Showing posts with label Parochial Church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parochial Church. Show all posts

25th January 1924 - Layston Parochial Church Council

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Layston Parochial Church Council

Annual Accounts Submitted

The Layston Parochial Church Council met at Mrs A. Dixon's house on Monday last.

The Chairman (the Rev. A. Howard) was supported by Mrs A. Dixon, Mrs Howard, Mrs F.W. Butler, Miss Boniwell, Mr J. Pateman and Mr F.W. Butler (Hon. Secretary and Treasurer).


The balance sheet for the past year was submitted.

Receipts showed a total of £143, and expenditure £142 19s. 11d.

During the year the Church contributed £21 3s. 3d. to various Missionary Societies, and £25 16s. 9d. to Hospitals, Nursing Funds and Home Societies.

The balance sheet was adopted.

On the Burial Ground account the receipts showed a total of £65 6s. 10d., which was made up as follows: Church members, £59 17s. 10d.; Congregational Church and members, £5 4s.; Catholic Church member, 5s.

The total expenditure had been £70 8s. 0d., making a defecit of £5 1s. 6d. due to the Treasurer.

The Council considered the accounts very satisfactory.

Garden Fete

It was decided to hold a garden fete in June. Mr and Mrs Claud Fraser had kindly offered the grounds of the Red House for the occasion, and it was hoped that sufficient funds would be raised to wipe out the defecit, and to ensure that the present tidy appearance of the grave yard be kept up. The graveyard had previously been a disgrace to the Town, on account of shortage of funds.

The following were elected to serve on the Fete Committee: Mr and Mrs C. Fraser, the Rev. and Mrs A. Howard, Mrs A. Dixon, Miss Boniwell, Mrs Maughan, Miss Woods, Mrs F.W. Butler, Mr J. Pateman, Mr C. Miles.

Free-Will Offering

The Hon. Treasurer, Mrs A. Howard, reported that the sum of £35 12s. 11d. had been contributed to the Diocesan Board of Finance.

The quota for the year was £50.

The Council felt that the quota was too high, and after discussion it was decided that the amount which the Church would endeavour to contribute this year would be £35.


Mrs Howard was thanked for the interest she had taken in the Free-Will Offering Fund, and Mr F.W. Butler was cordially thanked for his services as Hon. Secretary and Treasurer to the Council.

The next meeting to revise the Electorial Roll was fixed for February 11th, and the Annual Church Meeting on March 10th.

11th February 1927 - Annual Vestry Meeting and Parochial Church Council

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Annual Vestry Meeting

The Annual Vestry Meeting, postponed from January 17th, was held at the Village Hall on Monday evening last. There was a scarce attendance owing to the prevalence of influenza.

The chair was taken by the Rector, the Rev. A.G. King, who proposed a vote of thanks to both the Churchwardens for their work during the past year. This was seconded by Mr F. Harvey.

Mr Laird was re-elected People's Warden, on the proposition of Mrs Coutts-Deacon, seconded by Mr Harvey. The Rectory nominated Mrs Greg as Rector's Warden.

Parochial Church Council

The first meeting of the newly elected Council was held on Monday evening last, the Rector, the Rev. A.G. King presiding. Mr Harvey was unanimously elected Vice-Chairman.

Mrs Coutts-Deacon's resignation as Hon. Secretary was received with regret, and after expressions of thanks to her, Mrs Bright was unanimously elected in her stead.

Mr J. Laird was elected Hon. Treasurer and Mrs Coutts-Deacon, Mr Harvey and Mr Laird as representatives to the Ruri-Decanal Conference.

This concluded the business of the meeting.

4th February 1927 - Cottered Parochial Meeting

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Parochial Meeting

The annual Church Parochial Meeting was held in the School on Tuesday evening in last week.

The Rector (the Rev. E.E. Empringham) presided, and there were about fifty persons present.

The annual report was read by the hon. secretary (Mrs Beadle), and a satiasfactory financial statement was given by the hon. treasurer (Mr T.J. Stick).

Mrs Beadle was elected to represent the parish on the Diocesan Conference; Messrs. Beadle, Pitcher and Sanders, and Miss Wilderspin were elected members of the Ruri-Decanal Conference; and Messrs. Dudley and Warner, Mrs Sanders, and Miss Beamiss members of the Parochial Church Council.

19th Feb 1926 - Parochial Church Council

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Parochial Church Council

The Parochial Church Council met on Monday last at Mrs A. Dixon's house for the revision of the Electoral Roll, in preparation for the Annual Church Meeting on March 15th. 

New names may be added up to March 1st. Electors, by their vote at the Annual Church Meeting, elect the Church Council for the ensuing year, and have an opportunity of sharing in Church government.

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