Showing posts with label Annual Church Meeting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Annual Church Meeting. Show all posts

11th February 1927 - Annual Vestry Meeting and Parochial Church Council

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Annual Vestry Meeting

The Annual Vestry Meeting, postponed from January 17th, was held at the Village Hall on Monday evening last. There was a scarce attendance owing to the prevalence of influenza.

The chair was taken by the Rector, the Rev. A.G. King, who proposed a vote of thanks to both the Churchwardens for their work during the past year. This was seconded by Mr F. Harvey.

Mr Laird was re-elected People's Warden, on the proposition of Mrs Coutts-Deacon, seconded by Mr Harvey. The Rectory nominated Mrs Greg as Rector's Warden.

Parochial Church Council

The first meeting of the newly elected Council was held on Monday evening last, the Rector, the Rev. A.G. King presiding. Mr Harvey was unanimously elected Vice-Chairman.

Mrs Coutts-Deacon's resignation as Hon. Secretary was received with regret, and after expressions of thanks to her, Mrs Bright was unanimously elected in her stead.

Mr J. Laird was elected Hon. Treasurer and Mrs Coutts-Deacon, Mr Harvey and Mr Laird as representatives to the Ruri-Decanal Conference.

This concluded the business of the meeting.

4th February 1927 - Layston Annual Church Meeting

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Layston Annual Church Meeting

This meeting, which has been held annually in St Peter's in accordance with the Enabling Bill (1919), and which is open to all on the Electoral Roll, and which has in the past been very poorly attended, was this year made the occasion of a social gathering at "The George" Assembly Room on Wednesday night.

Over 60 responded to the invitation sent in the name of the Vicar and Churchwardens to every elector, and undoubtedly the number would have been considerably larger but for the prevailing influenza, from which many electors and their families are suffering, including several of the Parochial Church Councillors.

From 6.30 to 7.30 the business meeting of the year was held, enabling many of the first time to understand what lies behind the regular working and provision of the Church's services, which many look upon as a matter of course.

After the opening prayer, the Vicar welcomed those present, reminding them that it was at the suggestion of Mr Claud Fraser, who was really the "host" of the evening, that the meeting was taking its present form.

Mr Maughan, Hon. Sec. and Treasurer to the P.C.C., read the minutes, and then presented his financial report for the year, which, with additional help from an appeal to electors who did not regularly attend church, and a jumble sale, showed a balance of 6/9 on the right side.

The report of the Churchyard Committee was also read, and the Free-will Offering Fund was shown to have contributed £25 17s. 9d. during the year to the Parochial quota to the Diocesan Board of Finance, new subscribers being invited to join. Subscribers were asked to come and hear Canon Shorting, who is preaching on the subject at St Peter's on the evening of February 27th.

The financial report having been passed, the next business was the election of four representatives to the Ruri-Decanal Conference: Mrs Butler, Mrs Macklin, Mrs Howard and Mr C. Fraser; the election of Mr C. Fraser to represent Layston on the Diocesan Conference, and the election of the Parochial Church Council for the ensuring year, which resulted in last year's Council being re-elected en bloc.

Rev A. Howard then informed the electors of the urgent necessity of having the organ at St Peter's thoroughly cleaned for the first time in its life of 25 years, which would involved from £45 to £50, and asked for united effort to meet this need.

Mr Fraser emphasised another expense which would have to be met in the near future, namely, that involved in the proposed addition to the Churchyard. The ground had been given by the Vicar, but fencing, fees and other outlay would arise, but this would be a matter affecting the whole town.

The business meeting having been closed with prayers, the guests were served by the ladies of the P.C.C., in whose hands Mr Fraser had left this part of the entertainment, and others, with tea and refreshments, and a pleasant social time was spent, after which a programme of music and singing was greatly enjoyed, of which the programme is appended.

Every item was appreciated, and at the close very hearty thanks were given by the Vicar to all who had helped to make this new departure a thorough success.

Piano duet, Misses Macklin; song, "The Little Hero," Mr Henry May; part song, "The Gardener"; song, "My Hope," Miss Bartlett; Community Singing, Mr E.E. Dennis; Piano, Miss M. Macklin; song, "Orpheus with his Lute," Mrs Scarborough Taylor; part song, "Music when soft voices die"; song, "The Bonny Blue Kerchief," Mrs Armstrong; Community Singing, Mr E.E. Dennis; God Save the King.

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