Showing posts with label December 1910. Show all posts
Showing posts with label December 1910. Show all posts

10th December 1926 - Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

The Annual Meeting was held in the Village Hall on Wednesday, December 8th, 1926. The President was in the chair, supported by Mrs Hummerstone and Mrs Laird. The Tellers appointed were Messrs. Harvey and Pratt.

The report of the last annual meeting was read and signed. An interesting report of this year's work was given by Mrs Hummerstone, and the balance sheet presented by Mrs Laird, duly audited, showed a balance in hand of £3 18s. 2d.

The President introduced various matters of interest in a brief speech before moving the adoption of report and balance sheet, including the suggestion of adopting a "Village Flowers," and a Resolution to be sent up to the N.F.W.I. Annual Meeting.

Balloting for the new Committee took place, including officers and delegate. The 1927 Committee comprises: Mrs Bright, Mrs Deacon, Mrs Guinness, Mrs Harvey, Mrs C. Hummerstone, Mrs Lee, Mrs A. Pegram, Mrs H. Pegram, Mrs Read and Miss Woodward.

The President is Mrs Guinness, Vice-President Mrs C. Hummerstone, Delegate Mrs Deacon.

Votes of thanks were proposed and duly seconded and passed heartily to the Tellers, and Mr Bright, the Auditor, to Mrs C. Hummerstone as Hon. Sec., to Mrs Laird as Hon. Treas., and to Mrs Deacon as President 1926.

The meeting closed with the singing of England and the National Anthem.

Dec 1910 - Old Hall Green: Fire at St Edmund's College

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Old Hall Green

Fire at St Edmund's College

On Monday, shortly after midnight, a fire broke put [sic] in the old part of the College connected with the servants' quarters. The cause is unknown.

The alarm was quickly given, and the Ware and Hertford fire engines, well manned, were at the scene as early as possible. Fortunately the well directed efforts of the students, with the College manual fire engine, were such that the fire was now completely under control. The damage has been estimated at upwards of £200.

The Right Rev. Mgr. Ward, President of the College, issued on Tuesday the following report: "The President regrets to report that a fire broke out in the College last night soon after midnight. He is glad to say there were no casualties. The boys were all out of the College within a few minutes of the alarm being raised. The College fire engine was at once put into play, being worked by the students who have regular fire drill at intervals. They were thus able to get to work in a few minutes, and within an hour the fire was under control.

Great praise is due to the students for the excellent manner in which they did their work. The damage is chiefly in the servants' quarters. It is less than might have been expected, and the regular work of the college will not be interrupted.

[Note - this is from the Herts and Cambs Reporter]

Dec 1910 - Death of Louisa Baker

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Baker - On the 3rd December, at Buntingford, Louisa Ann, widow of Thomas Baker, aged 72 years.

[Note - this is from the Herts and Cambs Reporter]

Dec 1910 - Notice: Buntingford Bakers and Christmas Boxes

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Buntingford Bakers and Christmas Boxes

The undersigned bakers of Buntingford beg to give notice that they have decided to discontinue the giving of Christmas Boxes.

Herbert T. Baker, High Street,

John Crane, High Street,

Robert F. Dellow, High Street,

Fred Moule, High Street,

David Westwood, High Street.

November 30th, 1910.

[Note - this is from the Herts and Cambs Reporter]

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