Buntingford Bowls Club
Annual General Meeting
The annual general meeting of the Buntingford Bowls Club was held at "The Crown" Inn club room, on Tuesday evening of last week, the President, Mr H.C. Marshall, presiding.
The Chairman said he wished to congratulate the Club on winning the Ashton Cup, and he hoped they would have an equally successful season this year.
The Hon. Sex., Mr J. Lawrence, then presented his annual report. During last season, the club played 18 League matches, winning 12 and losing six. The actual number of points scored was 728 against 631.
He (the Secretary) was also pleased to report that they had an increased membership; in 1925 they had 19 members, and in 1926 26 members, and it was hoped to increase this number this year. The Club had 10 Vice-Presidents, who, like their President, had taken an active interest in the welfare of the Club. (Applause).
The Secretary then referred to the financial statement. At the last annual meeting it was thought that the new green would cost about £30, but so far about £200 had been spent and more would have to be spent before the green was ready for use; there was, however, little doubt that when the new green was completed it would be as good as any in East Herts.
With the help of members and friends, they hoped to be able to pay off the loans, and to make the Club self-supporting. (Applause).
The balance sheet was as follows:
Loan from H.C. Marshall, Esq. - £100 0s. 0d.
Loan from ten members - £44 0s. 0d.
President's Subscriptions - £2 3s. 0d.
Seven Vice-Presents - £8 8s. 0d.
16 Tournament Entrance Fees 1/- - 16s. 0d.
Fete (as per balance sheet) - £56 13s. 8d.
Jumble Sale - £8 0s. 5d.
Dinner - £11 5s. 0d.
Xmas Draw and Whist Drive - £43 7s. 2d.
15 Hand Books - 3s. 9d.
Mr May (Luton) - 1s. 0d.
26 members subscriptions at 10/6 - £13 13s. 0d.
Total - £268 10s. 0d.
Purchase of ground from Mr Poulton - £50 0s. 0d.
Labour on New Green - £123 7s. 7d.
Tools - £2 16s. 9d.
Creosote Oil - £3 15s. 0d.
Mr Crane (carting) - 12s. 6d.
Printing - £3 8s. 6d.
Mr J. Holmes' account - £16 10s. 0d.
Old Green - £8 16s. 8d.
Sundries - £9 4s. 1d.
Balance at Bank - £49 16s. 2d.
Cash in Hand - 2s. 9d.
Total - £268 10s. 0d.
Mr W.J. May, in moving the adoption of the accounts, said the members had much to thank their Hon. Sec and Treasurer, Mr Lawrence, for, The accounts were quite satisfactory, and he had much pleasure in moving that they be adopted.
Mr F.W. Butler seconded, and the motion was carried.
Election of Officers
Mr F.W. Butler moved the re-election of Mr Marshall as President. They were proud to have him as their President, and they were also grateful to him his very valuable help. Mr E.G. Thody seconded, and the vote was carried with applause.
Mr W.J. May moved the re-election of the Vice-Presidents with the addition of Sir Charles Heaton-Ellis, Mr S. Codrington, and Mr Davidson.
Mr J. Lawrence was re-elected Hon. Sec. and Treasurer, and was thanked for his past services.
Mr W.J. May, who has been Captain for the past four seasons, and he thought it would be good to have a change this year, and he proposed Mr F.W. Butler as Captain. Mr Butler, in refusing to accept the position of Captain, said he was sure that every member would wish Mr May to carry on. This was carried with applause.
Mr F.W. Butler was re-elected Vice-Captain, and the following were appointed to serve as a general committee - Messrs. E.J. Totman, J. Pateman, J. Boniwell, F.B. Sharp, J. Cornwell, H.E. Birkett, F. Crouch, H. Clark, E. Brett, and A. Mannox.
Green Committee - Messrs. W.J. May, F.W. Butler, E.R. Brett, J. Cornwell, E.G. Thody, and C.H. Poulton.
Selection committee - re-elected en bloc.
It was decided to make the Club room at "The Crown" Inn the headquarters of the Club. Mr Mannox, the proprietor, said the room would be at the disposal of the Club whenever the members required it, and that he would make no charge. (Applause).
A discussion took place as to competitions &c., and it was agreed to arrange more matches to encourage new members.
Before the conclusion of the meeting, thanks were accorded Mr C.H. Poulton and Mr E.G. Thody for their valuable assistance in connection with the new green, and to the Chairman for presiding.
The Committee of the above club wish to thank all who have helped and contributed to the Jumble Sale, held at the Foresters' Hall, on April 20th. The sale was a great success.