Showing posts with label Dowding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dowding. Show all posts

2nd March 1928 - Preliminary Notice Puckeridge

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Preliminary Notice

Puckeridge, Herts.

Important sale of freehold properties

G. Scarborough Taylor, P.A.S.I., has received instructions from Mr F. Mardell, who is giving up business on account of ill-health, to sell by auction, at "The White Hart" Hotel, Puckeridge, on Monday, March 26th, 1928, at 5 p.m., the large-covered garage, showrooms and sheds, small shop and dwelling house, large garden with 2 large greenhouses, the whole having a frontage of 59ft. to the main Ware-Cambridge Road.

Further particulars in subsequent issues and of Arthur C. Dowding, Esq., solicitor, 5 and 6, South Square, Gray's Inn, London, W.C.1; or of the Auctioneer, Auction Offices, Buntingford (Tel. 20); Baldock (Tel. 62); Welwyn (Tel. 98); and Hatfield, Herts. (Tel. 16).

21st January 1927 - Layston Church Sunday School

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Layston Church Sunday School

The annual prizegiving took place in the George Assembly Room on Wednesday evening, and was much enjoyed by children, parents, teachers and friends. After the singing of well-known choruses, Miss M. Macklin kindly acting as accompanist.

Rev. A. Howard spoke with appreciation of the work of the teachers, and alluded to the loss the Sunday School had sustained in the departure of Miss E. Howard, who with the help of several young teachers, had done much to improve the infant Sunday School.

He expressed sympathy with Miss Woodley in the loss of her father, and urged the parents present to encourage the children in regular attendance.

The prizegiving followed, after which Mr B. Thody most kindly gave a lantern lecture combining amusement, interest and instructions, which was greatly appreciated by all, the local touches raising peals of laughter.

The following is the list of prizewinners:

Boys I - Eric Nichols, W. Warner, A. Howard.

Boys II - L. Fiddaman, Charlie Scrivener, Horace Darton, Jack Crouch.

Girls I - Ethel Winters, A. Coxall.

Girls II - Vera Dowding, D. Warner.

Very regular - W. Winters, Vera Nichols.

Boys III - Christopher Hurry, Cyril Kimpton, Percy Scrivener.

Infants I - Very regular. R. Winters, Maud Hurry, Gladys Butler, C. Woods, T. Fiddaman.

Infants II - Very regular. K. Warner, S. Hurry, Doris Butler, F. Darton.

Infants III - G. Kimpton, Ben Crouch.

Class IV - Albert Butler, Joan Woods.

22nd April 1927 - The Buntingford and District Musical Society's Easter Draw

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The Buntingford and District Musical Society's Easter Draw


The following are the Prize-winners, together with the Prizes, in connection with the Buntingford and District Musical Society's Easter Draw. Those persons who had not yet received prizes can obtain same to by applying to Mr S. Daniels, High Street, Buntingford.

Name - Address - Prize

J. Castle - 20, Heaton Road, Heston - Silk for Jumper

J. Geary - 232, High Street, Ponder's End - Condiment Set

A. Brooker - London Road, Hitchin - Voucher

D.A. Burr - Standon - Powder Bowl

D. Pinnock - Cottered - Biscuit Barrel

A. White - 23, Green Road, Nr. Croydon - Sugar Bowl

D. Neale - Hare Street Lane - Easter Egg Basket

H. Mayes - Baldock Lane - Oak Tray

F. Handscombe - 9, Bridge St., Bishops Stortford - Umbrella

N. Page - Cottered - Iced Cake

Mr Tinsley - Buntingford Station - Half-dozen Knives.

E. Wyman - Nuthampstead - Port

Mr Taylor - Westmill - Teddy Bear

P.C. Brown - Letchworth - Tea Cosy

F.J. Hind - 12, Straff Road, Brixton - Wrist Watch

W. Hills - Cottered - Easter Egg

Miss Porter - Norfolk Road - Cigarettes

Miss Porter - Norfolk Road - Tin Biscuits

C. Chapman - Brecknock, Puckeridge - Fountain Pen

F. Savage - (White City) Walkern - Hearth Rug

A. Brinklow - 33, Vic Road, Bletchley - Tea Spoons

Vera Whiting - Church Street, Buntingford - Box Chocolates

J. Mitchell - 8, Shackleton Rd, Soulhall, Mix. - Cookery Book

N. Hatchett - Wyddiall - Easter Egg

J.G. Mallian - 27, Croft Road, Ware - Fruit Bowl

A.A. White - 23, Greenwood Road, Croydon - Silk Scarf

Vera Dowding - Wyddiall Road - Fowl

Mrs Scott - Church Street - Scooter

A. Jackson - Buntingford - Mirror

E.C. Howard - Langley, Bucks - Chocolates

Mark Hammond - Throcking - Pair Silk Stockings

Mrs Heman - Easter Egg

Mr H. Houlden - Station Road - Clock

Grip - High Street - Box Handkerchiefs

S. Corp - Wakeley - Whiskey

Joan Sparkes - Furneaux Pelham - Tin Tea.

11th June 1926 - The Bazaar

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The Bazaar

The Bazaar in the Benson Hall on June 5th and 7th was a great success. The exact amoung of the takings is not yet known, but will be about £120. Large numbers filled the Hall on both days, and hearty appreciation was expressed at the price of the goods offered. The enormous stock was almost sold out.

There were eight stalls - fancy goods, coats and skirts, jumpers and blouses, underclothing, men's clothes, boots and shoes, refreshments, and a "Woolworths" stall at which every article was 6d. or less.

Among the sellers were the Rev. Mother and Sisters from the Convent, Mesdames Bennett, Castle, Dowding, Gabbitas sen., Gabbitas jun., Game, Leslie, Plumb, Watson; Misses Blakiston, Day, Graves, Knight, Leslie, Marriage, McCarthy, Morgan, Spencer, Wilkerson; Messrs. Castle, Charles Gabbitas, Fred Gabbitas, Rowley.

Among the side-shows were - 1, silver mine, in which the prizes went to Miss D. Spencer and Mr P. Castle; 2, guessing weight of lump of coal (113 and a half lbs.), correctly guessed by Mr M. Blakiston; 3, cake, won by Miss Marriott; 4, basket of eggs, won by Mrs Knight; 5, dinner (chicken, vegetables, sweets), won by Mr Balls; 6, table-centre, won by Mrs Leslie.

Father Owen, the former parish priest, gave great pleasure to his old friends, by motoring down from town with his brother and mother on the Monday afternoon.

At the conclusion of the Bazaar, Father Morgan thanked all the helpers, whose hard work had ensured this great success.

Bazaar Items

Parcels for the Bazaar came from all over England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

The promoters intended to keep a record of the number of parcels and boxes, but lost count after two hundred.

It took hundreds of hours to mark the goods.

One stall was marked "Here we are - Woolworths," every article being 6d. or less.

Buyers were five deep round some of the stalls. 

A big trade was done in hot tea and ices. No, the ices were not hot.

The weight of a lump of coal could be guessed for 1d. It was 113 and a half lbs.

Competitors were allowed to pick it up, but did not.

One of the guessers asked "Would it be a ton?" The frivolous custodian replied "It would be if it could, but it can't."

The coal was won (of course) by a man who uses no coal in his house.

A silver mine contained silver coins, the position of which could be guessed for 1d.

There was no strike of miners.

Guessing was popular. The weight of a cake could be guess for 6d, and the number of eggs in a closed basket for 3d.

Brigands in pretty dresses and bobbed tresses recorded the guesses.

Father Morgan guessed 19 lbs. for the cake. This was considered uncomplimentary.

Nobody said a cross word all through the Bazaar, and everybody seemed pleased with everything. There were many wonderful bargains.

27th Jan 1928 - Layston Sunday School Annual Prize Distribution

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Layston Sunday School

Annual Prize Distribution

The Prize-giving and Entertainment to the Church Sunday School scholars took place at the Women's Institute Hall on Tuesday evening. There was a large number of scholars, parents and friends present.

The Vicar (the Rev. A. Howard) handed Bibles, Prayer Books or story books to the successful boys and girls. Each child was applauded on receiving his or her prize, Cyril Kimpton coming in for a special hand-clap for not having missed attendance once.

After the prize distribution Mr B.E. Thody gave a lantern lecture on "The Wonders of London," "The Tower of London," "Waterloo" and "A visit to the Zoo."

At the close thanks were accorded the Rev and Mrs Howard, the teachers, Mr B.E. Thody, and all those who had contributed to the evening's enjoyment. 

Before dispersing, the National Anthem was heartily sung and each child was handed an orange, the gift of Mrs Alex. Dixon.

The following is a list of those who recieved prize books:


Class 2- 1 W. Winters, V. Dowding, 2 D. Warner, 3 Vera Nicholls. Class 3 - 1 Gladys Butler, 2 Maud Hurry, 3 D. Harradance.


Class 1 - 1 Eric Nicholls, 2 W Warner, 3 L. Fiddaman. Class 2 - 1 Cyril Kimpton, 2 R Nicholls, 3 C. Hurry. Class 3 - 1 R. Winters, 2 C. Woods, 3 T. Fiddaman, H. Smith.


Class 1 - 1 Kitty Warner, 2 Joyce Woods, Doris Butler, 3 F. Darton. Class 2 - 1 George Kimpton, 2 Ben Crouch. 3 - 1 Joan Woods, 2 Mary Hurry.

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