Showing posts with label for sale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label for sale. Show all posts

13th August 1926 - Notices

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Registry Offices

Miss Brown's Registry Office, 136, Tenison Road, Cambridge. Est. 45 years - Many situations for good servants.

Cook £45 and House-Parlourmaid £40 (for Hitchen); also Between-maid for Buntingford, £18. Write Miss Brown, 136, Tenison Road, Cambridge.

For Sale

Creosote - Wood preservative, at 1/8 per gallon. E.P. Borsberry, Ironmonger, Buntingford.

Second-hand portmanteaux and travelling trunks from 3/6; two 4ft. 6in. Bedsteads and springs, 25/- and 20/-; Chests of drawers from 30/-. Marvill, Buntingford.


Passengers required. Car returning from Herne Bay or district Thursday, Friday and Saturday next. David Smith, c/o Anthony, Buntingford.

Car for hire, 6d. per mile. Parties of 4 12/6 each per day. David Smith.

Roller (heavy) good second-hand required for cash. Also lawn mower in good condition. Box no. 80, "Gazette" Office, Buntingford.

6th August 1926 - Sale - Throcking Hall Farm

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Mr Ernest Jennings, of Saffron Walden, conducted a sale of Throcking Hall Farm on Monday in last week.

The sale was held at the George Hotel, and there were about 20 persons present.

Bidding started at £4,000 and was carried to £5,800 when the Auctioneer stated that the reserve was £6,000 and that the farm would be withdrawn.

The farm was advertised as consisting of 130 acres, and it was stated that there was a good milk round.

6th August 1926 - For Sale

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For Sale

Creosote - Wood preservative, at 1/8 per gallon. E.P. Borsberry, Ironmonger, Buntingford.

Gent's bicycle for sale. Good condition; new rear tye, chain, free wheel, &c. Bargain 35/- Beadle; Cottered.

Carpet, sound and good condition, 5yds x 4yds., 32/6; Wringer, two new rollers, £3 2s. 6d., bargain; 2ft. 6in. satin walnut washstand, 26/-; walnut coal box, liner and shovel, 9/6. Marvill, Buntingford.

6th August 1926 - Buntingford adverts

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Sol Prams - We are agents. Catalogue on application. Easy terms arranged. E.B. Haddock, Buntingford. - ADVT.

Have your boots & shoes repaired locally by E.C. Scrivener, New Town. Satisfaction Guaranteed - ADVT.

28th January 1927 - For Sale

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For Sale

Gent's Cycle, 18/- Wilson, Garage, Buntingford.

"White Rose" Lamp Oil, for Incubators and Brooders, at 1/2 per gall. E.P. Borsberry, Ironmonger, Buntingford.

2 desirable freehold cottages in Newtown (one vacant); also other Property. Apply, H.S. Ashford's Exors, 29, Thornfield Road, Bishop's Stortford, Herts.

Billiard Table for sale. Riley's (6ft. 4in. x 3ft. 4in.), with 3 balls, 2 cues and marking board; in good condition. Box No. 86, "Gazette" Office, Buntingford.

11th February 1927 - For Sale

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SITTINGS of eggs, Buff Sussex, excellent laying strain; prices, 10/6, 7/6, 5/6. Apply, K.A. Smith, Market Hill, Buntingford, Herts.

For Sale

2 DESIRABLE freehold cottages in Newtown (one vacant); also other property. Apply, H.S. Ashford's Exors, 29 Thornfield Road, Bishop's Stortford, Herts.

BUNTINGFORD - A pair of semi-detatched brick-built and slated freehold cottages, of attractive elevation, containing 2 bedrooms, sitting room, living room, and kitchen; good gardens back and front. Price £285 freehold. Further particulars W.H. Lee & Co., Auctioneers, Ware.

BUNTINGFORD - A terrace of 4 well-built freehold houses, constructed of brick with slate roofs, each containing 2 bedrooms, sitting room, living room, and wash-house; gardens back and front; let to good tenants. Price £550 freehold. A bargain. Apply, W.H. Lee & Co., Auctioneers, Ware.

25th March 1927 - Adverts and Workmen's Club

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Fire Insurance - A claim from Buntingford was submitted on Monday and paid in full on Thursday. Local Agent for Sun Insurance Company, B.E. Thody, Buntingford. - Advt.

Suits Made To Measure in a few days. Over 200 of the latest designs and new spring colouring to select from. Prices range from £2 15s. to £7 7s. - E.B. Haddock, Buntingford - Advt.

E.Browne is now showing latest models in Ladies', Gents' and Children's spring footwear. Agent for Yvonne, Mascot, Norvic, Mocassin, and "K" brands. High street, Buntingford, Herts - Advt.


Workmen's Club

The following were the successful players at the whist drive held at the club room last week:

Ladies - 1 Miss Cornwell, 2 Mr A. Martin (playing as lady).

Gents - 1 Mr H. Clark, 2 Mr W. Watson.

4th March 1927 - Sale of Work

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Sale of Work

The Annual Sale for Home and Foreign Missions was held at the George Assembly Room on Wednesday last, and was opened at 3 o'clock with prayer by the Vicar, Rev. A. Howard.

The attendance was not what might have been expected, but the friends who did come were liberal in their purchases, with the results that the proceeds were rather more than last year - £5 1s. 3d. for Home Missions (C.P.A.) and £8 10s. for C.M.S.

Mrs Dixon, Miss Fry, Mrs Wyman and Mrs J. Smith were in charge of the C.M.S. Stall, while that for Home Missions was in the hands of Mrs Fell, Mrs Barham, and Mrs Howard.

A number of efficient and willing helpers presided over the teas and the cake stall, while Miss Helen Fraser, Miss Jean Armstrong and Miss Barbara White did good business at the sweet stalls.

All the sweets, cake, and provisions for the tea were given by ladies in the town, and added comfortably to the sum raised.

4th March 1927 - Eggs

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Eggs & Day-old Chicks - Rhode Island Reds (Golders), Light Sussex, White Wyandottes and Light Sussex Cross Barnevelder.

Eggs 6/- dozen; Chicks 12/- Eric Gray, Ardeley, Stevenage.

15th April 1927 - Sale

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Messrs. G.E. Sworder and Sons offered for sale at the George Hotel on Monday last, a freehold semi-detatched house, situate in New Town, Buntingford.

There were very few present, and bidding, which commenced at £300, rose to £325 when the property was withdrawn.

8th April 1927 - Adverts

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"K" Boots and Shoes. Appointed Agent - E. Browne, High Street, Buntingford, Herts. - ADVT.

For the Easter Holidays, every travelling requisite from a small handbag to a large trunk at E. Browne's, High Street, Buntingford. - ADVT.

8th April 1927 - Suits made to measure advert

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Suits made to measure in a few days.

Over 200 of the latest designs and new spring colourings to select from.

Prices range from £2 15s. to £7 7s. - E.B. Haddock, Buntingford. - ADVT.

10th June 1927 - For Sale

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For Sale

Several hay forks and rakes, hand-drag and two maure forks. No further use. W.H. Smith, Furnisher, Buntingford.

30th July 1926 - For Sale

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For Sale

Creosote - Wood preservative, at 1/8 per galloon. E.P. Borsberry, Ironmonger, Buntingford.

Gent's bicycle for sale. Good condition; new rear tyre, chain, free wheel, &c. Bargain 35/- Beadle, Cottered.

Walnut washstand, marble top, tile back, drawer and cupboard. 26/-; Single bedstead, spring and mattress, 17/6; Axminster carpet, 10ft. 6in. x 6ft., in good condition, 30/- Marvill, Buntingford.


Found a brown and white puppy. Can be claimed at Police Station, Buntingford.

Room for two passengers. Private car leaving Buntingford Monday morning, August 2nd - London, Bexhill, Hastings, Brighton, Eastbourne. David Smith, c/o Mr Anthony, Buntingford.

Foster-mother required. Sole charge of infant; private person only; Buntingford or district. Write full particulars, Box No. 60, "Gazette" office, Buntingford.

2nd July 1926 - For Sale

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For Sale

Envelopes from 1 and a half pence per packet. "Gazette" Office, Buntingford.

The "Frog" Fly Reel, 1d. each. E.P. Borsberry, Ironmonger, Buntingford.

Child's tricycle for sale, nearly new. Cheap for cash. Smith, Furnisher, Buntingford.

Large stock of cheap wallpapers. Come and see them. W.H. Smith, Furnisher, Buntingford.

Drawing room suite, comprising Chesterfield, two lounge and four small chairs in Damask, £12; Large feather bed, splendid condition, 40/-; 4ft 6in. wool mattress, nearly new, 32/-; Chests of drawers, &c. Marvill, Buntingford.

11th June 1926 - For Sale

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For Sale

Lady's Motor Cycle (MacKenzie); thorough condition; easy to ride; £10; licensed till end of June. A.H. Hedges, Buntingford.

2-Seater (swift) car for sale, in perfect running order; hood and screen, side curtains, lamps, in perfect condition. Come and see it, and make an offer. Lawrence, Jeweller, Buntingford.

20-inch Wringer, in good order, £2 10s.; Chest of 5 drawers, £2 15s.; Chest of 4 drawers, £1 16s.; Strong kitchen table, 13/6; Baby's high chair (adjustable), 9/-; Electro-plated teapot, "Ewer," and Cream Jug, 6/6; Brass standard lamp, 6/6. J. Marvill, Market Hill, Buntingford.

4th June 1926 - Situations Vacant and For Sale

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Situations Vacant

Wanted, a strong, Young Girl, with some experience, as Under Housemaid. Mrs Heaton-Ellis, Wyddiall Hall, Buntingford.

For Sale

Books on view for sale at Cottered Rectory. Theological, Biographical, Topographical, Art, &c.; also Pictures and Engravings.

Lady's Motor Cycle (MacKenzie); thorough condition; easy to ride; £10; licensed till end of June. A.H. Hedges, Buntingford.

Clothes horses, 4-fold, 2/9 each; Oak wardrobe, bevelled mirror, with drawer, £3 10s.; Strong kitchen table, two drawers, 13/6; Mahogany Washstand, with marble top, 13/6; Mahogany court, in horsehair, 17/6; Mahogany hat and umbrella stand, 7/6; Quantity of cocoa matting, cheap; Mahogany Pembroke table, £1 £1s. 0.; Baby's high chair (adjustable), 9/-. J. Marvill, Market Hill, Buntingford.

28th May 1926 - For Sale

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For Sale

Envelopes for 1 and a half pence per packet. "Gazette" Office, Buntingford.

Water glass - Egg preservative. 1lbs. at 5d., 2lbs at 8 and a half pence, 4lbs at 1/2. E.P. Borsberry, Ironmonger, Buntingford.

Runner bean (colossal). A monster bean and a great cropper; very robust growth; beans in big clusters, often 18ins in length; the best bean in cultivation. 1/- per pint. H.A. Thody, Florist, Buntingford.

Lady's cycle, in going order, 15/-; Clothes horses, 4-fold, 2/9 each; Hand sewing machine, in working order, with case, 13/-; 22 inch Mangle, in good condition, 52/6; Oak wardrobe, bevelled mirror, with drawer, £3 10s.; Mahogany Washstand, with marble top, 13/6; Bedroom carpet, as new, 30/-. J. Marvill, Market Hill, Buntingford.

21st May 1926 - For Sale

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For Sale

Envelopes for 1 and a half pence per packet. "Gazette" Office, Buntingford.

Water glass - Egg preservative. 1lbs. at 5d., 2lbs at 8 and a half pence, 4lbs at 1/2. E.P. Borsberry, Ironmonger, Buntingford.

Runner bean (colossal). A monster bean and a great cropper; very robust growth; beans in big clusters, often 18ins in length; the best bean in cultivation. 1/- per pint. H.A. Thody, Florist, Buntingford.

Lady's cycle, in going order, 15/-; Large kitchen dining table, 22/6; Oak bedroom suite, bevelled mirrors, £9; Clothes horses, 4-fold, 2/9 each; Hand sewing machine, in working order, with case, 13/-; 22 inch Mangle, in good condition, 52/6. J. Marvill, Market Hill, Buntingford.

19th Nov 1926 - Situations Vacant

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Situations Vacant

Superior farm-hand, steady and reliable; willing to go with horses; ledging. Good references essential. Cottage. State wages required. Moss, "The Croft", Hitchen.


Envelopes from 1 and a half pence per packet. "Gazette" Office, Buntingford.

"Pluvex" roofing felt, at 5/9 and 8/- per roll of 12 yards. E.P. Borsberry, Ironmonger, Buntingford.

Lamps - Dark evenings are here. See our stock, especially the celebrated Sunlight Lamp. Smith, Furnisher, Buntingford.

Jacobean Oak bedroom suite, size 4ft; usual price 24 guineas, reduced to 18 guineas; a bargain. Linoleum squares, Turkey colourings, 9ft. x 9ft., 30/- each. E. Browne, High Street, Buntingford.

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