Showing posts with label Standon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Standon. Show all posts

8th October 1926 - Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

Group Conference at Buntingford

A Visit from Headquarters

A most successful meeting took place on Friday last at the Benson Hall, Buntingford, when members from Buckland, Clothall, Hormead, Sandon, Weston and Westmill joined their friends at Buntingford. Representatives from Standon and Pelham Groups were also present.

The chair was taken by Mrs H.H. Williams of Aspenden House, the Group Leader for his district.

In welcoming the members, Mrs Williams said it was a pleasure to see so many present, it showed the interest taken in the various Institutes.

Particular interest was taken in an address on "The responsibility of the individual member," given by the Hon. Miss Farrer from Headquarters.

The speaker urged the necessity for close co-operation between members and between Institutes. Each member had a most important part in the success of the Institute, and if she fulfilled her part the success of the body as a whole would be ensured.

Following her address came a charming little speech from Mrs Martin, of Hunsdon, a V.C.O.

Tea was capitally arranged and served by members of the Buntingford Institute, and later much amusement was caused by a game organised by Miss Farrer.

A vote of thanks to the speaker was proposed by Mrs Vernede, Group Leader for Standon, and seconded by Mrs H.C. Marshall, the local President.

The singing of the National Anthem closed a very pleasant and profitable afternoon, enhanced by delightful sunshine.

Before Miss Farrer left, she said she would always remember Buntingford as being "Such a friendly meeting."

25th March 1927 - Dance

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The attendance at the Benson Hall for the dance on St Patrick's night exceeded the most sanguine expectations. The organisers anticipated a hundred, but the number present was over a hundred and fifty.

Among the dangers were some who had never been in the Hall before, and they were pleasantly surprised at the excellence of the floor, which is undoubtedly the best for miles around.

The music was provided by the Standon Orchestra, who co-operated with the M.C., Mr Blakiston, in providing continuous dancing.

Among the special features were two "spot" dances, the first of which was won by Mr and Mrs Jackson, of Westmill, and the second by Mr Don Little and Miss Jordan.

Also a "Pandemonium" Dance, for which horns were issued, and the result fully justified the title!

The prize for the "lucky ticket" was won by Mr C. Smith.

The net proceeds were over £9, and the organisers are to be congratulated on the splendid success of their efforts. Hearty thanks are also due to all who provided the refreshments and prizes, and sold the former so efficiently, in addition to those who undertook the sale of tickets and prepared the Hall for the occasion. Each article of the refreshments was offered at one penny, and over 320 items were sold.

As the crowd streamed out of the Hall shortly after midnight, there were many requests for "another of the same kind" - the best proof of an enjoyable evening.

18th March 1927 - Football - Standon Villa v. Aspenden

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Standon Villa v. Aspenden

These two teams met in a friendly match at Standon on Saturday last, to play for a new football given by Mr Dixon, president of the Standon Club, and after a clean and sporting game, resulted in a win for visitors by two goals to nil.

The game opened rather fast, both goal-keepers saving in fine style, but the ground getting very slippery, made accurate shooting and skillful football impossible, and play was chiefly confined to midfield.

After having hard luck with a fine shot, H. Parker scored from close range to give Aspenden the lead at the interval.

Aspenden pressed on the resumption and missed narrowly on several occasions, one shot hitting the upright and returning into play, before K. Rayment increased the lead. The Standon forwards tried several breakaways, but were well held by the visitors' defence.

The referee was Mr J. Totman, of Buntingford.

After the match both teams were entertained by Mr Dixon to a meat supper, where he presented the football to the Aspenden Captain, and said that he hoped the Aspenden team would have the same success when playing with it as they had done that afternoon. (Cheers).

The Aspenden captain then thanked Mr Dixon for the good time he had given them, and called for three cheers which were heartily given, followed by "For he's a jolly good fellow."

18th June 1926 - Buntingford and District School Sports Association

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Buntingford and District School Sports Association

1st Annual Sports Day

The 1st Annual Sports Day in connection with the above Association took place at Chapel End, Buntingford (by kind permission of Mr C. Smith), on Thursday in last week.

Teams came from the following schools: Anstey, Barkway, Braughing, Brent Pelham, Buntingford, Cottered, Great Hormead, Meesden, Great Munden, Puckeridge C. of E., Puckeridge R.C., Reed, Sandon, Standon, and Walkern. The competitors numbered 250.

The Sports Day was first arranged for Wednesday, June 2nd. It rained all day. This necessitated postponing the event until June 10th. It was again wet, but the programme was successfully carried out, although the bad weather increased the difficulties of rearrangements.

Teachers and children were very enthusiastic, and some really good material was discovered.

The team races were especially interesting, and the full results will be found below.

Mr E.E. Dennis, Hon. Sec. and Treas., explained the objects of the Association, and stated that Buntingford and District could now send a representative team to compete at the County School Sports to be held at Ware on Saturday, July 3rd.

He thanked all those who had helped to make the meeting a success, particularly the teachers in the schools in the district for their splendid co-operation. It was very pleasing to record that some of the smaller schools had supplied winners in the different events.

The Hon. Sec. and Treasurer thanked the Preisdent (Lieut.-Col. C.H.B. Heaton-Ellis) and the Hon. Baron Dimsdale for kindly giving a Shield for the Boys, also the Walkern School Managers for the Shield for the Girls, ad the C.E.M.S. (per Mr Pitcher, Cottered), for the Shield for the smaller schools. On behalf of the Association, he also thanked all those ladies and gentlemen in the district who had supported the movement, and Mr C. Smith for kindly placing the meadow at the disposal of the Association. He specially thanked Mr E.H. Roberson and Mr E.G. Thody for much help given prior to the day.

Mr H.E. Stickland (Braughing C.C. School) then thanked Mr E.E. Dennis for all the good work he had done, and said that he felt sure the Association would prosper. Enthusiastic cheers from the children followed.

Mr E.E. Dennis then called for cheers for the Band. The children and assembly then sang the National Anthem. The Hon. Sec. and Treasurer wishes to thank the following for their assistance:

Materials - Messrs. E.G. Thody, P. Hamilton, J. Holmes, G. Handy, B. Nicholls, S. Daniels, W.H. Smith, G. Aylott, T. Hummerstone, E.J. Crane, F. Rand, H. May, M. Smith, Burrows (Hitchin), J. Ireland, A. Bardwell, R. Dellow, E. Leak, E. Borsberry, Letchworth Boys' Club, Hitchen and District School Sports Association (per Mr F.W. Bunn), Buntingford Congregational Church, The Rev. A. Howard, and Miss E.M.A. Woods.

Workers - Messrs. E.G. Thody, E.H. Roberson, Marshal; B.E. Thody, A.G. Day, H. Cutts, A.E. Mayes, E. Martin, J. Thody, G. Bedford, H. Mannox, W. Graves, Clerks of the Course; F. Butler, J.W. Sutterby, A.C. Bartlett, H.E. Stickland, A.G. Jenkins, W. Cooper, Stewards; The Rev. W.L. Sheppard, The Rev. John Cole, The Rev. A.G. King, Mr W.J. May, Mr F. Cannon, Judges; Mr Harry Clarke, Mr F. Fraser, Starters; Mr E.C. Clarke, Miss Gardner, Recorders; Mr G.H. Maughan, Timekeeper.

Ladies' Committee for Refreshments - Mesdames H.L. Baker, W. Corp, J. Pateman, H. Clarke, E.H. Roberson, H. Feasey, J. Warren, A.E. Mayes, G. Geaves, F.W. Butler, A. Coxall, Misses Anthony, L.M. Davies, M. Mayes, H. Walsingham, E.G.W. Howard. Mr J.A. Anthony.



Championship Events


100 yds. - 1 L. Thompson (Reed) 13 secs., 2 C. Dowler (Buntingford), 3 G. Alder (Walkern), 4 S. Savage (Walkern).

220 yds. - 1 R. Graves (Buntingford) 34 secs., 2 S. Savage (Walkern), 3 F. Edwards (Walkern), 4 A. Ives (Puckeridge R.C.).

440 yds. - 1 C. King (Walkern), 1 and one third mins., 2 G. Warner (Buntingford), 3 N. McLeod (Meesden), 4 L. Poulton (Buntingford).

880 yds. - 1 C. Scrivener (Buntingford) 3 mins. 12 secs., 2 C. King (Walkern), 3 W. Garland (Gt. Hormead), 4 G. Jackson (Puckeridge R.C.)

Hurdles - 1 R. Graves (Buntingford), 2 H. George (Meesden), 3 C. Cook (Braughing), 4 N. Birch (Brent Pelham).

Long Jump - 1 L. Gray (Walkern), 13 ft. 6 ins., 2 C. Dowler (Buntingford), 3 J. Miles (Walkern), 4 E. Ginn (Braughing).

High Jump - 1 G. Adler (Walkern), 3 ft. 11 ins., 2 W. Hummerstone (Braughing), 3 E. Chalkley (Walkern), 4 P. South (Sandon).

Team Race - 1 G. Adler, C. King, F. Edwards, S. Savage (Walkern); 2 C. Dowler, R. Graves, A. Rose, C. Clarke (Buntingford); 3 R. Jennings, H. George, L. George, N. McLeod (Meesden); 4 W. Hummerstone, A. Springham, E. Ginn, C. Cook (Braughing).

Winning School - WALKERN C.C. (31 points). Challenge Shield for Boys presented by Lieut.-Col. C. Heaton-Ellis and Hon. Baron Dimsdale. Runners up - Buntingford Senior C. of E. (25 points).


100 yds. - 1 M. Barker (Braughing), 13 secs., 2 L. Dye (Sandon), 3 J. Bysouth (Braughing), 4 e. Ruskin (Gt. Hormead).

150 yds. - 1 G. Copeland (Anstey), 23 secs., 2 E. Searle (Buntingford), 3 N. Bonfield (Buntingford), 4 H. Arnold (Braughing).

Hurdles - 1 L. Hill (Buntingford), 2 M. Wornham (Buntingford), 3 D. Skipp (Cottered), 4 G. Roper (Standon).

Long jump - 1 H. Arnold (Braughing) 11ft. 3ins., 2 M. Barker (Braughing), 3 L. Dye (Sandon), 4 A. Coxall (Buntingford).

High jump - 1 L. Hill (Buntingford), 3fts. 6ins., 2 E. Ruskin (Gt. Hormead), 3 M. Wornham (Buntingford), 4 W. Hummerstone (Braughing).

Team Race - 1 E. Searle, O. Martin, N. Bonfield, A Coxall (Buntingford), 2 H. Arnold, J. Bysouth, M. Barker, W. Hummerstone (Braughing), 3 M. Brand, L. Taylor, E. Ruskin, G. Hummerstone (Gt. Hormead), 4 G. Copeland, P. Bentley, L. Martin, F. Sapsed (Anstey).

Winning School - BUNTINGFORD SENIOR C. of. E. (23 points). Challenge Shield for Girls, presented by Managers of Walkern C.C. School. Runners up - Braughing C.C. (18 points).

Winners of Shield (for schools with less than 100 on books), presented by C.E.M.S. per Mr Pitcher, Cottered, Gt. Hormead C. of E. (8 points). Runners up - Meesden C. of E. (7 points).


Egg and Spoon Race (girls) - 1 G. Gravestock (Cottered), 2 E. Gray (Walkern).

Sack Race (girls) - 1 P. Bentley (Anstey), 2 E. Prior (Braughing).

Flower Pot Race (girls) - 1 E. Prior (Braughing), 2 M. Newbound (Braughing).

Skipping Race (girls) - 1 M. Barker (Braughing), 2 H. Arnold (Braughing).

Driving Race (girls and boys) - 1 A. Wallace, S. Cox (Standon), 2 A. Rose, R. King (Buntingford).

Sack Race (boys) - 1 C. Prior (Braughing), 2 H. Webb (Braughing).

Throwing Cricket Ball (Boys) - 1 S. Savage, 2 E. Chalkley (both of Walkern).

Obstacle Race (Boys) - 1 A. Ives (Puckeridge R.C.), 2 R. Cannon (Sandon).

12th Nov 1926 - Dr Barnardo's Homes

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Dr Barnardo's Homes

Twelve of the elder girls attending the Puckeridge C.E. School have recently been round with collecting cards to Standon and Puckeridge parishioners on behalf of Dr Barnardo's Homes.

They were well received, and collecting £4 16s. 8 and a half pence as the result of their kindly efforts.

On Monday in last week the money was transmitted by Miss Smeeton, the headmistress, to the head offices of the Homes at Stepney Causeway.

12th Oct 1928 - Rev. and Mrs Frank Richardo Williams

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The Rev. and Mrs Frank Richardo Williams, Standon House, Standon, Ware, will in future be the address of Rev. and Mrs Richardo Williams, late of Anstey Rectory and the Court, Buntingford.

13th May 1910 - Standon, Death of King Edward

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The news of the King's death was not known here until the arrival of the morning papers on Saturday. It caused a painful shock, and cast a gloom over the village.

The Union Jack was hoisted at half-mast on the Church tower, and a like sign of mourning was shown at Messrs. Chapman's Mills. In the afternoon the Church bell was tolled.

The service at the Parish Church on Sunday morning was of an impressive character. The Rev. S.F.O. Huddy read special prayers and announced that a memorial service would be held in the Church for the late King as appointed by authority. Preaching from the words "For death is come up into our windows and is entered into our palaces" he spoke of the deep mystery of death which had entered into the palace and removed their beloved King, who was so very human in the sympathetic welfare of his people, and who in the cause of peace with foreign nations had earned in his all too brief reign the glorious name of "Peace-maker." Their great King's work was done, and he was at peace, for God's finger touched him and he slept.

After the hymn "Lord of the world above" had been sung, the Benediction was pronounced, and then the organist, Mr J. Chapman, played Handel's "Dead March in Saul" while the congregation stood.

There was a large congregation, and nearly everybody wore mourning. The "Dead March in Saul" was also played at the evening service.

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