Showing posts with label Nursing Association. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nursing Association. Show all posts

21st December 1928 - Nursing Association

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Nursing Association

In aid of the above, a flag day was held in Buntingford on the 10th inst., and as a result the most acceptable sum of £6 14s. 5d. was raised.

The Committee and Treasurer of the Nursing Association are very grateful to those who sold flags or assisted in any way with the event.

15th October 1926 - Wyddiall Harvest Thanksgiving

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Harvest Thanksgiving

Harvest Thanksgiving Services were held at the Parish Church on Wednesday, October 6th, and the following Sunday.

On Wednesday evening there was a crowded congregation, when the preacher was the Rev. H.A. Marshall, Vicar of Royston. The collection, which amounted to £2 5s. 8d., was for the Royston Hospital.

On Sunday, October 10th, there were again crowded congregations, the Rector preaching at both the morning and evening services.

The collections throughout the day amounted to £3 5s. 7d., and were given to the Buntingford Nursing Association.

24th December 1926 - Concert at the Benson Hall

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Concert at the Benson Hall

For the Buntingford & District Nursing Association

The concern given at the Benson Hall on December 15th by "The Bunties" Concert Party, attracted a crowded audience that spent a very delightful evening.

The concert party were so successful last season that they decided to carry on during the 1926-27 season, and it must be said that their new programme went with a swing from beginning to end.

The items consisted of the latest musical "hits," and many of the choruses were taken up by the enthusiastic audience. Mrs G. Scarborough Taylor and Mr B. Kennedy were loudly applauded for their two special numbers "Waiting for the Moon" and by request, "Leander."

Mr J. White sang "Leanin" and "An Old-Time Song," being assisted in the latter by Mrs Scarborough Taylor. Mrs G. Armstrong, who last year gave such delightful dances, was partnered with Mr Bobbie Adamson, and their "Charleston" number was one of the best items on the programme.

Mrs Armstrong and Mr Brian Kennedy had a great reception for their picture from the past "A Second Minuet"; they were re-called twice, and each received gifts from members of the audience.

Mrs G. Scarborough Taylor's interpretation of Gounod's "Flower Song" (from Faust) was perfect, and won a deafening encore.

Mrs G. Armstrong and Mrs Scarborough Taylor sang with success "Ukelee." Mr G. Armstrong's droll monologues kept the audience in a ripple of laughters, as did Mr G. Scarborough Taylor in a first-class comedy act "Where are the Girls of the Old Brigade."

"Poor Papa," sung by Mr Bobbie Adamson was another number which brought rounds of applause. Of the concerted numbers "The Biff Brigade" is worthy of special mention; the marching and turning of the troupe, dressed as toy soldiers, was exceedingly well done. "Then I'll be happy" "There may be Days" and "A little bit of fun"; the latter with the aid of the entire adience, were other successful numbers by the Company. The concerted numbers by Mr G. Armstrong and Mr Scarborough Taylor also deserve mention.

A dramatic sketch, "The Brass Door-Knob," was given by Mrs G. Armstrong and Mr Scarborough Taylor, and was performed so well that the audience were spellbound till the final curtain. "The Bunty Medley," arranged by Rieta Hull, the accomplished pianist to the troupe brought the evening to a close.

The stage lighting and management and effects were undertaken by Messrs. H.M. Blakiston, B.E. Thody, J. Handy and H. Feasey. Miss Ward greatly assisted the production.

At the close, Mr Claud Fraser called for three cheers for the Troupe and thanked them for such a delightful programme.

It is understood that the net proceeds, which will be paid over to the Nursing Fund, are expected to reach £20.

21st January 1927 - The C.S.S.

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The C.S.S.

If during the past week you have been accosted by a gentleman, who, before leaving you, has relieved you of a penny, there is no fear that you have been the victim of a confidence trick.

"On Monday," writes a correspondent, "I was accosted by a rather stout gentleman who begged of me to give him a penny. I told him that I had nothing but a sixpence and he quickly took this and tendered me five pennies change. Why should he beg, I thought, he is too well nourished to want food, and too well dressed to want clothes. Before my thoughts had wandered further he handed me a printed slip about 2 1/2 inches by 1 inch. On it were these words:




I found out on Thursday, that the gentleman was none other than Mr H. Clarke, and that as a result of his penny snatching he had paid into the Buntingford Nursing Fund Account at Messrs Barclays Bank the sum of six shillings."

25th February 1927 - Buntingford Independent Foresters' Friendly Society Annual Meeting

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Buntingford Independent Foresters' Friendly Society

Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the members of the Buntingford Independent Foresters' Friendly Society was held at the Society's Hall on Monday evening.

The Chief Ranger, Bro. J.B. Cutts, presided, other members of the Court present being: Brother E. Saunders (Sub-Chief Ranger), Bro. E. Bolton (Senior Woodward), Bro. A. Coxall (Junior Woodward), Bro. D. Wallis (Senior Beadle), Bro. W. Budd (Junior Beadle), and Bro. B.E. Thody (Assistant Secretary).

The Court was opened with the usual formalities, after which the Assistant Secretary stated that the sickness benefit paid during the past month amounted to £21 3s. 10d., and funeral benefit £14.

Applications were received for assistance from the Subsidiary Benefit Fund, and these were favourably considered by the Court.

Balance Sheet

The Secretary submitted the books and accounts of the society for the year ending 31st December 1926.

On the sickness fund there was a balance of £2554 5s. to the good. The amount paid in sickness benefit during the year was £269 4s. 4d.

The funeral fund showed a satisfactory balance of £1209 15s. 1d. In the subsidiary benefit fund there was a balance of £118 15s. 2d.

Members had been assisted from this fund during the year, and the Society had also made the usual donations of £2 2s. to the Hertford County Hospital and the Buntingford Nursing Fund.

The management and medical expenses amounted to £71 19s. 4d., the receipts being £90 11s. 8d., leaving a balance in hand of £18 12s. 4d.

The statement of funds, which totals £3901 7s. 7d., was shown as follows: War Loan £3205 5s., Hertfordshire Housing Bonds £100, Freehold Property £100. Post Office Savings' Bank £462 6s. 4d. Cash in hand at end of the year £23 16s. 3d. There was a membership of over 200.

The Chairman said he thought the accounts were entirely satisfactory; the Society was on a sound financial footing, and the various funds each showed an increase on the previous year's workings.

The Sub-Chief Ranger then proposed, and Bro. E. Bolton seconded, that the accounts be submitted to the Auditors.

The whole of the Officers were re-elected en-bloc and thanked for their past services.

The minutes of the meeting were then read, and the Court formally closed by the Chief Ranger.

It is pleasing to record that the Society, which commenced its activities as far back as 1874, is in such a satisfactory position, and it is hoped that many young men who are not members, will come forward and join in its activities.

The Secretary, who is Mr Ernest G. Thody, has held that office since 1896.


[Note from Alison - The amount of total funds available is equivalent to approximately £225,000 in today's money.]

25th February 1927 - Correspondence from Miss G. Lushington

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To the Editor, Buntingford Gazette

Dear Sir,

Through the medium of the Buntingford Gazette, I wish to thank all those who so kindly helped to make the Buntingford Nursing Fund whist drive and dance such a success, either by the gift of prizes, money towards expenses, cakes and other refreshments, and last but not least, to those who gave personal service special thanks are due, and to the Band and Mr Bishop who kindly relieved them.

I am pleased to tell you I have handed £8 8s. to the Treasurer as the result, after all expenses have been paid.

I much regretted the absence, through illness, of about 12 regular patrons, wishing them a speedy recovery.

Believe me, yours truly,

G. Lushington.

Absesdene, February 27th, 1927.

18th February 1927 - Buntingford Nursing Fund Whist Drive and Dance

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Buntingford Nursing Fund

Whist Drive and Dance

Miss Lushington and her willing helpers are to be heartily congratulated upon the complete success of her annual whist drive and dance held on Wednesday evening in the Benson Hall.

There was a large gathering, especially for the dancing.

The evening commenced with a whist drive, prizes for which had been kindly given by Lady Heaton-Ellis, Mrs H.C. Marshall, Mrs H.H. Williams, Mrs Mevett, Mrs Wyman, Miss Lushington, Dr and Mrs R.W. Fell, and Rev. A.L. Panchaud.

Twenty-five tables were occupied, and the prizes were presented by Miss Lushington to the following:

Ladies - 1, Mrs A. Clark (biscuit barrel); 2, Miss W. Walsingham (half tea service); 3, Mrs Wallis (tea cosy); lowest score - Mrs Geaves.

Gents - 1, Mr H. Hatchett (mirror); 2, Mr Coxall (shaving mirror); 3, Mr Mannox (pictures); lowest score - Mr Bishop.

A lucky chair prize went to Mrs Bennett, and the lucky ticket prize to Mr J. Bishop.

The Buntingford Town Band was in attendance, and dancing was indulged in until midnight, the excellent programme being enjoyed to the full.

Mr A.C. Bartlett for whist, and Mr L. Smith for dancing, were the two efficient M.C's.

20th May 1927 - Charity Football Match

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Charity Football Match

As a result of the football match between Mr J. Holmes' XI and Mr E.E. Dennis's XI., the sum of £5 15s. has been equally divided between the Buntingford Nursing Fund and the Buntingford Horticultural Society.

The amount is very satisfactory, and best thanks are due to Mr Holmes and Mr Dennis for arranging the fixture.

27th May 1927 - Nursing Association

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Nursing Association

The Committee of this beneficient Association have just issued their thirtieth annual report and balance sheet. Both will be perused with general interest.

The Committee acknowledge the generosity of the subscribers and their kindly thoughts in providing, in so many different ways, such substantial assistance to the funds of the Association, and beg to thank sincerely, "The Bunties" for their talented entertainment; Miss Lushington for another successful whist drive; all those who managed and collected on flag day; to the Foresters,' Mr Fry, and those who took collecting boxes; to Miss Pigg for her concert; to Mr Hedges for the time and skill he gives to the motorcycle; to Mr Jeff Smith for finding the accommodation for it; and to Mr E.C. Clarke for auditing the accounts.

There is also a reference in the report to the death of Mrs Elliott, who for many years helped and supported the Association.

The report refers to the popularity of Nurse Davies and Nurse Tunwell, whose excellent work and kind attention has been a boon to the patients and a satisfaction to the Committee. Nurse Davies paid 2,480 visits during the year, and Nurse Tunwell 1,379.

The balance sheet, including a balance in hand at the beginning of the year, shows total receipts £341 14s. 5d., and a credit balance of £20 2s. 9d. 

The chief items on the receipt side are: Subscriptions £78 18s. 6d., donations £68 7s. 11d., collections in Churches £8 18s. 9d., collecting boxes £3 4s., cottage monthly subscriptions £15 2s. 1d., maternity fees £25 7s., health and maternity grants £18 15s. 6d., contributions from Cottered £41 12s. 9d., from Rushden £18 8s. 8d., and from Westmill £28 2s. 7d.

Thanks from the town and district is accorded to the Committee and district representatives for their valuable services, and sincere gratitude is accorded Mrs Alex Dixon, the Chairman and Hon. Sec. Her devoted services for many years have been invaluable to the wellbeing of the Association.

10th June 1927 - Whit-Monday Fete

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Whit-Monday Fete

Opening Ceremony by Lady Salisbury

In favourable weather, a garden fete was held in the grounds of Layston Court (by kind permission of Miss E.M.A. Woods), on Whit-Monday. The fete was in aid of the Buntingford and District Nursing Association and the Buntingford Women's Institute.

The fete was opened at 3 p.m. by Lady Salisbury, who was introduced by Dr R.W. Fell.

Lady Salisbury, in a delightful speech, expressed the pleasure it gave her to be present in such charming surroundings. The object of the fete was an excellent one. The Buntingford Nursing Association did an excellent service to the community and was a boon to the villages. The Women's Institute was also deserving of assistance, for it did an enormous amount of good. (Applause).

Lady Salisbury was then presented with a bouquet by Anne Veasey, a pretty girl of four years.

The stall-holders were soon busy. There were five stalls replete with articles, while adjoining were numerous side-shows and attractions. A tennis tournament drew several entries. Teas were served under a large tree, the committee being assisted by a number of helpers.

Mrs Dixon proposed a vote of thanks to Lady Salisbury for so kindly opening the fete and this was seconded by Mrs H.C. Marshall, and carried with applause.

A programme of dances, with music supplied by the Band, concluded a very successful day.

There were so many helpers both before the day itself that we withhold the lengthy list, but mention should be made of the services of the fete Hon. Sec. Mr G.H. Maughan, who had been preparing for the event for some weeks.

9th July 1926 - Westmill School Entertainment

**Content warning: There is a racist term in the original article that I have censored in the text below, but is uncensored in the original image.**

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School Entertainment

The children of Westmill School gave a very successful entertainment on Friday in last week to a good and appreciative audience, in the Village Hall.

The first part of the programme took the nature of a ****** Troupe, and the boys acquitted themselves very creditably, with John Miller as Interlocutor and Charles and Ernest Pegram as cornermen, supported by Keith Bright and Edward Rayment.

To help in the singing, several girls dressed as pierrots gave a striking effect on the stage. This part concluded with a small sketch, entitled "The Ghost," very ably performed by the cornermen and Keith Bright, as ghost.

The second part was miscellaneous, chiefly devoted to the performance of the infants, which was capitally done and elicited continued applause from the audience.

Kathleen Jackson gave a monologue in a very clear and appreciative manner, followed by a song by Violet Miller, so well rendered that an encore was accorded her. 

The last item was a sketch, called "Who's Who?" performed by four girls (Hilda Reed, Elsie Bradbury, Alice Miller and Florrie Moule), all of whom gave a very good account of themselves, though the acting of Florence Moule as the servant, "Jemima Anne," brought round after round of laughter and applause.

A capital evening concluded with the National Anthem, and a hearty vote of thanks proposed by Mr C. Hummerstone to Mr Harvey and Miss Hankin was most warmly responded to.

As the entertainment was given in aid of the Nursing Fund, the sum of £4 1s. was handed over to Mrs C. Hummerstone, the secretary of the Westmill branch of the Nursing Association.

25th June 1926 - Buntingford Nursing Association

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Buntingford Nursing Association

The twenty-ninth annual report and statement of accounts of the above Association has recently been issued, and as usual affords pleasure in reviewing. Eight parishes are affiliated with the Assocation, which is thus one of the largest in North Herts.

The committee, in their report, express gratitude for the liberal support of subscribers and friends to the Nursing Association during the past year.

Thanks are accorded to Miss Woods, who permitted the Fete, on behalf of the Association, to be held at Layston Court last July, when the proceeds exceeded £62. Among others that rendered valuable aid in various ways were - The Foresters, Women's Institute, Miss Lushington, and Messrs. E.C. Clarke, H. Fry, A. Hedges, Jeffrey Smith, R. Brabrook and L. Smith.

The devoted work of the Nurses is highly appreciated throughout the parishes. Nurse Davies' visits totalled 2587 and Nurse Tunwells 1181.

Passing to the accounts, their perusal is equally gratifying, and show receipts £350 4s. 9d., and a balance in the treasurer's hands of £22 10s. 1d. 

Among the receipt items are - Subscriptions £79 5s. 6d., fete £62 2s. 11d., donations £32 10s., collections in Church £6 9s. 3d., and cottage monthly subscriptions £16 10s. 1d.

For many years the committee have always carried on their administrative work with signal success, and this is again a dominant feature acknowledged by the whole Association.

To Mrs A. Dixon, the time-honoured chairman and secretary, sincere thanks are expressed on all sides for the splendid work she does for the Association, which owes so much of its success and thorough efficiency to her wise counsel, energy and experience.

10th Feb 1928 - Annual Whist Drive

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Buntingford Nursing Fund

Annual Whist Drive

The Annual Whist Drive and Dance in aid of the Buntingford Nursing Fund was held at the Benson Hall on Wednesday evening.

The event was again organised by Miss Lushington, who was assisted by many willing workers both before the day and at the drive itself.

As many as twenty-seven tables were occupied for whist, while several persons came in afterwards for the dance. Mr A.C. Bartlett was M.C., and fulfilled his duties in a very efficient manner.

The prize winners were: Ladies - 1 Mrs F. Camp (179), 2 Mrs Green (171), 3 Miss Cornwell (171). Gents - 1 Mr A. Hodge (175), 2 Mr T. Pledger (175), 3 Mr G. Lindsell, jun. (174). The lucky ticket prizes went to Mr L. Poulton and Mr E. Pledger. Lowest scores - Miss M. Cornwell and Mr R. Cawthorne.

Miss Lushinton, in a brief speech, thanked all present, and emphasised the importance of the Buntingford Nursing Association, and referred to the admirable work being carried out by Nurse Davies. She also thanked all those who had contributed to the success of the evening. Miss Lushington then distrbuted the prizes to the successful whist players.

The following contributed to the prize fund or sent donations towards the expenses: Mrs Williams, Mrs Marshall, Mrs Weasey, Mrs Croslegh, Miss Lushington, Mrs Fell, Mrs Nevett, Mrs Fletcher and Mrs Dixon.

Dancing commenced at 10 p.m., and went on merrily until midnight, the Town Band and Mr J. Bishop kindly providing the music.

The event was most successful, and best thanks are due to Miss Lushington for again organising the annual whist drive.

19th Feb 1926 - Nursing Fund Whist Drive

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Nursing Fund Whist Drive and Dance

The annual whist drive, in aid of the Cottered Nursing Fund, was held in the hall, by kind permission of Mr Herbert Goode, on Tuesday evening.

The arrangements were well made by a band of workers, and a most enjoyable evening was spent by all present. The beautiful decorations were admired by all, and at the close, thanks were accorded Mr Goode for placing the hall at the disposal of the committee.

As usual, there was quite a large number present, and twenty-three table [sic] were in use for whist. Several non-whist players came later for the dancing which was indulged in until the early hours of the morning, the excellent dance programme being enjoyed to the full.

Mrs T.J. Stick, who for some time has carried out the duties of Hon. Treasurer, presented the prizes to the most successful players. She said she was pleased that so many were in sympathy with the Association, and she hoped that now Mrs Tapper had come to take over the duties of Treasurer, the Association would go on even more successfully (Applause).

Mrs W.J. Tapper said she was sure they were all grateful to Mrs Stick for what she had done for the Association. They were all sorry that Mrs Stick was unable to carry on as Treasurer, but they knew that the Association would receive her whole support (Applause).

For whist, Mr A. Beadle efficiently acted as M.C., and the prize-winners were:

Ladies - 1, Mrs Hull (clock); 2, Mrs A. Beadle (hot-water jug). Consolation - Miss Bastard.

Gents - 1, Mr J. Cannon (shaving set); 2, Mr C. Hills (ash tray and cigarettes). Consolation - Mr D. Pinnock.

Mr William Tapper acted as M.C. for the dancing, and the music was provided by Mr R. Brabrook (piano) and Mr G. Hunter (violin).

A special word of praise is due to the ladies of the Committee, who had charge of the refreshments, which gave satisfaction to all. Mention must also be made of the helpers who rendered their services as doorkeeps &c.

The sum of £9 0s. 9d. was realised.

12th Feb 1926 - Nursing Fund

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Nursing Fund

As a result of the whist drive and dance, held at the Benson Hall on Wednesday of last week, the organisers have been able to hand over the satisfactory sum of £8 5s. to the Hon. Treasurer of the Association.

12th Feb 1926 - Letters

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Buntingford Nursing Association

Dear Sir,

The Committee and Treasurer of the Buntingford and District Nursing Association tender their most grateful thanks to Miss Lushington for all the trouble she has taken in getting up the whist drive, and also to the very many who so willingly helped her.

£8 5. has been added to the funds, which is most acceptable.

12th Feb 1926 - Cottered whist drive

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Coals and coke - For prices write E.J. Crane, High Street, Buntingford ('Phone 37).

In aid of the Buntingford Nursing Association, a whist drive and dance will be held in the Hall (kindly lent by H. Goode, Esq.) on Tuesday next (February 16th), at 7pm.

1/6 including refreshments. 

Good prizes, competitions, &c.-

12th Feb 1926 - Letters

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Dear Sir - Through the medium of the "Buntingford Gazette," I should like to thank all those who either by contributions, prizes, refreshments or personal service, helped to make the whist drive and dance (in aid of the Buntingford Nursing Fund) the success it was.

Special thanks are due to the Band, who worked so hard during the dance. I am pleased to say that after all expenses I have been able to send in a cheque for £8 5s.

Again thanking all my friends.

Yours truly,

G Lushington

Buntingford, Herts.

Feb. 9th, 1926.

5th Feb 1926 - Nursing Fund Whist Drive

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Nursing Fund Whist Drive


Miss Lushington and her many helpers are to be heartily congratulated upon the complete success of their annual whist drive and dance held on Wednesday evening last at Benson Hall, Buntingford.

There was a large gathering, especially for the dancing, Mr E.E. Dennis acted as MC for Whist.

The evening commenced with a whist drive, prizes for which were given by local residents. Twenty-six tables were occupied, and the prizes were presented by Miss Lushington to the following:

Ladies - 1 Mrs D. Capps (umbrella), 2 Mrs Tapper (footwarmer), 3 Miss Cornwell (handkerchiefs).

Gents - 1 Mr Whitby (brush and comb), 2 Mr Gray (case of spoons), 3 Mr Baker (pictures).

Lucky tickets - Mr G. Lindsell (sugar basin) and Mr W. Watson (attache case).

Miss Lushington, in presenting the prizes, thanked the company for their help. The Nursing Association was a most efficient one, and it was pleasing to see such response to the call for help. She would also like to thank those who had assisted to make the annual event so successful (applause).

The Buntingford Town Silver Band was in attendance, and dancing was indulged in until midnight, the excellent dance programme being enjoyed to the full. Mr Leslie Smith acted as M.C. At intervals the Band was relieved by Mr E.E. Dennis (piano) and his dance music was much enjoyed.

At the close, Mr E.E. Dennis proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the band for their services.

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