Showing posts with label Women's Institute. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Women's Institute. Show all posts

2nd March 1928 - Invitation Dance

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Invitation Dance

One hundred persons accepted the Committee's invitation to attend the dance in the Women's Institute Hall on leap year night.

The whole programme of dances was greatly enjoyed, and the Gaiety Dance Band from Hoddesdon supplied the music.

The refreshments were provided by Mr Mead, and gave entire satisfaction.

18th January 1924 - Mr and Mrs Crofton's Generosity

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Mr and Mrs Crofton's Generosity

School Children Entertained

At the invitation of Mr and Mrs H. Crofton, of the Dial House, Westmill, the whole of the children attending the Westmill School were entertained to a treat at the Village Hall on Monday last.

A capital tea was served by the committee of the Women's Institute, and was much enjoyed.

After the tables were cleared, games organised by Mr and Miss Harvey and Miss Jackson afforded general delight.

At the close the Rev. A.G. King, on behalf of the children, expressed a hearty vote of thanks to Mr and Mrs Crofton for entertaining the children in such a pleasant manner, and to all those who had contributed in any way to make the treat such a success. Mrs Crofton, in responding, said she was pleased they had all had a good time, and said she was glad to see such a merry party.

Loud cheers were then given for Mr and Mrs Crofton, and the children dispersed after singing God Save the King.

21st December 1928 - Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

Although the housewife finds a hundred and one jobs to be done at Christmas time, like Christmas shopping, making everywhere spic and span for the visitors, and furnishing the larder with all good things, the majority of members of Buntingford Women's Institute were present at the monthly meeting held in the Hall on Wednesday in last week.

The President (Mrs H.C. Marshall) was in the their, and after the singing of "England," a representative from the Hertfordshire Institute of Agriculture gave a lecture on salads and herbs, fully describing the procedure necessary for the growth of herbs. It was most interesting, and a hearty vote of thanks was accorded the lecturer.

There were several entrants in the competition for the four best mince-pies, and the prize for this was won by Mrs Dellow.

The tea hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs Butler and Mrs Howard.

The meeting concluded with country dancing.

21st December 1928 - Buckland Women's Institute Annual Meeting

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W.I. Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the Buckland Women's Institute was held in the School on Wednesday in last week, when the President (Miss N. Pigg) was in the chair.

Following the singing of the National Anthem and the reading of the minutes, Mrs C.R. Turney, of Mardley Bury, gave an excellent talk on the co-operative spirit which is essential for the working of every Institute.

Mrs Turney afterwards gave a papier machie [sic] demonstration, and all members heartily endorsed a vote of thanks accorded her at the conclusion.

The affairs of the Institute were afterwards dealt with, the President introducing this business by her annual speech. The report of the secretary and the treasurer's balance sheet were also submitted, their adoption being duly proposed, seconded and carried.

The balance sheet showed a satisfactory balance in hand of about £10. The thanking of the officers for their past services caused much fun, each being individually thanked by members.

During tea, voting took place for the officers and Committee for the ensuing year, the result of the election being:

Secretary, Miss Gilby; President, Miss N. Pigg; Vice-Preisdent, Miss P. Morris; Committee: Mrs F. Pigg (Barkway), Miss F. Pigg, Miss G. Pigg, Mrs J. Carter, Mrs H. Carter, Miss N. Carter, Mrs R. Stoten, Mrs J. White, Mrs C. Jackson, Mrs J. Hurry, Miss R. Beale (Royston) and Miss M. Gilby.

A small jumble sale was held during the evening, following which games were indulged in. Songs were contributed by Miss P. Morris.

The prize for the best Christmas gift for 1/6 was awarded to Mrs Chris Whitby, of Reed, for raffia tea cosy and egg cosies. The singing of Auld Lang Syne brought a pleasant evening to a close.

5th August 1927 - Reed Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

The monthly meeting was held in the Mission Room on Thursday evening in last week. Thirty-four members were present and three visitors.

The President was in the chair, and after the usual business was transacted another new member was welcomed.

Mrs R. Turney and Miss Tott gave their reports of the annual meeting, held in London recently, which they attended as delegates.

A very interesting demonstration on "papier mache" was given by Mrs Turney, for which was accorded a vote of thanks.

The prize for a "Memory Test" was won by Miss Muncey.

Community singing and dancing ended another pleasant evening.

The hostesses for the evening were Mrs Webb-Bowen, Mrs Collins, Mrs Coxall, Mrs Hillson and Mrs Muncey.

5th August 1927 - Buntingford Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

In brilliant sunshine, the group meeting of Women's Institutes took place at Aspenden House on Wednesday afternoon last.

Several members from neighbouring institutes were present, and the beauty of the garden commanded great admiration from the visitor.

5th August 1927 - Buntingford & District Horticultural Society

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Buntingford & District Horticultural Society

A Fine Exhibition

"A fine exhibition, especially in the vegetable classes. The root classes and the pea classes were excellent, and we have seldom seen such fine potatoes."

The above was the comment passed by the judge at the Buntingford Flower Show, held yesterday.

The venue was once again Corney Bury Park, kindly lent by Mr W.J. Wedd, and when one entered the gate it seemed impossible that the pre-war shows, for which Buntingford was famous, were held in the small meadow adjoining.

The weather was on its best behaviour, brilliant sunshine prevailing throughout the day. There were few umbrellas seen in the show ground - what there were appeared to be in use as sunshades.

The Officials

The President of the Society is Mr H.C. Marshall, who was a successful competitor at yesterday's Show.

The Hon. Secretary, Mr Ernest G. Thody, once again spared no efforts to make the show a success; he was also a very successful exhibitor, his cut flowers being a specially fine exhibit.

The Committee worked assiduously throughout the day.

Trade Exhibits

There were four trade exhibits, Messrs. Chaplin's of Waltham Cross, taking first prize for a wonderful display of roses and gladioli; the display was staged on a platform 24ft. long by 4th. 6ins. wide.

Other trade exhibits included Messrs. Goodliffe's and Mr W. Keep's displays of herbaceous and rock plants, and Mr H.A. Thody's exhibit of fruit.


The entries numbered over 1,000, and were staged in three large tents.

As stated, there was an excellent entry in the root classes, the judges remarking that they had seldom seen better potatoes.

There were ten table decorations, Miss Thody taking first prize with a pretty single rose, "K of K" and "Waltham Cross." Major Douglas Crossman, M.F.H., (Mr Dibben, gardener) took first prize for best arrangement of pot plants; he had a fine colour scheme of pink and mauve hydrangeas with ferns.

The Judges

The following kindly acted as judges:

Trade exhibitors and amateurs classes, Messrs. A. Jeffries (Hertford) and J.A. Gates (Ardeley); cottagers' classes, Messrs. J. Friend (Stansted) and W. Ring (Puckeridge); table decorations, Messrs. Keep, Chaplin and Goodliffe; bread, Mr R.F. Dellow; honey, Mr C.H. Poulton; cooked potatoes, Mr C. North; bottled fruit, Mr S. Daniels.

The tea tent was very capably managed by the Buntingford Women's Institute.

It was found impossible to manage the teas on the same lines as last year, so the Institute kindly came to the assistance of the Society, and their services were greatly appreciated by the large numbers who patronised the tea tent during the afternoon.


There was an attractive programme of amusements, &.

Thirty boys from the William Baker Technical School at Hertford (Dr. Barnardo's Homes) gave two excellent gymnastic displays during the afternoon and evening, and were accorded a very warm welcome.

Through the kindness of several ladies and gentlemen, the boys, together with their Band, were entertained to tea. Dr Barnardo's Boys' Band was also in attendance, and played selections throughout the afternoon and evening for the displays, and later for dancing.

A balloon race, organised by the Committee, drew several competitors. The prizes - vouchers value 15/- and 7/6 - will be awarded to the competitors whose balloons travel farthest.

Thurston's amalgamation of amusements drew a large crowd, especially towards the close. The day's events concluded with a grand display of fireworks by Messrs. J.R. Wells, of London.

A further report, together with a complete list of awards, will appear in our next issue.

Large numbers flocked to the ground during the evening, and the gate receipts exceeded £80.

13th August 1926 - Women's Institute Group Meeting

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Women's Institute Group Meeting

Members Entertained at Aspenden House

It is fortunate that Aspenden House, the home of Captain and Mrs H.H. Williams, contains so many spacious rooms, for one Thursday of last week some 200 members of the Buntingford Group of the Women's Institute, who were to have been entertained in the beautiful gardens, had to seek shelter indoors.

Mrs Williams, the popular Group Leader, had made all arrangements for an outdoor event, when a heavy shower sent everyone under cover.

The large rooms downstairs were cleared of furniture, and some 200 members from Buntingford, Buckland, Clothall, Hormead, Sandon, Westmill and Weston Institutes were entertained to tea, &c.

There was great enthusiasm throughout the afternoon, and a most enjoyable time was spent by all.

Members of the Westmill Institute gave a delightful sketch, entitled "My Man John," and later Mrs C.R. Turney, of Mardleybury Manor, gave an address on "Co-operation," in which she referred to Mrs Williams' work for the Group.

At the close Mrs May proposed a hearty vote from thanks to Mrs Williams for her hospitality, she had done wonders under such trying conditions.

Mrs E.T. Morris seconded the proposition, which was carried with great cordiality. Votes of thanks to the players and to Mrs Turney were proposed by Mrs H.C. Marshall.

Fortunate, the weather cleared up during the evening, and the company enjoyed a walk around the gardens. Photos of the members were taken on the lawn.

10th September 1926 - Adverts and Buntingford Women's Institute

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Special Harvest Offer of Men's Wear. Cord trousers and heavy farm boots a speciality. Note windows. E.B. Haddock, Buntingford - ADVT.

Have your Boots & Shoes repaired locally by E.C. Scrivener, New Town. Satisfaction Guaranteed - ADVT.

Women's Institute

Owing to the unsettled weather, the Women's Institute held their monthly meeting in the Assembly Rooms on the 8th inst., where Mrs H.C. Marshall presided. A large number of members were present.

Miss Collingwood, V.C.O., gave a most delightful talk on the "Aims and Ideals of the Women's Institute."

A bountiful tea was provided by the Committee, after which several members took part in the discussion on home-made wines, of which there were about 20 samples exhibited by various members.

The singing of folk songs then concluded the programme.

29th October 1926 - Buckland Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

The monthly meeting for October was held on the 13th inst., in the School, and a very good attendance of members had another nice evening.

Business dispensed with, Mr C. Bullard (Letchworth), gave a very good demonstration on basket-making, a hearty vote of thanks being passed to him by Mrs J. Carter.

A memory competition was entered into by quite a large number, Mrs Jarman, Miss N. Carter, and Mrs H. Carter having to cut for the prize, the latter then winning.

Tea was served by Mrs J. Bishop, Mrs Geaves, Mrs Beadle, Mrs Masters, Mrs A. Gilby, and Mrs W. Hagger.

Exchange and Mart (jumble sale) was keenly entered into, and the saleswomen were kept fairly busy for quite a little time.

At the previous monthly meeting, Mrs E.T. Morris, Miss P. Morris, Mrs Masters, Mrs C. Jackson and Mrs H. Carter entertained the members with recitations, singing and music. 

Many jolly meetings are looked forward to as a Women's Institute singing class has been formed, and is in the capable hands of Mrs Edridge, of Furneaux Pelham.

29th October 1926 - Forthcoming Concert

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Forthcoming Concert

The Concert to be given at the Benson Hall on Wednesday evening next, in aid of the Buntingford Women's Institute, promises to be quite a musical event.

The artists are - Mrs Major Edridge, Mrs G. Scarborough Taylor, Mrs G. Armstrong, Rev. L.W. Wright, Mr F. Coates, Mr S. Daniels, Kenneth Beard (Comedian), Brock Daniels (Ventriloquist).

We are asked to say that tickets can be obtained of Mr H. Fry and Miss Ivy Aylott.

Get your tickets now for what promises to be a full evening's enjoyment.

15th October 1926 - Women's Institute Building

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Women's Institute Building

The Buntingford Women's Institute is one of the largest in the district. For some time they have been in possession of a very convenient site, admirably situated in High Street.

In a variety of ways they have zealously and assidously acquired funds, and this has place [sic] them in a position to begin the erection of the new building.

It is gratifying to the members, and doubtless to the townspeople generally, that this important body in the town will ere the year has come to a close have a worthy building for their many activities.

The work connected with the building is proceeding apace, and attacting a good deal of interest. Mr C.E. Harradence has the work in hand.

8th October 1926 - Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

Group Conference at Buntingford

A Visit from Headquarters

A most successful meeting took place on Friday last at the Benson Hall, Buntingford, when members from Buckland, Clothall, Hormead, Sandon, Weston and Westmill joined their friends at Buntingford. Representatives from Standon and Pelham Groups were also present.

The chair was taken by Mrs H.H. Williams of Aspenden House, the Group Leader for his district.

In welcoming the members, Mrs Williams said it was a pleasure to see so many present, it showed the interest taken in the various Institutes.

Particular interest was taken in an address on "The responsibility of the individual member," given by the Hon. Miss Farrer from Headquarters.

The speaker urged the necessity for close co-operation between members and between Institutes. Each member had a most important part in the success of the Institute, and if she fulfilled her part the success of the body as a whole would be ensured.

Following her address came a charming little speech from Mrs Martin, of Hunsdon, a V.C.O.

Tea was capitally arranged and served by members of the Buntingford Institute, and later much amusement was caused by a game organised by Miss Farrer.

A vote of thanks to the speaker was proposed by Mrs Vernede, Group Leader for Standon, and seconded by Mrs H.C. Marshall, the local President.

The singing of the National Anthem closed a very pleasant and profitable afternoon, enhanced by delightful sunshine.

Before Miss Farrer left, she said she would always remember Buntingford as being "Such a friendly meeting."

8th October 1926 - Great Hormead Women's Institute

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Great Hormead

Women's Institute

The monthly meeting was held at the Village Hall on Wednesday evening, when there was a good attendance of members.

An interesting lantern lecture on Switzerland was given by Mrs H.H. Williams, of Aspenden House.

Mrs Williams had nearly 100 beautiful lantern slides, and from her address it was evident that she had travelled a good bit in the country which is sometimes called "The playground of the world."

At the close a very hearty vote of thanks was accorded the lecturer.

1st October 1926 - Reed Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

A meeting was held on Tuesday evening in last week, in the Mission Room to discuss the question of starting a Women's Institute in the village.

There was a good attendance, with Mrs Wardle in the chair. An interesting address was given by Mrs C.R. Turney, V.C.O., on "The aims and objects of the Women's Institute." A hearty vote of thanks was passed to her on the motion of the chairman.

The vote was then put to the meeting as to whether a Women's Institute should be started, with the result that all present were in favour.

The following were elected for the coming year: President, Mrs Wardle; vice-president, Mrs C.R. Turney; secretary, Mrs Kingsley; treasurer, Miss Tott; committee, Mesdames J. Bonfield, E. Drage, Giffen, F. Gatward, Hambleton, Knights, Lawrence, Scripps.

The first monthly meeting will be held on Thursday evening, October 28th, when new members will be welcomed.

24th December 1926 - Buckland Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

The monthly meeting was held in the school on December 8th.

Besides the ordinary Women's Institute business, the treasurer and secretary put their annual reports before the members, both being passed with hearty applause.

Voting for the 1927 Committee was carried out, and Mrs C.R. Turney (always a welcome visitor) with Mrs Kingsley kindly acted as tellers. Miss N. Pigg and Mrs Morris were again re-elected president and vice-president respectively.

Miss Coleman needed no introduction, having been to this Institute before, and her subject, "Icing a cake," proved very interesting, and Mrs Hill moved a vote of thanks to her on behalf of those present.

Two competitions, "Best bowl in papier mache," "Best darned sock," were won by Miss N. Carter and Mrs F. Pigg.

Miss G. Pigg, Mrs Mildren, Mrs F. Pigg, Mrs Stoton sen., Mrs Shepherd and Miss P. Malyon were hostesses for tea.

Recitations were given by Mrs Morris, Miss P. Morris, and Miss G. Gilby, with songs from Mrs Stoton and Mrs C. Jackson were much appreciated.

10th December 1926 - Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

The Annual Meeting was held in the Village Hall on Wednesday, December 8th, 1926. The President was in the chair, supported by Mrs Hummerstone and Mrs Laird. The Tellers appointed were Messrs. Harvey and Pratt.

The report of the last annual meeting was read and signed. An interesting report of this year's work was given by Mrs Hummerstone, and the balance sheet presented by Mrs Laird, duly audited, showed a balance in hand of £3 18s. 2d.

The President introduced various matters of interest in a brief speech before moving the adoption of report and balance sheet, including the suggestion of adopting a "Village Flowers," and a Resolution to be sent up to the N.F.W.I. Annual Meeting.

Balloting for the new Committee took place, including officers and delegate. The 1927 Committee comprises: Mrs Bright, Mrs Deacon, Mrs Guinness, Mrs Harvey, Mrs C. Hummerstone, Mrs Lee, Mrs A. Pegram, Mrs H. Pegram, Mrs Read and Miss Woodward.

The President is Mrs Guinness, Vice-President Mrs C. Hummerstone, Delegate Mrs Deacon.

Votes of thanks were proposed and duly seconded and passed heartily to the Tellers, and Mr Bright, the Auditor, to Mrs C. Hummerstone as Hon. Sec., to Mrs Laird as Hon. Treas., and to Mrs Deacon as President 1926.

The meeting closed with the singing of England and the National Anthem.

28th January 1927 - Sandon Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

On Friday, January 14th, the members had their annual New Year's Party.

The schoolroom, hung with many coloured balloons and streamers, looked quite festive.

The members and friends, numbering about 100, began to arrive about 6 o'clock, and son a happy party was enjoying various games.

Mrs Williams, of Aspenden House, was present, and entered fully into the amusements.

Refreshments were served at 7.30, a bountiful supply of good things having been provided. The room was then cleared for dancing, and Malt's Orchestra being in attendance, a merry crowd were soon dancing to the enlivening strains.

21st January 1927 - Women's Institute Monthly Meeting

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Women's Institute

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Women's Institute was held at the Assembly Room, the George Hotel, on Wednesday in last week.

The meeting took the form of a social, and, as was expected, the room was crowded.

The President, Mrs H.C. Marshall, presided.

Refreshments were served to all present, after which games, &c., were indulged in. Mrs Howard was applauded for a recitation, and some folk dancing by the members was also much enjoyed. Throughout the evening, Mrs Stapley and Mrs G. Armstrong presided at the piano.

The successful meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem and Auld Lang Syne.

7th January 1927 - Westmill Christmas Party

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Christmas Party

The Westmill Women's Institute had a very successful Christmas Party on Wednesday evening, 29th December.

The Village Hall was looking very festive, being decorated with holly and other evergreens.

In a corner on a table stood a little Christmas tree, round which bright coloured candles were burining.

A gay march was played as the guests entered at 7 o'clock, and then all joined in the Women's Institute song, "England."

During the evening there were musical solos, games and recitations, and carols sung by the members.

A sketch, called "The Allotment," was acted by Mrs Guinness and her sister, Mrs Barclay. It was most amusing, and peals of laughter from the audience showed how much it was enjoyed.

One quite forgot that Christmas was really over, for a true Christmas spirit seemed present, while crackers went off and mince pies were handed round.

There were about 90 people there, counting the children, whose unself-conscious charm helped to make the gathering cheerful and informal.

At the end of the party Mrs Deacon, who has been a most successful and untiring president, handed her badge to Mrs Guinness, the new president.

All felt very grateful to Mrs Deacon for what she had done, and welcome Mrs Guinness.

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