men and prevent their becoming chargeable to the Poor Law."

It was decided to leave the resolution on the table.

There was little other business and the meeting was followed by the monthly meeting of the Buntingford Rural District Council, a report of which will appear next week.

11th March 1927 - Funeral of Mr Stanley F. Keen

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Funeral of Mr Stanley F. Keen

The funeral of Stanley F. Keen, whose death at the early age of 18 years was reported in this Paper last week, took place at Layston Church on Saturday afternoon, the service being conducted by the Vicar, the Rev. A. Howard.

Members of the Buntingford Independent Foresters' Society carried out the duty of bearers, the deceased being a junior member of that Society. His employer, Mr A. Jackson, kindly lent his car, and the evidences of sorrow were marked by the number of people present and the beautiful floral tributes.

Mr and Mrs C.F. Keen (father and mother), Mrs W. Whiting and Mrs P. Deards (sisters), Mrs R. Saunders (aunt), Mr P. Deards and Mr J. Gibbs (brothers-in-law), and Miss Jackson.

The wreaths were as follows:

From Mum and Dad

Maggie and Will

Nellie and Percy

Vera and Phyllis

Mr and Mrs A. Jackson and Family

Mr and Mrs and H. Jackson and Mrs James Harradence.

Mr G. Hagger

Mr L. Bradford

His pals - J. and L. Plumb, C. and B. King, R. Fish, J. Ward, J. Oakley, C. and M. Worboys

Mrs Parker

Mr and Mrs French

Mr and Mrs A. Dray

Mr and Mrs Arthur Dray

Miss E. Cutts

Mr and Mrs L. Smith

Mrs Patmore and Mr Hummerstone

Mrs Pateman and Family

Mr and Mrs Haddock

Mrs Brewington

Mrs Prior and Family

Mrs Horth and Reg

Mrs G. Bradford

22nd April 1927 - Anstey - The Late Mr James Cowlin Pigg

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The Late Mr James Cowlin Pigg

Impressive Scenes at Church and Graveside

It is with sincere regret and sympathy with the bereaved relatives we record the decease of Mr James Cowlin Pigg, of Anstey Hall.

The deceased, who had been ill for some considerable time, passed away in a London nursing home on Wednesday of last week. His death, at the age of 41 years has brought great sorrow, not only to the parish but to the whole district.

The deceased's father, the late Mr J. Pigg, farmed the 700 acre Hall Farm for over 30 years, and at his death some six years ago, the villagers were happy to think that his son, "Jimmy," was to remain with them and farm the land his father had left. "Jimmy" as he was known to all, was a man of whom no one spoke ill. A good farmer and a very generous employer, he was loved by all who came into contact with him. The most marked characteristic of him was his love of fair play and fair dealings. He was also a lover of sport and was considered an excellent shot.

Prior to the Great War he joined the Herts Yeomanry, but at the outbreak of war he expressed a wish to go abroad and was transferred to the R.G.A. and saw a good deal of fighting in Palestine. 

Ater the war he returned to Anstey, where he took an interest in all local affairs. A staunch Conservative, he was an enthusiastic supporter of the cause. He was also a member of the Buntingford Board of Guardians and Rural District Council.

The deceased was only married some two years ago.

The Funeral

The popularity of the deceased over a wide area was testified to by the large number who assembled for the funeral on Monday afternoon last. The interior of the Church was bright with Easter flowers, many of them having grown in the woods on the Hall farm. The full choir was present, and the service was conducted by the Rector, the Rev. F.R. Williams, assisted by the Rural Deal (The Rev. W. McKerr), and The Rev W.L. Shepherd (Hormead). The hymn song was "Peace, perfect peace."

The coffin was plain oak, and was borne from the Hall by eight of the deceased's employees. The interment took place in a flower-lined grave at the east end of the churchyard, being only separated from the Hall garden by a yard entrance to the Hall.

The immediate mourners were: Mrs J.C. Pigg (widow), Mr H.F. Pigg (cousin), Miss Pigg and Miss G. Pigg (sisters), Mr and Mrs L. Duke (brother-in-law and sister), Mrs Seabrook and Mrs Baker (aunts), Mr and Mrs E. Pigg, jun. (cousins), Mr and Mrs F. Pigg, and Mr T. Coleman.

Among others present were - Mrs Wyman, Mrs Dimsdale, Miss F. Pigg, Miss N. Pigg, Mrs Oyler, Miss Beale, Miss N. Ashford, Mrs Monk-Jones, Miss Lyall, Mrs C.R. Turney, Mrs White, Mrs H.F. Pigg, Mrs Turney, Miss Coleman, The Rev. L.W. Wright, Rev. Morton, Mr and Mrs S. Pigg, Mr and Mrs W.T. Patten, Mr and Mrs F.B. Cannon, Mr and Mrs W. Johnson, Mr and Mrs J.F. Lofts (Stortford), Mr H. Clarke (representing the Buntingford Ex-Service Men's Club) and Mrs Clarke, Mr and Mrs Hammond (Ware), Captain E.T. Morris, Dr H.E. Dixon, Messrs. T. May, H. Fry, J.R. Russell, J. Russell, G. Scarborough Taylor, P. Hamilton, E. Mildren, R. Gardener, F. Brown, W. George, W. Millbank, F. Sapsed, W.J. Sapsed, F. Prime, Andrew Weir, C. Bolton, C. Johnson, H. May, F. Rand (Kelshall), A.W. Page, S. Lees, Harry May, J. May, H.R. Stubbing, A. Macarthur, V. Pledger, C. Burr, W. Burr, F. Dibbin (representing the local branch of the Conservative Association), Herbert Ward, G. Andrews, S. Hoy, W.J. May, J.S. Baker, T.J. Stick, H.E. Dudley, Jack Pigg, J. Woollard, B. Kent, S.A. Rice, H. Mole, C.P. Mole, C. Chapman (Standon), John Coleman, and Messrs. F.W. Butler, E.G. Thody, and H.H. Macklin (officers of the Buntingford Guardians and R.D.C.)

There was also a large number of villagers and employees present.

22nd April 1927 - The Buntingford and District Musical Society's Easter Draw

Original image on Facebook

The Buntingford and District Musical Society's Easter Draw


The following are the Prize-winners, together with the Prizes, in connection with the Buntingford and District Musical Society's Easter Draw. Those persons who had not yet received prizes can obtain same to by applying to Mr S. Daniels, High Street, Buntingford.

Name - Address - Prize

J. Castle - 20, Heaton Road, Heston - Silk for Jumper

J. Geary - 232, High Street, Ponder's End - Condiment Set

A. Brooker - London Road, Hitchin - Voucher

D.A. Burr - Standon - Powder Bowl

D. Pinnock - Cottered - Biscuit Barrel

A. White - 23, Green Road, Nr. Croydon - Sugar Bowl

D. Neale - Hare Street Lane - Easter Egg Basket

H. Mayes - Baldock Lane - Oak Tray

F. Handscombe - 9, Bridge St., Bishops Stortford - Umbrella

N. Page - Cottered - Iced Cake

Mr Tinsley - Buntingford Station - Half-dozen Knives.

E. Wyman - Nuthampstead - Port

Mr Taylor - Westmill - Teddy Bear

P.C. Brown - Letchworth - Tea Cosy

F.J. Hind - 12, Straff Road, Brixton - Wrist Watch

W. Hills - Cottered - Easter Egg

Miss Porter - Norfolk Road - Cigarettes

Miss Porter - Norfolk Road - Tin Biscuits

C. Chapman - Brecknock, Puckeridge - Fountain Pen

F. Savage - (White City) Walkern - Hearth Rug

A. Brinklow - 33, Vic Road, Bletchley - Tea Spoons

Vera Whiting - Church Street, Buntingford - Box Chocolates

J. Mitchell - 8, Shackleton Rd, Soulhall, Mix. - Cookery Book

N. Hatchett - Wyddiall - Easter Egg

J.G. Mallian - 27, Croft Road, Ware - Fruit Bowl

A.A. White - 23, Greenwood Road, Croydon - Silk Scarf

Vera Dowding - Wyddiall Road - Fowl

Mrs Scott - Church Street - Scooter

A. Jackson - Buntingford - Mirror

E.C. Howard - Langley, Bucks - Chocolates

Mark Hammond - Throcking - Pair Silk Stockings

Mrs Heman - Easter Egg

Mr H. Houlden - Station Road - Clock

Grip - High Street - Box Handkerchiefs

S. Corp - Wakeley - Whiskey

Joan Sparkes - Furneaux Pelham - Tin Tea.

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