Showing posts with label choir. Show all posts
Showing posts with label choir. Show all posts

28th December 1928 - St Peter's

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St Peter's

The interior of the church was prettily decorated with evergreens in profusion, interspersed with chrysanthemums, and at Holy Communion on Christmas Day, which was administered by the Vicar (Rev. A. Howard) to over thirty communicants, the lights from the gas enhanced considerably the decorations.

At the morning service, at which the Vicar spoke to a good congregation on the joy which the first Christmas Day brought to the earth, touching upon the same happy lot which might be ours if it could be realised that the Babe Who was born in the manger at Bethlehem was sent as the Saviour of man. The season of Christmas could only be enjoyed in the heart by knowing the relationship of Him Who was born in the manger in the fields while the shepherds were watching their sheep because there was no place to accomodate for Joseph and his espoused wife Mary when the time came for her to be delivered.

Appropriate hymns were used, and the Holy Communion was also celebrated after the service.

On the Sunday preceding Christmas Day there was a special carol service during the afternoon. Thanks to the excellent training of Mrs Pateman, who accompanied singing on the organ, the children sang exceptionally well, some of the carols being "O little town of Bethlehem," "Silent Night," "Good King Wencelas" and "A Child this day is born," Mrs Fiddaman delivering the air for the latter and the children singing the chorus.

A further carol service will be held on Sunday next.

8th October 1926 - Salvation Army

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Salvation Army

Convoy Ellis addressed the usual meetings on Saturday and Sunday last, while on Monday there was a concert by the Male Voice Choir.

The meetings were well attended, and the concert on Monday evening was quite a musical event.

21st January 1927 - St Peter's Annual Social

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St Peter's Annual Social

The annual social for the adult members of the Layston Choir and Sunday School Teachers, given by the Vicar and Mrs Howard, was held at the Vicarage on Thursday, January 13th.

A splendid repast of refreshments was served, and indoor games of every description were indulged in.

Songs were also sung by Mr H. May (the Lay Reader), and Mrs May, Mrs Corp, and Mr C. Miles. Miss M. Macklin presided at the piano.

At the close, Mr Miles proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the Vicar and Mrs Howard for their kindness in entertaining the party who had all spent a most enjoyable evening, this was seconded by Mr Pateman.

The party broke up at 11.30.

7th January 1927 - Wyddiall Choir Social

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Choir Social

The Rector of the Parish and Mrs Wright were "At Home" to the members of the Church Choir on Thursday evening of last week.

The proceedings were of a very happy nature, and well in keeping with the spirit of Christmas.

During the evening Mr Walter Searle (Verger) presented the Rector, on behalf of the Choir, with a beautifully bound copy of "Hymns - Ancient and Modern."

The Rector, in acknowledging the gift, said that he was sure they could not realise what the kindness and co-operation of the Choir meant to him in his parish work, and he deeply appreciatied their very handsome gift. It was always a real pleasure to Mrs Wright and himself to have the Choir in their own home at Christmas time.

At the close of the evening, Mr W.E. May proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the Rector and Mrs Wright, and called for three cheers.

These were given in the usual lusty manner, and the proceedings terminated with the singing of "They are jolly good fellows" and "Auld Lang Syne."

20th May 1927 - Buntingford Choirs at the Hertfordshire Musical Festival

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Buntingford Choirs at the Hertfordshire Musical Festival

Certificates for Both Choirs

Although the Buntingford Choir did not retain the Silver Challenge Cup, won by them at the Herts. Musical Festival last year, they came close to winning another.

In many ways they had the fortunes of the day against them, nevertheless everyone enjoyed themselves - one of the chief things - and the certificates gained by both the children's and the adults' choirs show that Buntingford is not a great way behind.

Children's Day

Mr E.E. Dennis took the school choir on Friday, and the children enjoyed the delightful ride to the City of S. Albans, where the festival was held.

The children did their best, and were successful in tieing for second place.

In his remarks the adjudicator said the Buntingford choir sang the first three verses of the unison song beautifully, but dropped marks on the fourth verse.

The choir was awarded a certificate of merit.

Seniors' Day

Saturday was the day for the advanced choirs, and there was a record number of entrants.

The Buntingford choir lost the silver cup which they won last year, but obtained a certificate for sight-reading, in a class where they have generally failed before.

In the class for female voices they also did well - winning another certificate.

The Buntingford Women's Institute did not compete in the festival this year.

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