Showing posts with label Crane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crane. Show all posts

25th January 1924 - British Legion Annual Meeting

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British Legion

(Buntingford Branch)

Annual Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the members of the Buntingford Branch of the British Legion was held at the Ex-Service Men's Club Room on Wednesday evening.

The chair was occupied by the President, Captain H.H. Williams, and there was a good attendance of members, including a strong contingent from the Hormead Branch.

Balance Sheet

The Hon. Treasurer, Mr F.W. Butler, presented the balance sheet of 1923.

Receipts were: Subscriptions £5 18s. 4d., Donations 7s. 6d., Sale of Badges 15s., Poppy Day £64 14s. Total £71 14s. 10d.

Expenditure - Membership cards 10s. 6d., Club funds £1 5s., Badges £1 4s., Poppy Day fund £64 14s., Fees £1 16s. 9d. 

The balance in hand amounted to £2 8s. 7d. The balance sheet was adopted.

Secretary's Report

The Hon. Secretary, Mr G.H. Maughan, gave a satisfactory report of the working of the organisation.

Since February, 1923, 57 members had been enrolled, and 17 new applications for membership had been accepted for 1924.

The amount forwarded to the Headquarters in respect of Armistice Day was £66 1s. 4d., and after deducting the cost of the poppies, 85 per cent. of this was returnable to the branch for relief.

During the year several pension questions had been dealt with.

It was proposed to hold a public meeting next month, and Colonel Crossfield, D.S.O., had consented to address the meeting.

The report was passed as satisfactory.

Election of Officers

Capt. H.H. Williams was unanimously elected President and re-elected Chairman, Capt. G. Scarborough Taylor being elected Vice-Chairman.

The Chairman said that he would like to move that the Hon. Secretary, Mr G.H. Maughan, and the Hon. Treasurer, Mr F.W. Butler, be re-elected. They had both performed their duties in an excellent manner. The proposition was seconded by Capt. G. Scarborough Taylor and unanimously carried.

The election of the Committee was carried out by ballot, and resulted as follows: The Rev. H.L. Sheppard, Messrs. P. Woollard, H. Piper, A.E. Mayes, E. Totman, H. Cutts, G. Coleman, A. Dray and E. Crane.

Captain H.H. Williams and the Rev. H.L. Sheppard were elected as delegates on the area Council.

The formation of a sub-branch at Great Hormead was confirmed.


The Secretary was instructed to write to the Secretary of the Buntingford Ex-Service Men's Club thanking the Committee for the use of the Club Room for the Legion meetings.

It was announced that subscriptions for 1924 were now due.

18th January 1924 - The Remembrance Day Fund

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The Remembrance Day Fund

The President, Mr H.C. Marshall, presided at a meeting of the committee of this fund on Wednesday last. Others present were Captain H.H. Williams, Messrs. G.H. Maughan, F.W. Butler, E.J. Totman, J. Warner, A.E. Mayes and the Secretary, Mr E.J. Crane.

The Secretary reported that since Dec. 1st, 1923, 180 grants had been made to Ex-Service Men, widows and dependants.

The amount dispersed was £20 0s. 2d., which was made up as follows: Groceries £14 18s. 6d., milk and eggs 16s. 6d., meat £2 16s. 6d., bread 18s. 8d. and coal 10s.

28th December 1928 - Accident

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In attempting to avoid a cyclist between Bridgefoot and Layston House, a Morris-Cowley car travelling towards the High Street on Thursday morning struck Mr Crane's Ford coal lorry, but fortunately little damage was done.

The steering of the coal lorry, which was travelling in the same direction as the car, was dislocated as the result of the front wheel being struck by the car, and the driver, being unable to control the steering of the coal lorry, it bounded near the curb and had some of its contents thrown on the path.

24th December 1926 - A Minor Smash

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A Minor Smash

On Tuesday morning, a cart loaded with hay, struck the ten miles limit sign near Mr Crane's house.

The sign was broken at the base. Few motorists appear to notice the sign, and it may not be erected again.

10th December 1926 - The Conservative Fete and Carnival at Hitchin

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The Conservative Fete and Carnival at Hitchin

Buntingford & District Represented

The Empire Fete and Carnival, held at the New Town Hall, Hitchin, on Wednesday and Thursday in last week, was an outstanding success, the numbers attending and the trade carried out exceeding all expectations.

The Stalls were beautifully arranged, and comprised: England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Canada, Australia, India, South Africa, West Indies, and New Zealand.

The Stall for this district, which was presented by Buntingford, Great and Little Hormead, Westmill, Buckland, Cottered, Ardeley, Wyddiall, Aspenden, and Layston, was managed by Lady Heaton-Ellis, Mrs Beadle, Mrs Bolton, Mrs Cavendish, Mrs Codrington, Mrs Crane, Mrs Croslegh, Mrs Deacon, Mrs Dimsdale, Mrs Howard, Mrs May, Miss May, Mrs Mildren, Mrs Page, Mrs Thody, Miss Wall and Mrs Williams.

On Wednesday the Fete was opened by Major G.M. Kindersley, and on Thursday by the Countess of Strathmore.

There was character dancing, Scotch reels, sword dancing, and selections by the Kitchin Symphonic Society Orchestra.

The illustrated 16-page programmes were sold by Miss Kindersley and helpers who were dressed in red, white and blue.

Towards the close of the second evening crowds began to assemble for the announcement of the result of the competition in which a motor car, motor cycle, and a fur coat were offered as prizes. The results were as follows:

Motor car, Mrs E. McCormick, St Ives Hotel, Maidenhead (No. 5612).

Motor cycle, Lady Jane Van Koughnet, Aston (No. 15680).

Fur coat, E. Gray, 43 Gentlemen's Row, Enfield (No. 23251).

The Buntingford effort was well supported, and at the time of going to press the excellent sum of £52 15s. 10d. has been paid to Col. Tyrrell by Mrs Deacon. This amount includes donations, and proceeds of sale of gifts both in Buntingford at the Women's Annual Meeting and at Hitchin on 1st and 2nd December.

It is hoped to hold a stall at a garden meeting in the summer to dispose of rest of goods not sold.

7th January 1927 - Ex-service men entertain the children

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Ex-service men entertain the children

That nothing appeals to the heart more than a group of happy children was amply demonstrated on Monday evening, when the children of the members of the Buntingford British Legion Club were the guests at the annual party.

The arrangements for the treat were made by Mr H. Clarke (Sec. of the Club) and Mr E.C. Clarke (Hon. Sec. of the Buntingford Branch of the British Legion).

The room, with its attractive decorations was much admired. A great attraction was the huge Xmas Tree (given by Mr C.H. Poulton). The tree was heavily laden with toys and gifts selected by Mrs H. Clarke.

Some 50 children responded to the invitation to be present, and judging by the enthusiasm displayed this party exceeded all predecessors.

The whole party sat down to tea at 4.30, assistance at the tables being given by Mrs H. Clarke, Mrs E.C. Clarke, Mrs Starr, Mrs Warren, Mrs White, Mrs S. Smith, Mrs Scarborough Taylor and Miss Mayes.

Mrs Hall, the stewardess at the Club, also lent valuable assistance. Visitors included Captain and Mrs H.H. Williams, Mrs, Miss and Master C. Fell, Messrs G. Scarborough Taylor, E.C. Clarke, H. Clarke, E.J. Crane, E.E. Dennis, B.E. Thody, F. White, T. Pledger, A. Coxall, S. Daniels and W. Hall.

During tea Mr H. Clarke installed a powerful wireless set, and the music was much enjoyed.

Following tea, games and songs were indulged in until 7p.m. when the arrival of "Father Christmas" was the signal for three hearty cheers.

Mrs H.H. Williams then presented each child with a gift from the tree, and a National Savings' Card with two sixpenny stamps attached.

Mr H. Clarke called for cheers for the members of the Club and numerous friends who had made the treat possible.

Cheers were also given for the ladies, the New Year and Messrs. H. and E.C. Clarke. On leaving each child was given two oranges, a bag of sweets and a small gifts, and a thoroughly successful treat ended with the singing of God Save the King.

11th February 1927 - Whist

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A pleasant whist drive was held at the Workmen's Club on Wednesday evening.

Mr Henry Clark was M.C., and the prizes, which were vouchers for goods to be purchased in the town, were won by the following:

Ladies - 1, Miss Clark; 2, Miss M. Cornwell.

Gents - 1, Mr C. Crane; 2, Mr C. Tottman.

A prize for the lowest score went to Mr E. Brett.

22nd April 1927 - Buntingford Bowls Club Annual General Meeting

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Buntingford Bowls Club

Annual General Meeting

The annual general meeting of the Buntingford Bowls Club was held at "The Crown" Inn club room, on Tuesday evening of last week, the President, Mr H.C. Marshall, presiding.

The Chairman said he wished to congratulate the Club on winning the Ashton Cup, and he hoped they would have an equally successful season this year.

The Hon. Sex., Mr J. Lawrence, then presented his annual report. During last season, the club played 18 League matches, winning 12 and losing six. The actual number of points scored was 728 against 631.

He (the Secretary) was also pleased to report that they had an increased membership; in 1925 they had 19 members, and in 1926 26 members, and it was hoped to increase this number this year. The Club had 10 Vice-Presidents, who, like their President, had taken an active interest in the welfare of the Club. (Applause).

The Secretary then referred to the financial statement. At the last annual meeting it was thought that the new green would cost about £30, but so far about £200 had been spent and more would have to be spent before the green was ready for use; there was, however, little doubt that when the new green was completed it would be as good as any in East Herts.

With the help of members and friends, they hoped to be able to pay off the loans, and to make the Club self-supporting. (Applause).

The balance sheet was as follows:


Loan from H.C. Marshall, Esq. - £100 0s. 0d.

Loan from ten members - £44 0s. 0d.

President's Subscriptions - £2 3s. 0d.

Seven Vice-Presents - £8 8s. 0d.

16 Tournament Entrance Fees 1/- - 16s. 0d.

Fete (as per balance sheet) - £56 13s. 8d.

Jumble Sale - £8 0s. 5d.

Dinner - £11 5s. 0d.

Xmas Draw and Whist Drive - £43 7s. 2d.

15 Hand Books - 3s. 9d.

Mr May (Luton) - 1s. 0d.

26 members subscriptions at 10/6 - £13 13s. 0d.

Total - £268 10s. 0d.


Purchase of ground from Mr Poulton - £50 0s. 0d.

Labour on New Green - £123 7s. 7d.

Tools - £2 16s. 9d.

Creosote Oil - £3 15s. 0d.

Mr Crane (carting) - 12s. 6d.

Printing - £3 8s. 6d.

Mr J. Holmes' account - £16 10s. 0d.

Old Green - £8 16s. 8d.

Sundries - £9 4s. 1d.

Balance at Bank - £49 16s. 2d.

Cash in Hand - 2s. 9d.

Total - £268 10s. 0d.

Mr W.J. May, in moving the adoption of the accounts, said the members had much to thank their Hon. Sec and Treasurer, Mr Lawrence, for, The accounts were quite satisfactory, and he had much pleasure in moving that they be adopted.

Mr F.W. Butler seconded, and the motion was carried.

Election of Officers

Mr F.W. Butler moved the re-election of Mr Marshall as President. They were proud to have him as their President, and they were also grateful to him his very valuable help. Mr E.G. Thody seconded, and the vote was carried with applause.

Mr W.J. May moved the re-election of the Vice-Presidents with the addition of Sir Charles Heaton-Ellis, Mr S. Codrington, and Mr Davidson.

Mr J. Lawrence was re-elected Hon. Sec. and Treasurer, and was thanked for his past services.

Mr W.J. May, who has been Captain for the past four seasons, and he thought it would be good to have a change this year, and he proposed Mr F.W. Butler as Captain. Mr Butler, in refusing to accept the position of Captain, said he was sure that every member would wish Mr May to carry on. This was carried with applause.

Mr F.W. Butler was re-elected Vice-Captain, and the following were appointed to serve as a general committee - Messrs. E.J. Totman, J. Pateman, J. Boniwell, F.B. Sharp, J. Cornwell, H.E. Birkett, F. Crouch, H. Clark, E. Brett, and A. Mannox.

Green Committee - Messrs. W.J. May, F.W. Butler, E.R. Brett, J. Cornwell, E.G. Thody, and C.H. Poulton.

Selection committee - re-elected en bloc.

It was decided to make the Club room at "The Crown" Inn the headquarters of the Club. Mr Mannox, the proprietor, said the room would be at the disposal of the Club whenever the members required it, and that he would make no charge. (Applause).

A discussion took place as to competitions &c., and it was agreed to arrange more matches to encourage new members.

Before the conclusion of the meeting, thanks were accorded Mr C.H. Poulton and Mr E.G. Thody for their valuable assistance in connection with the new green, and to the Chairman for presiding.


The Committee of the above club wish to thank all who have helped and contributed to the Jumble Sale, held at the Foresters' Hall, on April 20th. The sale was a great success.

8th April 1927 - Rural District Council

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Rural District Council

Captain H.H. Williams presided over the meeting of the Rural District Council which followed, other officers present being - Dr R.A. Dunn (M.O.H.), and the Surveyor (Mr E.G. Thody).

Surveyor's Report

The Surveyor reported that the Isolation Hospital was closed. The town's consumption of water during the month had been 935,000 gallons, and the water level had risen slightly.

A further supply of disinfectants was required - estimated cost £10 3s.


Drainage work had now been completed at the Little Hormead site, and difficulty was now being experienced with the drainage at Cottered; it would be advisable, if possible, to secure a piece of the land adjoining the Council's cottages, for use as a dump.

The Surveyor also asked for instructions as to the cropping of the Buntingford Sewage farm, and stated that sugar beet had been grown there with success during the past year.

After discussing the matter, the Council decided to grow two acres of sugar beet on the farm. It was also agreed to purchase the disinfectants required. The question of the purchase of a piece of ground at Cottered for the disposal of drainage matter from the Council's cottages was left over until the Surveyor had seen Mr Sanders, of Cottered.

A letter was read from Mr Chapman, who has recently erected a bungalow on the London Road, to the effect that, although he had complied with the Surveyor's instructions, as to certain parts of the buolding, he had received a letter from the Clerk to the effect that he was not entitled to the subsidy.

The matter was fully discussed by the Council, and it was unanimously agreed that the Council were in order in not recommending a subsidy.

The Surveyor reported on the rent arrears, and the Chairman said he was very pleased to see that there was an improvement, and that some of the tenants had made an effort to get the arrears down.

The question of adopting bye-laws was again discussed, and the Surveyor presented a draft of the bye-laws which the Council proposed adopting before the war. Mr H.C. Marshall proposed that the Surveyor look through them and report on the matter to a sub-committee consisting of Capt. H.H. Williams, Messrs. C. Hummerstone and W.J. May.

Mr W.J. May reported on his visit to a conference in London on the Rating and Valuation Act, and was thanked by the Chairman for his interesting and instructive report.

The Clerk read a letter for Sir Charles Longmore to the effect that the work of preparing the Jurors Lists, and registers of electors would now be carried out by two of the Council's rating officers.

Mr C. Hummerstone said the matter required consideration. If the work was being taken out of the hands of the Assistant Overseers, there would be compensation to pay. Some of the Assistant Overseers had been collecting rates, and had been paid no salary for the work, buy they had been receiving certain sums for the preparation of the lists of voters; it was now proposed to take this work from them and give it to the Council's rating officers.

The Clerk said that the amount paid for the preparation of the whole of the lists was approx. £100. He (the Clerk) did not want the job.

Mr G.C. Wilson said he believed thre was a lot of feeling over the matter, and he was anxious, if possible, or giving the Assistant Overseers a chance to carry on.

Mr H.E. Dudley also spoke in a similar way, and after further discussion the Clerk was instructed to write to the County Council for a ruling on the matter.

The North Metropolitan Electric Company submitted plans showing the route of their overhead cable, and these were passed.

The half-yearly estimates were presented by the Clerk. The total required - £3763 - was an increase of £81. There would be a General Rate of 5/- for the district.


The following tenders were accepted - Scavenging - Mr C.H. Poulton. Team labour for highways - Mr E.J. Crane.

8th April 1927 - Whist

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Prizes at the whist drive, held on Saturday evening in aid of the Town Band funds, were won by the following:

Ladies - 1 Mr S. Pledger (playing as lady), 2 Miss E. Cutts. Lowest score - Mrs S. Smith.

Gents - 1 Mr South, 2, Mr C. Baker. Lucky chair - Mr C. Crane.

Spot dance competition - Mr L. Smith and Miss D. Bush.

2nd November 1923 - Death and Funeral of Mrs E.J. Crane

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Death and Funeral of Mrs E.J. Crane

It is with much regret that we record the death of Mrs Ernest J. Crane, of Buntingford.

Mrs Crane, before her marriage was an assistant mistress in the Barkway Council Schools, a post she held with some distinction until her marriage in 1917. She was much esteemed by all her pupils on account of her kind disposition, and was greatly respected by a large circle of friends in Barkway and Buntingford.

After a short illness the end came on Sunday last, and much sympathy is felt for her sorrowing husband and her six months' old child.

On Wednesday afternoon the remains were conveyed by motor hearse to the deceased's old home at Barkway, where she was born. The funeral took place at Barkway yesterday (Thursday).

The Rev. W.T. Stubbs very impressively officiated at the service, and a large number of friends were present to pay their last respects.

Mrs Bowman presided at the organ, and the hymn sung was "On the Resurrection Morning." As the cortege left the church the organist played Mendelssohn's "Oh Rest in the Lord."

The plain oak coffin bore a breast plated inscribed:

Jessie R. Crane, Died October 28th, 1923, Aged 36 years.

The immediate mourners were Mr E.J. Crane (husband), Mr and Mrs Copeland (father and mother), Mr and Mrs C. Copeland (brother and sister-in-law), Mrs J. Crane (mother-in-law), Mrs H. Beeton (sister-in-law), Mr H. Beeton, Mrs E. Martin and Mrs Knife (cousins), Mrs F.G. Crane (aunt), Mrs Gray and the seven employees of the firm.

Amongst the 54 beautiful floral tokens were the following:

To dear Jessie, from her loving husband and little John - "A devoted wife and loving mother."

To our loving daughter, from her affectionate father and mother.

In loving memory, from Mother and Mary.

In loving remembrance, from the old Barkway scholars.

With heartfelt sympathy, from the Organist and Choir of Barkway Church.

With deepest sympathy, from the Buntingford Ex-Service Men's Club.

With deepest sympathy, from the Buntingford Women's Institute.

With deepest sympathy, from the tradesmen of Buntingford.

With sincere sympathy, from the teachers of Barkway School.

In loving remembrance from Harold and Millie.

In affectionate remembrance, from uncle, aunt and Cyril.

With deepest sympathy, from Harry.

With loving sympathy, from auntie Gray.

With sincere sympathy, from Barney, Bert and Harry.

With deepest sympathy from Castle, Clark, Parker and Clark sen.

The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr George Saggers.

19th Nov 1926 - Armistice Day in Buntingford

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Armistice Day in Buntingford

Excellent Arrangements

Armistice Day was commemorated in a very solemn manner, the local branch of the British Legion, which made all the arrangements, following in a large measure the order of procedure to that so admirably carried out last year.

"Revellie" was sounded at 6 a.m. by Mr J. Gibbs.

Shortly before 11 a.m. a procession was formed opposite the Ex-Service Men's Club. It comprised Ex-Service Men, Boy Scouts (under the command of Ex-Scoutmaster C. Miles), and Special Constables. The procession marched to the Town War Memorial, where the townspeople and a number of Rural District Councillors were assembled.

The introductory portion of the service was read by the Rev. A. Howard, M.A. A stirring address was given by the Rev. W.L. Shepherd, of Great Hormead, after which the two minutes' silence was observed. Then came the singing of the beautiful hymn "The Supremem Sacrifice," after which Capt. H.H. Williams, the President of the Buntingford Branch of the British Legion, read out the names of the heroic dead whose names are inscribed on the War Memorial.

The Rev. John Cole read a portion of the scripture, and prayers were offered by Captain Green of the Salvation Army. The Blessing was pronounced by the Rev. L.W. Wright.

Following the singing of the National Anthem each of the bodies represented placed a wreath at the base of the Memorial. Mr E.J. Smith sounded "The Last Post" and the parade reformed and marched to Church Street and dismissed.


The usual collection of pennies in the High Street was conducted by Mr F.W. Butler and Miss Ward, who were assisted by Miss Porter, Miss Lushington, Miss Fell, Miss Mary Feasey and Miss Mary Crane.


During the afternoon a jumble sale was held at the George Hotel. Mr Crane kindly collected the goods, which were being sold by Mrs Fell, Mrs B.E. Thody, Mrs H. Clarke, Mrs Coleman, Mrs Squires and Mrs Camp. The Ex-Service men are grateful to these ladies, and to all others who assisted with the day's arrangements.


The annual concert was held in the Benson Hall during the evening, when a first-class programme was given by "The Gossips," as well-known London Concert Party.

There was a crowded audience, some 200 persons having to be turned away. The platform was decorated with pot plants, kindly lent by Mr E.G. Thody. The programme fittingly opened with the singing of Kipling's Recessional by the Buntingford and District Musical Society, conducted by Mr E.E. Dennis. Altogether the concert was an outstanding success.

Valuable assistance in connection with the concert and the arrangements for the service at the War Memorial was rendered by Captain H.H. Williams, Mr H. Clarke (Secretary of the British Legion Club) and Mr E.C. Clarke (Sec. of the Buntingford Branch of the British Legion).


The arrangements for the sale of poppies were again undertaken by Mrs H.C. Marshall, who was assisted in the sale by Miss M. Fell, Mrs J. Aylott, Miss P. Mayes, Miss Scrivener, Miss Wilkerson, Miss E. Smith, Miss M. Crane, Miss Armstrong, Mrs L. Smith, Miss Cutts, Miss Lushington, and Masters John and George Taylor.

The villages also assisted, the representatives being: Anstey, Miss Buckwell; Wyddiall, Lady Heaton-Ellis; Aspenden, Miss G. Phillips; Buckland, Miss P. Morris; Westmill, Mrs Coutts-Deacon; Cottered, Miss Wilderspin; part Furneaux Pelham, Mrs Holmes; Meesden, Mrs Kerr; Great and Little Hormead, Mrs Dimsdale; Rushden, Mr E.J. Marchal; Ardeley, Mr J.H. Thorpe.

12th Nov 1926 - Correspondence

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Dear Sir,

Please allow me space in our paper to thank Miss Ward, Miss Porter, Miss Lushington, Miss Fell, Miss Mary Feasey and Miss Mary Crane who worked so hard to collect yards of pennies on Armistice day, and all those who very kindly responded to the appeal. I was able to hand to the Treasurer of Earl Haig's Fund the sum of £7 10s. which was much above my expectations.

Again thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

F.W. Butler.

Buntingford, 12th Nov., 1926.

30th April 1926 - Horticultural Society

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Horticultural Society

A meeting of the Committee was held at the George Hotel last evening, when the question of reducing the money due to the Hon. Sec., in respect to the 1925 Show, was discussed.

It was reported that as some of the tickets had not been returned, the total in respect of the recent football match could not be arrived at.

It was decided to hold a whist drive and dance on Friday, May 14th, at the George Hotel, the first prize for whist being 1/2 ton of coal to each lady and gentleman, given by Mr Crane.

9th April 1926 - Rural District Council

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Rural District Council

A meeting of the Rural District Council followed, Captain H.H. Williams presiding.


The Surveyoer presented his report as follows:


No cases of infectious disease have been notified during the month, and the hospital remains close.


The consumption of water during the past month has been:

1st week 241,000 gallons.

2nd week 237,000 gallons.

3rd week 247,000 gallons.

4th week 249,000 gallons.

The water level remains stationary at 43 feet, being one foot higher than at April last.

A further supply of paraffin is required.


Charles Borlace, of Cumberlow Green, and Walter North of Buntingford, make application for licences to store petrol The storage is quite satisfactory and the licences are recommended to be granted.


Mr A.E. Woodford Ward, of H.M. Office of Works, came down on Tuesday last and visited various building sites. He inspected the whole of the works to which the accounts relate, and was supplied with full details and receipts for all the works as executed.


The licences were granted.

The Clerk stated that it was proposed to amalgamate the Buntingford Rural District Council to Royston Urban Council and the Ashwell Rural District Council for the purpose of rating assessments. There would be a committee of 15.


Tenders were received for scavenging, team labour and material, the following being accepted:

Scavenging - Mr C.H. Poulton, 11/- per day.

Team Labour - Mr E.J. Crane, 9/6 per day.

Supply of Road Material - Mr Brazier, 11/- per yard and Mr C.H. Poulton, 10/6 per yard.


A letter was read from the North Metropolitan Electric Supply Company asking for permission to place a post on the Council's property at the waterworks. This was granted.


The Clerk stated that the County Council were considering the question of taking over the roads which at present came under the local Council. Captain Morris said it would be a good thing if the County Council took them all over, and the Surveyor was instructed to submit plans of the roads in question.


The Clerk read a communication from the County Council with reference to the proposed superannuation scheme.

The Chairman said it only affected 3 of the Council's officials and he thought it would be best to get their views on the matter.


The Chairman of the Council (Mr Claud Fraser) who was absent on account of illness, was elected to serve on the Council of the County Playing Fields Association.

3rd Feb 1928 - Whist Drive

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Whist Drive

A successful whist drive was held at the Working Men's Club on Wednesday evening.

There were 44 present, and the prize-winners were as follows:

Ladies - 1 Mr W. Watson (playing as lady), 172; 2 Miss L. Clark, 172. Highest score first-half, Mr E. Pledger, 92; lowest, Mr W. Gilby.

Gents - 1 Mr C. Baker, 181; 2 Mr A. Postle, 171. Highest score second half, Mr Francis, 84; lowest, Mr C. Crane.

Mr H. Clark was M.C.

Dec 1910 - Notice: Buntingford Bakers and Christmas Boxes

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Buntingford Bakers and Christmas Boxes

The undersigned bakers of Buntingford beg to give notice that they have decided to discontinue the giving of Christmas Boxes.

Herbert T. Baker, High Street,

John Crane, High Street,

Robert F. Dellow, High Street,

Fred Moule, High Street,

David Westwood, High Street.

November 30th, 1910.

[Note - this is from the Herts and Cambs Reporter]

26th Feb 1926 - Buntingford Conservative Associaton

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Buntingford Conservative Associaton

Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the Buntingford Branch of the Hitchen Conservative and Liberal Unionist Association was held at the George Hotel on Thursday evening last.

The chair was taken by Mr Claud Fraser. There was a small attendance of members, the business being of a formal nature only.

In his opening remarks, the Chairman said the members would be glad to hear that Major Kindersley had recovered his health, and that he would be visiting Buntingford on March 26th.

Election of Officers

Capt H.H. Williams moved that Mr Claud Fraser be re-elected Chairman of the branch. They all knew the interest their Chairman took in the Association as a whole. (Applause).

Mr Scarborough Taylor seconded the resolution, which was carried with applause.

The Chairman thanked the meeting for re-appointing him, and said he would always do his best for the cause.

The following were elected to serve on the Central Council: Dr R.W. Fell, Messrs. W. Steel, C.H. Poulton, A.W. Page, A. MacArthur and W Houlden.

The Chairman and Captain H.H. Williams were elected to serve on the General Executive.

The committee elected were as follows: Dr R.W. Fell, Messrs. F.B. Sharp, J. Pateman, E.J. Crane, C.H. Poulton, E. Camp, E.E. Dennis, E. Denson, T.Kingsley, J. Camp, W. Manning, H. Thody, W. May, W. Houlden, and G. Scarborough Taylor.

Mr B.E. Thody was nominated Secretary.

Other Business

Capt H.H. Williams spoke on the newly-formed scheme for raising subscriptions, and Mr Scarborough Taylor asked whether monthly lectures could be arranged. 

The committee were asked to meet and discuss this question.

The Secretary was also instructed to obtain membership cards.

[Transcriber note: "Major Kindersley" was Guy Kindersley, Conservative MP for Hitchen]

19th Feb 1926 - Women's Institute Monthly Meeting

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Women's Institute

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Women's Institute was held at the George Hotel on Wednesday of last week. The President (Mrs H.C. Marshall) presided, and there was a good attendance of members.

Miss Ouless gave an interesting address on Village Dramatic Societies. The lecturer referred to Shakespearian plays, and dealth especially with Shakespeare's "As you like it."

Tea was served by Mrs Dellow and Mrs Squires, and the hostesses were able to hand over the sum of 10/7 to the funds.

The first competition of the year drew over 20 entries. The prize for the best cake, made from a given recipe, was divided between Mrs E.G. Thody and Mrs J. Crane. The next best cakes were those made by Mrs Houlden, Mrs Warner, Mrs Darton.

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