Showing posts with label Swallow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swallow. Show all posts

5th Oct 1928 - Death and Funeral of Mrs (Ida) Smith

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Death and Funeral of Mrs Smith

Yet another of Buntingford's old inhabitants has been removed by the death of Mrs Smith, of Norfolk Road, who passed away on Friday last.

The deceased, who was 67 years of age, had been ill for several weeks. Mrs Smith came to reside in the town about thirty years ago, and shortly afterwards her husband passed away at the age of 42. Mrs Smith therefore outlived her husband by over twenty years. The deceased leaves a grown-up family, to whom sympathy is extended.

The funeral took place at Layston Church on Wednesday afternoon, the Rev. A. Howard officiating. The immediate mourners were Messrs. J. And G. Smith (sons), Mrs T. Perry, Mrs Baker, Mrs Macallen and Mrs Piggott (daughters), Mr and Mrs J. Ginn (brother and sister-in-law), Mrs E. Ginn (sister-in-law), Mr Piggott and Mr C. Baker (sons-in-law), Mr and Mrs John Swallow (brother-in-law and sister), Mrs Crook and Mrs Story (neices), and Reginald Smith and John Turk (grandson).

There were several beautiful wreathes, including one from the neighbours in Norfolk Road. The coffin was of plain elm with brass furniture, and bore a name plate inscribed: "Ida Smith, died September 28th, 1928, aged 67 years."

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