Showing posts with label Benson Hall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Benson Hall. Show all posts

2nd March 1928 - Leap Year Dance

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Leap Year Dance

There were 110 dancers present at the leap year invitation dance on Wednesday evening, which took place in the Benson Hall.

The whole of the necessary arrangements were made entirely by Mrs Philpott, who is to be congratulated on the success achieved. Mrs Philpott not only issued the invitations, but also sold the admission tickets, besides contributing in no small way to the excellent assortment of refreshments which were served during the evening.

Refreshments were also given and served by Mrs Bishop, Mrs McGuinness, Mrs Blakiston, Mrs Plumb, Mrs W. Watson, Miss Mulvany and Miss Spencer. The duties of M.C. were undertaken by Mr Blakiston, who spared no pains to add merriment to the evening's enjoyment.

A special feature was the lighting effects, which were greatly admired by the energetic company present. The music, which added still greater pleasure to the proceedings, was supplied by the "Mavis" Dance Band, the members of which did their utmost to provide a programme to meet with the popularity of all. Their programme was excellent.

A Spot Dance Competition was won by Miss Philpott and Mr B. Howard, the former receiving a pound of chocolates for a prize and her partner a box of cigarettes. A Novelty Dance was also greatly enjoyed.

Mrs Whitehouse, of Sunny Hill, kindly lent her piano, and Mr W. Budd acted as door-keeper throughout the evening.

The proceeds, which were for the purpose of installing new electric light wiring in the hall, were very satisfactory, but the actual amount taken is not yet known.

It was generally agreed that this was one of the jolliest dances ever held in Buntingford.

28th December 1928 - Old Boys' Club

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Old Boys' Club

While rain descended in torrents on Saturday evening last, a fine goose was drawing dancers to the Benson Hall for an evening's dancing and to participate in the chance to secure the fine bird for a Christmas dinner.

The event, which was in aid of the Old Boys' Club, was most enjoyable, and what gave the dance that atmosphere of Yuletide was the decorations in the hall; these looked remarkably well, holly, ivy and other evergreens being lavishly displayed.

Mr Blakiston again won admiration as M.C., and so did the goose, which had been offered as a lucky ticket prize, and which went to Mr T. Hummerstone, of Westmill.

The Mavis Dance Band played some spirited selections, and one of the members, Mr Whitehouse, secured the bottle of port which was raffled for during an interval.

28th December 1928 - Benson Hall

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Benson Hall

The Variety Performance, being given throughout this week by Brett's Touring Company, is much appreciated by those who have already seen it.

And doubtless the hall will be filled to-night (Friday) and to-morrow for the concluding performances.

21st December 1928 - Christmas Attractions

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Christmas Attractions

The Old Boys' Club are holding another dance tomorrow (Saturday) evening at the Benson Hall, and this should be well attended.

The Hall will be decorated for the occasion, the Mavis Dance Band will be in attendance, and a goose (on view in Mr H.A. Jackson's window) wil be awarded to the holder of the lucky ticket. Tickets are 1/6 each.

- Well worth attending should be the shows to be given at the Benson Hall next week by the Brett Repertory Company, which is guaranteed the finest company now touring.

Commencing on Monday night, there will be an entirely different programme on each occasion. The performances will commence at 7.30 each evening.

Prices of admission, etc., are to be found on the posters exhibited in the town.

21st December 1928 - Buntingford Entertainment

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It is often said that one half of the world causes amusement for the other half, but this is not always the case. It only took half-a-dozen men from London, known as "The Impressibles" Concert Party, to amuse a good audience at the Benson Hall on Wednesday evening.

Those that had gathered from far and near never were allowed to think during the evening of the miserable journey they would experience on the way home.

The Party is well-known all over London as the leading laughter makers, and a couple of the members - Messrs. Harry Parr and Will Jennings - hold the distinguished positions of piano humorists at the Queen's Hall.

The whole programme was excellent in every respect, and some of the items of Mr Parr's composition brought down the house. These includes "The show's best man," which the party sang as an opening chorus, "Sea-dogs three" and "Mary's Lamb."

Mr John Orchard gave a pleasing rendering of Aitken's song "Marie my girl" and "The fishermen of England" by Phillips. Other items worthy of special mention included a humorous interlude by Mr Bert Sainsbury, a wireless medley by the party, and an interlude by Mr Will Jennings.

What could be described as the gem of the programme was the song "Take a pair of sparkling eyes," beautifully sang by Mr J. Aylmer.

All the items were well received and clamourously encored. The proceeds were in aid of Aspenden Church Renovation Fund.

5th August 1927 - Town Silver Band

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Town Silver Band

The Town Band took the opportunity of holding a dance when holiday-makers to the town would be able to contribute to their funds by purchasing tickets, and as a result a large number was present at the Benson Hall on Saturday evening.

The Band provided their own dance music, and continuous enjoyment lasted for several hours.

To raise further funds, the Band are holding a garden fete on August 27th, and further particulars will be announced in due course.

It is hoped that fine weather will prevail on this occasion and that many will be present to contribute to the funds.

20th August 1926 - A Happy Party

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A Happy Party

Some 300 children who were on an outing from the Stoke Newington Branch of the British Legion passed through Buntingford on Saturday last.

The party, which occupied eleven charaabancs made a halt near the Benson Hall where each child was supplied with half-a-pint of new milk.

The arrangements for the distribution of the milk were made by Mr E.C. Clarke, the Local Secretary of the Buntingford Branch, and the milk was kindly given by Mr C.H. Poulton, of Aspenden.

The children were delighted with the treat and left with happy memories of their short stay in Buntingford.

29th October 1926 - Jumble Sale

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Jumble Sale

The Jumble Sale at the Benson Hall on Monday drew a large crowd of bargain hunters, all of whom expressed pleasure at the bargains they got.

There was a ready sale for all kinds of clothing and other articles, which were sent to the sale by friends from near and far.

The sale realised £17 - a very satisfactory amount.

29th October 1926 - Forthcoming Concert

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Forthcoming Concert

The Concert to be given at the Benson Hall on Wednesday evening next, in aid of the Buntingford Women's Institute, promises to be quite a musical event.

The artists are - Mrs Major Edridge, Mrs G. Scarborough Taylor, Mrs G. Armstrong, Rev. L.W. Wright, Mr F. Coates, Mr S. Daniels, Kenneth Beard (Comedian), Brock Daniels (Ventriloquist).

We are asked to say that tickets can be obtained of Mr H. Fry and Miss Ivy Aylott.

Get your tickets now for what promises to be a full evening's enjoyment.

29th October 1926 - Armistice Day

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Armistice Day

Arrangements are now well in hand for the observance of Remembrance Day, Thursday, November 11th.

The Concert Committee met at Longmead this week and drew up arrangements for the concert to be given at the Benson Hall during the evening.

Mr Harry Gibbs, who gave great satisfaction last year is bringing 'The Gossips,' a novel concert party from London.

Tickets will be on sale at Mr H. Fry's.

8th October 1926 - Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

Group Conference at Buntingford

A Visit from Headquarters

A most successful meeting took place on Friday last at the Benson Hall, Buntingford, when members from Buckland, Clothall, Hormead, Sandon, Weston and Westmill joined their friends at Buntingford. Representatives from Standon and Pelham Groups were also present.

The chair was taken by Mrs H.H. Williams of Aspenden House, the Group Leader for his district.

In welcoming the members, Mrs Williams said it was a pleasure to see so many present, it showed the interest taken in the various Institutes.

Particular interest was taken in an address on "The responsibility of the individual member," given by the Hon. Miss Farrer from Headquarters.

The speaker urged the necessity for close co-operation between members and between Institutes. Each member had a most important part in the success of the Institute, and if she fulfilled her part the success of the body as a whole would be ensured.

Following her address came a charming little speech from Mrs Martin, of Hunsdon, a V.C.O.

Tea was capitally arranged and served by members of the Buntingford Institute, and later much amusement was caused by a game organised by Miss Farrer.

A vote of thanks to the speaker was proposed by Mrs Vernede, Group Leader for Standon, and seconded by Mrs H.C. Marshall, the local President.

The singing of the National Anthem closed a very pleasant and profitable afternoon, enhanced by delightful sunshine.

Before Miss Farrer left, she said she would always remember Buntingford as being "Such a friendly meeting."

8th October 1926 - Whist Drive

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Whist Drive

Twenty-five tables were occupied at a whist drive held at the Benson Hall on Wednesday evening in last week in aid of the Town Football Club funds.

Other persons came in later for dancing, and altogether a very pleasant evening was spent by all.

Mr H. Clark was M.C. for whist, and prizes were won by the following:

Ladies - 1 Miss Cannon, 2 Mrs Cornwell, 3 Mr Hatchett (playing as lady).

Gents - 1 Mr C. Smith, 2 Mr Hutchins, 3 Mr A Dray.

Highest score first-half - Mr E.E. Dennis (94).

Lucky ticket - Mr W.T. Budd.

For the dancing which followed, Mr Leslie Smith was an efficiant M.C.

The music was supplied by the Standon Orchestra, and gave every satisfaction.

3rd December 1926 - Buntingford Town Band Whist Drive and Dance

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Buntingford Town Band

Whist Drive and Dance

A whist drive and dance, in aid of the Buntingford Town Silver Band funds, was held at the Benson Hall on Wednesday evening last.

Sixteen tables were in use for whist, Mr T. Wornham officiating as M.C.

Scoring was not very high. Mrs B.E. Thody took first lady's prize - Half a tea set - with a score of 172. The second prize, a pretty floating bowl, was won by Miss Norman, Mr W. Watson (playing as lady) securing third prize - a pair of glass candlesticks.

In the gents section, Mr H. Howard was first, winning half-dozen stainless steel knives. Mr Budd took second prize (a tobacco jar), and Mr Leslie Smith third - a hot water bottle.

The Rev. Fr. Morgan gave a beaded girdle as a lucky number prize, which was won by Mrs Bishop.

The prizes were presented by Miss Lushington, who made a few well-chosen remarks.

Later dancing was indulged in till midnight - the music being supplied by members of the Town Band.

28th January 1927 - Cards and Dancing

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Cards and Dancing

Ten prizes for whist in well-warmed and commodious surroundings, and two hours' dancing on the best floor in the neighbourhood, is good value for 1/6! And this may be obtained at the Whist Drive and Dance next Wednesday, February 2nd, at the Benson Hall, Buntingford.

Tickets may be had from Mr Castle, Mrs Coates, Mr Fry, Mrs Leslie, Miss Marriage (Aspenden), Mr Martin (Wyddiall), Mrs Philpott and others.

Tickets bought before the day carry a chance of a "Lucky Prize." Those wanting Whist or Dance only can pay 1/0 at the door.

Play will start at 7.30 sharp in order to ensure two hours' dancing, and patrons are respectfully asked to be punctual.

25th February 1927 - Correspondence

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To the Editor, Buntingford Gazette

Dear Sir,

In connection with the advertisement about the "pictures" in the Benson Hall, will you kindly allow me to say that the Management will not be able to continue the Saturday night performances unless there is a full house regularly.

Personally I am not very anxious (and never have been anxious) to have the Hall used as a Cinema, but am quite willing if there is a real demand for pictures in Buntingford.

The pictures shown are of excellent quality and full of interest, so those who wish to have the Cinema open in Buntingford are invited to show that wish by regular patronage.

Yours faithfully,

A.N. Morgan

23rd Feb., 1927.

18th February 1927 - Buntingford Nursing Fund Whist Drive and Dance

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Buntingford Nursing Fund

Whist Drive and Dance

Miss Lushington and her willing helpers are to be heartily congratulated upon the complete success of her annual whist drive and dance held on Wednesday evening in the Benson Hall.

There was a large gathering, especially for the dancing.

The evening commenced with a whist drive, prizes for which had been kindly given by Lady Heaton-Ellis, Mrs H.C. Marshall, Mrs H.H. Williams, Mrs Mevett, Mrs Wyman, Miss Lushington, Dr and Mrs R.W. Fell, and Rev. A.L. Panchaud.

Twenty-five tables were occupied, and the prizes were presented by Miss Lushington to the following:

Ladies - 1, Mrs A. Clark (biscuit barrel); 2, Miss W. Walsingham (half tea service); 3, Mrs Wallis (tea cosy); lowest score - Mrs Geaves.

Gents - 1, Mr H. Hatchett (mirror); 2, Mr Coxall (shaving mirror); 3, Mr Mannox (pictures); lowest score - Mr Bishop.

A lucky chair prize went to Mrs Bennett, and the lucky ticket prize to Mr J. Bishop.

The Buntingford Town Band was in attendance, and dancing was indulged in until midnight, the excellent programme being enjoyed to the full.

Mr A.C. Bartlett for whist, and Mr L. Smith for dancing, were the two efficient M.C's.

4th February 1927 - Benson Hall

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Benson Hall

Ninety-four sat down to whist at the Benson Hall last Wednesday, and over a hundred took part in the dancing.

Ten prizes were advertised for the drive, and eleven were awarded - the extra one being a dozen eggs for the "Lucky Chair," which was occupied by Mr H. Clark.

The other prizes were won by the following:

Top score (large iced cake), Mr T.H. Holden.

Ladies' prizes: 1st (set of tea knives), Mrs Case; 2nd (cushion cover) Miss Margery Cornwell; 3rd (silk tea cosy) Miss Mabel Cornwell; lowest score (chocolate babies) Mrs Leslie.

Men's prizes: 1st (hair brushes in case) Mr E. Ward; 2nd (woolly scarf) Mr E. Bruce; 3rd (fifty cigarettes) Mr J. Moule; lowest score (chocolate wireless set) Mr J. Wornham.

Lucky ticket (5/-) Mr H. Hatchett.

The prizes were presented by Mrs Gabbitas, Mrs Leslie, Miss Marriage, Miss Morgan, Mrs Philpott, and others.

Refreshments were given by Mrs Bennett, Mrs Blakiston, Mrs Coates, Mrs Gabbitas, Mrs Game, Mrs Leslie, Miss Lushington, Miss Morgan, Mrs Plumb, and Miss D. Spencer, most of whom worked indefatigately in serving the same.

The M.C.'s were Mr Clarke for the whist and Mr Blakiston for the dancing. It was largely due to the tactful methods of the former that the drive was finished in time for two hours' dancing.

Miss Blakiston was in the pay box; and Messrs. Blakiston, jun., Castle and Rowley acted as Stewards. The Hall was prepared and clearned by Messrs. Blakiston, jun., and Castle.

Music for the dancing was supplied by the "Standon Orchestra," and a highly successful and enjoyable evening terminated at midnight.

It is hoped that Miss Lushington's Whist Drive and Dance for the Nursing Fund on the 16th will also be well patronised.

25th March 1927 - Dance

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The attendance at the Benson Hall for the dance on St Patrick's night exceeded the most sanguine expectations. The organisers anticipated a hundred, but the number present was over a hundred and fifty.

Among the dangers were some who had never been in the Hall before, and they were pleasantly surprised at the excellence of the floor, which is undoubtedly the best for miles around.

The music was provided by the Standon Orchestra, who co-operated with the M.C., Mr Blakiston, in providing continuous dancing.

Among the special features were two "spot" dances, the first of which was won by Mr and Mrs Jackson, of Westmill, and the second by Mr Don Little and Miss Jordan.

Also a "Pandemonium" Dance, for which horns were issued, and the result fully justified the title!

The prize for the "lucky ticket" was won by Mr C. Smith.

The net proceeds were over £9, and the organisers are to be congratulated on the splendid success of their efforts. Hearty thanks are also due to all who provided the refreshments and prizes, and sold the former so efficiently, in addition to those who undertook the sale of tickets and prepared the Hall for the occasion. Each article of the refreshments was offered at one penny, and over 320 items were sold.

As the crowd streamed out of the Hall shortly after midnight, there were many requests for "another of the same kind" - the best proof of an enjoyable evening.

15th April 1927 - Dance

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A dance, organised by Mrs Philpott and Mrs Handy, was held at the Benson Hall on Thursday evening in last week, and passed off most successfully.

Upwards of 120 were present and much enjoyed the programme of dances. A balloon dance proved a great success, the prize going to Mrs Watson and Mrs Leake.

Mr T. Wornham acted as M.C., and the music was supplied by the Standon Orchestra.

As a result of the dance, the organisers have been able to hand the sum of £4 10s. to the Buntingford and District Nursing Fund.

20th May 1927 - Tradesmen's Dance

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Tradesmen's Dance

The organisers of the tradesmen's dance, recently held at the Benson Hall, have handed the proceeds, which amounted to £4 13s. 4d., to the Buntingford Tennis Club.

The Committee of the Club have expressed their thanks for this very useful donation.

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