Showing posts with label North. Show all posts
Showing posts with label North. Show all posts

5th August 1927 - Buntingford & District Horticultural Society

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Buntingford & District Horticultural Society

A Fine Exhibition

"A fine exhibition, especially in the vegetable classes. The root classes and the pea classes were excellent, and we have seldom seen such fine potatoes."

The above was the comment passed by the judge at the Buntingford Flower Show, held yesterday.

The venue was once again Corney Bury Park, kindly lent by Mr W.J. Wedd, and when one entered the gate it seemed impossible that the pre-war shows, for which Buntingford was famous, were held in the small meadow adjoining.

The weather was on its best behaviour, brilliant sunshine prevailing throughout the day. There were few umbrellas seen in the show ground - what there were appeared to be in use as sunshades.

The Officials

The President of the Society is Mr H.C. Marshall, who was a successful competitor at yesterday's Show.

The Hon. Secretary, Mr Ernest G. Thody, once again spared no efforts to make the show a success; he was also a very successful exhibitor, his cut flowers being a specially fine exhibit.

The Committee worked assiduously throughout the day.

Trade Exhibits

There were four trade exhibits, Messrs. Chaplin's of Waltham Cross, taking first prize for a wonderful display of roses and gladioli; the display was staged on a platform 24ft. long by 4th. 6ins. wide.

Other trade exhibits included Messrs. Goodliffe's and Mr W. Keep's displays of herbaceous and rock plants, and Mr H.A. Thody's exhibit of fruit.


The entries numbered over 1,000, and were staged in three large tents.

As stated, there was an excellent entry in the root classes, the judges remarking that they had seldom seen better potatoes.

There were ten table decorations, Miss Thody taking first prize with a pretty single rose, "K of K" and "Waltham Cross." Major Douglas Crossman, M.F.H., (Mr Dibben, gardener) took first prize for best arrangement of pot plants; he had a fine colour scheme of pink and mauve hydrangeas with ferns.

The Judges

The following kindly acted as judges:

Trade exhibitors and amateurs classes, Messrs. A. Jeffries (Hertford) and J.A. Gates (Ardeley); cottagers' classes, Messrs. J. Friend (Stansted) and W. Ring (Puckeridge); table decorations, Messrs. Keep, Chaplin and Goodliffe; bread, Mr R.F. Dellow; honey, Mr C.H. Poulton; cooked potatoes, Mr C. North; bottled fruit, Mr S. Daniels.

The tea tent was very capably managed by the Buntingford Women's Institute.

It was found impossible to manage the teas on the same lines as last year, so the Institute kindly came to the assistance of the Society, and their services were greatly appreciated by the large numbers who patronised the tea tent during the afternoon.


There was an attractive programme of amusements, &.

Thirty boys from the William Baker Technical School at Hertford (Dr. Barnardo's Homes) gave two excellent gymnastic displays during the afternoon and evening, and were accorded a very warm welcome.

Through the kindness of several ladies and gentlemen, the boys, together with their Band, were entertained to tea. Dr Barnardo's Boys' Band was also in attendance, and played selections throughout the afternoon and evening for the displays, and later for dancing.

A balloon race, organised by the Committee, drew several competitors. The prizes - vouchers value 15/- and 7/6 - will be awarded to the competitors whose balloons travel farthest.

Thurston's amalgamation of amusements drew a large crowd, especially towards the close. The day's events concluded with a grand display of fireworks by Messrs. J.R. Wells, of London.

A further report, together with a complete list of awards, will appear in our next issue.

Large numbers flocked to the ground during the evening, and the gate receipts exceeded £80.

2nd November 1923 - Buntingford Rural Deanery

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Buntingford Rural Deanery

Meeting of the Conference at Buntingford

A meeting of the members of the Buntingford Ruri-Decanal Conference was held at the Foresters' Hall, Buntingford, on Friday afternoon last.

The Rural Dean (the Rev. F.R. Williams) presided, and was supported by the Secretary (Rev. W.T. Stubbs.) Representatives were present from the parishes of Aspenden, Layston, Wyddiall, Throcking, Cottered, Anstey, Hormead, Meesden and Barley. A goodly number of lay members were present.

The chairman said they were pleased to welcome the Rev. Carr, of Meesden, and the Rev. W.L. Sheppard, of Great Hormead.

The chairman announced that he had received a letter with reference to the Diocesan Board of Finance. At Michaelmas there was a debit balance of £2459, and it was hoped that all parishes would forward their contributions as soon as they were due.

Ruri-Decanal Education Committee

The chairman said that the Bishop thought that an education committee was most important, and he would ask the meeting to elect representatives.

The following were elected: The Rev. H.E. Langdon (secretary), the Rev. F.E. Harton, Mr E.E. Dennis, Mrs C. Johnson, and Mrs North.

9th April 1926 - Rural District Council

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Rural District Council

A meeting of the Rural District Council followed, Captain H.H. Williams presiding.


The Surveyoer presented his report as follows:


No cases of infectious disease have been notified during the month, and the hospital remains close.


The consumption of water during the past month has been:

1st week 241,000 gallons.

2nd week 237,000 gallons.

3rd week 247,000 gallons.

4th week 249,000 gallons.

The water level remains stationary at 43 feet, being one foot higher than at April last.

A further supply of paraffin is required.


Charles Borlace, of Cumberlow Green, and Walter North of Buntingford, make application for licences to store petrol The storage is quite satisfactory and the licences are recommended to be granted.


Mr A.E. Woodford Ward, of H.M. Office of Works, came down on Tuesday last and visited various building sites. He inspected the whole of the works to which the accounts relate, and was supplied with full details and receipts for all the works as executed.


The licences were granted.

The Clerk stated that it was proposed to amalgamate the Buntingford Rural District Council to Royston Urban Council and the Ashwell Rural District Council for the purpose of rating assessments. There would be a committee of 15.


Tenders were received for scavenging, team labour and material, the following being accepted:

Scavenging - Mr C.H. Poulton, 11/- per day.

Team Labour - Mr E.J. Crane, 9/6 per day.

Supply of Road Material - Mr Brazier, 11/- per yard and Mr C.H. Poulton, 10/6 per yard.


A letter was read from the North Metropolitan Electric Supply Company asking for permission to place a post on the Council's property at the waterworks. This was granted.


The Clerk stated that the County Council were considering the question of taking over the roads which at present came under the local Council. Captain Morris said it would be a good thing if the County Council took them all over, and the Surveyor was instructed to submit plans of the roads in question.


The Clerk read a communication from the County Council with reference to the proposed superannuation scheme.

The Chairman said it only affected 3 of the Council's officials and he thought it would be best to get their views on the matter.


The Chairman of the Council (Mr Claud Fraser) who was absent on account of illness, was elected to serve on the Council of the County Playing Fields Association.

16th Dec 1927 - Football

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Now showing (not in windows) Fine selection of Autumn and Winter COATS, plain and trimmed fur, 18/11 to £5 5s. Pretty DANCE FROCKS 8/11, 10/6, 13/6 and 22/6. E. Browne, High Street, Buntingford - ADVT.


A lengthy report of this match between Aspenden and Buntingford in the Herts Junior Cup has had to be omitted from this issue owing to pressure of space.

The re-play proved a good attraction and a fair-sized crowd saw a keen and interesting game.

After Buntingford had scored twice T. Moule netted for Aspenden and put a fresh spirit into the game.

In the ding-dong battle two players stood out prominently: North in the Aspenden goal and Howlett at centre-half for Buntingford. These two players put in a most creditable display.

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