Puckeridge, Herts
G. Scarborough Taylor, P.A.S.I., has received instructions from the Trustees and the Estate of the late Mr Frederick Cates to sell by auction at "The White Hart" Hotel, Puckeridge, on Wednesday, October 27th, 1926, at 5.30 p.m., excellent freehold property, comprising four valuable cottages, known as "Larkens," situate in the High Street also one cottage in Baron's Yard, together with attractive residential property, known as "The Hut," situate in the High Street.
Further particulars of Messrs. Marrar Porter & Co., 2 Wardrobe Place, Doctor's Common, London, E.C. 4; and the Auctioneer, Auction Offices, Buntingford (Tel. 20); Baldock (Tel. 62); Welwyn (Tel. 98); and Hatfield (Tel 16).