Showing posts with label May 1926. Show all posts
Showing posts with label May 1926. Show all posts

28th May 1926 - Buntingford and District Women Conservatives

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Buntingford and District Women Conservatives

Garden Meeting at Aspenden House

The members of the Buntingford and District Women Conservative Association, held a Garden Meeting at Aspenden House on Wednesday afternoon, by kind invitation of Captain and Mrs H.H. Williams.

Last year's event was marred by a steady downpour of rain, but on Wednesday the sun shone brilliantly and before and after the meeting, which was held in a beautifully shaded corner of the grounds, the company enjoyed a walk around the well-kept garden, now bright with summer flowers.

Some 200 members were present, and in opening the meeting Mrs H.H. Williams said they were glad to welcome Mrs Heard again. The general strike was over, and everyone was smiling again.

She was sure that everyone present was proud to belong to the Conservative party and proud of Mr Baldwin; even his opponents - she would not say enemies as she thought he had none - admired him. (Applause).

Mrs Heard, who was give [sic] a hearty welcome, said it was just a year since she was at Aspenden. She had come to speak to them about the Empire. Britain and her dominions still stood first. 

The women of England were home builders and home keepers and the home life of England stood out as a pattern to the whole world. The Conservative party stood for bringing together the peoples of England and her dominions under the rule of King George V.

The standard of living was higher than it had ever been before, and the Conservative party had been instrumental in making it so. They heard a lot about Free Trade - it was not really Free Trade but free imports. England had to import an enormous amount of food as it was only able to produce enough to feed eleven million of its fourty eight million people.

The Strike

The Socialists were always talking about International Brotherhood, and when the T.U.C. called the general strike, they thought that foreign countries would take action with them. As everyone knew men in other Countries did not strike out of sympathy with the T.U.C. because they knew that while our men were out they were taking our orders. The strike had undone all the good things the Union had done in the past. There was no doubt that some of the unions of this Country had been responsible for better conditions for the workmen, better hours, &c., that was their national work.

The T.U.C. had a surprise when the people rose and said "hands off the constitution of this County."Continuing, Mrs Heard said she liked to feel that the people of England liked fair play, and she had a certain sense of admiration for some of the leaders of the T.U.C. for the manner in which they surrendered to the Government. The strike had certainly cleared the air, and the people of Britain had said "We will be ruled, but only by people who we have put into power." (Applause)

Referring to Mr Baldwin the speaker said that when the history of England was written, his name would be written in letters of gold, for no man could have done more. Our forefathers had made this Country what it was today, and we today are able to say that what they were we are. Let us bring up our children to walk in our footsteps so that England in the future may be as strong as she is today. (Applause).

On the proposition of Mrs H.H. Williams, a hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mrs Heard for her inspiring address. Mrs Coutts-Deacon moved a hearty vote of thanks to Capt. and Mrs Williams for their hospitality and Colonel Heaton-Ellis associated himself with Mrs Deacon's remarks.

Tea was served on the lawn, and the Buntingford Town Silver Band played selections. Later in the evening there was dancing, the band providing the music.

28th May 1926 - Sudden Death of Mr James Stoten

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Sudden Death of Mr James Stoten

The Coroner's Verdict

We regret to announce that Mr James Stoten, of Cherry Green, met with a sudden death on Thursday in last week. The deceased, who was 82 years of age, was found dead in a pig-sty near his house. He had been in ill health for some time.

A post-mortem examination was made the following day, and the facts reported to the District Coroner (Mr H.F.J. Banham), who held an enquiry at Cherry Green on Friday evening.

After hearing the evidence of Dr Dixon and other witnesses, the Coroner said he would return a verdict of "Death from natural causes."

The funeral of the deceased took place at Westmill Church on Tuesday afternoon last. There were many expressions of sympathy, the deceased being well known and respected in the village.

28th May 1926 - Notes of the Week

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Notes of the Week

A Sunshine Holiday - Holidaymakers were about in large numbers on Sunday and Monday, the bright sunshine and warm air keeping out of doors until a late hour.

On Monday a large number of motor coaches passed through the town, and one coach, whose occupants alighted in a narrow road near Buckland for a picnic tea, was only with difficulty turned round for home.


The Women's Institute Fete - The sun contributed in no small way to the success of the Women's Institute Fete, held at the charming grounds of Layston Court on Whit-Monday. The sum of nearly £16 was taken at the gate, this representing an attendance of over 600.


The Fortune Teller - A Gipsy fortune-teller, who persuaded the gate keepers to let her through, was the centre of an interesting crowd, and those who knew her identity were smiling at the bewilderment of those who were wondering seriously why such a person was allowed to trade under the very noses of the stall-holders.

Before entering the grounds, the Gipsy Lady enquired of a Police Officer whether she would be allowed inside. "Its more of a charitable affair than anything" said the officer, who five minutes later discovered that the lady was there for good of the cause.

As a result of her efforts the Gipsy handed over the excellent sum of £5 to the Fete funds.


The Competitions - The most surprising result of the various competitions was that of the bowls. Mr Walter May, who had never before handled a wood, beating all the seasoned players of the Buntingford Bowls Club. Last year he won a clock gold competition, the first time he handled a Club.

28th May 1926 - North and East-Herts Musical Festival

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North and East-Herts Musical Festival

Buntingford Musical Society's Successes

Buntingford was again well represented in the North and East-Herts Musical Competitions, held at Letchworth recently.

The competitors themselves have reason to be proud of their efforts, and the town and district congratulates them on again winning, in addition to other prizes, the handsome challenge cup, which was won by the Buntingford Musical Society in 1923 and 1924.

There was keen competition at this year's festival, and the adjudicator, Dr Whitaker, complimented the choirs on their performances. He especially alluded to the tenors.

Again we make no apology for attributing the Musical Society's success to the skill of their able conductor, Mr E.E. Dennis, who must feel very satisfied at winning the challenge cup three years out of four.

The awards were as follows:

Silver Challenge Cup - Buntingford Mixed Choir. "Sleepers Aware" (Bach).

First Prize - Buntingford Mixed Choir. "Full Fathom Five."

First Prize - Buntingford Mixed Choir. "Flora gave me fairest flowers."

Silver cup. Buntingford Men's Choir. "Hey Nonny No."

Second prize - Buntingford Ladies Choir. "Rose Leaves" and "Fly not so fast."

Fouth Prize - Buntingford Senior School Choir.

In the Ladies' Competition, Buntingford nearly secured the premier award, losing by one point only.

28th May 1926 - Hertfordshire County Library

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Hertfordshire County Library

The Local Committee of the Buntingford Centre met on Tuesday at the Parish Room, the Rev. A. Howard presiding in the absence of the Chairman (Mr C. Fraser).

The other members present were Mrs H. Williams, Mrs Page, the Rev. L.W. Wright, Mrs Baker and the Local Librarian (Mrs Howard).

It was decided to open the Library weekly on Tuesdays from 6 to 7 p.m., commencing with a formal opening on Tuesday next (June 1st), when those who have signed the membership cards will be able to select a book.

28th May 1926 - Garden Fete at Layston Court

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Garden Fete at Layston Court

In Aid Of The Women's Institute

The long-talked of Garden Fete was held on Whit-Monday, May 24th, in the grounds of Layston Court (kindly lent by Miss Woods), and was a huge success in every way. The members of the Fete Committee, supplemented by many willing helpers, spared no pains to make the affair successful. Preparations had been going on for several months, with a result that there were several well-stocked stalls.

The weather was on its best behaviour until 9 p.m., when rain fell just as dancing commenced. Financially, the fete was a great success, but the sum actually realised is not yet available.

The fete was opened at 2.30 p.m. by Lady Hunsdon. The ceremony took place under a large tree in the grounds, where were assembled about 150 people, including the President of the Institute (Mrs H.C. Marshall), Mrs H.H. Williams and Miss Woods.

Mrs H.C. Marshall, after introducing Lady Hunsdon, said that as it was Empire Day she thought it would be appropriate if the company sang "Rule Brittania." Mrs Scarborough Taylor sang the verse, and all present joined in the chorus.

Lady Hunsdon expressed the pleasure it gave her to be present and enjoy the hospitality of her friend (Miss Woods) in such charming surroundings. Buntingford always did things well and that afternoon they had turned on most wonderful weather for the fete. She would like to refer too the late Mrs  Woods, with whom she had discussed the question of a Women's Institute in Buntingford.

Lady Hunsdon then formally declared the fete open.

Mrs H.H. Williams returned thanks to Lady Hunsdon for opening the fete.

Miss Sheila Armstrong handed Lady Hunsdon a beautiful bouquet and the Band struck up God Save the King.

The stall-holders were soon busy. There were five stalls replete with gifts. The stalls comprised the following: general, Mrs H.C. Marshall, Mrs Scarborough Taylor, Mrs Armstrong and Miss Ward; Aspenden, Mrs Williams and Mrs Croslegh; fancy, Mr and Mrs Roberson; pound, Mrs Squires and Miss Sambels; sweets, Mrs J. Aylott, Mrs S. Smith and Miss Aylott; needlework, Mrs Feasey and Mrs Coleman; produce, Mrs H. May; Miss Olive Poulton, dressed as an Irish girl, sold Coleen soaps; and Miss Joan Roberson had charge of the doll competition; Miss Thwaites being in charge of the cake guessing.

A delightful feature of the Fete was the parade of children in fancy dress. The first prize was awarded to Soe White, the second prize going to Joan Roberson. All the children were delightfully dressed.

The side-shows comprised: hoop-la, Mr H.C. Marshall, Miss Marshall, Mr F. Fraser and Mrs Scarborough Taylor; bowls competition, Mr F.W. Butler (winner Mr W. May); clock golf, Mr W.J. May (winner Miss Marshall); lucky arrow, Mr E.J. Totman; and fortune-telling, Mr E. Mildren, jun. Miss Woods was in charge of the hidden treasure, the four half-crowns behind won by Miss Scrivener, Mr Chapman, Mr Lees, and Miss Boniwell.

Mrs Robinson, the Gypsy Fortune Teller, spent a busy afternoon and handed over her takings (£5) to the Treasurer.

Mrs White's drawings were much admired by visitors and members alike.

The tea enclosure did a capital business under the capable management of Mrs Fell, assisted by Mrs Clarke, Mrs Houlden, Mrs Darton, Mrs Pateman, Mrs Dellow, Mrs Warren, Mrs C. Clarke, Mrs Geaves, Mrs A. Smith, Mrs Rand, Miss Fell, and Miss Crane.

For the tennis tournament, arranged by Miss Porter, there were 30 entries, and in addition to the court at Layston Court, Mrs Ashford kindly placed her court at the disposal of the Committee.

A concert was given on the lawn during the afternoon where an excellent programme was well recieved by an enthusiastic audience. The programme was as follows: Scene from "As you like it," the W.I. Dramatic Section; two dances by Miss Olive Poulton; song "Devonshire Cream and Cider," Mr J.T. White; two-part songs by W.I. Choir, "The Seekers" and "Pam's Holiday." Mrs Armstrong acted as accompanist.

Later in the evening, country folk dancing took place on the lawn, when there was again an appreciative audience.

The Buntingford Town Silver Band were in attendance, and played selections during the afternoon and evening, also for dancing later in the evening.

There were so many helpers that we have probably omitted to mention some names. We are asked, however, to state that the committee are very grateful to all who assisted in any way to make the event such a success.

28th May 1926 - Ruri-Decanal Conference

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Ruri-Decanal Conference

The World Call To The Church

A meeting of representatives of the Ruri-Decanal Conference for the Rural Deanery of Buntingford, took place at the Assembly Rooms, the George Hotel, Buntingford, on Tuesday afternoon.

The Rev. F.R. Williams (Rural Dean), of Anstey, presided, being supported by the new Secretary (The Rev. W.L. Shepherd). The Clergy present were: The Rev. F.B. Philips, The Rev. A.G. Langdon, Rev. A. McKerr, Rev. L.W. Wright, Rev. A. Howard and Rev. F. Jobson. There were about 30 lay representatives present.

In opening the meeting the Rural Dean referred to the departure of the Rev. Stubbs and said The Rev. Web Bowen had been appointed Vicar of Barkway. The Conference extended a hearty welcome to the new Rector of Braughing, The Rev. F. Jobson.

The Rural Dean then alluded to the death of the Rev. W.J. Tapper, of Cottered, and said he was sure the conference would extend its deep sympathy with Mrs Tapper and her family. The Rev. Tapper had only been at Cottered about eight months, but he had made his mark there, and his excellent work would not be forgotten.

The Secretaries of the various committees then presented their annual reports. The Rev. Stubbs reporting on the Finance Committee, The Rev. A. Howard on the Missionary Committee, and The Rev A.G. Langdon on the Education Committee, after which an address on "The World Call to the Church" was given by the Rev. G.P. Winter, Association Secretary of the C.M.S.

The World Call, he said, is no single call, it comes from every section of the Church Overseas. Many and varied are the needs which lie behind the call, but the voice of the fiels is unanimous that the whole church should see the world situation as it really is.

The speaker dealt fully with the matter, and at the close of the address explained the proposals of the Bishop to hold meetings in almost every parish in the Diocese when special speakers would address the Parochial Electors.

At the close of his address, The Rev. Winter was accorded a hearty vote of thanks on the proposition of the Rural Dean.

The Rural Dean's Retirement

The Hon. Baron Dimsdale said he had heard that they were likely to lose the most essential services of their Rural Dean, The Rev. F.R. Williams. if this was correct he hoped that some small testimonial would be raised to mark the gratitude of the representatives on the Conference for the work he has done. (Applause).

Col. Heaton-Ellis associated himself with Baron Dimsdale's remarks, and said he would like to echo every word that had been said. He hoped that a gift would be made to their Rural Dean, not so much for its intrinsic value but as very real proof of the esteem and affection in which he was held.

The Rev. A. Howard also associated himself with Baron Dimsdale's remarks.

The Rural Dean said he was exceedingly grateful for what had been said. In this Diocese one was only supposed to hold the office of Rural Dean for five years, but he had held the office for seven years, and was acting Rural Dean three years before that.

During his term of office, he had been on most friendly terms with everyone, and it was through the kindness of those with whom he had to work that his term of office had been such a pleasant one. (Applause).

The Conference then closed with the Grace, after which tea was served to the representatives present.

28th May 1926 - Motor Cycle v. Motor Car

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Motor Cycle v. Motor Car

A motor cycle ridden by Mr A. Clark, of Sandon, came into collision with a car being driven by Mr F.M. Warren, of St Ives, at Buckland on Whit-Monday.

The accident took place near the sharp turning from Buckland to Barkway. Mr Clark received injuries and had to be conveyed to his home, his machine being badly damaged.

The owner of the car was able to proceed after minor adjustments.

Another Smash

Another motor cycle accident is reported from Buckland. Two motor cyclists were on Monday proceeding to Edmonton, when one of them took the wrong turning at the foot of Whitby Lane and was thrown from his machine.

He received severe head injuries, and after medical attention was removed to Royston Hospital by Mr T.R. Carter.

28th May 1926 - For Sale

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For Sale

Envelopes for 1 and a half pence per packet. "Gazette" Office, Buntingford.

Water glass - Egg preservative. 1lbs. at 5d., 2lbs at 8 and a half pence, 4lbs at 1/2. E.P. Borsberry, Ironmonger, Buntingford.

Runner bean (colossal). A monster bean and a great cropper; very robust growth; beans in big clusters, often 18ins in length; the best bean in cultivation. 1/- per pint. H.A. Thody, Florist, Buntingford.

Lady's cycle, in going order, 15/-; Clothes horses, 4-fold, 2/9 each; Hand sewing machine, in working order, with case, 13/-; 22 inch Mangle, in good condition, 52/6; Oak wardrobe, bevelled mirror, with drawer, £3 10s.; Mahogany Washstand, with marble top, 13/6; Bedroom carpet, as new, 30/-. J. Marvill, Market Hill, Buntingford.

21st May 1926 - Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

A very large and successful meeting took place at the George Room on Wednesday evening of last week. The members not on the Committee gave a free tea, and themselves provided the tiems of entertainment. The chair was taken by Miss Woods as a non-Committee member.

Mention was made by the President and Chairman of the joy at the conclusion of the strike, and of the desirability of avoiding all bitterness or sarcasm, fostering a spirit in every quarter of Buntingford of goodwill and good fellowship.

Mrs Houlden jun., was the accompanist and gave a piano solo; Mrs Thwaites and Miss Howard sang; and delightful recitations and readings were given by Mesdames Howard, Saggers, Horth, the Misses Beadle and Nurse Davies; amusing stories were told by Mrs Baker and Miss Lushington; two dances were delightfully performed by Miss Poulton, accompanied by Miss Macklin; and the competition glees were well sung under the able conductorship of Miss Baker.

Two interesting competitions were arranged by Mrs Warren and Miss Doris Camp, and prizes were won by Miss Leslie, Miss Boniwell and Mrs M. Miles. The prizes consisted of eggs, sugar, tea and butter, given respectively by Mrs Warren, Mrs David Baker, Mrs Geaves and Miss Woods.

21st May 1926 - Westmill Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

The April monthly meeting was a great success. There was a good attendance to hear a talk on gardens by Mrs Martin, of Hunsdon, which was thoroughly instructive and amusing.

It was followed by a most successful exchange of bedding and pot plants; and an egg collection for Royston Hospital amounted to 156 in number.

Mrs Deacon (the President) was in the chair. Hostesses were Mrs Pratt, Mrs J. Rayment, Miss F. Rayment, Mrs Read, Miss Read and Mrs T. Russell.

21st May 1926 - Salvation Army

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Salvation Army

Capt. Pollock and Lieut. Peacock, of the Buntingford Branch of the Salvation Army, left the town yesterday for new appointments. They succeeded Capt. Sweet and Lieut. Moore 12 months ago.

A special farewell meeting was held in the Salvation Army Hall on Monday evening, when the good wishes of the members was extended to the officers. The Salvation Army Home League also extended good wishes. 

The new officers, who take over today (Friday), are Capt. Green and Lieut. Andrews.

21st May 1926 - Rook Shoot

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Rook Shoot

By kind invitation of Mr W.J. Wedd, the annual rook shoot was held at Corney Bury last week. There were about 70 guns and a plentiful supply of birds.

Some good shooting was witnessed, as most of the birds were very strong on the wing. A company of about 100 sat down to an excellent tea, served in the old farmhouse.

After tea the party made another round of the rookeries, and brought up the number of birds to about 650.

21st May 1926 - The Post Office

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The Post Office

The grateful thanks of the public are due to several ladies and gentlemen of the town and district who have assisted the postal authorities during the recent strike.

As there were no trains at all from Buntingford, Mr A.C. Bartlett had to make arrangements for the mails to be taken and fetched from Ware twice daily. There was a ready response to the call for assistance, and as a result an excellent service was maintained throughout the strike.

On some occasions there was a rush of business as the mail had to connect with the Ware despatch, but Mr Bartlett and his staff dealt with the despatches in a prompt and efficacious manner, with a result that little inconvenience was caused the public.

Those ladies and gentlemen who conveyed the mails to and from Buntingford were: Col. C.H.B. Heaton-Ellis, Mr H.C. Marshall, Mrs Stubbing, Rev. F.B. Philips, Mr C.H. Poulton Capt. H.H. Williams, Mr Hardy, Miss Lushington, Major Keeble, Mr J. Thwaites and Mr E. Mildren.

21st May 1926 - Notes of the Week

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Notes of the Week

Buntingford and the Strike - T.U.C. and N.U.R. - This Weather - A Strange Gathering - Food Only


Well done! The thanks of the public are due to those ladies and gentlemen of Buntingford and district who gave their services in various ways during the strike.

There were many things which had to be dealt with, and the spirit in which all volunteers gave their services was much admired.


The Mails - Throughout the ten days of the strike, the mails for Buntingford and district were conveyed to and from Ware by local car owners.

An official of the Post Office accompanied the mails on each occasion, and there is no doubt that some speed records were put up on the Ware road - Express delivery with a vengeance.


A Police Speed Up - The writer of these notes recollects an incident which occurred during a Parliamentary Election some years before the war. 

A motor car had been sent out to a distant part to bring in three Police Constables to poll at Buntingford. The poll closed at 7 p.m., and at two minutes to that the car had not returned.

At 6.59 a droning noise was heard and a crowd of persons near the Conservative and Liberal Committee Rooms in the High Street knew that the car was coming down the hill from Hillside. It was a race against the clock, and as the car tore up the High Street to the cheers of the waiting crowd the town clock struck the hour; the constables were just in time to record their votes.


Food Only - Reference was made in this Paper last week to a Ford van which carried a side of bacon on the bonnet.

Last Friday a lorry passing through the town had chalked on the back "Milk for Baby," "Beer for Dad."


The Canteen - The all-night canteen for lorry drivers was a boon to several tired and cold men who were engaged in transporting food-stuff to London from the market gardens of Cambridge and Lincolnshire.

On Monday morning four persons of very different callings met in the canteen. One was the driver of a lorry loaded with cabbages, another a member of the Editorial Staff of The Daily Telegraph, one a petrol distributing agent, and one a gipsy in a pair of very worn boots and a ragged coat, whose horse had strayed from Westmill where a "pull up" had been made for the night. Incidentally he was a Yorkshireman, and came from the same town as the same volunteer who served him with a cup of hot coffee.


T.U.C. and N.U.R - Much has been said and written of the Policy of the T.U.C. and N.U.R. To save a long debate it is quite easy to find their policy.

Simply turn the letters around, you then have - CUT and RUN.


Congratulations - Congratualtions to the Buntingford Musical Society on their success at the Herts. Musical Festival at Letchworth on Saturday.

The adjudicator, Dr Whitaker, spoke highly of the Buntingford Choir. The choir passed on the compliments to their able conductor, Mr E.E. Dennis, to whom the efficiency of the choir is undoubtedly due.


Whitsun Weather - Unless there is a considerable change in the weather this weekend there is little prospect of a sunshine Whitsun, such as we have experienced for the past seven years.

Our gardens and farm crops are sadly in need of the warm sun. In many gardens early potatoes have suffered from frost, which has occurred on several nights recently.


The Women's Institute Fete - Given a fine day, the Fete, to be held at Layston Court on Monday, should be a great success.

There are many novel events including a parade of children in fancy dress. From latest reports there will be several well-filled stalls.

21st May 1926 - Death of Lady Lushington

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Death of Lady Lushington

The death of Lady Lushington, wife of Sir Arthur Lushington, of The Hermitage, Melton, Suffolk, and Lord of the Manor of Aspenden, near Buntingford, occurred in a nursing home at Ipswich, on May 7th.

There are five memorial windows to the Lushington family in Aspenden Church.

21st May 1926 - Hertfordshire County Library

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Hertfordshire County Library

Buntingford Branch

Membership cards may now be obtained at Mr Day's, to be returned when signed to Mr Day, or to the Local Librarian (Mrs Howard.)

The Library will be opened at the Parish Room as soon as can be arranged.

21st May 1926 - Farrington, Boot and Shoes Business

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After 140 years - The Boot and Shoes Business, established by Mr W. Farrington 140 years ago, was last week transferred to Mr E. Browne.

Mr E. Farrington and Mrs and Miss Ridley left for their new home at Folkestone on Wednesday, and their many friends in Buntingford and district will wish them success in their new venture.


You can find another notice about the transfer here.

21st May 1926 - Correspondence

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To the Editor, Buntingford Gazette.


I would like to add to the list of those mentioned by G. Scarborough Taylor in his letter of last week the splendid fellows who manned the lorries (of my firm and other firms) up and down the country and collected the goods from London warehouses, docks and wharves, under most trying conditions and at considerable risk of injury.

It was the courageous efforts of these men which saved us all from what might have been a very unpleasant experience.

Thanks to them there was no shortage of any essential food supplies, and, speaking for myself and the business I manage, supplies from Hitchen headquarters came along with amazing regularity, although, of course, one only lived from day to day, not knowing what the morrow might bring forth.

I beg to remain, Sir,

Your obedient servant,

S. Daniels

High Street, Buntingford, May 20th, 1926.

21st May 1926 - Buntingford Congregational Church

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Buntingford Congregational Church

Sunday School Anniversary

Last Sunday a very happy time was spent in the Congregational Church, the occasion being the Sunday School Anniversary.

The visiting preacher was Mr C.V. Skipp, of London, E.C., who delivered very helpful and encouraging addresses, and whose visit was very much appreciated by the congregations that gathered during the day. 

There was special singing by the scholars, who had been admirably trained by Mr Herbert Cutts. A word of appreciation must be given to Mr Cutts for the preliminary care he bestowed on the training; to the scholars for the excellent way in which they responded; to Mrs Peacock for her services with the violin throughout the day, and to the many parents and friends, who, by their presence, showed their practical interest in the work of the school. The funds of the school were considerably augmented by the offerings taken during the day.

In the morning the Minister conducted the first part of the service, and welcomed our visitor. Mr Skipp's address was to the scholars. He spoke on birthdays. The Anniversary was a birthday, and just as on the occasion of our individual birthdays we look forward, so we can do on this.

As the years go by we must look forward, and strive that they may find us advancing in kindness, goodness, character, and in all that Jesus wants us to be; so that even as others who had looked forawrd have made the world a better place to live in, e.g., Livingstone, Capt. Cook, Florence Nightingale, Grace Darling, we too shall follow their example and be worthy citizens and at last win the "Well done" of the Master.

In the afternoon, Mr Skipp gave the scholars another earnest and thoughtful address. Basing his remarks on the Parable of the Sower, he said there were many kinds of hearts in the world e.g., the stony heart, where the seed of the Word of God could not penetrate because it was turned against holiness and mercy; the heart openly receptive to the Word of God, which it views as a beautiful thing, but there is no depth of character to bring the resolution to a head; the heart that wants God, and that gives a ready response to the Word, but it wants other things as well, things which cannot live with the good seed; there are hearts here in the springtime of life, with wonderful possibilities, tomorrow they will be a power in the world, and the preacher urged his young hearers to accept the Master, to take the seed of His kindenss, love and self-sacrifice unto themselves and to let the word He wants to speak to them abide with them all their days, then the good seed will grow, and they will become men and women after His own heart.

Mr Skipp conducted the evening service, and address the parents and teachers. Telling the story of the conflict between David and Goliath of Gath, he said that each child has a Goliath to fight, and that giant is his own self. The child must learn to conquer self and self-interest, so that it falls with a thud to the ground. This can only be done with the stone of Love, slung from the sling of the Spirit of God.

Since every man and woman, whether he or she turns out good or bad, comes into the world first a little child, and with clasping hands, pattering feet, and sparkling eyes, he appealed to his hearers to realize [sic] the great responsibility that was laid upon them as they looked into the face of the child.

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