Showing posts with label Panchaud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Panchaud. Show all posts

8th October 1926 - Throcking Harvest Thanksgiving

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Harvest Thanksgiving

The Harvest Festival was celebrated at Throcking Church on Sunday last.

The Church had been tastefully decorated by members of the congregation, and there was an abundance of fruit, flowers and vegetables. In the altar window was a miniature stack of corn.

All the services were well attended, the Church being full for the evening service.

The Rector (the Rev. A.L. Panchaud), delivered appropriate sermons. It was, he said, the first sermon in connection with a Harvest Festival that he had preached at Throcking since 1923, as in the past two festivals he had invited neighbouring clergy to the service.

There was no reference in the Prayer Book to any special form of service for the thanksgiving of harvest, and this was a great mistake. It was our duty to thank God for the gifts of summer. We plough the fields and sow the seed but it is fed and watered by God's Almighty hand.

It had been said that many people only went to Church on the occasion of a harvest festival, and while there might be an attraction in the decorated Church and the special hymns and prayers, he thought that those who attended the services really did so with a spirit of thanksgiving to God for His blessings.

Miss Beadle, of Cottered, who has been organist at the Church for over 30 years, presided at the organ, and the jubilant harvest hymns were sung with much fervour.

The collections came to over £3.

18th February 1927 - Buntingford Nursing Fund Whist Drive and Dance

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Buntingford Nursing Fund

Whist Drive and Dance

Miss Lushington and her willing helpers are to be heartily congratulated upon the complete success of her annual whist drive and dance held on Wednesday evening in the Benson Hall.

There was a large gathering, especially for the dancing.

The evening commenced with a whist drive, prizes for which had been kindly given by Lady Heaton-Ellis, Mrs H.C. Marshall, Mrs H.H. Williams, Mrs Mevett, Mrs Wyman, Miss Lushington, Dr and Mrs R.W. Fell, and Rev. A.L. Panchaud.

Twenty-five tables were occupied, and the prizes were presented by Miss Lushington to the following:

Ladies - 1, Mrs A. Clark (biscuit barrel); 2, Miss W. Walsingham (half tea service); 3, Mrs Wallis (tea cosy); lowest score - Mrs Geaves.

Gents - 1, Mr H. Hatchett (mirror); 2, Mr Coxall (shaving mirror); 3, Mr Mannox (pictures); lowest score - Mr Bishop.

A lucky chair prize went to Mrs Bennett, and the lucky ticket prize to Mr J. Bishop.

The Buntingford Town Band was in attendance, and dancing was indulged in until midnight, the excellent programme being enjoyed to the full.

Mr A.C. Bartlett for whist, and Mr L. Smith for dancing, were the two efficient M.C's.

14th May 1926 - Braughing - New Vicar Instituted and Inducted

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New Vicar Instituted and Inducted

The institution and induction of the newly appointed Vicar, the Rev. Frederick William Baron Jobson, B.A., to the living at Braughing took place at the Parish Church on the 28th ult. A good congregation assembled.

The St George's Flag waved from the church tower, and both before and after the service the bells pealed out joyously. The Bishop of St Albans instituted the incumbent, and the Ven. Archdeacon Kenneth Gibbs carried out the induction ceremony.

In both cases the little procession was preceded by Mr W.B. Minton (vicar's warden) and Mr W.F. Boards (acting for the parish warden). The Rev. F.S. Holmes (Furneux Pelham) acted as Bishop's Chaplain, and the other clergy present were the Revs. F.R. Williams (Anstey), W.L. Shepherd (Hormead), and A.L. Panchaud (Throcking).

The Bishop gave the congregation a motto for the new chapter that had begun that day in the history of Braughing. On this motto, "We are labourers together with God," he discoursed eloquently showing the relationship between the parish priest and people welded together by the spirit of fellowship. The latter was produced by witness, and power, strength and life from God, resulting in love to their neighbour.

He concluded by exhorting them that the best place to speak to a person was straight to his face, and the worse possible place behind his back. Telling the story of the cavalry regiment who on dismounting always gave three pats on the back to their horses, he said, to get the best of their parson they must give him three pats occasionally, a bit of encouragement so that he might be cheered along in his work, remembering always the motto from God's Book that they were all working together with God.

23rd April 1926 - Funeral of the Rev. W.J. Tapper

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Funeral of the Rev. W.J. Tapper

Amid evidences of the deepest sympathy and regret, the funeral of the Rev. W.J. Tapper, whose death we announced last week, took place at Cottered Parish Church on Saturday afternoon last.

The first portion of the service was taken by the Rural Dean (the Rev. F.R. Williams). The organist (Miss Beamiss) was at the organ, and played suitable music during the assembling of the congregation. The congregation was a very large and representative one, the spacious church being almost filled. The seating arrangements were in the hands of Mr T.J. Stick, Mr W.N. Sanders and Mr W.J. Pitcher.

The procession into the church was headed by the Rural Deal (the Rev. F.R. Williams), Rev. A.L. Panchaud, Rev. F.B. Harton, Rev. A. Howard, Rev. F.B. Phillips, Rev. H. Sheppard, Rev. Quinn, Rev. Fisher, Mr Stevenson, and Mr Busby (Lay Readers) and the Surplice Choir.

Following the chanting of Psalm 90, the hymn "The radiant morn has passed away" was feelingly sung, and the Lesson was read by the Rev A.L. Panchaud. Then came the singing of the following beautiful hymn:

[Transcriber note - The hymn can be read in the original image]

As the cortege left the church the congregation changed the Nunc Dimittis. The last sad rites took place at the graveside amid much manifestation of sorrow, the clergy taking part being the Rural Dean, the Rev. A. Howard and the Rev F.B. Phillips.

The family mourners were Mrs W.H. Tapper (wife), Messrs William and Cyril Tapper (sons), Miss M. Tapper (daughter), Messrs. Hugh and Kenneth Tapper (sons), Mr and Mrs Coulson (brother-in-law and sister), Mrs Oram (sister-in-law), Mrs Pidwell (sister-in-law) and Miss Wale.

Among others present, we observed the Rev. L.W. Wright, the Rev A. McKerr, Rev John Cole, Mr and Mrs H.E. Dudley, Mr and Mrs A.W. Page, Mr and Mrs T. Kingsley, Mr and Mrs W.N. Sanders, Mr and Mrs A. Beadle, Mr and Mrs R.M. Huil, Mr W.J. Pitcher, Mr T.J. Stick, Miss Gruner, Dr R.W. Fell, Mr and Mrs B.A. Edwards, Mr H. May, Mr and Mrs H. Cornwell, Mrs Charles, Mr and Mrs H. Sheppard, Miss Beamiss, Miss Wilderspin, Miss Pearman, Mr D. Kingsley and Mr Martin.

Beautiful floral tributes were received from sympathisers. The grave was beautifully lined with moss and bunches of primroses by Mr A. Beadle, who carried out the duties of undertaker in a very satisfactory manner.

After the funeral a muffled peal was rung on the church bells.


Mrs Tapper and Family wish to express their heartfelt thanks for the many expressions of sympathy shown in their overwhelming sorrow, and for the beautiful flowers sent.

Cottered Rectory. April 23rd, 1926.

2nd April 1926 - County Library Scheme

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County Library Scheme


A meeting to discuss the question of forming a Buntingford Branch of the Herts. County Council Free Library Scheme was held at the Parish Room on Saturday evening. Mr Claud Fraser presided and was supported by the Rev. A. Howard. There were about 20 representatives from the parishes of Aspenden, Layston, Wyddiall and Throcking present.

Under the County Library Scheme libraries are formed in the various towns and villages in the County and a supply of books, normally two per member, are sent periodically. There is no charge for membership or books.

The Chairman, after reviewing the scheme, said he thought it a very good one. It involved the Committee and members in no cost and he understood the books were very useful ones. If 150 members could be enrolled, they would be entitled to 300 books.

After a discussion, the Rev. A. Howard moved, and Mr W.J. May seconded that a library be formed. The following were elected to serve on the committee:

Layston - Mrs H.L. Baker and Miss Elliott.

Aspenden - Mr H.C. Marshall and Mrs H.H. Williams.

Wyddiall - The Rev. L.W. Wright and the Rev. A. Howard.

Throcking - The Rev. A.L. Panchaud and Mrs A.W. Page.

Mrs Macklin proposed, and Mrs A. Dixon seconded that Mrs Howard be asked to take on the duties of Hon. Librarian. Mrs Howard, after enquiring what the duties entailed, said she would accept.

The Chairman said they were very grateful to Mrs Howard for her promise of assistance. (Applause).

Mr W.J. May asked whether Sub-Libraries could be formed in the various parishes connected with the scheme, and the Chairman said he thought it would not be practicable at present. If any of the parishes choose to run their own scheme in conjunction with the County Council they could do so.

Mr A.G. Day said the Committee should consider what would be a suitable day and hour for opening the library. He thought the room should be open during the evening as some members would find it difficult to change their books during the afternoon.

Mr E.E. Dennis said he had made enquiries at Hertford, and had learned that gifts of books to the library would become the sole property of the library. The librarian would, however, have to render a return of all books presented. He understood that the next supply of books would be ready for despatch in April, and if members could be enrolled at once Buntingford could get a supply then.


The Chairman said he hoped as many as possible would take advantage of the scheme. When they had enrolled enough members the librarian could send for a supply of books. All that was necessary was for the public to sign a membership form, and Mr Day had kindly offered to have a supply of these in his shop.

The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to the Chairman for presiding, and for the interest he had taken to the scheme.


N.B. - It is important that membership forms be completed as soon as they are available, as after the April supply of books there will be no further supply for some two or three months, and should be membership increase immediately after the first supply, enough books may not be available for some time.

5th Feb 1926 - Death of Mr George Pepper

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Death of Mr George Pepper

Respected and esteemed by all who knew him, Mr George Pepper, who has resided at Chipping since he retired from farming five years ago, passed away at the advanced age of 86 on the 20th ult [sic].

For over 50 years he was tenant of Southfield Farm, Sandon, and was greatly respected in the village, and regarded as a kind and considerate employer and a generous friend.

The funeral took place at Throcking Churchyard on Saturday afternoon. The remains, encased in an unpolished oak coffin which had brass furniture, were conveyed to the church on a Washington car.

There were two motor-coaches, the immeadiate mourners being Mrs Jones (sister-in-law), Mr Walter Pepper, (nephew), Mr Bedford, Mr Hugh Bedford, Mrs Rowlatt, Mrs Scarf, and Mrs Oakley.

The Rev. A. Howard (Vicar of Layston) officiated, and in his short address referred to the simple Christian faith of the deceased, so abundantly exeplified in his long life.

There was a large number of friends present at the funeral to show their respect to the memory of the deceased. Amonst them were the Rev A.L. Panchaud (Throcking), the Rev. John Cole (Buntingford), Mr and Mrs A.W. Page, Mrs T.J. Stick, Mrs Cordell, Mrs Field, Mr and Mrs Norman Chalmers-Hunt, Mr Rand (of Southfield Farm), Mr Russell Pigg, Mr A.C. Bartlett, Mr James Cooper, Mr and Mrs Tofts, Mrs Turner, Mr Woodman etc.

There was a number of floral tributes.

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