Showing posts with label Matthews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Matthews. Show all posts

14th May 1926 - Funeral of Mrs J. Matthews

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Funeral of Mrs J. Matthews

On Tuesday afternoon, the moral remains of Mrs J. Matthews, widow of the late Rev. J. Matthews, were laid to rest in a corner of the little Churchyard.

Many old residents of the village were present to pay their last respects to one whose long life was given to the Kingdom of God. The Rev. Matthews was for 47 years vicar of Rushden, and since his death, his widow has resided at Felixstowe, where she passed away last week at the advanced ago of 80 years.

The remains were brought by road and were carried in to the Church by village men, most of whom had been members of the choir under deceased. The Vicar and the Rev. A. Howard, of Layston, conducted the service, which was fully choral, and quite in keeping with such an one as deceased.

There was a large number present at the Church, including the parishioners to do honour to her memory. Beside the immediate mourners we noticed: Dr and Mrs Fell, Mrs A. Dixon, Miss Woods, Mrs B. Cannon, Mrs Dudley, sen., Mrs H.E. Dudley, Mrs W. Sale, Mrs Tweed, Mrs Beadle, Mr and Mrs F.B. Cannon, Mr B. Cannon, Mrs Newland, Mrs P. Castle, Miss Field, and many others.

There was a large number of floral tributes, including a beautiful wreath from the old parishioners.

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