Showing posts with label Puckeridge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Puckeridge. Show all posts

2nd March 1928 - Wyddiall Lantern Lecture

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Lantern Lecture

Mr J.W. Harvey, of Puckeridge, visited the parish of Wyddiall on Tuesday in last week, and gave an interesting lantern lecture on the subject of "True as Steel."

The connective story was read by the Rev. John Cole, of Buntingford, and there was a good number present, who were very interested in Mr Harvey's pictures.

Two favourite hymns were sung, and at the conclusion the Rector (Rev. Mc. C. Kerr) thanked the lecturer. A collection was taken on behalf of the Colportage Association.

2nd March 1928 - Preliminary Notice The Garage

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Preliminary Notice

The Garage, Puckeridge, Herts.

G. Scarborough Taylor, P.A.S.I., has received instructions from Mr F. Mardell, to sell by auction, at the above, on Wednesday, March 28th, 1928, the motor charabancs, motor cars, landaulettes, together with the entire stock-in-trade of a motor engineer's business, comprising:

1926 Berliet, 35 h.p., 26-seater saloon charabanc; 1924 Berliet, 25 h.p. 20-seater ditto; Austin 20 h.p. Landaulette; Stoewer 13 h.p. ditto; Calthorpe 10.4 h.p. 2-seater, with dickey.

The above are all in perfect running order.

Further particulars in subsequent issues, or of the Auctioneer, Auction Offices, Buntingford (Tel. 20); Baldock (Tel. 62); Welwyn (Tel. 98); and at Hatfield, Herts. (Tel. 16).

2nd March 1928 - Preliminary Notice Puckeridge

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Preliminary Notice

Puckeridge, Herts.

Important sale of freehold properties

G. Scarborough Taylor, P.A.S.I., has received instructions from Mr F. Mardell, who is giving up business on account of ill-health, to sell by auction, at "The White Hart" Hotel, Puckeridge, on Monday, March 26th, 1928, at 5 p.m., the large-covered garage, showrooms and sheds, small shop and dwelling house, large garden with 2 large greenhouses, the whole having a frontage of 59ft. to the main Ware-Cambridge Road.

Further particulars in subsequent issues and of Arthur C. Dowding, Esq., solicitor, 5 and 6, South Square, Gray's Inn, London, W.C.1; or of the Auctioneer, Auction Offices, Buntingford (Tel. 20); Baldock (Tel. 62); Welwyn (Tel. 98); and Hatfield, Herts. (Tel. 16).

8th October 1926 - Braughing property auction

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Braughing, Ware, Herts.

Near the Station (L.N.E.R.)

G. Scarborough Taylor, P.A.S.I., has received instructions from the Trustees of the late H. Shepherd-Cross, Esq., to sell by auction at "The White Hart" Hotel, Puckeridge, on Wednesday, October 27th, 1926, at 5.30 p.m, excellent freehold properties, comprising two valuable enclosures of accommodation and building land, let at the very nominal rental of £12 2s. 6d. per annum; also valuable rent charges, producing £18 15s. per annum.

Further particulars of Messrs. Pontifex, Pitt & Co., Solicitors, 16, St Andrew's Street, Holborn Circus, E.C., and of the Auctioneer, Auction Offices, Buntingford (Tel. 20); Baldock (Tel. 62); Welwyn (Tel. 98); and Hatfield (Tel 16).

1st October 1926 - Cycling Accident

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Cycling Accident

On Tuesday last a very unfortunate accident occurred to Miss Phyllis Wilkerson, of Sunny Hill, Buntingford.

She was cycling home from the Puckeridge School, when in coming down the hill towards Frost's Lodge, she appears to have come over faint, and fell heavily on the grass on the left of the road.

Mr W.S. Fordham, of London House, Puckeridge, luckily came along in his car almost immediately, and rendered valuable aid and assistance in lifting Miss Wilkerson (then unconscious) in his car, and conveyed her to Dr Fell's at Buntingford.

Unfortunately Dr Fell was not at home, but Mr Fordham, with the help of several kind friends, left her at the doctor's house quite comfortable, and Dr Fell returned home shortly afterwards.

On being examined it was found that the left wrist was badly broken and an Ex-ray was necessary.

Dr Fell, after attending to the injuries, immediately conveyed her in his car to the Royston Hospital. The wrist was set the following morning, and at the time of going to press the patient is going on quite satisfactorily.


Mr and Mrs Wilkerson wish to thank most sincerely all those king friends who so readily looked after Phyllis (in their absence) until the arrival of Dr Fell; and also to Mr W.S. Fordham and Dr Fell for their most valued assistance; and also for the use of their cars.

1st October 1926 - Puckeridge property auction

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Puckeridge, Herts

G. Scarborough Taylor, P.A.S.I., has received instructions from the Trustees and the Estate of the late Mr Frederick Cates to sell by auction at "The White Hart" Hotel, Puckeridge, on Wednesday, October 27th, 1926, at 5.30 p.m., excellent freehold property, comprising four valuable cottages, known as "Larkens," situate in the High Street also one cottage in Baron's Yard, together with attractive residential property, known as "The Hut," situate in the High Street.

Further particulars of Messrs. Marrar Porter & Co., 2 Wardrobe Place, Doctor's Common, London, E.C. 4; and the Auctioneer, Auction Offices, Buntingford (Tel. 20); Baldock (Tel. 62); Welwyn (Tel. 98); and Hatfield (Tel 16).

10th December 1926 - Puckeridge Hounds at Corney Bury

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Puckeridge Hounds at Corney Bury

The Puckeridge Hounds in full cry was a sight afforded a number of football spectators on Saturday, when a fox, found near Harestreet, ran to the top of the park, and later to Corney Bury House.

The huntsmen dismounted and searched the rooms and the roof, and it was while the hounds were inside the house, that Reynard slipped from his hiding place and made off towards Capons Wood.

The hounds soon picked up the scent and ran towards Capons before turning left, and crossing the High Road near Buckland finally losing their fox at Faulk Leys.

Earlier in the day they killed a fox at Harestreet.

3rd December 1926 - The Puckeridge Hounds

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The Puckeridge Hounds

On Saturday, Nov 20th, the Puckeridge Hounds met at Buckland. They led off from Buckland to Reed Wood.

When about a hundred yards south of the entrance to the wood a motor car travelling from Royston towards Buckland unfortunately ran into the pack.

Four of the hounds sustained injuries.

Read the court case.

7th January 1927 - Illness of Mr J.A. Brown

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Illness of Mr J.A. Brown

Sympathy and regret is expressed on all sides at the serious illness of Mr John Brown, of Puckeridge, who for nearly 40 years has been the Buntingford and district correspondent of "The Hertfordshire Mercury," "The Royston Crow" and "The Herts and Essex Observer."

Mr Brown, who is over 80 years of age, has been confined to his bed since December 20th, and his many friends in Buntingford and district will wish him a speedy recovery to his normal health.

30th July 1926 - Puckeridge - New Catholic Church

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New Catholic Church

On Sunday evening the new Roman Catholic Church, situated in a garden adjoining the high road, and almost exactly opposite St Thomas' R.C. School, was opened by His Eminence Cardinal Bourne, who was attended by the Rev. E.J. Mahoney, D.D., as deacon, and the Rev. J. McKenzie as sub-deacon.

The alter vases were filled with Madonna lilies and white phlox. The church was crowded wto its fullest extent. The hymns from the Benediction Service were sweetly sung by the children from the school, and Miss O'Brien presided at the organ.

In his address, the Cardinal expressed pleasure that such a convenient site had been obtained for the church. He was also glad that the number of Catholics had grown sufficiently for them to have a church of their own at Puckeridge. 

The church was designed by Mr Thomas Scott, and built by Messrs. Ekins and Co., of Hertford. Towards the cost of the building, Puckeridge and district have contributed £120.

2nd July 1926 - Sale of Work and Fete

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Sale of Work and Fete

A sale of work and fete was held at the Puckeridge R.C. School on June 29th, 1926, in aid of the new Catholic Church which has been built opposite the school. The sale was opened at 3 o'clock by Miss Slattery in place of Lady Paget, who was unable to be present through illness.

Inside the school there were three stalls of clothing and fancy goods, two of them organised by the people of the Parish of Old Hall Green, and a third organised by the staff of the school and the children. The three stalls were very artistically arranged and very successful.

In the school playground there were numerous amusements organised by the men of the parish.

Teas, ices and other refreshments were served during the afternoon and evening. During the evening an open-air whist drive was held.

The organisers of the fete wish to thank all those who helped to make it a success, and those who generously gave prizes to be competed for.


[Transcriber note - The Puckeridge RC school mentioned here is the St Thomas of Canterbury RC Primary School]

2nd July 1926 - Puckeridge Motor-Cycle Accident

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Motor-Cycle Accident

A serious accident occurred on Wednesday morning last to Mr Ted Roberts, of Barkway, as he was cycling towards Ware.

It appears that a motor lorry, belonging to Mr Page, of Braughing, was being turned round, when Roberts' motor-cycle ran into the lorry.

He was rather badly injured, and at the time of going to press we learn that he is still unconscious.

2nd July 1926 - Another Accident

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Another Accident

A small "Standard" car proceeding to Ware through Puckeridge on Wednesday evening last, ran into the back of Mr Spencer's lorry (of Puckeridge), badly damaging the car, but fortunately we understand no one was injured.

2nd November 1923 - A Broken Leg

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A Broken Leg

The many friends of Mr D. Little will regret to learn that whilst playing in a football match at Puckeridge, on Saturday last, Mr Little had his leg broken.

He was conveyed to the Hertford County Hospital, where he is progressing quite satisfactorily.

18th June 1926 - Buntingford and District School Sports Association

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Buntingford and District School Sports Association

1st Annual Sports Day

The 1st Annual Sports Day in connection with the above Association took place at Chapel End, Buntingford (by kind permission of Mr C. Smith), on Thursday in last week.

Teams came from the following schools: Anstey, Barkway, Braughing, Brent Pelham, Buntingford, Cottered, Great Hormead, Meesden, Great Munden, Puckeridge C. of E., Puckeridge R.C., Reed, Sandon, Standon, and Walkern. The competitors numbered 250.

The Sports Day was first arranged for Wednesday, June 2nd. It rained all day. This necessitated postponing the event until June 10th. It was again wet, but the programme was successfully carried out, although the bad weather increased the difficulties of rearrangements.

Teachers and children were very enthusiastic, and some really good material was discovered.

The team races were especially interesting, and the full results will be found below.

Mr E.E. Dennis, Hon. Sec. and Treas., explained the objects of the Association, and stated that Buntingford and District could now send a representative team to compete at the County School Sports to be held at Ware on Saturday, July 3rd.

He thanked all those who had helped to make the meeting a success, particularly the teachers in the schools in the district for their splendid co-operation. It was very pleasing to record that some of the smaller schools had supplied winners in the different events.

The Hon. Sec. and Treasurer thanked the Preisdent (Lieut.-Col. C.H.B. Heaton-Ellis) and the Hon. Baron Dimsdale for kindly giving a Shield for the Boys, also the Walkern School Managers for the Shield for the Girls, ad the C.E.M.S. (per Mr Pitcher, Cottered), for the Shield for the smaller schools. On behalf of the Association, he also thanked all those ladies and gentlemen in the district who had supported the movement, and Mr C. Smith for kindly placing the meadow at the disposal of the Association. He specially thanked Mr E.H. Roberson and Mr E.G. Thody for much help given prior to the day.

Mr H.E. Stickland (Braughing C.C. School) then thanked Mr E.E. Dennis for all the good work he had done, and said that he felt sure the Association would prosper. Enthusiastic cheers from the children followed.

Mr E.E. Dennis then called for cheers for the Band. The children and assembly then sang the National Anthem. The Hon. Sec. and Treasurer wishes to thank the following for their assistance:

Materials - Messrs. E.G. Thody, P. Hamilton, J. Holmes, G. Handy, B. Nicholls, S. Daniels, W.H. Smith, G. Aylott, T. Hummerstone, E.J. Crane, F. Rand, H. May, M. Smith, Burrows (Hitchin), J. Ireland, A. Bardwell, R. Dellow, E. Leak, E. Borsberry, Letchworth Boys' Club, Hitchen and District School Sports Association (per Mr F.W. Bunn), Buntingford Congregational Church, The Rev. A. Howard, and Miss E.M.A. Woods.

Workers - Messrs. E.G. Thody, E.H. Roberson, Marshal; B.E. Thody, A.G. Day, H. Cutts, A.E. Mayes, E. Martin, J. Thody, G. Bedford, H. Mannox, W. Graves, Clerks of the Course; F. Butler, J.W. Sutterby, A.C. Bartlett, H.E. Stickland, A.G. Jenkins, W. Cooper, Stewards; The Rev. W.L. Sheppard, The Rev. John Cole, The Rev. A.G. King, Mr W.J. May, Mr F. Cannon, Judges; Mr Harry Clarke, Mr F. Fraser, Starters; Mr E.C. Clarke, Miss Gardner, Recorders; Mr G.H. Maughan, Timekeeper.

Ladies' Committee for Refreshments - Mesdames H.L. Baker, W. Corp, J. Pateman, H. Clarke, E.H. Roberson, H. Feasey, J. Warren, A.E. Mayes, G. Geaves, F.W. Butler, A. Coxall, Misses Anthony, L.M. Davies, M. Mayes, H. Walsingham, E.G.W. Howard. Mr J.A. Anthony.



Championship Events


100 yds. - 1 L. Thompson (Reed) 13 secs., 2 C. Dowler (Buntingford), 3 G. Alder (Walkern), 4 S. Savage (Walkern).

220 yds. - 1 R. Graves (Buntingford) 34 secs., 2 S. Savage (Walkern), 3 F. Edwards (Walkern), 4 A. Ives (Puckeridge R.C.).

440 yds. - 1 C. King (Walkern), 1 and one third mins., 2 G. Warner (Buntingford), 3 N. McLeod (Meesden), 4 L. Poulton (Buntingford).

880 yds. - 1 C. Scrivener (Buntingford) 3 mins. 12 secs., 2 C. King (Walkern), 3 W. Garland (Gt. Hormead), 4 G. Jackson (Puckeridge R.C.)

Hurdles - 1 R. Graves (Buntingford), 2 H. George (Meesden), 3 C. Cook (Braughing), 4 N. Birch (Brent Pelham).

Long Jump - 1 L. Gray (Walkern), 13 ft. 6 ins., 2 C. Dowler (Buntingford), 3 J. Miles (Walkern), 4 E. Ginn (Braughing).

High Jump - 1 G. Adler (Walkern), 3 ft. 11 ins., 2 W. Hummerstone (Braughing), 3 E. Chalkley (Walkern), 4 P. South (Sandon).

Team Race - 1 G. Adler, C. King, F. Edwards, S. Savage (Walkern); 2 C. Dowler, R. Graves, A. Rose, C. Clarke (Buntingford); 3 R. Jennings, H. George, L. George, N. McLeod (Meesden); 4 W. Hummerstone, A. Springham, E. Ginn, C. Cook (Braughing).

Winning School - WALKERN C.C. (31 points). Challenge Shield for Boys presented by Lieut.-Col. C. Heaton-Ellis and Hon. Baron Dimsdale. Runners up - Buntingford Senior C. of E. (25 points).


100 yds. - 1 M. Barker (Braughing), 13 secs., 2 L. Dye (Sandon), 3 J. Bysouth (Braughing), 4 e. Ruskin (Gt. Hormead).

150 yds. - 1 G. Copeland (Anstey), 23 secs., 2 E. Searle (Buntingford), 3 N. Bonfield (Buntingford), 4 H. Arnold (Braughing).

Hurdles - 1 L. Hill (Buntingford), 2 M. Wornham (Buntingford), 3 D. Skipp (Cottered), 4 G. Roper (Standon).

Long jump - 1 H. Arnold (Braughing) 11ft. 3ins., 2 M. Barker (Braughing), 3 L. Dye (Sandon), 4 A. Coxall (Buntingford).

High jump - 1 L. Hill (Buntingford), 3fts. 6ins., 2 E. Ruskin (Gt. Hormead), 3 M. Wornham (Buntingford), 4 W. Hummerstone (Braughing).

Team Race - 1 E. Searle, O. Martin, N. Bonfield, A Coxall (Buntingford), 2 H. Arnold, J. Bysouth, M. Barker, W. Hummerstone (Braughing), 3 M. Brand, L. Taylor, E. Ruskin, G. Hummerstone (Gt. Hormead), 4 G. Copeland, P. Bentley, L. Martin, F. Sapsed (Anstey).

Winning School - BUNTINGFORD SENIOR C. of. E. (23 points). Challenge Shield for Girls, presented by Managers of Walkern C.C. School. Runners up - Braughing C.C. (18 points).

Winners of Shield (for schools with less than 100 on books), presented by C.E.M.S. per Mr Pitcher, Cottered, Gt. Hormead C. of E. (8 points). Runners up - Meesden C. of E. (7 points).


Egg and Spoon Race (girls) - 1 G. Gravestock (Cottered), 2 E. Gray (Walkern).

Sack Race (girls) - 1 P. Bentley (Anstey), 2 E. Prior (Braughing).

Flower Pot Race (girls) - 1 E. Prior (Braughing), 2 M. Newbound (Braughing).

Skipping Race (girls) - 1 M. Barker (Braughing), 2 H. Arnold (Braughing).

Driving Race (girls and boys) - 1 A. Wallace, S. Cox (Standon), 2 A. Rose, R. King (Buntingford).

Sack Race (boys) - 1 C. Prior (Braughing), 2 H. Webb (Braughing).

Throwing Cricket Ball (Boys) - 1 S. Savage, 2 E. Chalkley (both of Walkern).

Obstacle Race (Boys) - 1 A. Ives (Puckeridge R.C.), 2 R. Cannon (Sandon).

18th June 1926 - Buntingford Congregational Church

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Buntingford Congregational Church

Church Anniversary Services

Very successful and encouraging services were held on Wednesday week at the Congregational Church in connection with the Church Anniversary. There were very good congregations, including visitors from the neighbouring Churches.

Rev. W.T. Hailstone (Braughing), Rev. W.E. Mawby (Barkway) and Mr J.W. Harvey (Wood End) were also present. Mr Herbert Cutts was at the organ.

In the afternoon Divine Service was conducted by the Rev. T.H. Cooper, M.A., of Bushey, Herts., and Chairman of the Herts Congregational Union. Taking the texts, Rom. xiv. 7, "None of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself," and Genesis xxxii. 24, "And Jacob was left alone," Mr Cooper preached on the following lines: One of the greatest reasons for attending church services is that we may see life in its proper setting and proportion.

Day by day we are confronted with whatever makes our life's work. But we have spirits to be trained, and a real kinship with God Himself; then it is necessary that we start apart from life and look at it from the standpoint of Eternity and of God.

We go into the House of God that we may look at life from that deeper standpoint which makes us aware of ourselves also to those Churches which, in the wider Congregational life of the county, he would visit as Chairman. He extended a cordial welcome to Mr I. Bell, of Puckeridge, who was to be the Chairman for the evening meeting; and to the Ministers and other friends from the surrounding churches.

At the evening public meeting Mr Bell made an excellent chairman, and though he contended that speaking in public was not his strong point yet he carried out the duties of his office very ably.

Mr Mawby produced a deep impression by his earnest address, which was along the lines of the Ministry and the Pew. The Ministry was a life of continual discovery; there should be a "Fellowship" existing between Pulpit and Pew. He appealed for life to be lived from the supreme standpoint of Christ. We must never lose our place in the visible Church, and since we are the salt of the earth we must see to it that the salt never loses its savour.

Mr Cooper said that an anniversary occasion ought to be a time for a retrogression to Jesus Christ, so that we might maintain the purity of the tone of our lives, and be reminded again that to serve Him is the most inspiring thing in life.

Sometimes amid the problems of life, we seem to be making no impression, but we must take heart and courage and keep plodding on where God has placed us. As we get back to Christ we shall be more fruitful in service and more loyally His followers...The Christian Church rightly understood is none other than the Body of Christ; of this Body Christ makes use; He wants to do through the Church the same kind of thing that He did when He was here in the flesh.

The Church's concern will be primarily the spiritual interest of the community; she is also called upon to bear witness for her Lord, and it is in so far as the witness of everyone is added together that the music of life rises to God in sweetness. So we must keep the tone of our Christian service pure by caring for the things Jesus Christ cared for. So shall the Church be a true Church of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

During the meeting the Minister reported on the work of the Church and Sunday School, and at the close expressed the deep thanks of the Church to Mr Cooper, Mr Mawby and Mr Bell for their most helpful services and inspiring messages; to the Ladies' Committee, and whose who had assisted them in the preparations for the tea; to Mr Cutts, and to all who by time, service or gifts had contributed to the success of the occasion.

Offerings were taken during the day, and the financial results were also very satisfactory. The Benediction brought a most uplifting and encouraging Anniversary to a close.

7th May 1926 - Food Transport

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Food Transport

The following have power to act on behalf of Joint Committee in signing passes for drivers of lorries conveying Food Stuffs to various destinations:

Mr Mallet, No. 5, Sunny Hill, Buntingford.

Mr S. Burton, No. 2, Station Road, Puckeridge.

Mr Large, Widford Road, Hadham.

Signed G.W. Pepper, Secretary N.U.R. (Buntingford Branch), on behalf od the N.U.R. Transport Workers, A.S.L.E. and F. and R.C.A.


Re above advertisement, we are requested by the Rural District Council to state that the above has been accepted as an advertisement only. The Local Authority has the food situation in hand, and will operate irrespective of Trade Union dictates.

The above notice is an illegal assumption of authority. All drivers have a full right to the road, and permits such as those named above are invalid.

12th Nov 1926 - Dr Barnardo's Homes

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Dr Barnardo's Homes

Twelve of the elder girls attending the Puckeridge C.E. School have recently been round with collecting cards to Standon and Puckeridge parishioners on behalf of Dr Barnardo's Homes.

They were well received, and collecting £4 16s. 8 and a half pence as the result of their kindly efforts.

On Monday in last week the money was transmitted by Miss Smeeton, the headmistress, to the head offices of the Homes at Stepney Causeway.

9th April 1926 - The Puckeridge Hunt Point-to-Point Hunt Ball and Races

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The Puckeridge Hunt Point-to-Point Hunt Ball and Races



Quite a prominant outstanding event in the county was the Point-to-Point Hunts Ball, which took place at the Public Hall, Much Hadham, on Tuesday evening last.

All the complete organising arrangements were effectively made by Mrs North Hickley, of Hill House, Much Hadham. The other ladies, too, of the Puckeridge Hunt contributed not a little to the success of the evening.

The Public Hall was transformed into an attractive ball room. The splendour of the decorations in colour and design could not fail to please. Besides flowers, flags and pictures, there were some choice flowering plants lent by Major and Mrs O.F. Christie, of Culver Lodge. Perhaps the most noticeable feature was a number of foxes' masks that adorned the halls, and were prized trophies of many famous runs.

The ball was attended by about 190 ladies and gentlemen, the elite of the Puckeridge country. A considerable proportion of the gentlemen were in pink, and this added to the gaiety and splendour of the scene.

Newman's well-known Band from London was engaged, and gave perfect satisfaction. The programme with many of the newest dances gave general delight. Dancing began at 9.15 p.m., and the last dance closed at 3.45 a.m.

The Public Hall was connected by a covered way with the Hut, where supper was admirable served from 11 p.m.

A large number of those present at the ball also attended on Wednesday the Puckeridge Hunt Point-to-Point Steeplechase.


The Point-to-Point races were held near Brent Pelham on Wednesday. Although rain fell throughout the day there was a large gathering.

A fatal accident occured to Mr H. Fordham in the first race. His horse fell at one of the jumps, and in rising trod on him. Mr Fordham was at once removed to Brent Pelham where his conditions became worse, and he died early yesterday morning.

A keener huntsman it would be difficult to find, and his tragic death has come as a terrible shock to hundreds in the district. The inquest takes place this evening, and a fuller account will appear in our next issue.

13th May 1910 - Puckeridge, Death of King Edward

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The Rev. J.F.R. Pledger, of Barkway, preached at Braughing Chapel on Sunday morning. He also was the special preacher at Puckeridge Chapel in the afternoon, and at the Century Hall in the evening. 

At each service he spoke of the sad news of the death of the King, the great good he had done for the country, and the effect of his wisdom on the rulers and governments of the world. To Nonconformists he was always a genuine friend.

At the Century Hall service, the congregation sang the well-chosen hymn for the occasion, "Till He come."

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